Chapter Twenty-Eight ⚜ The Grandest of Goodbyes

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Iolani stirred. Though she was a bit weak, she quickly regained her strength. Her breathing came easily and she was able to get up, looking at Valeriana with thanks. Despite the obvious relief, her bearing hinted of desperation.

"This is the scent I've been smelling since this morning." Keelan sniffed as he looked at the marvelous scene, bending to pick the pollen-seeds that scattered across the wooden bridge. "It's kinda . . . you know." He rubbed his nose as his voice turned high and nasal. "I wanna slee—achoo!"

"Bless you," Brindon commented beside him.


"So this is the perfume you brought, Valeriana?" Eres inquired.

She chuckled guiltily, goosebumps trailing her skin as she looked at the white jade in her hand. The flowers that had grown from its pollen emitted a soft, ethereal glow. She doubted for a second that she was responsible for such a commotion. Tiger brushed against her side, making her sigh at the comfort offered by the feline.

"Yeah, kinda." She then turned to the bird familiar. "How are you, Iolani?" Valeriana asked.

"This one is fine, lheuim ansur. The matter is urgent. Thou art the only one that came to mind."

Valeriana stood, bringing Iolani with her. Tiger stared at the bird and mewled, taking a paw to the air and waving. "Alright, let's leave immediately."

Kalev came forward, rounding Chief Tilde only to stop at her side. "You've come a long way and the trip must've cost you days. Surely, you didn't come just to ensure our safety as guardians? Your friend here has also mentioned about something."

Valeriana winced in her heart as she tucked the white jade back to its pouch. It slowly closed up, assuming its ordinary sphere form. For now, they didn't have to worry about Dirinia being overtaken by demonic energy, especially with the presence of the valerianas all around their territory.

This kind of energy was pure and positive. Demonic energies or negativities would sizzle the moment they were touched by it.

"Then I'll be impetuous," Valeriana said with a thick face. "I came to ask for the Blessing of the Mountains from you Ivalis. If you were to agree to give it to me, how long will it take?"

Chief Tilde didn't seem too taken aback by her request, but there was mild surprise in her eyes. She held Valeriana's gaze calmly, drinking in the sight of the girl like she was some strange, exotic wine. "I don't have any issue with giving a blessing. But that decision is not mine to make but Denovega. And convincing him to grant it . . . takes time. After all, he is as . . . lazy as he is diligent."

"Then forget it," Valeriana stated. Her brows furrowed with deep creases. "Since the matter with Larkovia is urgent, I won't wait. Tamara asked you to come to me for help, didn't you, Iolani?"

The bird nodded.

"Then I can't turn her down." She then smiled. "I'm just glad they asked for me. That's more than enough."

"Oh, Valeriana." Iolani light shook her head as she squawked. "I apologize for this. I would've not bothered thee if it was not so important."

"It's fine, Iolani. Nothing's your fault. I'll just have to come back for the blessing at a later time." She looked at Chief Tilde. "You'll still be here, won't you?"

The woman nodded in affirmation. "Yes."

"Then it's no big deal," she said.

"I am honestly against this decision, but weighing the loss, I get where you're coming from," Eres said as he lightly shook his head, regret in his eyes.

Valeriana exhaled heavily. "The blessing can wait," she said. "What's there to gain when all is lost?"

"Nothing," Brindon said.

"I know we spent a lot of effort coming here, but it wasn't wasted. I still got to know something about the white jade and this place . . . at least, even if it's not much . . ." She turned to Keelan's older brother. "I'm sorry for this, Lord Eres."

Eres gave her a small smile that was both kind and understanding. "You have nothing to apologize for."

Valeriana had to look at the ground in embarrassment, seeing as he had bothered escorting them all the way to Dirinia. In the end, things weren't as fruitful as she'd hope. Perhaps this wasn't the right time for the Blessing of the Mountains. With this thought in her heart, she looked at the twelfth and eleventh-ranker.

"Are you guys coming?"

"Yes, of course. This is Tamara we're talking about . . . and probably Charles." Keelan grinned slyly.

"Well, she didn't end up going too far with her travel at all in the end." Valeriana shook her head. "Do you guys have any idea how to get there, fast?"

"From what I know, the sea serpents will be migrating to the east sea," Chief Tilde said. "It is around this season that they dock on the shores of the Keevan Beach to snatch away the nests of the green swallowtail hawks—since they seem to find this a delicacy. During my travels around the continent, I met them. They travel fast. If you are to ask them to accompany you then you will arrive in the undine's sea in no time at all. The problem will be if they'll agree to escort you."

"Isn't Charles' familiar a sea serpent—Marius?" Keelan asked.

That gave Valeriana an idea. "You think we can use connections?"

They exchanged glances and grinned knowingly.


Iolani said they would not be able to hold out for very long. Charles already had the area restricted and he had help from the Marine Battalion of Larkovia. That meant he basically mobilized the continent's army at the attempt of getting things under his control. If it required that much reinforcement, one could deduce how dire the matter was.

Tamara's familiar could carry them to where there hopeful escorts would be. The sea serpents would prowl around the Keevan Beach for seven days before moving. There wasn't much time. By the time the moon reached it's highest peak that night, the pool of serpents would leave.

