prologue/clan alliances

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"Squirrelheart  ,something bad is coming ,six will come seven will leave and three will stay . Thunder and Feather will join forces and Light and Shadow will slice them apart" Firestar's voice echoed around Squirrelheart's head.

 "One kit has died twice in one form and is in ThunderClan , You must treat her with caution" Firestar's voice started fading.

 "Firestar! Don't  leave me!" Yowled Squirrelheart.

 The world spun around her. When it  stopped spinning, Squirrelheart found herself in the nursery . In front of her there was a kit with a grey pelt and it's back had light ginger  spots on it. Next to it was a darker grey kit with bright yellow eyes. They had no queen nursing them . Was this what it felt like to be alone?     

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