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Jef's POV:

I woke up on a couch with a blanket draped over my body. I rolled over onto my back before pushing myself up. I scanned the room but Good wasn't there. I was confused. Where could he have gone?

I stood up and walked around the room.

I noticed that the crimson colored blanket on the bed Good slept on was neatly folded and placed at the edge, the corners of the blanket drooping over the side of the bed. I looked around the rest of the room.

Everything looked . . . untouched.

I started to walk towards the balcony, opening the glass door.

I stepped onto the cobble, gazing outside. In front of the castle was a black carriage with gold rims. Two appaloosa horses stood in front of the carriage, tied to the front.

One horse was a chestnut brown with white spots spread out from its back to its legs with short, white fur on its feet that went up to its knees. It had a fluffy mane and tail that was colored a syrup colored brown.

The other horse had a midnight colored pelt with gray spots that were sprinkled all over its dark fur. Its tail and mane were white but faded to a gray.

I noticed a small name-tag that was attached to each of the horses' soot colored saddles.

On the black horse, it read: Raven.

On the brown horse it read: Tawny. Raven and Tawny each had a small, steel bowl of water in front of them with a pile of hay.

Tawny's hoof scraped against the stone cobble outside before Tawny leaned down and started to drink the water out of the steel bowl.

Tawny's primrose colored tongue lapped up the clear water as Raven only looked around.

The horses were pretty. Gorgeous even. I was too focused on watching the horses outside, I didn't hear the door open. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. "Hello, Jef," a familiar voice spoke. I jumped, turning around to see, Good. "Hi, Good!" I said. "You startled me!" I added. "Heh, sorry," Good apologized. Good wore a rather formal outfit. "Guess what!" Good said.

"What?" "Apparently, one of the servants found Jschlatt and Quackity in the dungeon and untied them but people are voting for me to become king instead!" Good said. "That's awesome! I bet you'd be a great king!" I cheered. "You think?" Good asked.

"Totally! You're nice, funny, and just generally, king material," I replied. "Thank you, Jef," Good said.

Good then pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in. I hugged back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Good soon let go after that. "What were you looking at?" Good asked.

"Just the appaloosa's outside," I said, turning around and pointing to the horses that were tied to the carriage. Good stood beside me, watching Tawny and Raven.

"Oh, those are some pretty horses," Good said. "Are we staying the night at the Sugar kingdom's again?" I asked. "No, we are going back to the Ice kingdom. We get to stay there for the night before the vote the next day," Good responded. "They are voting on whether I should be king or Quackity and Jschlatt should keep their roles," Good added.

"Oh, when are we leaving?" I asked. "In a few minutes, you'll be staying in the room next to mine; room 485," Good replied.

"Sweet! I don't have to sleep on a couch anymore!" I hollered. Good chuckled before saying, "Ya, sorry about that!" "It's fine, Good," I said. "How about we go ahead and head out to the carriage?" Good suggested.


Together, we walked out of the room towards the carriage. Soon, we reached the exit to the castle. Good grabbed both of the door handles, opening both doors at once.

I stepped out onto the stone floor, ready to walk down the small set of stairs, but instead, Good lightly grasped my wrist, holding me back. I looked back at him, confused why he held me back. "I don't trust you walking down those stairs, mister," Good said.

"What do you mean? I'm fine! It's like three steps!" I exclaimed.

"Nope, I'm not risking you somehow breaking your legs," Good responded.

"I know I am clumsy but I'm not that clumsy! Just let me go down the stairs!" I pouted.

Minx and Napsap exited the castle, giving us a look before walking to the carriage and sitting in the back. "Oh come on! They are already in the carriage! "

Before I could complain more, I felt my body lift off the ground.

Good had lifted me and started walking down the short flight of stairs. "Hey! Put me down, now!" I demanded. I buried my head into his shoulder before mumbling, "I hate you."

"I love you too, Jef."

I rolled my eyes in response.

Good placed me back down onto the ground carefully once he had gotten down the stairs.

"What was that for? I know how to walk! "

Good only rolled his eyes playfully before saying, "Come on." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the carriage. Good then opened the door of the carriage, stepping to the sides allowing me to enter first. I looked him up and down, still a little annoyed from the past events, before stepping inside the carriage and sitting down on the cushioned seat.

As Good sat down next to me, he said, "Why'd you look at me like that?" "Well, for your information, I know how to walk down the stairs," I say, crossing my arms. "You're still mad about that? You're so childish," Good replied.

"I am not!" I pouted.

We spent the rest of the ride arguing.

"Well guess what? I am giving you the silent treatment," I say, crossing my arms, turning my gaze away from Good.

"Okay," Good said. "You're not sad?" I asked. "You're talking to me, Jef. What happened to the silent treatment?" Good asked. "Pumpkins! I already failed!" I say, turning around to face Good. Once I had turned around, Good had taken that as an opportunity, pulling me into an embrace. This time, closer. His right hand was on my waist while his left was on the back of my head, which was currently shoving my face into his shoulder.

"Hey! Let me go! "

"Nope," Good responded, not loosening his grip on me. "You are literally the clingiest person I have ever met," I said. "How dare you! I am not clingy! " "Says the person that will not let me out of this hug." "What if you hurt one of my wounds with your aggressive hugs?" I added.

Good gasped before saying, "I would never!" I then started to pretend like he had hurt one of my wounds and I was in pain. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" I faked. Good quickly released his grip on me, his hands moving from my head and my waist to my shoulders. "What's wrong?" Good asked, concern etched on his face.

"I think you have broken my arm," I say dramatically, burying my head into his shoulder to hide my face. I was trying not to laugh but I let out a few giggles by accident.

Good's POV:

I heard giggles from Jef, muffled by my shoulder. Is he really laughing?

Why is he even pretending?! Well if he wants to pretend, I can pretend too.

"Well, if you have broken your arm, I guess I am going to have to help you with everything, which means, being around you 24/7," I said with a smug look.

Jef's tail shot up and his ears lowered just a little bit. "What! No!" Jef exclaimed, lifting his head up from my shoulder to look at me.

"You're already clingy enough!" Jef added. "You literally were the one who came to my window," I replied. Jef went silent, remembering he was in fact the one that came to my window. "Ya, remember that?" Jef crossed his arms, hiding his face again in my shoulder.

"So your arm isn't broken?" I ask. Jef sighed. "No . . . ," he grumbled. "That's what I thought." The rest of the ride was silent. I could hear Minx and Napsap laughing in the back seat.

Jef's POV:

Once we got to the Ice kingdom, Good showed me to my room. Quackity and Jschlatt gave Good and I a glare but I honestly couldn't care less if they hated us. They're just mad that things aren't going their way.

The room I'd be staying in was nice.

It has a medium sized bed with white sheets, a prussian blue blanket, and a linen bed frame. A wooden desk was in the corner of the room with a closet.

"Goodnight, Jef," Good said to me, about to close the door. Before he could close the door, I stopped the door from closing with my hand. Good looked up at me. My gaze was fixated on my ground before I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry."


Word count: 1468

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