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Third Person's POV:

Today was the day; Lucas's execution. A week had passed since the vote for Lucas's execution. Nikki knew that she would have to summon Alba, now that she was his new owner, and she knew how, but there was just one thing she needed to know that only Mrs. Windward could answer. The sky was a blend between pink and blue, the sun's light shining through the fluffy white clouds. Nikki walked on the pebble path towards Mrs. Windwards cabin, holding the candle Mrs. Windward had given her the week before. When Nikki got to her door, she knocked, being let in shortly after by Mrs. Windward. "What brings you here so early, Nikki?" Mrs. Windward asked. "I have a question," Nikki said. "Go on," Mrs. Windward responded.

"The last time Alba was summoned, he came out of the ground in the middle of the Woodland. That is where the stage is and where Lucas will be when it is time for his execution. That means that Alba can't come out of the middle this time, so how do I get him to come through the ground somewhere else?" Nikki asked. "Oh, that's easy," Mrs. Windward stated. "All you have to do is blow out the candle where you want him to break out through, and that's where he will," she said. "Oh, that's it?" Nikki asked. Mrs. Windward nodded. "Thank you," Nikki said, bowing to the elder witch in respect before she left.

Hours passed, the sky soon turning a single shade of light-blue. The sun reflected its beams of light on the land, lots of Woodland citizens walking about outside now. Nikki and Velvet stood next to each other. The two royals looked at each other, Nikki nodding to Velvet, signaling for him to announce the start of Lucas's execution. Velvet walked on stage, taking the microphone off its stand. People gathered around as they noticed him holding the microphone, growing quiet. "It is time for Lucas's execution," Velvet announced, looking to the left as Sapnap and Minx dragged the angry Lucus on stage. He was chained up. "Let go of me!" he growled as he ripped himself out of Sapnaps grasp and stood between the two Blaze kingdom guards. "What did these stupid people pick for me," Lucas asked in an unfriendly tone. "Why don't you wait and see," Velvet said with a mischievous grin on his face, turning to face the crowd. "I would like everyone to please gather away from the land around the beach and get either behind or beside the stage," Velvet said as Nikki started to walk towards the beach, her heels soon moving to sink into sand instead of soil.

Darryl, Zak, Alex, Ant, Jack, Andrew, and Evelyn moved onto stage, along with Zak's parents, retired Queen Heera, and retired King Micah. Ant and Velvet's adopted child, Hannah, and Andrew and Evelyn's children, Lilac, Liam, and Natalie, were in a small daycare in the Blossom kingdom's territory. The execution was being held in the Diamond kingdom's territory since it was close to the beach, and the Blossom kingdom was the farthest from it, so it was a good place to put the kids so they wouldn't have to witness Lucas's death. The whole of Woodland got silent as their attention was fixated on Nikki. Nikki had gone to the middle of the beach, blowing out the blue flame on the candle. "What the fuck is she even doing?" Lucas laughed. Minx slapped his shoulder "Shut up, you imbecile!" she yell-whispered. "He won't be laughing soon," Sapnap muttered.

"Can you just tell me?" Lucas exclaimed. Nor Sapnap or Minx replied. "Hello?" Lucas said with an annoyed voice. "I'm speaking to you!" he yelled as he shoved Sapnap from behind with his chest since he was tied up in chains. Minx quickly slashed his cheek with her sword, grabbing the smaller male and shoving him to the floor of the stage, stepping on his back. Lucas growled but kept quiet, blood rolling down his cheek.

Nikki had begun to walk away from the beach, now holding a blown-out candle. A few moments of silence passed before the crowd broke out into gasps and light-screams. The ground where Nikki had blown out the candle was breaking open, just like how it did when Ms. Stillberrys dragon, Cedron, the black dragon that Alba had fought last time, came out of the ground. Soon, a crater had been made into the ground, pebbles falling into what looked to be a black hole. The ground shook as the famous scaled, white paw emerged from the hole in the ground. Its claws unsheathed, digging into the soil as another paw came up. Suddenly, the large white dragon appeared from the hollow with a roar. "What the hell is that?!" Lucas screamed, squirming underneath Minx's shoe. "Shut." Sapnap dragged Lucas out from under Minx's shoe by the scruff of his shirt. "up!" he shouted.

The white dragon used its front paws to haul itself out of the ground, stretching out its massive wings. Alba had the same misty-blue eyes and slit pupils. His horns curled and sharp, except for the right one, which had half of it missing, but the ridges of it looked as sharp as broken shards of glass. Alba stepped closer to the crowd with a quiet snarl. Nikki walked over to him, holding up the candle to him to show that she was the one who summoned him. "Mrs. Windward has given you to me," she told him. "I've summoned you here to execute Lucas — the blond haired male in chains on the stage," Nikki said, pointing to him. Alba turned his gaze from Nikki to Lucas, narrowing his eyes as he began to approach him. The royals moved off the stage, followed by Sapnap and Minx, leaving Lucas alone on it. He screeched in fear, his eyes wide open with smeared blood on his cheek.

Alba got to the stage, crouching down to look at Lucas. Lucas was an ant compared to Alba. Lucas tried to get away, wiggling on the stage like a worm, unable to move in the chains. Alba used his left horn to slide Lucas off the stage into the dirt in front of it. Lucas let out heavy breaths. "Nice dragon . . . nice dragon . . . ," he said slowly. Alba growled, baring his teeth at Lucas. "Oh no," he said, his eyes growing wider than before somehow. Alba then abruptly shot his head forward, his jaws clamping over Lucas's head as he ripped his head right off. The crowd gasped as Lucas's body flopped down to the floor, pools of blood flowing out from his neck now. Alba swallowed Lucas's head, sniffing his body before taking it into his jaws. Alba gnawed on the chains on his body, managing to saw them off with his teeth. The chains fell to the ground with a clink!, Alba chewing on Lucas's body, eventually swallowing him. That was it. Lucas was dead.


Word count: 1179

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