Chapter Seventeen ⚜ Unanimity

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They were joined neither by the current lord nor the next one for lunch—contrary to Eres' earlier statement. Keelan dined luxuriously—bountiful plates on the table. Servings for ten instead of two. Valeriana tasted each and every dish, realizing Denovegasian tastes leaned on saucy dishes paired with either long-grained rice or mashed potatoes. Included among the entrée was grilled fish with chili-soaked vinegar and fried vermicelli noodles. For dessert, they were served creamed caramelized biscuit and mango layers that made her float to cloud nine—it wasn't too sweet to make her choke. It was just right.

Everything was served fresh, so the quality of the food was superb and satisfying. Valeriana enjoyed her lunch with Keelan—both of them barely talking to one another as they were both focused on filling their stomachs.

"I can eat like this all day," Valeriana commented.

"Me too."

The staff looked on with amusement, but they did not do anything else aside from watch, take away the empty plates, and pour drinks into their glasses. Keelan continued wolfing down the food on his plate until there were no more than two dishes left between the two of them.

"I was hoping Corvan could come," he said.

Valeriana was just swallowing, having gasped at the mention of Corvan and choking badly. She coughed with the food in her mouth so she covered her lips and shut her teeth close as she grabbed for the water and forced it down.

Keelan looked up, concerned, but a small teasing smile appeared on his lips. "Are you okay, Val? Did you eat too much?"

She shook her head and composed herself. Once she was done coughing, she leaned back on her seat and took a deep breath. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"They say not to eat too fast or you'll choke."

Valeriana sighed.

"Did you give back Corvan's ring?" he then asked.

She paused at his question. "I tried to, but he didn't accept," she said. However, she didn't really feel like opening the topic, so she looked up and gazed at Keelan who sat across her. "Don't have any girl you like, Keelan?"

He looked at Val for a moment, a look on his face that asked why she was asking before shaking his head. "I don't have any," he said. "I'm just not interested—in relationships I mean. They look so complicated. Take for example, my mother and father, Manilla and Eres—" the staff gasped loudly at the mention of Lord Eres and Lady Manilla's name, as though the biggest controversy had been confirmed. "—you and Corvan—"

"Wait, what?"

"—there's also, probably, Aneeka and Rowe," he continued nonchalantly. "I rather like the simplicity of my life as it is, really. If possible, I don't plan on taking a wife. Kava will be taking the position anyway, so it's relatively easier for me as second son."

"Kava means?"

"Older brother," he replied. "As long as I can properly perform my duties as future duke and take the position of commander of the continental knights, then I can die—relatively free."

Valeriana shook her head as they finished the rest of the food.

"Not happening, young man!" a voice boomed. "I need grandchildren! The bigger the family, the better!"

The staff suddenly burst into activity. The head of the table got dressed with silverware, the proper utensils laid out. More food was brought out from the kitchen and set to the table. The sudden flurry made Valeriana look up in confusion, her head swiveling to the direction of the door.

It was Lord Dillian—with olive skin, cinnamon brown hair and forest-green eyes. Valeriana wasn't able to see him up close with all the chaos, but Keelan got his bearing—the same smile and eyes.

He quickly took his seat in front of the table, laid the napkin on his lap, and uncaringly plucked off a chicken leg—like Keelan always did. He grinned at Valeriana who hesitantly smiled back.

"I heard all about what happened in the Rosellevienne Palace," he said as he looked at Valeriana. "Feel free to do whatever you want in my continent. As long as it isn't anything illegal, I assure you, you have my support."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Oh yes. Eres will be coming with you. Since you're on your way to the Dirinian forest, it's imperative we check on the status on some of the villages—ask them how they're faring and all."

These people surely worked fast—not to mention responsibly and diligently. To have the future lord of the continent himself visit these villages? That was undeniably utter dedication right there. Although they have cases of corruption, it wasn't as prevalent as back on Earth.

