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Goods POV:

“I knew it!” Velvet yelled. “You did?” I ask. “Of course I did! You are terrible at hiding it! I see your face every time he hugs you,” Velvet replied with a smug smile planted on his face.

I felt myself get red again. Was I really that obvious?

“Don’t worry, dude, we'll help you!” Velvet said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled. “Thanks.” “I should tell you how I confessed to Nikki! She absolutely loved it!” Jack exclaimed. “He’s right, it was gorgeous,” Nikki spoke.

“Alright, . . . what did you do, Jack?” I asked.
“Let me take you back to the time me and Nikki were just teens,” Jack said.
“Oh here we go. Jack is going to tell us his whole life story.” Minx giggled.

Minx and Sapnap had been guarding the doors.
They came a few minutes after everyone arrived. 

“When me and Nikki were kids, we technically weren’t supposed to be together. Nikki was from different lands. If any of you hadn't known already, the kingdom Nikki came from was on an island that had three other kingdoms. The kingdom Nikki is from is called the Azalea kingdom.”
 Jack paused to take a breath. “The kingdom was named that because of the Azalea flowers that thrived in the kingdom. Me and Nikki met along the coast of the ocean. Since I am from another island with different kingdoms, I am only allowed to marry other royals from the kingdoms on my island. When Nikki’s father saw that we loved each other, he decided to let it be. Instead, he actually changed the law, so now, we can marry royals from other islands!” Jack exclaimed.

“When I wanted to confess my love to Nikki, I had put a blindfold on her and led her to a garden in my kingdom. The garden was especially made for this moment. My dad confessed to my mom in the garden, so he wanted me to confess to whomever I liked in the garden too! That is why he didn’t get rid of the special decorations! He wants it to be a tradition.”

“So just decorate the garden with roses and petals and lead him inside?” I ask. “Yup!” Jack said. “You made it seem a bit confusing to me, but okay.”

“We don’t have much time before Jef comes back, hurry, go decorate the garden! It is in the room next to the kitchen! Go, go!” I said, using my hands to shew them away. 

The group scurried away, Nikki holding up the sides of her dress so she wouldn’t trip. I heard the backdoor that led to the garden open. The palace was furnished, yes, but not furnished like a normal house. The place was huge! It had high roofs and marble floors. The hallways were large and there were only a few pieces of furniture alongside the walls of the hallways. So, any sounds loud enough would echo throughout the castle because of the lack of furniture. There was furniture inside the rooms, more than outside them at least. The point is that sounds echo inside the palace.

I was surprised that Jef wasn’t out of the bathroom yet.
Perhaps he was freshening up? I peeked outside of the ballroom to see him talking to a servant. I heard the words "Coronation, and "Maybe".

Suddenly, a group of loud footsteps scamper towards me.
It was Nikki, Jack, Ant, and Velvet. Sapnap and Minx were still in the ballroom with me. Had to make sure nothing happened to the king!

“We did it! We did it!” Nikki panted. “Great! Thank you so very much!” I say. “Go ahead and go to the very end of the garden. Hurry, he’s coming!” I exclaimed. Once again, the group trotted away, outside. 

“What’s up with them?” I heard Jef ask beside me.
“Oh my goodness, Jef! You scared me!” “Sorry,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Come here. I have a surprise,” I said, pulling out a black blindfold out of my pocket. Jef allowed me to wrap it around his head and over his eyes. “If I run into any walls because of this blind fold, Good,” Jef said. I giggled. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

I did try to help . . . He ran into like six walls.

“Good! Just hold my hand and take me there! My head hurts!” Jef cried.
“Okay, okay,” I giggled. I had tried to lead him away from the walls but that didn’t go very well . . . Jef probably had a bruise by now.

I grabbed Jef's hand, pulling him along with me to the garden.
“Finally, I’m not running into walls,” Jef said dramatically.  “You’re such a drama queen, Jef.” “Actually I am a king! Wait, am I? I should be king right now, but I have no kingdom to lead! So, drama prince? Whatever, I am not dramatic,” Jef said.

“You might be king soon, Jef.”
“You think?” he asked. “Mhm,” I said, opening the back door to the garden.

I unfolded Jef's blindfold.
“I can see again!” “Told you you’re dramatic,” I say, putting the blind fold into my pocket. “Am not!”

“Okay, I need you to stay here. Close your eyes and count to sixty, okay?”
“Alright,” Jef said, putting his hands over his eyes, beginning to count.

With that, I ran into the maze of grass hedges.


Word count: 903

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