how about another one

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How about I give you another scary story? Would you be fine with that?  Well too bad, 'cuz Imma gonna give ya another one. But it'll be longer than the other one.  So ha ha.  Lol anyways here it is.

      My best friend Lola was playing with her older brother Josh late one night.  I never liked Josh, he was always so rude to Lola and I.  I was sitting in my usual place watching them.  Since their parents were away they were in the living room way past their bed time.  I could tell Josh was planning on scaring Lola.  He knew she'd be scared out of her mind.  She was only six, Josh was fifteen.  I was starting to get angry. He excused himself to get some pop, which they weren't allowed to have past 6:00.  Their bed time was 10:00.  they had very respectable, fair and fun parents. But that's besides the point.  He cut the power to the house.  I heard him snicker when Lola frantically tried to flip the switch to turn the lights on.  She stated calling for Josh.  He replied saying that he was going to find some flashlights and candles.  She nodded in the dark and started to whimper.  Josh put on his new Halloween outfit he got last week.  It was a glowing skeleton with a rather scary face and fake blood oozing out of the eyes.   He jumped out and grabbed Lola she screamed and passed out. Josh just stood there laughing!  I had enough, I hopped out of my place and started moving around the house, being sure that he heard my footsteps.  I climbed up high to the highest cupboard to grab a knife, Lola's parents made sure they couldn't reach the dangerous things for their safety.  Once I had grabbed one I landed behind him from the counter.  He looked around but made the mistake of not looking down. I am super short.  He laughed nervously, then broke into a fit of laughter. I stabbed him.  No, not fatally, although I wish I had.  Seeing the blood he went pale and sunk to the floor, finally seeing me.  Then passed out.  I went to my usual place dialing 911 first, only screaming, " Help help he's bleeding my brother is bleeding.  Someone stabbed him."  Then I waited, as the ambulance came and took them away, the police looked for any clues or evidence. They couldn't find any of course.  Just me sitting in my little house.  They wouldn't suspect me though. Y'know why?  Because they don't think dolls can move.

But I can...

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