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Jefs POV:

The white dragon then turned to me. Its pupils dilated as it slowly walked over to me. Was it going to do the same thing to me? I stood there, frozen in fear. Once it was standing right in front of me, it crouched down, its eyes meeting mine. I closed my eyes, prepared to be ripped apart. But to my surprise, the dragon rubbed its forehead on mine. I opened my eyes, gazing into its misty blue ones.

It stared into mine, standing back up. It licked my head, slobber covering my head. "Ew!" I giggled. It blew on my head , the slobber going away. It sat down, its left wing sliding down to the side. It titled its head, looking at me then to its back. I looked at its wing. Did it want me to climb on its back? "Do I climb onto your back?" I asked. It nodded. "Okay . . . ," I say as I walked over to its side, starting to climb up its wing.

The dragon slowly brought up its wing to lift me onto its back, kind of like an elevator. I sat on its scaled back, holding onto the sides of its neck. It looked back at me, bringing its wings back to its sides before beginning to walk to the window the black dragon had broken. I saw Jschlatt and Good standing there with a few guards. They looked terrified. Every step the white dragon took, I lightly bounced. When we were close enough to the window, the white dragon brought down its wing again. I slid down it like a slide, landing onto the grass.

I stood up and looked back at the white dragon who was crouching in front of me now. It nudged my feet with its muzzle, letting me fall onto the top of its head. I grabbed the base of one of its horns as it lifted its head off the ground. It brought its head inside the broken window, resting it on the marble floors. I slid down, my boots making a thumping sound as I jumped down onto the marble. I ran up to Good, hugging him. "Jef!" he cried, burying his head into my shoulder.

"Ugh, no! This is impossible! Where did this stupid, ugly, white dragon even come from! It ruined my plan!" Jschlatt yelled. I looked back at Jschlatt, still hugging Good. The white dragon's pupils turned to slits as it took its head out of the window, walking away slowly. It walked over to Jschlatts fallen dragon, latching onto its long, black tail with its jaws. It began to drag the black dragon towards the sea. Once it got to the sand, it rose up into the air, carrying the black dragon by the tail. It flared up its wings to prevent any water from invading the kingdoms as it threw the black dragon into the ocean.

The black dragon's large body had made a massive splash, water flying up into the air. The white dragon brought its wings back to its sides, allowing us to see the black dragon sinking farther and farther down into the water. I saw Mrs. Windward run up to the white dragon. The white dragon turned around to face her. "Oh, Alba! Thank you for saving the king and everyone else from Cedron."

"Is the white dragon's name Alba and the black dragon's name Cedron?" I ask. "I think so," Good replied. Alba nuzzled Mrs. Windward with its muzzle before it began to walk towards the kingdoms again. It opened its mouth, water coming out. Though this time, the water was a faint purple. The water flowed along the land. Any broken structure it touched reverted back to its original form. The water grazed one of the broken towers, the towers bricks and slate roof rebuilding itself back up to its original state. The tower stood back into its primary state.

Soon, there was no destruction in the kingdoms any longer. They all looked good as new. The giant crater in the ground was fixed too. The water then began to sink into the soil. Once it was all gone, Alba gave Mrs. Windward a friendly lick before it rose up into the air and flew away into the sunset. 


Word count: 723

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