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Quackitys POV:

It was the next day.
I was currently getting ready.
I stared at myself in the mirror with my dark brown eyes, watching myself brush my dark hair.

After that, I was headed to go check up on our diamond prisoner.
I opened the door to the dungeon and headed down the stairs to see that the boy wasn't there anymore.

"Where did he go!?" I yelled.

All that was left was the bloodstained floor and unlocked chains with the key in front of them.

I was about to give up when I remembered something.

We have cameras.

I quickly ran back up the stairs, running down the hall towards the camera room. When I got to the room, I noticed that Jschlatt was in front of it. He was drinking a cup of coffee.

"What's up with you?" he asked.

"Our prisoner is gone! "I shouted, shoving him aside and entering the room.

"What!" he yelled, choking on the coffee.

I turned on the computer, clicking the button to review the cameras. I clicked on 'Recent Activity-Dungeon'.

Jschlatt came up behind me, peering over my shoulder, looking at the computer. I watched last night's activity in the dungeon. To my surprise, Good had come into the dungeon.

I saw him unlock the chains and pick the boy up, leaving the room with him.

"That little shit!" I yelled, my hand clenched into a fist hitting the desk.

"I'll go get him," Jschlatt said, leaving the room with heavy steps.

We were both angry. Why did Good do that? He never wanted to help people . . .

Goods POV:

I was in my room.
I heard yelling from downstairs. They probably found out that the prince was gone . . . I didn't care.
I heard heavy stomps coming towards my room.

They didn't even knock.
The door burst open, the handle hitting the wall with a loud bang.

Jschlatt stood in the doorway. He looked furious.

"Good Noveschosch!" he yelled.

"Um, ya?" I say.

They knew.
They had too.

"Did you let the prisoner out?!" he yelled, testing to see if I'd be honest.

"No . . . ?" I lied.

"That's bullshit."

Jschlatt aggressively grabbed my arm before pulling me up and off my bed, dragging me down the hall.

"The cameras prove you're lying, Good," he replied.

The cameras.

I forgot about those.

Jschlatt had dragged me into the camera room. I saw Quackity. His arms were crossed and he looked just as angry as Jschlatt did.

He pushed me in front of Quackity.

"Why did you let him out?" Quackity asked, clearly irritated by my actions.

"Well . . ., uh," I gulped.
What was I supposed to say?

"Spit it out," Jschlatt growled.

"Well, I don't like that you two are making bullshit decisions and literally removing his gems, that would kill him, just for the goddamn power," I replied.

"They aren't 'bullshit ideas'," Quackity said.
"The one time I need you to stay out of crap, you don't. You did all of the other times, why start now?" Quackity said.

"Well I wasn't going to let you kill him for some crappy shit" I said in defense.

Quackity narrowed his eyes before saying, "Get out."

"What the fuck."
"Get out," he said once more.
I was infuriated by his words.
They are not kicking me out for protecting someone. That's bullshit!

I kicked Quackity in a secreted area. He yelped, falling to the floor, looking up at me. His eyes were full of fury.

Quackity shoved me out of the room.

"Get out!" he yelled.
His voice was high and raised.

"Fine, "I say, rolling my eyes and stepping out of the room.

I wasn't going to leave with nothing though. I heard Quackity slam the door.

I trotted down the hall, towards my room. I opened the door to my room before grabbing a backpack that sat in the corner of the room.

I stuffed it with extra clothes, and a dagger. I zipped up the pocket of the bag. I brought the bag to the kitchen before unzipping the smaller pocket of the backpack. I filled the pocket with food such as golden apples, fruit, and snacks. Basically stuff I wouldn't need to cook.

"Why are you packing a bag?" Napsap asked.

Napsap was a guard.
He had a black long sleeve on with a white t-shirt over it. The shirt had a blue fire logo on it. He also wore dark gray pants with black boots. He had a black hair and light skin with a thin white bandana on his forehead. His hair covered some of the bandana.

"Ya, why are you packing? Are you running away or something?" Minx asked.

Minx was also a guard.
She had long, dark purple hair with blue eyes. She wore a black pullover shirt with a white collar and cuffs with gray pants and white boots.

They both had a light set of steel armor on their body.

"No, Quackity is kicking me out," I replied.

"Wait, what? Why?" Minx asked, intrigued by my words.

"They found the last Pumpkin citizen, A.K.A the Pumpkin kingdom's prince. They were gonna kill him for his gems but I set him free," I responded.

"Oh, that's so rude! Why would they do that just for his gems? That's shit!" Minx replied.

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed, flaring my arms up in the air.

"Well if you're leaving, then I'm leaving too. Quackity and Jschlatt have always been a pain anyways," Napsap said.

"I'm coming too!" Minx added.

I smiled for like the first time in fifteen years.
At least I would have someone on my side.

"Alright then, go pack your bags," I told them.

"Ok, meet us outside," Sapnap said.

I nodded before heading towards the exit of the castle.

I always hated Quackity and Jschlatt. They were so cruel. More cruel than me!

About 10 minutes later, Minx and Sapnap arrived at the exit to the large palace. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup," Minx said.

With that, we headed off into the warped forest.

I knew we needed a plan to get rid of Quackity and Jschlatt but that would have to come later.

We couldn't do this on our own even if we have more people.
We needed more help. We needed the other kingdoms' help.


Word count:1061

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