Chapter 2-The Team

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Y/N begins to wakes up from getting bagged while hearing the sea. Then suddenly, the bag is taken off him and he finds himself at a beach near the Golden Gate Bridge in the Marin. He then looks at his left to see Marcus as well, still tied up as him. That's when he knew THEY were right behind them and decides to ask the question?

Y/N: So.... Are we in?

Someone then walks up to his right and he sees a beautiful artistic woman.


Woman: (smiles) Welcome to DedSec.

Y/N smiles . The two men behind Marcus began to untie him. Then the two best friends brohug eachother

Woman: I'm Sitara. This sweetheart is Josh, AKA: 'Hawt Sauce.'

Josh Sauchak - Hawa Sauce

Y/N: Wait, You're The Hawt Sauce? I really love your Frat House hack. Real talk.

Josh: Thanks.

Sitara: This weirdo is Wrench

Reginald Blechman - Wrench

Wrench: The needs of the many

Sitara: And this Casanova is Horatio.

Horatio Carlin

Horatio: What's up, brothers (brohug).

Marcus: (brohug) What's up, man.

Y/N: (brohug) Good to meet ya. (Offers a handshake) My names Y/N and this is my best friend, Marcus.

Sitara (accepts handshake) Nice to finally meet you.

Y/N: Likewise. So, this is the crew, huh?

Everyone nods.

Marcus: Took y'all long enough to come get us, shit.


The team are now sitting down a beach as a party was happening. Everyone was enjoying themselves and drinking and talking to one-another. The team was having a conversation about Blume while being half-drunk.

Marcus: You saw Blume's bullshit. ctOS isn't just regulating infrastructure. The amount of personal data that thing is collecting is fucking mind-blowing.

Y/N: The fact that it carries so much of a person's private data and determines whether you're a threat or not is just crazy.

Horatio: Yeah, it's Big Brother and little brother, all rolled up into one.

Wrench: (confused) Huh?

Josh It sees everything and tells on you.

Horatio: Thank you Josh.

Sitara: So what's the fix?

Wrench: (suggesting) Sledgehammers and fire, no... (gets up but accidentally spills beer) sledgehammers ON fire (notices the spilled beer) Oh sorry.

Marcus: (laughs) All that data in one place means, they can reject your fucking application before you click on it.

Horatio: Congratulations, you have been pre-rejected for our credit card.

Y/N: Not just credit cards. It can be your own house, insurance, anything.

Sitara: That's not even the worst case scenario. All that data in the hands of the government? They'll arrest you for shit before you even do it.

Marcus: Yeah, I've been there. And now I fucking know why (throws beer away).

Y/N: Not only that, those pigs will even kill you or ruin your personal life if they see you as a threat. I mean, they claim everything is for the greater good when in reality, it's all just bullshit (finishes beer and puts it down). FUCK IT! (Gets up and looks that the team) We are hackers. People who can outthink and out-dare any situation we get ourselves in. But, our difference is we do it for the people and not just for ourselves. So, what do you say we tear down the fucking wall once and for all... and show everybody Blume's true colours.

Everyone stays silent at Y/N's idea until they all smiled, meaning they agreed to expose Blume's secreats andnsave people privacy.

Marcus: I'm in. It's time to show the world that their personal data is being used to rob them of their freedoms.

Sitara: We all are.

Everyone else: Agreed.

Horatio: (raises hand) Quick question though. How do we do that.

Marcus: Simple, we installed a backdoor so all we go to do is go right through.

Everyone looks at eachother in shock as Marcus said that. Horatio questions him again as he didn't quite get it.

Horatio: Hold on. You what?

Josh: He installed a back door, so all we have to do is walk right through.

Y/N: (points at Josh) Bingo.


As the team was enjoying themselves , Y/N was standing around, looking at the beautiful blue sea. He was also looking at other people having a really good time with eachother. This reminded him of his old family back when he was young.

Y/N: I wish for this to never end.

