2: why does he have a gun?

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Chapter Two
why does he have a gun?

3rd Person POV

saylor stood above juno with sarah as they both stared at the girl and noticed the imprint of john b but he wasnt there. he was gone and juno had no idea, she didnt know at all and they wanted to leave it like that. act like he didnt leave in the middle of the night and that it was all fine but it wasn't.

"i know where he went, i can go get him , bring him back here and then i know what we have to do" sarah said and saylor turned to his girlfriend.

"okay, just be safe" he said to her and she nodded as she leaned in and kissed his cheek. he sat down next to juno when sarah left and he watched her sleep. he had never seen his stepsister so calm and not worried at all. he didnt know how to feel about it.

a long time later, there was a knock on the door and in walked sarah with john b. however it was now dark out again and juno had woken up. sure she had no idea what was happening now but saylor told her and she was up to speed.

"so where are we going?" she asked as she looked at sarah and john b and then at saylor.

"there are some people that we made a deal with, this is how we get the gold but we need the help of them and so thats what were doing. going to meet these people and get their help" john b stated and sarah stared at the boy incrediously

"you were never that honest about this whole gold thing with me" she stated and juno smiled as saylor nudged her with a laugh. he knew that some part of her liked that.

"well thats because youre not a pogue and youre not my girlfriend. junie gets special treatment" he stated as he smiled at the girl and she smiled back brightly. she had missed the routledge boy and his words that made her blush.

"okay we have to leave like now, so lets go" sarah exclaimed and juno got up as she walked out of the room with saylor, sarah and john b. she followed behind john b and sarah as they led them to the boats and they turned to each other in confusion but they didnt say anything

"look what the cat done dragged in and with new friends" the man said and juno looked at saylor in confusion

"I have a propositon" sarah stated and cleo made eye contact as she waved at juno and juno waved back. cleo was pretty, wasnt junos type but she did think the girl was beautiful.

"if it involves giving you that rock back, that nugget, then forget it. youre lucky im not on the phone with the cops right now" he told them and sarah interrupted

"im not worried about that because you saw what was in that safe did you not?" sarah asked

"yeah i did"he exclaimed

"and it was exactly what we told it was going to be , right?" sarah continued

"what the fuck is she talking about?" juno asked saylor in a hushed tone and he shruged as she did too and they continued to listen to the conversation.

"yeah, well, that thing is tighter then a clamshell now" cleo retorted

"no shit but the golds not staying there. my dads gonna come down and move it, he'll have to" sarah stated

"so what are you proposing, a brinks job?" the man asked

"think about it. you have a boat that can get us away, you know people and the island and i can find out exactly when that gold is moving and ill give you two million" sarah spoke

"so let me get this straight, we take the risk of going to jail and getting shot for a fraction of whats in that safe?" he asked

"after you abandoned us, stole my boat, i dont owe you shit but ill give you ten" sarah said and juno laid her head on john bs shoulder as she watched saylor grab sarahs hand and she smiled softly as the sight of it.

"ten million a piece" cleo exchanged

"i like that, ten a piece" he told them

"apiece? okay, you know what we're just gonna" john b began

"john b, ten a piece" sarah agreed

"ten million dollars, do you hear that? we're just throwing money away" john b stated and they all looked at the three people standing in front of them

"you have yourself a deal sweetheart" he said and juno smiled gratefully. they drove back to the hotel and sat in the room as they all waited for sarah and wheezie.

"we're on" sarah stated and juno smiled

"okay. i guess we're doing this. i mean, armed robbery. i mean im cool with it but are you sure?" john b asked as he looked at juno who looked at sarah and then saylor.

"my entire life, ward has always gotten what hes wanted. everyone jumps for him and i thought that it was respect but now i realize thats fear and john b... you know the one person who never jumped for him was your dad, he wasnt like anyone i had ever met because he wasnt scared of my dad. this is for him and sheriff pete and you and me and juno and saylor" sarah said and the plan was into motion.

they got into the car and drove out to the location as juno climbed out of the car with sarah , john b and saylor. they hid in the grass and waited. juno held john bs hand in one and saylor hand in the other as she had a fearful look in her eye.

"its two in the truck" stubby told them

"fuck, rafe" juno said under her breathe and john b squeezed her hand as the plan began and juno held her breathe. john b clicked the gun into place. they watched as ward and rafe showed up and cleo with terrance began to work with the plan.

"okay its time to go" john b told them as they put the masks on their face and juno shared one last look with saylor.

"go! go! hurry" terrance told them and they ran to the car before they heard ward

"sarah. sarah! youre alive! baby! youre alive!" he yelled as he stood up and started to cry. juno looked at rafe and saw the gun

"why does he have a gun?" she said to herself before she looked to see john b lift the gun before there was a gun shot and they got in the car. sarah and saylor got in the backseat as juno got in the front seat and john b drove away into a field and they kept going until they were hidden.

"hey guys" she cried

"yeah?" saylor asked as he leaned forward and looked at junos side.

"im shot" she said and they all looked at her.

they didnt know what to do now but they were scared.


my little wonderous girl , im so so sorry for the trauma

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