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Jefs POV:

I woke up tied to a wooden chair with tight ropes.

I groaned. My head still hurt from earlier. I lifted my head to see Lucas.

"Ah, I see you're finally awake," he said. "Lucas said. "Lucas! Why am I tied to a chair!?" I exclaimed, squirming in the chair, trying to break free.

"You wanna know why, Jef?" Lucas asked with an annoyed, yet angry expression. He has never called me by my real name so I knew this was serious. I nodded eagerly. "Basically, Jschlatt was killed by Good's parents, Blizzard and Nix, who somehow came back from the dead."

"And how does this have anything to do with me?" I asked, pissed off.

I didn't want to be wrapped up in rope, tied to a chair; I just wanted to see Good.

"I was here from the very beginning. One thing I know is that Blizzard and Nix always wanted for Good to find love, no matter the gender. I know both Blizzard and Nix would be angry if I killed Good's lover, wouldn't they?" Lucas said, running the blade of a small knife along my cheek. It didn't hurt but it did draw blood.

"Why are you even doing this? You . . . you're not on Jschlatts side, right?"

Lucas chuckled. "I am on his side, Jef. Looks like you've finally put the puzzle pieces together. "Oh shit . . . ," I mumbled to myself. "Oh shit indeed." Lucas laughed.

"You see, I have been working for Jschlatt for quite some time now. I swore that if he was murdered in any way, I'd avenge him, and I'm doing just that," Lucas said, slipping the knife he held into his pocket. He walked over to a wooden table, running his hand along the blades of all the knives and swords that laid on the table, stopping on the sharpest one. "I want to hurt you as much as Blizzard and Nix hurt Jschlatt . . . Once they find out, they'll be fuming with anger," Lucas spoke, picking up a large and sharp sword.

He walked towards me again, putting the tip of the sword under my chin.

"Now, how should we do this . . . ? Should I cut your eyes out and stitch your mouth first or settle on cutting off your right arm and left foot? So many choices . . ." I only stared at him with frightened eyes. I didn't want to die; not yet at least . . .

"I think I'll leave your eyes and mouth for last . . . Even if you do survive and not die of blood loss, can't have you telling anyone who was behind all of this, can I now?" Lucas spoke. "Now, . . . let's start now, shall we?" Lucas chuckled. Lucas pulled out a roll of tape from his other pocket, beginning to tape my mouth shut.

I guess I was beginning to accept my fate.

Lucas brought the sword up and quickly jabbed it into my elbow. I yelped out of pain, feeling tears stream down my face. "Gonna do to you what Blizzard and Nix did to Jschlatt . . ." He then began to cut around my arm. My screams were only muffled by the tape that was tightly wrapped around my mouth. More tears ran down my face, rolling under my chin. "Shit, gonna need an ax to fully take the bottom part of your arm off . . . ," Lucas said. "I'll be right back. Going to get an ax. I don't want to use the same ax Blizzard and Nix used . . . Mine as well snatch Good too! Surely they'd hate it if I were to harm you both," Lucas said, walking up the dungeon stairs.

Before Lucas could open the door, someone did it for him.

"Hey, Jschlatt. I'm delivering your food to you today since we couldn't find Lucas!" a maid said with a smile on her face, her eyes closed. She opened her eyes to see the bloody scene. "Shit," I heard Lucas mumble. The maid dropped the tray, backing away and screaming. Guards rushed up to see what she was screaming about. Guess who else did too? Good. They all gasped. Every single one of them.

"Hey, guys . . ."


Word count: 723

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