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Good's POV:

"What do you mean, 'make this right'?" Quackity asked, his gaze fixated on me.

"Well, I have proof Jschlatt is lying about everything he said . . . I want to show the public, but not alone," I replied. Quackity's frown slowly started to turn to a smile at the thought of the future Jschlatt had been exposed for all that he didn't concede.

Quackity nodded, standing up and grabbing my wrist.

He then pulled me out of the room and down the hallway. "So, what proof have you gathered?" Quackity asked.

"Well, I have gotten the footage of both you and Jschlatt murdering my parents, which you still did it, but Jschlatt did help you—and, I got the video of Jschlatt spiking my fathers drink to ensure he'd say yes to crown both you two kind after he and my mother passed away," I say.

"Hmph, not bad. Seems like you're living up to your hybrid." Quackity laughed. "I'm not doing evil, I'm just simply exposing Jschlatt for his wrongs that he has lied about. I am a demon, but I am a decent one. I don't cause mayhem 24/7." "Alright, . . . sounds kinda like revenge," Qauckity responded.

I only rolled my eyes as we continued to walk.

Quackity had let go of my wrist by now.

We had made our way down a few flights of stairs as we talked.

Me, and Quackity had gone to the camera room.

The camera room not only offered footage, but you could also display things on a projector with a slideshow of footage. That is exactly what we planned to do with the footage exposing Jschlatt.

"Alright, how do we set this up?" I asked. "I don't know." Quackity shrugged. "What do you mean, 'you don't know'?! You've been alive inside the palace longer than I have! You should know." "How about we just ask YouTube? They have tutorials for everything!" Quackity exclaimed. "I doubt a royal made a video of how to project camera footage," I say, crossing my arms.

"Okay, I know a little bit." "Then put your knowledge to work," I replied, lightly pushing Quackity towards the computer. "Fine." Quackity rolled his eyes.

I gave Quackity my phone with the downloaded footage.

I proceeded to watch Quackity fiddle with the mouse as he clicked on many buttons that brought him to a different menu each time.

Eventually, though, Quackity did figure it out.

"I did it!" Quackity exclaimed. "Good job, now let's bring this to the stage," I say. Quackity had edited the videos together so when the screen was clicked, new footage would play. He had downloaded the version this time, onto a SUV drive. All that was left was figuring out how to project it and getting people to even watch it.

Me and Quackity had made our way down to the floor one.

We had gone onto the stage, which people could not see us since the crimson red curtains blocked the people's view of the inside of the stage. Though we were not visible to the people, they'd still be able to hear me and Quackity communicating.

We then started to gather everything we'd need to project the footage.

As I carried a crate onto the stage to set the projector on, Quackity came in with the projector, settling it down on the crate I had brought.

"There we go," I said.

Quackity also had brought a silver laptop.

He took the laptop and placed it next to the projector.

Quackity opened the lens of the projector, plugging a HDMI cable into the laptop along with the SUV drive.

"Are we ready?" I asked. Quackity nodded, standing up straight.

"Alright, let's see if these people will even want to see our proof," I say, walking over to a golden rope that dangled next to the striking red curtains.

I pulled down on the rope. The curtains started to open, sliding to the side.

We were now visible to the public. I saw people walking past, turning their gaze towards us. "Ew! It's the monster that killed Queen Blizzard and King Nix!" someone cried out.

I took the microphone off its stand, speaking into it.

"Listen, Folks, Quackity is not a monster, Jschlatt is. Today, we are here to prove that." Some crossed their arms, some walked away, some furrowed their eyebrows.

"Listen, he isn't bad, . . . he's just misunderstood," I said.

"We've gathered some footage to prove that Jschlatt is lying. Yes, Quackity did kill my parents, but Jschlatt did too. I promise to you that Quackity has changed. His main priority isn't fame and money, anymore," I added.

I snapped my fingers, signaling for Quackity to start the slide show.

Quackity then tapped the laptop's touchpad, starting the slideshow.

All of the footage started to play. Even the footage in the kitchen.

The audio was also clearly heard as it played out from the speakers nearby.

Small gasps were heard from the crowd we had attracted.

After the footage was gone over, people looked puzzled, angry, or despairing.

"That imbecile!" "How could he lie to us like that?"

The doors behind us then swung open, causing me and Quackity to look back. Both me, Quackity, and the mob of people in front of us went silent as Jschlatt walked onto stage.

"Hey, Good! I was looking for you! A servant told me you were here, though. What are you up to?" Jschlatt asked, turning to look at what was currently projected. His face dropped as Jschlatt saw himself on the paused tape, currently pouring the bleach into the soup.

I turned back to face me and Quackity. "Heh, uhm," I gulped. "This isn't what it looks like." "You stupid piece of shit!"


Word count: 948

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