[ rules ]

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𝟏 / Anyone is open to join this competition!

𝟐 / I will not be choosing winners based on their connection to me, follower count, read count, etc. I want this contest to be as fair as possible! So please don't feel like I'm biased!

𝟑 / If you are found to have copied or stolen your entry for a prompt you will be immediately disqualified.

𝟒 / Please don't join if you feel like you can't complete every prompt. There will be an amount of time for entries, but if you haven't completed yours by the deadline, you will be eliminated. Keep this in mind!

𝟓 / Prompts will grow harder and longer through each week. For example, prompt one will need a minimum of 1k words and have a fairly simple plot. Whereas prompt four will have a minimum of 3k or 4k words with a more complex plot.

𝟔 / Have fun! Even if you're eliminated, please don't get angry and just try to be a good sport overall.

𝟕 / If your entry doesn't follow the basic prompt, you will have a much higher chance of being eliminated. For example, a prompt is to write about a cat falling out of a tree- and you write about a cat drowning. Of course, you may add in more ideas, and I actually advise you to do so! But just make sure you follow the basic theme, at least loosely.

𝟖 / Your entries may be PG-13 but nothing inappropriate (no smut, major triggering themes, etc).

𝟗 / Please keep your entry a one-shot (a one-part story), not multiple chapters for one prompt.

𝟏𝟎 / Unless otherwise stated, you may use any character and Clan (made-up Clan or original) you wish. Just please try to stay more or less realistic with appearances and territories.

𝟏𝟏 /  Make sure to tag me in the entry or in the comments of the entry. Otherwise I will not see it.

𝟏𝟐 /  Lastly, do not harass anyone if you are eliminated and they aren't! This will not be tolerated whatsoever. Thank you :)

Hope this helped! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to speak them below!

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