Chapter Seven ⚜ The First (pt. 1)

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The trip to the portals was uneventful. They were transported to the courtyard of the Rosellevienne palace. They marched down the stairs from the large podium where the arch-portal was situated and followed the steady stream of people.

The skies were fair and bright as the sun mercilessly glared down, making it somewhat hot. Luckily, the processions would be held at the ballroom of the palace, which was spacious enough to cater to a good few hundreds of people.

As they entered the large doors, some of the staffs greeted them.

"Wow, this is a huge crowd," Valeriana said as they walked in casually and came upon a huge balcony that overlooked the entire room. When Prince Bertram said the visitors would be few, this was what he meant?

"This isn't even half of what there usually is," Corvan replied. "Only the highest nobilities were invited—from the positions of viscount and higher. Lower nobles were not called."

The throne was vacant. King Laedin was welcoming each and every guest with delight. Contrary to the rumors that spread about him being weak, he radiated with vigor. There wasn't even a trace of tiredness on his face.

"From Celeste Academy! High Lord of Aetheria, Rowe von Valdemar de la Nevan and Miss Aneeka Rochefort," someone announced. "Crown Lord of Larkovia, Charles von Versailles de la Vernados and Lady Tamara Vernados Silver."

The sons and daughters of the high nobilities were called out in succession that people could not help but look over. The eyes were like steels on magnets and the room quieted for a moment.

"Sir Raziel Aslan and Miss Elfre Baudion," he continued.

Before their names were announced, a man leaned in to whisper in Valeriana's ear. He had a long-tailed suit and a red ribbon around his neck and was one of the many guys who lined the twin stairs. "How should we address you, miss?"

Meanwhile, the announcer continued, his voice reverberating. "Lady Courtney von Veralidaine de la Evereesha of Preluresia and Sir Brindon Jintaci!"

Valeriana opened her mouth to answer when Corvan beat her to it. "Lady Valeriana Kerrigan."

The current fifth-ranker looked up at Corvan in shock. "Lady? I'm no nobility."

The announcement continued tirelessly. "Lord Keelan von Keiffer de la Kaiven of Denovegasia!"

Seeing as the second heir of the high family of Denovegasia was alone, eyes glinted. There were many females in the room and, with the way they looked, they seemed to be vying for a chance to grab the young lord's attention. Anyhow, Keelan was uncaring and oblivious as his eyes gravitated to one direction—the buffet.

It was finally their turn.

"Crown Lord of Arlandia, Corvan von Vaushna de la Wylden and Lady Valeriana Kerrigan."

Valeriana was panicking internally as the once somewhat silent room burst into a chorus of noisy chatter. She suddenly felt self-conscious, tensing under the weight of the gazes. Corvan unconsciously found his hand resting on top of her fingers which gripped his arm. With a reassuring pinch, she relaxed a bit.

"Do not worry."

Inwardly, Valeriana felt like puking.

"Come on, this'll be bloody." His eyes hardened and so did his face. Valeriana felt her face turning sour, knowing that Corvan had put on his 'cold noble' mask. Whenever he did heavy socializing, he always looked poker-faced. His unfeeling eyes made him unapproachable—which must be a defense mechanism of his somewhat.

"Here we go again," she muttered to herself.

"Cousin!" they heard a proud yell. "Arland, your hair! You cut it, I almost did not recognize you!"

Gavin came forward to greet Corvan cordially, but all he got was an empty stare. Valeriana chuckled and gave the guy a greeting on behalf of the first-ranker.

"Gavin," she said. "How are you?"

"I am good, thank you." His eyes glinted. "My, you two are like the sun and the moon, night and day! You look great together, your clothes even match."

Valeriana wanted to scratch her head, but decided against it—even though the itch was unbearable. "It was an accident."

"I heard that there are no accidents, only fate." He winked.

"Seriously, Gavin. How's your traveling?" she asked.

Corvan's brow twitched. This mere slip made it obvious he was curious as well. After having gone through a lot with this guy, she could read him like an open book—well, hopefully, he would continue to let her turn some pages.

"It's getting along fine, however, I heard about the academy. How are things?"

"They aren't going too well," Valeriana said, shaking her head lightly with a sigh.

"I see. I won't ask too many questions, I just came to greet you. Enjoy the celebration, there are a lot of people you have to greet! Take advantage of this, Valeriana, you will need to meet a lot of people." Gavin then waved at them and went to greet other guests that came after them.

Valeriana looked around the room to find the Twelve. Tamara and Charles had approached the older version of the fourth-ranker who bore clothes in the similar shade of blue. Tamara had attracted quite a lot of attention as there were guys who looked over occasionally, however, Charles did not shine any less. Seeing him without glasses gave him a new aura and made him a bit more approachable. He would tap on the bridge of his nose out of habit, seeing as he was used to fixing his glasses, only to remember he wasn't wearing any. He would sigh at this.

