Chapter Ten ⚜ New Age

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It was a high chair gilded with gold. The frame had an intricate design with a pair of wings curling around the sides in a form similar to a pigeon which had its wings raised on its back, preparing to flap down. The majesty of the chair gave Valeriana a sense of fright, especially since it held an air—a presence like no other. Beside the chair was a smaller one, more humble in a sense, yet still sophisticated in all ways imaginable.

They had all vacated the ballroom and, instead, went inside a wide room where the king usually held an audience. This room had a long history as this was where the official throne sat.

Valeriana accompanied Seraphina and stood beside the aisle. The audience kept themselves strictly behind the line drawn on the floor and watched calmly from the sides. The prince wasn't anywhere in sight, yet the king had already taken his place beside the large throne in all his grandeur. He wore an intricate golden crown lined with small dots of diamonds and a variety of gems—sapphires, emeralds, rubies, topazes, and such. Around his shoulders was a thick, white cape lined with fur tipped with gold. In one of his hands was a sword, the other had a sceptre of some kind.


"Where's Prince Bertram?" Valeriana asked.

"He's fine. He's behind the doors as we speak," Seraphina replied. "Once the procession starts, he will enter and the rest will be ceremony."

"Hopefully nothing goes wrong this time," she said.

"I hope so as well," the woman told her. "Don't worry."

Valeriana nodded and looked over her shoulder to scan the crowd for Corvan. Even so, he wasn't anywhere she could see. She looked at the ring around her finger and thought it was time she gave it back, yet something always happened that made her forget.

"We gather here today—" began the king's loud voice. It reverberated with intensity, making people's heads turn to his direction. "—to witness Crown Prince Bertram von Seigmond de la Rosellevienne ascend to the royal throne of Valemnia to serve as your king and the ninety-sixth monarch of this world. And today, I will also step down from the position and retire from my post. It has been quite an experience serving as the face of unity, and the gods know that I have done my best to make your lives, in the very least, bearable. I thank those whose support I have received throughout all these years—to my wife, Ayslia . . ."

"Blessed be Queen Ayslia, may her soul be at peace," echoed the crowd.

Valeriana stammered along the crowd. ". . . peace." She looked around, hoping no one heard her.

"And to my old friend, Edeltraud. I pray you are in a better place."

"Oh right, butler guy," she whispered, then sighed.

"My brother, Archduke Lord Lienhard. I am hoping you will continue to guide my son in his reign." He smiled at the archduke's direction, making Valeriana tiptoe just to see whatever his reply was. Unfortunately, she missed it.

"I will no longer take much of your time." He then stepped back.

A loud trumpet blared followed by bells which began echoing all over the place. It seemed to come from the top. There must be a bell tower somewhere near, since the walls were vibrating with its high-pitched notes.

When the sounds stopped altogether, the doors cracked open and the crown prince started marching down the aisle, tailed by two knights—one looked like an old man, with a thickly bearded face and deep brown eyes. His back was straight and one hand laid on the sword around his waist. The one who followed him was a familiar face—someone Valeriana came to know as Emmett.

Seraphina placed a hand on Valeriana's shoulders as the entirety of the room fell on their knees. Bertram's face was firm as he stopped in the middle of the aisle. His posture was rigid and his spine curved perfectly, his shoulders thrown back. He turned to face right and bowed, turned to front and bowed, then turned to the left and the back doing the same.

Valeriana peeked from beneath her lashes to watch what was going on with curiosity despite everyone's head being bowed deeply. Five men had come emerging from the side and stopped beside the king. The current fifth-ranker recognized these men as the lords and ladies of their respective continents—especially since Lord Rupert was standing beside a tanned man dressed in vert green. Next to him was one dressed in blue, the next one was in white, and finally, Rowe, who was dressed in pale yellow.

The one in green must've been the lord father of Keelan, then Charles's and Tamara's father. The next one had the same eyes and hair as a Courtney and Manilla, so he must be the lord of Preluresia. Since Rowe was already the lord of his land, it was no wonder he was standing there as well.

All of the continent's heads were here. No wonder this was such a big celebration.

Bertram marched forward and stopped before the three steps worth of stairs that led to to the farther spot where the throne sat and where his father stood. He broke into a kneel, one hand resting on top of his knee while a fist was firm against the ground.

"Say your oaths, young prince," said King Laedin.

"I am Bertram von Seigmond de la Rosellevienne, son of Laedin and descendant of the First King Friedel, champion of the gods and child of light. The favor of the gods run through my veins. I take up this duty to look after this world as king, as a protector of my people, as servant to the will of the gods above. I am humbled and honored to accept the throne, to become a unifier of Valemnia, and to tide the world through the next decades for as long as I am able. I swear my loyalty to the name of the five gods; Denovegasia, Arlandia, Larkovia, Preluresia, and Aetheria. I swear my loyalty to the people of this land who remain faithful and free of the darkness."

