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The air was still and cold. A thick fog filtered across the land. The sky was black and starless; the trees so tall it was impossible to see above them. Thus, there was no light. Only an echoing silence.

Through the silence, quiet pawsteps could barley be heard. Two dark tabbies made their way through the trees. One was rather large with long claws and sharp amber eyes. A long scar had presented itself on the tom's underbelly. The second was slightly smaller with matted fur and a bent tail. His face was broad and masked by orange eyes.

"What's this meeting about?" The matted tom asked.

"From what I heard, our next leader has been found." The larger tabby answered.

The two toms padded on before coming to a halt. Before them were two more toms. The first was large with black fur and piercing yellow eyes. The second was only a little smaller with a very, very dark gray pelt and dark blue eyes. Both were covered in scars.

"It's about time you two showed up." The dark gray tom muttered.

"I'd say they're right on time, Stoneclaw." The black tom mewed, his voice dark and smooth.

"Have you found him, Darkstar?" The larger dark tabby asked.

"Yes." Darkstar replied. "He hasn't been born yet, but that'll be soon."

"Are you sure about him?" Asked the other tabby.

"Quite." Darkstar answered.

"What if he fails? Dies too early?" The matted tom asked.

"Oh, I know he won't fail." Darkstar mewed. "He'll make it to leadership. Even then he won't loose his nine live that quickly."

Stoneclaw began circling the two tabbies. "You both know about dieing quickly, don't you?"

He approached the the larger tabby. "How did you die again? Oh, that's right. You had your belly ripped open by a little cat half your size. What a waste of nine perfectly good lives."

Stoneclaw then approached the matted tom. "Your death was no better. You chocked on deathberries fed to you by your dear old mother."

The matted tom rose to his paws, his fur bristled and tail lashing. He would've lunged at Stoneclaw if the larger tabby hadn't stuck a paw out to stop him.

"Now, Brokenstar, let's not make enemies." The larger tabby meowed. "We're all needed to assist in making our new 'friend' a leader."

"Precisely, Tigerstar." Darkstar mewed, rising to his paws. "We were all feared. We were ferocious, strong, powerful."

"So what exactly is the plan?" Stoneclaw asked.

"It's simple." Darkstar answered, unsheathing his claws and examining them. "We lie to him. We're all cunning. Once he's a stupid, naive little apprentice, we convinced him that we can make him a strong warrior then we corrupt his mind. He'll be one of us."

"And if he happens to fail us?" Brokenstar asked.

"We kill him." Darkstar replied. "We find someone better."

Darkstar stepped away, turning his gaze down to a hazy image of what was once his old clan's nursery. Inside, a black queen was curled up on a bed of moss, her belly swollen with her first litter. A dark gray tom padded in a pressed his muzzle to the she cat's.

"Will he be alone?" Stoneclaw asked.

"No." Darkstar answered. "We will 'guide' him. And he'll have three of his own to help him. But he'll have to be the one to corrupt them. we can't do everything for him. He's not that helpless."

"How big will the outcome be?" Brokenstar asked.

"StarClan will perish and the Dark Forest will finally be in control." Tigerstar replied.

Darkstar unsheathed his claws, letting them dig into the cold, hard ground. "I've waited seasons upon seasons to see StarClan fall. Now the time has come. This tom is all we need once his mind is corrupt."

The black tom gazed back down at the hazy nursery. He slowy turned his head around to face his fellow ghostly companions. "The clans better prepare themsleves."

"A storm is on its way."

A/N: I know that Tigerstar and Brokenstar both died twice and their dark forest spirits faded away to nothingness but for the sake of this story let's just pretend and use our imagination and say that they didn't.

Ok? Got it? We good?


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