Hence, they immediately decided to set out. The lingering sweetness of the valerianas clung to their clothes and there were still seeds that would fall off from their collars, landing on solid ground and blooming right off. Valeriana picked up the tiny specks of pollen-seeds that landed on the wooden bridge as they preserved their current state and stored it in the pouch she got from Chief Tilde—a spare of hers. They looked like simple glitters as small as grains of sand—but everyone knew they were much more.

Perhaps these flowers would be useful in their encounter with the undines. Valeriana wanted to find out as well how she could put these flowers to use. After all, they were birthed from the white jade with help from her energy. There were still much to know about them.

The Ivalis saw them to the gates of their home. Chief Tilde came along, her golden eyes following their every move. Iolani had already shifted to her other bigger form which would be able to carry all three passengers. Eres, on the other hand, decided to stay. He wouldn't be able to accompany them to Larkovia as he had his obligations as crown lord of Denovegasia. He had agreed on escorting his brother and company to Dirinia after which he would have to return to see to some matters that concerned his continent.

Valeriana's heart was wrenching. It would be a lie to say that she was not disappointed at the wrong timing. Even before, it took her a while to gain the approval of the guardians to grant her the blessings. It didn't look much complicated with Cifaro and Vallore, but each continent ran with its own rules. It would be fallacious to assume a snap of a finger was all it would need.

It wasn't like it was the end of the world—return was possible. She had been repeating the thought inside her head as they immediately set out the moment they packed some enough food for the trip—mostly for Keelan's benefit. The transition would be hard without Eres, but time was not a luxury they could not afford so within half an hour, they were standing before the blue dragon that snaked around the Ivalian territory, ready to take off.

"I will miss you, kavá," Keelan told his brother as they embraced. "It has been fun with you on this journey."

"Take care, livouda. I apologize I cannot accompany you farther than this." He redirected his gaze to Valeriana and Brindon, giving them both a nod. "Take care, mel amelen. It has been an honor."

The fifth was momentarily confused.

"It means my friends," Keelan said.


Valeriana walked up to Eres to give him a friendly hug, just to show him how much she appreciated his company while they functioned as a group. "Thank you so much for everything, Lord Eres."

"Eres will do for you, Valeriana." He smiled at her as they broke off. "Remember to be careful. I will go directly to father to inform him what had transpired and we will relay it to the king as well."

"Uh—that, um . . . is that necessary?"

"Dispelling demonic energy, my dear," he began. "Is common. Purifying it is not. In fact, it has never been done."

Valeriana nodded understandingly.

"In our plight with demons, you are more worthy than any holy sword. Your protection must be ensured and I will see to it that it is fit. We cannot have a rose cut before it has even bloomed. Why in the name of the gods King Bertram let you be is beyond me." He stiffly erected his back, his fingers lacing on the curve of his waist. "But that is the reason why he asked me to come."

"H-he did?" Her eyes widened.

"Lord Co—" he sighed. He had begun, he might as well end. "Lord Corvan as well. At first I was wondering why it was so—and now I know. Let's leave this matter be, anyhow. You must head out immediately. If you leave a little later, you may not be able to reach the serpents in time."

Valeriana nodded determinedly, shaking her head back to focus as she strode up to the large hawk before her. She looked back at the Ivalis and saw little Aspen within the crowd. She gave her a grateful smile before pulling herself up to mount Iolani's back.

Keelan hopped on next, position himself behind Valeriana, and the ever quiet Brindon came afterwards.

"Art thou all ready?"

"Keelan, Brindon, are you ready?" Valeriana asked.

"Yes." Brindon nodded.

"We didn't forget anything, did we?" Keelan replied.

"Actually," echoed another voice from below. "You did."

Aspen appeared by Iolani's foot, cradling Tiger in her arms. The little cat looked somewhat infuriated—obviously because he'd been forgotten—that Valeriana had to flash a sheepish grin and reach for the feline.

"I'm so sorry, Tiger," Valeriana whispered. "There's a lot going on in my mind. I'm sorry for being so irresponsible."

Tiger crawled to Valeriana's lap and the child's palm brushed Valeriana's left wrist, down to her hand as a small smile revealed a dimpled cheek. "Denovega . . ." she softly stated. "Sends his blessings."

Warm energy traveled up her hand, causing her eyes to widen in utter surprise. Valeriana's heart pounded.

"Calm and flowing as the sea, free and proud as the skies, passionate and stubborn as flames—resilient and firm like the mountains." Aspens eyes glowed their earthy golden glow as the energy grew and burst, travelling down her feet in vibrations that kissed the earth and caressed Valeriana. "Earth is the nest of all elements and the richest. However, as much as it receives, it gives—unconditionally supporting the others without qualms. Unhesitating and self-assured yet humble to the core."

Valeriana's lips pulled to a joking grin. "You mean down-to-earth."

Aspen giggled and let go. "Aristeon presides over your fate. May you be met with no danger."

She then stepped back and waved at Valeriana.

Iolani took off in the grandest of goodbyes.

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