"I'm really amazed," she blurted mindlessly. Dillian turned to her, his brows slowly squeezing together. "I mean—Earth can use a few tips. How is this world so . . . united? I mean. One king. The continents are big yet they all recognize one authority. And you guys . . ."

Dillian sighed. "It does seem that way, doesn't it?" he began. "But the unity of this world is due to one, important factor—the presence of a common enemy. The king ensures the safety of the people and it is through him that we stay intact—the barriers keep demons in place and from ravaging this world freely. Aside from that, he is recognized by the gods."

Valeriana paused from eating to listen. Dillian fed himself a spoon before continuing.

"But of course. Like any ordinary prison, some still manage to escape. And there is no shortage of new . . . convicts. The impact made by the Great War on Valemnia thousands of years ago has tied people together. We used to be plagued by countless wars before then. When the elements were granted, there were many battles to show superiority. I suppose you can say one of the positive results demons have had on this world is binding its people together. If it were not for them, Valemnia will not be the world you see today."

"The Great War was . . . that great?"

"In a way, yes. More than half the population died," Keelan cut in. "And people were driven to severe depression and desperation. The situation was bleaker and much worse than history books made it to be. So when King Friedel appeared as savior, bearing the ability to counter Valdis, his own twin brother, you should imagine how popular he was. During that time, he managed to unite the hearts of every continent, rallied people in a war that lasted a hundred tragic years."

"Fifty years back home," she muttered.

"When all of that was over, even though it wasn't exactly really that simple, he was crowned as king. He didn't want to, but the world needed a way to start over and get to their feet. He was the perfect symbol. He bore the utmost respect and admiration of the people," Dillian said. "Since it was too much work, five other members of the original Celestial Knights were implored to take the position of leader as well for the meanwhile. They then appointed leaders to assist them in the management of land, but they ended up sticking around to do the job until their descendants inherited everything—us."

Valeriana fell into deep thought. "I guess the history books didn't say everything."

While the history books offered a very objective point-of-view of the war, it sounded much more personal and heartfelt having to hear it come straight from the mouths of Lord Dillian and Keelan.

"I suppose this is what the demons are targeting now." Dillian shook his head. "You are aware of it, are you not? His Majesty?"

Valeriana looked at the Denovegasian lord and nodded. Keelan looked confused—whatever it was they were talking about—but didn't try to pry.

"Even though we don't really oppose the idea of regency, the royal family runs all of the barriers protecting important sites as well as the Dark Continent itself. That is why even though the king was not born as the True Heir, we didn't push for a competition. It is of utmost importance that King Bertram surpass these obstacles to his rule. Demons are trying to find a way to break apart the unity of Valemnia by targeting the figurehead. If the world is divided due to this, there is no telling what will happen."

"I doubt that will happen anyway," Keelan said. "With four thousand years of history, I'm pretty sure we're solid."

"You cannot say that, my son." Dillian shook his head. "We have shown loyalty to the royal family and strengthened bonds by intermarrying, but people are starting to lose faith—especially after the incident within the academy and the recent attacks."

"Is this why you're sending Lord Eres to check on these places?" Valeriana asked.

"Yes. We have to come in the name of the king," Dillian said. "This will sooth the trouble brewing in their hearts in the very least. There is no shortage of food with the availability of bountiful forests, but medical attention is very much needed as well as assistance to help repair the damages. We're starting to recover, especially with King Bertram restoring the strong foundations of the barriers and protective mechanisms around the world. As long as he stays strong and true, I'm sure it will prevent the stagnation of this world's unanimity. I just hope four thousand years is enough. The breaking off will be a hard transition and quite a daunting idea for many, so I'm sure it will not happen easily."

"I have faith in King Bertram," said Valeriana. "I may not have been here very long, but even if I have to stand on a podium and provide a day-long speech, I'll convince everyone to remain faithful. His Majesty doesn't have it any easy."

"Yes, yes." Lord Dillian nodded with a chuckle. "I'll thank you for that in advance. Although I love conversations like these, I prefer they remain back in my office. The atmosphere has become depressing!" He laughed. "Well, then, let's continue feasting!"

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