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Lucas's POV:

I held the tray of food in my hands.
Nor Sapnap or Minx were able to deliver the food to Jschlatt, so I was sent to do it. I am a servant after all. Plus, I did want to see Jschlatt.

I opened the door to the dungeon, light quickly filling the inside of the chamber. I stepped inside, turning around and closing the door behind me. The room was surprisingly quiet. I looked forward as I walked, Jschlatt still not visible  due to the lack of light.

Suddenly, I felt my right foot graze the heel of my left foot.
I fell forward, tumbling down the dark oak stairs. The plate full of food I held launched out of my grasp, flying down to the floor with a loud cling. Soon enough, I joined the plate on the ground. My hands hit the hard concrete floor with a thud, particles of dust flying up into the air.

I coughed as I accidentally inhaled the particles. 
My glasses fell off my face and onto the ground. My right hand padded the ground, searching for my glasses. Eventually, I found them. I dusted them off before latching onto one side of the glasses with my right hand, my left grasping onto the other side. I slipped them back onto my face, coughing once more before saying, “Sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to drop your food . . .”

I looked up to see my worst nightmare.
Jschlatt sat on the floor, his back against the wall. His head was bashed in, parts of his brain pouring out. Cerebrospinal fluid, the clear liquid inside your brain, dripped onto the floor along with the waterfall of blood pouring from his head.
The blood from his head traveled down to his right eye and chin. 

He had an emotionless expression.
His faded eyes were half way rolled into the back of his head while his mouth was an inch open. His skin was paler than before, red and blue veins starting to express themselves. His corpse was stiff. His death looked to have been recent as his body hadn’t begun the process of decaying yet. Basically his entire body had been mutilated by what looked to be an ax. His body gave off a rancid smell.

His right arm was amputated at the elbow. Some of his fingers were also cut off and laid on the floor. His right arm was decimated and covered in fresh blood.
The bone that connected his right arm to his elbow stuck out of the top of his arm. The bone and his clothes were also stained with blood. Everything was covered in blood. His right elbow wasn’t the only body part to be cut off though . . .

His left foot was also disconnected.
It was just as bloody as his head and right arm. 

I sat up in disbelief.
I opened my mouth to speak but I was too flabbergasted to say anything.
Instead of speaking, I screamed. I quickly crawled over to his body. “Jschlatt! What happened to you!?” I hugged his body, the blood from his joining mine.

All of the sudden, I felt something drip onto my nose.
I brought a finger up to graze the liquid off my nose. I looked at my finger to see what had dripped onto me. It was more blood. But it hadn’t come from Jschlatt . . . It came from the roof. I looked up only to see initials painted in blood on the roof. It read: “BN.” What did that mean? 

I looked around.
Perhaps something in the room would give me a clue on what it meant.
That was when I saw it. Under the stairs poked out the head of an ax. This wasn’t your ‘ordinary’ ax though. It was Blizzard and Nix’s ax. Blizzard and Nix had a special ax made just for them. That was my clue. I looked back up at the ceiling. BN meant . . . Blizzard and Nix.

“Those fuckers . . . ,” I mumbled.
I looked back at Jschlatt, hugging him once more.
You’re probably asking why? Well, let’s just say I’m more than just a servant to Jschlatt . . . I’m not dating him, I'm serving him. Serving him in a different way . . . In a way no one would ever expect . . .


Word count: 716

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