???: Me too.

Y/N looked to see Sitara walking up to him and then stopping to stand right next to him.

Sitara: So, what's your story?

A/N: Y/N won't reveal himself to his friends yet. His ctOS profile which he deleted was a fake one to protect himself. So, only Marcus knows his true identity.

Y/N was a bit nervous when she asked him that as he couldn't reveal himself yet. So he just told what he could.

Y/N: Well, I grew up in Chicago. Since I couldn't trust anyone at the time, I had to learn indimidation, combat, weaponry and racing to survive. But then I met Marcus. He taught me every there was about engineering and psychology. We've been best friends since.

Sitara: Wow, I didn't know know you were more than just partners. He must care for you.

Y/N: Yeah, he always does. Just like family.

Y/N and Sitara looked at eachother and smile. Unknown to them, small reddening signs are shown on their faces.

Sitara: Say, give her your phone.

Y/N: Um, okay.

He gives Sitara his phone and she begins to type something on it. A minuter later, she hands it back to him.

Sitara: There, I just gave you our DedSec app, our personal channel for the team to comunicate and my phone number.

Y/N: (surprised) Really? Why?

Sitara: So that I can keep in touch with you and talk to you more. Don't know why but... You've seem to have taken my interest a bit.

Y/N couldn't help but blush at this and smile at her as she smile back.

Y/N: Thanks. Appreciate it.


While Marcus was taking a leek as he was already drunk, a man was jogging right pass him but stops and looks at him.

???: Hey man, you got the time?

Marcus: (zips pants) Uh, yeah man, uh (accidentally drops phone)

???: I got it. I got it.

The man pick up Marcus's phone and looks at it for a second before turning back to him.

Marcus: Kinda late for a night run, isn't it? Hey what are you... You're running from the cops? (chuckles)

???: (smiles) Maybe I am one.

Marcus then looks at the person as he looked familiar but can't point out he was already drunk.

Marcus: Hey, you... you look familiar.

???: (hands his phone back and shakes his hand) Have a good party. (joggs away)

Marcus: Ping this, motherfuck...

Marcus accidentally throws his phone into the ocean and briefly falls down but gets up.

Marcus: Fuck you, Blume.


It's 8AM in the morning and Y/N is seen waking up at the beach as the sunlight shines on him. His phone then starts ringing and he picks it up to answer. He sees the caller is Sitara and answers it.

Y/N: Hello? Sitara?

Sitara: Yup. Sorry for leaving. I had some unfinished business to take care of.

Y/N: No, it's cool. Gotta say, we were pretty smashed huh?

Sitara: (laughs) Like Mardi Grass. When you get a chance, meet us at the hackerspace. I've added the location to your phone along with the passcode. Oh, and you'll need your phone ready for operations, so hit the store and download them before you get here.

Y/N: Cool, thanks. (realises) Wait! Where's Marcus?

Sitara: Can't say I know. But, I did leave him with a new phone since he threw his into the ocean. The number's in your phone already.

Y/n: (sighs) Alright, I'll find him. See you.

The call ends and Y/N begins to call Marcus to find him. He began to hear a loud ringtone coming from a house as he walks up to it to see the door half open and everyone knocked out. He then finds Marcus in his trousers and begins to wakes him up.

Y/N: (shaking him) Marcus... Marcus, wake up. It's me.

Marcus: (slowly waking up) Mmm-eyy man, how you doing?

Y/N: (chuckling) Good, real good. Now hurry up and get dressed. We gotta go before someone starts screaming.

Marcus: (slowly gets up) Why would... Yo, whose place are we in ?

Y/N: That I don't know.

Few minutes later, Marcus was already dressed up and was waiting for his partner to show.

Marcus: Where is he? He was just here minutes ago.


Marcus looked ahead and saw a red Zuzume pulling up to him. The window opens up and reveals Y/N driving the car.

Y/N: Come one, get in.