"Rise," said the king. "Lords of the continents, say your oaths."

The Denovegasian lord came first. "I am Lord Dillian von Keiffer de la Kaiven, lord of Denovegasia and descendant of Abelard Keiffer, a defender of light by the child of light. Let my words ring true, the entire continent of Denovegasia will remain loyal to the crown." With that, he bent at the waist and bowed low. "In the name of Denovega, god of Earth, my loyalty is sworn to the king!"

Lord Rupert came next. "I am Lord Rupert von Vaushna de la Wylden, lord of Arlandia and descendant of Hildegaud Vaushna, a knight of light by the child of light. Let my words ring true, the entire continent of Arlandia will remain loyal to the crown. In the name of Arland, god of fire, my loyalty is sworn to the king!"

"My name is Lord Lovis von Versailles de la Vernados," the lord of Larkovia said his oaths as well.

"My name is Lord Leiland von Veralidaine de la Evereesha," began the one dressed in white.

"My name is Lord Rowe von Valdemar de la Nevan," Rowe, as well, said his rights.

"All rise!" the king's voice thundered.

Everyone got to their feet. Valeriana felt a cramp coming but she stood up nonetheless, seeing as the blood needed to flow to her legs. The five lords had retreated to a corner of the room, behind the throne, where there were five chairs arranged against the wall in the shape of a semi-circle. Valeriana did not notice those until they actually sat on them.

Bertram placed one feet at the bottom of the staircase and had his head ready.

"Show your mark!" exclaimed Laedin once more.

A pair of wings bloomed from Bertram's back. They weren't exactly flesh and bones, but existed in a haze of silver light that emanated a different kind of warmth. The sight was beautiful. It bathed Bertram in a halo-like shower of radiance. What Valeriana noticed was the top part of his wings was dusted with gold, making it seem more surreal.

"Holy shiznits," she whispered. "So that's what his wings look like."

"It is not usually used since there's no need for it," Seraphina whispered very quietly to Valeriana's ears. "But occasional flights are taken of course." She smiled knowingly.

"You have those too, right? Can you take me out sometime?" Valeriana pleaded.


King Laedin placed both sword and sceptre in his hands. He then took the crown from his head and placed it on Bertram's and implored him to stand once again. However, this time, the king made way for him and stepped aside. Bertram approached the high throne and, very gracefully, sat on the chair.

The crowd was then asked to bow once more, this time, to the new king.

"All hail the new sovereign, King Bertram von Seigmond de la Rosellevienne!"

When the new king sat on his throne, Valeriana's skin was trailed with chill bumps. A sense of excitement and pride coursed through her as the room erupted with delighted cheers and claps that she joined along.

The bells continued chiming and the trumpets blared a joyous tune. There was so much noise it was almost chaotic. The king was all smiles and so were everyone else. Valeriana found the auras matching in glow with their disposition. What she noticed was that the new king didn't seem too happy and his smile seemed a bit forced.

Poor guy.

Valeriana caught Lord Lienhard from across the room gazing at his nephew questioningly. Lord Aeron was nonchalantly clapping and laughing at the same time, seemingly oblivious to what was happening.

Nonetheless, the celebration was cut short.

A darkened aura came to Valeriana's radar, alerting her. She diverted her attention to King Laedin's spot. The taint got too strong that even his aura bled. It reflected physically as he started coughing. The fit was too severe that he doubled over and the blood spread on the floor in a startling shower, making everyone stop short and gasp.

"Your Majesty!"

"Father!" Bertram stood from his throne and dropped the crown jewels to run over to the former king's side.

It didn't cause a transformation like Bertram or the infection, rather, it resembled poison spreading too quickly stop. Valeriana's breath was caught in her throat as the room quietened due to utter horror and shock.

Valeriana was reluctant to step out as she felt as though it would look pretentious.

"Valeriana," Seraphina started as she looked at the girl.

That did it for her. As the lady knight worriedly stepped forward, Valeriana followed to try and see if she could help. It was then that a strong force slammed into her. It was a sudden flare of demonic energy that made everyone else in the room feel a bit weakened. It threw her off, sending her rolling away harshly that she ended up crashing against the pointed edges of the stairs. It hurt too much to scream out that she froze as the pain reached new heights.

The crowd parted for her and someone came running forward to help when she found an invisible force lifting her up, wrapping around her like a slithering snake. It climbed up around her torso until it reached her neck and squeezed. It felt so uncomfortable—like slime on skin.

"What an auspicious day! All hail the new king."


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