The Elemental Chest and the New Battle

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So guys. XxAbe_No_Seimei_Xx gave me an oc. Read the comments of my last chapter. Plus also read my sister's watch car fanfiction. The way how they met Luna is the same way they meet her here.

Luna was with the rest of the group. Suddenly, there was another spark in Lloyd's magical bag which would have like one spark per day.

Then the bag started to tear. And can out shiny golden point. Lloyd opened his bag and pulled out a golden chest.

Wait... Wait wait. Stop the story. A chest just came out from his bag. Like come on, how did it even fit in there.

The chest has different ancient chinese symbols which no one could translate. It had a small button. Lloyd pressed it. It opened suddenly with a shining golden light that almost blinded them.

Then the light faded. They all looked inside and found 22 spaces. 14 of them were empty. The rest of the 8 were filled with other elemental keys.

"Wait, he told me there were hundreds of keys..." Lloyd said. "Maybe we need to press this." Maru said and pressed another button. Then another layer came out with more keys. Hundreds of this time. (Which I don't really know)

There were also more fusion and combo rings. Then there was a note. Lloyd picked it up and read it out. " Lloyd, I can't take care of the keys anymore. So that is why I gave the rest to you. So please deliver them to the right hands."

Then Lloyd locked the chest and put it into his closet. "Guys, how about we go to the park?" Ari suggested. "Yeah, that's a great idea." Luna said.

Then they went to the park.

Later, at the auditorium.

"So now today is the battle between the newest of the newest contestants. Over here, I have the watch car which strikes like an eagle. Faster then Bluwill, Shutendoji!!!"

A spotlight shone over a girl who had blue waist length hair and red eyes. She was wearing a blue dress with red and orangish yellow maple leaves printed. And blue boots with orange maple leaves and a red maple leaf hair pin.

"Battlemode on!" The girl said. Then there was another spotlight over a car. The car was like Avan but was red and orange and had purple eyes.

"Are they kidding? They can never be as fast as my Bluwill." Geno said proudly. The rest rolled their eyes at Geno's ego.

" And on the other side. The car that attacks rapidly and rapidly. The car that doesn't even gives its opponent a chance to attack, Candyyyy!!!"

Another spotlight shone over a boy with straight orange hair and dark yellow eyes. He was wearing an orange full sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and orange sneakers.

"Battle mode on!" The boy said as another light shone on a car like Bluwill but orange with blue eyes. It drove to Shutendoji as Shutendoji moved a bit backwards.

"Now, Let the battle begin!" The referee car rang the bell and Shutendoji (I'm going to write just Doji for short) started to circle Candy.

"Velocity Attack, Fire!" Mommji said. Doji attacked Candy and then drove away spinning. She attacked Candy again and again by different angles.

Then the car stopped. " Now, heart strike, Fire!" She shot a laser at Candy who dodged. "Candy, it is our turn. Orange beam, Fire!" Candy started to circle Doji and shoot her with beams. Doji was down.

"Doji, you can get out of there. Electro speed, Engage!" Then Doji suddenly got out of there and started to run around nearly at the speed of light.

"Now's the time. Heart Strike, Fire!" She started to shoot lasers at Candy. " Shield mode, On!" Candy was safe.

"Huh. That's all you've got. I'll how you what real power looks like. Orange booster, Activate!" Chase said.

Candy started to circle Doji. "Now Candy cannon, Fire!" A cannon came out from the top of Candy which shot bombs which exploded when they touched Doji.

Doji was soon in the air and exploded again and again when another bomb touched her. Then she fell and was really down. "Dojiiii!!!!" Mommji cried.

"Ha. Take that. Sugar Coating Laser, Fire!" Then Doji was frozen. She had a light yellow coat around her which stopped her from moving.

"Ah. Looks like this is the end of round 1. The countdown has started." The referee car was counting down from 10.

"Electro speed, Engage!" Soon, Doji was out of there. "Looks like Doji escaped with her amazing electro speed." Right now, Geno's jaws were dropped at Doji's amazing speed.

"H-how? How can she escape Candy's sugar coating laser? How?" Chase cried. "Alright, then I'll finish you off with this." Chase pulled out his power coin.

"Ah! Looks like Chase is using his power coin." The announcer said. "Fine. Then I'll pay you back with this." Mommji also took out her power coin.

"Power coin, Drive!"

"Growling Bear / Howling Wolf, Attack!" The howling wolf won and Chase and Candy lost the match. "Looks like we have our winners. " Everyone cheered.

Flash: So guys, this is it. How was it? If I have made any mistakes Mommji. Please tell me.

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