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Goods POV:

We were about 10 minutes away from our destination. Jef had fallen asleep and was leaning against me. We were on a carriage now since we had docked the boat once we got to Greenough and got on a carriage. We were being pulled through a forest, to a cabin.

The ride was bumpy, I have to say. One of the carriages' back wheels hit a large rock, jolting me and Jef up. His head hit my shoulder abruptly. He groaned, rubbing his eyes before looking up at me. "Well hello there, sleepy head," I say.

"I'm not a sleepy head," Jef replied, his voice low.

"You were asleep for 2 hours and I didn't take one nap, so you kind of are."

Jef shrugged, ignoring my comment and looking forward. A few minutes later, we arrived at the cabin me and Jef would be staying at for a couple of days.

We both got out of the carriage, waving off the 2 guards. As they left, I turned back to face Jef.

He was stretching, his wings expanding out. I noticed something, though. Little patches of blue were now on Jef's wings. "Jef, . . . why are there little blue patches on your wings?" I ask. Jef looked at me, folding his wings back in.

"Oh, that? Oh don't worry, It's normal. If a royal from the Pumpkin kingdom marries a royal from a different kingdom, little patches of color that represents that royals kingdom will start to show up on the Pumpkin royals wings to represent the marriage, I guess."

"Oh, that's cool," I replied. Me and Jef entered the cabin. It was warm inside. We were greeted by a nice fireplace and a cozy looking couch. There was a small table to the side of the couch that had a lit candle on it with 2 books. There was a small kitchen in the corner. On the kitchen counter, there was a basket of fruit.

The cabin also had spiral stairs since it was a two story cabin. Upstairs was a bedroom with a large bed with a very soft and fluffy blanket that was neatly folded. The blanket layed on the bed's white sheets. The room had a large window, potted plants, and even a desk with a computer.

"This place looks very cozy!" Jef said. "Mhm." Me and Jef soon settled, getting comfortable on the bed. That was when something sparked my mind. "Jef, can I show you something?" I ask, turning my attention towards him. "Sure, Good."

I grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the couch.
"Let's go upstairs. We need quite a little bit of room for this." I brought him up the stairs and into the bedroom. He sat down on the bed. "Okay, so, I have another form," I say. "What do you mean, Good?" "So basically, you know how I have demon horns and a tail?" He nodded. "And you know how I'm practically half demon and half human?" He nodded once more.

"Well, I have a full demon form that's nine feet tall, with wings too . . ."

"Really?" "Yeah." "Can I see?" Jef asked. "Yea, that's what I wanted to show you."

Jefs POV:

I watched as white mist began to surround Goods' body. I didn't see much of his skin, but the little bits of it I saw, I saw it start to turn a bright white. When the mist went away, Good looked like a whole new person.

He had white skin, white hair, glowing teal eyes, and large horns. He had on a white hoodie with one teal stripe on each sleeve and a teal rim around the hood. His pants were a light gray with a teal stripe down the middle of them. He had on dark gray boots and a checkered scarf around his neck which was a mix of dark gray and light gray. He had light gray gloves. Both his eyes and the inside of his mouth glowed a teal. You could see his fangs, though. He had large white wings that were folded behind him and his tail seemed longer and a little larger than before.

He was super tall! Sure wasn't lying about the nine foot tall part . . . "Woah!" I exclaim. I didn't really know what to say. "Do you . . . like it?" he asked. I stood up, walking towards him. I looked up at him. "I love it! You look really cool!" "Thanks, Jeffery." I didn't expect him to call me Jeffery. "Hey!"

We had spent almost a week at the cabin. We had made smores, made a campfire, took walks in the forest, and a lot more. We had enjoyed the time, but eventually, we went back home to all the kingdoms. The citizens, servants, guards, and our friends seem to be happy to see us again. Me and Good would probably visit the cabin again soon. It was pretty fun there.

As the months went by, me and Good had wanted to adopt a child. Obviously we couldn't have a child, so adopting one was the next best thing. Who was going to rule the Ice and Pumpkin kingdom once me and Good passed if we didn't adopt a kid? So, we ended up adopting a boy named Andrew who was 14.

Andrew was rather a respectful soul, not being one to cause a whole lot of trouble. He was outgoing and liked to paint. Andrew of course knew he was adopted but he didn't seem to mind it. Plus, he'd get to rule two kingdoms soon! But that was for when he was older. For now, he'd just stayed the prince of the Pumpkin and Ice kingdom.


Word count: 955

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