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(Cat above is Tigerstar*evil laughter*)

Wolfstorm slept soundly as a low breeze blow over him. A tail brushed his flank, startling the young tom awake. His eyes drifted around his surroundings. He was back at the mysterious forest.

"We're proud of you." A voice called through the trees.

The voice was new. It was rich and dark, but unkike Darkstar's or Stoneclaw's. Wolfstorm turned around and was met with a pair of glowing amber eyes. A broad cat stepped forth from the shadows. He was larger with long claws. His dark brown tabby fur was barley visible underneath his shadow-like appearence.

"Who are you?" Wolfstorm asked.

"My name is Tigerstar." The tom replied. "I was leader of ShadowClan many seasons ago. Before the clans came to the lake."

Wow! Another leader of ShadowClan!

"Well, I'm honored to meet you." Wolfstorm mewed, dipping his head respectfully. "I appreciate everything. I do feel stronger and-"

Wolfstorm paused noticing thay Tigerstar was laughing. "There's still more for you to learn." He meowed.

Wolfstorm turned his head to one side."What do you mean? I'm a warrior now. Isn't that what Darkstar wanted?"

"Partially." Tigertar mewed. "You want to be better than Fallowdrift, right?"

"I guess." Wolfstorm answered. His friend from ThunderClan had become a warrior around the same time as him. And of course, the young ThunderClan tom had received more praise from every clan than Wolfstorm had. He's not special. He just a normal cat.

"Well then, we will teach you much more." Tigerstar meowed. "There will come a day when you'll be so powerful, that you'll have the whole lake at your paws." He stepped up to Wolfstorm, their noses nearly touching. "How would you like to be leader?"

Wolfstorm took a step back. Me as leader? The thought had never crossed his mind. Would he make a good leader? It would make him better than Fallowdrift. This could be my chance.

"I guess being a leader would be nice." Wolfstorm mewed.

"Good." Tigerstar grinned. "There's only one path to power: training. Practice hard and one day you will be most powerful cat in the forest."

"And one more thing,"He stepped forward, his amber eyes peering into Wolfstorm's yellow ones.

"Don't let any cat stand in your way!"




Wolfstorm kneaded the ground outside the warriors' den with his paws. A moon had passed since he had become a warrior and in that time his friends had joined him: Nettlesplash,Hawkswoop, Toadleap, Hollystream and Maplefrost. His training with Darkstar and Tigerstar had intensified a little. Now there were times when Nettlesplash, Toadleap, Maplefrost and him would wake up with small wounds. Wolfstorm hoped that no cat would notice or at least wouldn't point it out.

Don't let any cat stand in your way.

Tigerstar's words had been echoing in his mind. If I want to become leader and be better than Fallowdrift, I have to listen to him. He's my ancestor.

"Look!" An excited mew interrupted his thoughts. "I'm doing it right this time!"

From across the clearing, Thornpaw and Sweetpaw were practicing their hunting crouches. The two siblings along with their other sister, Bristlepaw had become apprentices a few day ago. The three young cats were learning and growing fast.

Poppynight's first litter had been born. There had been three kits in the litter but two had died shortly after birth, leaving one kit who the queen had named Mosskit.

"Do you remember when that was us?"

Wolfstorm looked up as his brother padded up to him. Batwing's jaws parted in a huge yawn. He must've been on patrol, Wolfstorm thought. The black-furred tom layed himself down beside Wolfstorm.

"I do." Wolfstorm replied. "We were always excited when we finally got a move right."

"And now we get excited each time we get assigned a patrol." Batwing mewed, jokingly.

Wolfstorm let out a small purr. "How did your patrol go?"

"Fine." Batwing mewed. He paused and pointed with his tail to a small scar on his left shoulder. "We got into a little disagreement with a RiverClan patrol."

"Over what?"

"They said that RiverClan needs more land." Batwing explained. "Havenstar wants part of our territory by the halfbridge."

"Is some cat telling Antstar?" Wolfstorm inquired.

"Littletooth is." Batwing replied.

Wolfstorm nodded. "I doubt Antstar will give in to Havenstar's request. We need that land too."

"But you know how Havenstar is." Batwing pointed out. "If she doesn't get what she wants, she won't hesitate to fight for it."