Marcus gets in and fasten his seatbelf as Y/N began to drive fast, passing through everybody on the road.

Marcus: So, where to?

Y/N: I'll drop you at your place and then we meet the others at the hackerspace and since you've have your new phone, you should download some apps and get it ready for anything.

Marcus: Got it.

They drove off to Marcus's apartment while he was preparing everything on his phone. 3 minutes later, they arrived at his place. Y/N began typing on his phone and was done.

Y/N: I've just sent you the location. I'll see you there.

Marcus: Alright. See you.

Y/N droves off to his apartment to get prepared. As he arrives, get in and looks at the place.

Y/N: (sighs and smiles) It's good to be home.

He goes up to take a long shower and relax himself. Minutes later, he comes out, dresses himself up
in new clothing.

Y/N: Lets do this.

Y/N gets in his car and droves off to the DedSec hackerspace to meet with the others.


He arrives at Central San Francisco, that's across Mission Dolores Park and finds Marcus waiting.

Y/N: (waves hand) Hey! Marcus!

This catches Marcus's attention and he waves back, walking up to him.

Marcus: (waves back) Hey, man! You look great.

Y/N: You too. So, you ready?

Marcus: Yeah, I'm ready, let's go.

They both enter Gary's Game and Glory, the cover-up for the hackerspace and went to the backroom. Y/N typed in the passcode and after the security camera identified the two, it opened and let them in.
They went down and saw how cool the place looked like.

Y/N / Marcus: Yo.

Everyone looks to see Y/N and Marcus arrived at last.

Sitara: Finally! So Josh and I spoke, and fuvking over Blume has been a long standing project.

Horatio: (comes over and brohugs Marcus) Alright, you need two things to take down Blume. You need to people to rally behind your caus ego separate you from the trolls.

Josh: And we need bots, and a lot of them to handle the data ctOS is processing.

Horatio: Thank you Josh.

Sitara: We spent all night modifying our app so you can get followers to download the app, and we can get use their processing power for the cause.

Marcus: This is happening? It's really happening?

Sitara: Humm, humm.

Horatio: (pats his shoulder) Yeah, man, this is happening! You two better get to it.

Y/N: Oh we will. (chuckles) This is gonna be fun.

Wrench: Hell yeah, man! Barbarians are at the gate and ready to bust some Roman heads.

Horatio: Yeah, we're gonna focus on some high-tech profile ops and play them from exposure and laughs to get people to download our app.

Marcus: Alright.

Y/N: So, who do we start with?

Sitara: Don't worry, we'll start with something fun.

Wrench: Y/N, Marcus, come here, you've gotta check this out.

Y/N: (comes over) Alright, what is it.

Wrench: (shows phone) Behold, our very own open source Research App. So like, all of us here poof vulnerabilities that we find and we encourage everyone to share their work, their research, etc.

Y/N: Okay, so what's this Research App do?

Wrench: Widen our skillset? Make us irresistible to the gender of our choice?

Marcus: What, so it's like a 'I know Kung Fu?' kind of deal

Wrench: If Kung Fu was a gender and not sooo 1999? Absolutely!

Y/N then notices a 3D printer with a unicorn drawing on it and got curious.

Y/N: (points at the box) Say Wrench, what exactly is that 3D printer?

Wrench: This is the (mimicking russian) Arnie of printers. It is capable of pumping out an arsenal of lethal weapons.

Y/N: Really? So like, any weapon are tool I need, this thing can make it?

Wrench: Yup. Once you master it... volla! Hipster Merchant of Death.

Marcus: All good, except we're not hipsters.

Wrench: You keep telling yourselves that. Now try to make something... but don't blow us up.

Y/Nnand Marcus log into the laptop connected to the printer to build something. After typing what they wanted, the printer began to build it which took about 1 minute. After it was done, Marcus opened it to find an RC Jumper and an RC Drone.

Marcus: Nice. Come on, let's get to work.

Y/N: Agree


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