A few moments later, they were approached by Lord Rupert and Lady Saskia who were walking side-by-side. The Arlandian high lady came to greet the two, breaking away from her husband's side and kissing Valeriana on both cheeks.

"Valeriana, my dear," she said with a smile.

"Lady Saskia." Valeriana returned the small hug and reciprocated the gesture gladly.

After that, Saskia turned to her son and did the same. When she was done, she stepped back to Rupert's side and examined the both of them.

"Look at you both, what a fetching sight!" she exclaimed happily. "Especially you, dearest Valeriana. You look so beautiful! Where did you get this dress from?"

"This is the work of Myra, someone Courtney knows."

"You must introduce me to her! Judging from the looks of it, this woman is also responsible for the dresses of Lady Tamara and your other friends. It is certainly beautiful and unique, I desire a couple of dresses for myself and my daughter."

At this moment, they were the focus of many eyes. Valeriana sweated slightly at the attention but tried to calm herself as much as she could.

"Yes, of course. I'll make sure of it." She nodded with a small smile. "How about Emmillyse?" she asked softly.

"She is at home resting. As a child, she is not yet allowed to attend balls. She misses you a lot and has insisted on visiting the academy."

"Maybe when it's safer. I will come and visit so that she will not be too lonely."

"After all these matters are cleared up, yes? That girl has been persistent." She shook her head. "I was thinking it is quite about time to have someone teach her about her abilities. She has trouble of controlling it. Is there anyone you recommend?"

"I—" I definitely cannot recommend Lord Lienhard, no. He would teach her nothing but trouble, that guy. She shook her head as she rode her train of thought. "I'm afraid I know no one."

"How about Archduke Lord Lienhard?" asked Lady Saskia.

"I do not approve." Lord Rupert grunted as he looked at his wife. "That man is no good example for our daughter. He'll turn her into a more rambunctious little . . . child than she already is."

"Yes, he seems no different from Lord Aeron," she muttered. "Oh yes, have you two greeted the king, yet?"

Valeriana shook her head as Corvan said, "No."

"Well then, come with us. We also haven't done so. Let us do it together." Saskia left her husband's side and hooked her arm around Valeriana's. "Pardon me, son. Go and accompany your father for a moment and I will borrow Valeriana momentarily."

Corvan nodded once after registering what she did. He exchanged glances with his father and both watched as the two women walked ahead of them to meet with King Laedin who was still good-naturedly greeting the guests. He donned a brown long coat embellished with golden embroidery and there was a small crown around his head.

"I see you are still as stubborn as ever," Rupert told him. "What is with that girl that you like so much?"

"Hm," he replied.

"I assume she doesn't inveigle." His father's eyes swept to his face. "You have softened, Corvan. You are not as cold as you were. I was afraid that having a son with a heart of ice would not benefit the continent of fire." The sarcasm in his words grated at Corvan's nerves. "It seems your banishment has earned you a bit of wisdom. What have you learnt the past few years?"

"I have learned many."

"How long has it been?" the Arlandian lord asked.

"Five years," Corvan answered.

"It seems you are near ready to take up the position of High Lord. Now the only thing missing is the family heirloom. Without it, the succession cannot take place. Have you any idea where to begin your search?"

"I do." He looked at Valeriana's back.

There was a brief pause.

"Where did you get the replica?"

"I hunted it down. I wasn't sure if it was the real ring, but the resemblance and genuineness was convincing."

"Well, you were fooled—which is understandable. The ring you've gotten is not exactly a fake." Rupert stopped, his hands weaved behind him.

His brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"That replica has been made from the exact same materials as the original Wylden Cosmos. The only difference is that it did not bear the trademark energy forged into the original."

"You mean to say there are two Wylden Cosmos and this one is not exactly a fake? How?"

"Yes. I do recognize it. It was made as a scapegoat during a foiled thievery a while before. One of our ancestors had it crafted especially for situations such as that. It's not unusual, really, even the other nobilities have it."

"I see."

"Will you give it still when you find it?" Rupert wondered.

Corvan remained silent as they came to a stop behind the two ladies, who were chatting away amiably. His mother seemed to like Valeriana very much—which was not so strange since they bear almost the same personality. If it weren't for the temperance and manner of conduct, they would've been practically the same.

Rupert looked at his son. The apple did not indeed fall far from the tree.

"Your Majesty!" came Saskia's voice.

Laedin brightened when he saw the woman. "Ah, Your Excellency, Lady Saskia. How are you? We have not seen each other in such a long time, how is Arlandia?"