Wolfstorm knew very well that his brother was right. The RiverClan leader had fought for land several times since she became leader. If this dispute over their territory ended with a battle, it wouldn't surprise him. Even though she was often too quick with her decisions and actions, no cat denied that Havenstar was a good leader.

"Hey, Wolfstorm!"

Wolfstorm looked over as Hollystream approached him, her green eyes shining bright. "Do you want to go hunting with me?"

"Well Batwing and I were-Ow!" Wolfstorm began when Batwing suddenly kicked him in the side. Batwing eyes him and motioned with his head a couple times to Hollystream.

Wolfstorm received the message. "I mean sure. I'd love to go hunting."

"Great! Let's go." Hollystream mewed and headed for the thorn tunnel.

"You can thank me later." Batwing whispered, as his brother walked by.

Wolfstorm rolled his eyes. Only his brother and sister knew of his feeling for Hollystream. Owlfeather was happy for him, while Batwing teased him. Wolfstorm hadn't noticed his feelings for the young black she cat when they were apprentices. Now that they were warriors, he truly noticed how beautiful she was and how much he liked being around her.

When he caught upto her, Hollystream smiled warmly at Wolfstorm, her tail curled lightly around her paws. "So where do you want to hunt?" She asked.

"How about by the lake?" Wolfstorm suggested.

"Perfect." Hollystream meowed.

The two warriors set off, as a gently greenleaf wind set in. As they neared the lake, Hollystream stopped, her ears twitching.

"What is it?" Wolfstorm asked.

"Do you hear that?" Hollystream looked around. "I think I hear a cat."

Wolfstorm turned his ears and listened. Through the sounds of the forest, he finally heard it. Faint call of a cat, its mew distressed.

"Come on! They could be in trouble." Hollystream called disappearing into the ferns.

Wolfstorm raced off after her, dodging low branchs as he ran. When he finally caught up to Hollystream, he realized the were by the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan. Wolfstorm looked across the border, spying the source of the call. Fallowdrift was crouched by a hole in the ground.

"Calm down, Heatherpaw! I'll find a way to get you out." He yelled.

"What happened?" Hollystream called out to the dark brown and white tom.

Fallowdrift looked up, surprised by their presence. "Heatherpaw fell in this hole. I'm not sure if she can climb out."

"Is anyone from your clan getting help?" Wolfstorm asked.

Fallowdrift shook his head. "We're the only ones out and I don't want to leave Heatherpaw alone. She's a little shaken up."

"I'll go get help." Hollystream mewed.

She turned and vanished back into the bushes. "Is Heatherpaw your apprentice?" Wolfstorm asked.

"Yes." Fallowdrift answered. "She was apprenticed a moon and half ago."

Jealousy surged through Wolfstorm's pelt. Fallowdrift already had an apprentice. We had three kits just become apprentices. Why didn't I get to mwntore one of them?!

A rustle in the bushes snapped Wolfstorm out of his thoughts. Hollystream appeared with Dewspark and Jaggedeye behind her. Immediately the two toms leap across the border to stand beside Fallowdrift.

"Is she down here?" Dewspark asked.

Fallowdrift nodded. "I don't think she can climb out by herself."

Dewspark nodded and crouched down by the edge of the hole. "Heatherpaw, climb up the sides as far as you can!"

"Okay!" Came a small reply.

Jaggedeye grabbed Dewspark's tail in his mouth and placed his paws on either side of the deputy's haunches. Slowly, Dewspark slid down the hole as Jaggedeye held him up. After several heartbeats, Jaggedeye started pulling back. Fallowdrift bent down to help, and finally Dewspark reappearing with a small light brown tabby she cat in his jaws. Once every cat was safe, Dewspark gently places the small she cat on the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Heatherpaw nodded. "Thank you, Dewspark." She mewed, dipping her head politely.

A low growl rumbled in Wolfstorm's chest as he watched Heatherpaw trott back over to Fallowdrift. He tail began lashing and he let his claws slowly slide out and scrape across the dirt.

I don't need an apprentice to be better than Fallowdrift.

I just need to be leader!!

And I'll do whatever it takes.

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