"Warm, as usual. Although the rainy season is starting to sweep in with just the end of summer!"

"I do admit it is getting chilly." The king nodded when his eyes caught Valeriana's. "How surprising! How are you, Valeriana?" he asked the girl. "How is the situation in the academy?"

"We're fighting, Your Majesty," Valeriana told him. "Celeste Academy is not easily taken down."

"Good, good, as expected of our knights." His eyes glinted with a hint of admiration. "I am glad you can make it today."

"You have met the king?" Lady Saskia asked out of surprise.

"I've had the pleasure before," she told her politely.

"I see."

"Speaking of making it, where are Lords Rupert and Corvan?"

After their names were called, Valeriana and Saskia parted to look over their shoulder. The father and son duo immediately stepped forward to greet the king. Rupert was firm, but there was a tight smile on his lips. On the other hand, Corvan was totally indifferent, however, he curtsied as per the customs and did the most basic of courtesies.

"It's nice seeing you, Lord Rupert."

"The feeling is mutual, Your Majesty."

Laedin nodded at Corvan. "Lord Corvan is certainly no child anymore. Speaking of that, Bertram will be coming soon. He is merely waiting for the announcement."

"So I see it has been done." Rupert nodded approvingly. "It's a good thing we did not need to resort to the alternative option we've discussed before."

"Yes, of course. Seraphina has laid down the solution very well."

They looked at each other knowingly and Valeriana swallowed heavily, knowing this matter they were talking about involved her—they just did not know it.

A man ran up to the king and whispered something in his ear. Laedin nodded once he received the news, the smile he had on turned even brighter that it reached his ears. He cleared his throat twice before he raised his voice.

"Everyone, may I have your attention, please?"

The room turned quiet, the chatter dying down before silence enveloped the room.

"I am glad you all can make it today! My son has come of age and will inherit the throne tonight." He paused. "My reign has lasted for thirty-six years and I suppose it is time I pass the crown. It has been long and I was glad to have been of service to you. A new era has come," he began with a smile. "Please welcome my son!"

A series of applause shattered the stillness as trumpets blared in chorus. The king's arms swept and guided the eyes of the people to the balcony overlooking the entire room as Prince Bertram emerged to their view. He donned a white jacket with golden tassels and matching pants.

A smile lit his face as he waved to the people and descended the curved stairs to his right.

"All hail!"

In a snap, they all bent at the waist.

"Please!" exclaimed the prince, his voice resounding pleasantly.

The crowd rose.

"I thank you all for coming to this celebration. As future king, you can rest assured that the every continent is in good hands. I am well aware of the rumors that the demons have been making their move. I will make no move to refute what you've heard so far."

There appeared creases on brows and tightened lips, eyes narrowing and a course of panic and fear. Even so, Bertram remained firm.

"But, here in front of you, I say, let them come!" he continued, raising his hand. "We have stood with conviction, fortresses of valiant knights and prosperous cities. The elements have backed us for thousands of years. We have the gods as our shields. Whatever the future has for us, we will prevail. This legacy passed down by my ancestor, the First King, I will not fail it! Tromaneire en honorias vu Valemnia! All hail our world!"

The room burst into cheers. A cheerful smile pulled on the lips of Laedin as he clapped alongside the others.

"Well said."

"And aside from this . . . heart-rendering speech of mine," he began as he straightened his clothes with a playful smile and the room echoed with chuckles and laughs. "I would like to ask each one of you to echo the same greetings you would have for me as this girl apparently shares the same day of birth as mine."

Valeriana froze up at that. Who was he talking about?

"Valeriana," Bertram said as he looked at her.

The entirety of the crowd turned to do the same.

Holy shiznits. Her smile was stuck on her face to the point that she looked constipated.

"Joulle draey, my friend."

The crowd burst into murmurs of curiosity, their wonders echoing the same thing, 'Who is this girl?'

"I owe you my thanks," he followed.   

King Laedin's eyes glinted as he looked between Bertram and Valeriana. The wheels in his head turned until he came upon a conclusion, a look of surprise briefly crossing his features. He looked at Valeriana in wonder for a few moments before he smiled and came close, grabbing her gloved hands tenderly and kissing her cheek.

"Joulle draey, my dear," he told her. "And thank you."

"Your Majesty, what for?" she asked softly.

King Laedin stepped back and gave her a knowing smile.

Shiznits, he knows. He sure caught on quick.

Bertram descended from the stairs and landed. The crowd parted for him as he approached Valeriana and curtsied briefly. "May I have this dance, milady?"

Her heart jumped to her throat as she stared at the prince's outstretched hand. She shot a look over her shoulder to see Corvan's rock-hard face. His face was indifferent, however, his eyes were smouldered with their usual icy fire. Merely looking at them made her shiver.

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