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The scene opens up to Wrench talking to Y/N and Marcus.

Wrench: (excited) Yo guys, have you seen the trailer for the new Jimmy Siska movie?

Marcus: No, it's out?

Y/N: Yeah, I heard it's been released.

Marcus: Cool. Yeah, yeah, pull it up man.

Wrench: (closes laptop and pulls him) No no, not on this. For this, we need perfect sound, we need a big screen and we need to be comfy.

Marcus: You're right.

Wrench: We need quiet.

They both sit on the couch while Y/n just stands besides them. Wrench begins typing on his phone to play the trailer on the television.

Marcus: Have you seen it yet?

Wrench: (stops typing and looks at him) No man, I waited for you.

Y/N: You're the best, thank you. (fistsbumps) Hey guys, the trailer's playing. Come on!

Sitara, Josh and Horatio all gather to watch.

Horatio: I'm here, brother.

Sitara: Me too.

Josh: Hey.

Wrench: (fistsbumps) No problem. Alright everybody, we're gonna watch the trailer, shut the fuck up!

Marcus: Shut up!

Wrench completes connection from his phone to the TV and plays the trailer.

A/N: I'm just gonna skip to after the trailer.

T/V/Marcus/Wrench: CYBERDRIVER!

Everyone cheers on how incredible the trailer was.

Marcus: (claps hands) Action hero badass, talking car. (turns to Josh) Admit it, Josh. The car's cool.

Suddenly, an idea clicks into Y/N's head and he gets up smiling.

Y/N: (gets an idea) Hey guys, you know what I'm thinking? What do you say we make our own version (points at TV)  of that trailer. And... that car is gonna help us do it. Huh, what do you think?

Sitara: (surprised and smiles) For real? It would nab us a ton of followers.

Marcus: Definitely in. Here's the plan. First, Y/N, Josh and I will go to the studio to get that "script". We'll look around and see what other gems they have about "DeathSekt" and we'll look for the car.

Wrench: (gets up) Alright, so what's the deal here? Are we, are we issuing an advisory?

Josh: No why would we do that? They'll just patch the holes.

Sitara: (places hand on shoulder) No, let them. Don't worry, cyberchild. Hacker movie's gonna get hacked.

Y/N: Alright then, it's settled. Let's do this.



The scene changes to Y/N and Marcus driving to HPM studios while talking to Josh on the channel.

Josh: You guys thought that movie was going to be good?

Marcus: Well, yeah. Sure. Fun to laugh at.

Josh: Cool, you said.

Marcus: Aah- Did I actually say cool?

Y/N: Alright Josh, here's what we know. CyberDrivee has shaped up to be a million dollar cyber-tastrophy.

Josh: (slowly annoyed) I know you're trying to get my goats with that word.

Y/N: Eh, that's okay. You can keep them.

Josh: Why would Galilei allow their name to be... sullied?

Marcus: You mean cyber-ized?

Josh: Guys, you can keep trying. But it will never be funny to me.

Y/N: (chuckles) Alright, Marcus. Let it go.

Marcus: (chuckles) Sure thing, man. But I'm not gonna lie. If those scenes were what they chose for the trailer... yeah. The rest of it is gonna be jack shit.

Y/N: But I'm a bit curious. Why'd they chose to target DedSec?

Josh: Well, Chicago was a big deal.

Y/N: The blackout? Yeah. (sighs) That is true.

Marcus: Anyway, don't worry. (being dramatic) The three of us are prowling the information highway to seek out our own Cyberjustice. (normal voice) Look, Josh. We're going to have fun with this. And I promise I won't say "cyber" anymore.

Josh: You know, after this. The ‘cyber word’ will never be the same.

Y/N: (laughs) Nice one!

They call ends but Marcus looks at Y/N as he appears to be a bit saddened and is in deep though.

Marcus: You okay, man?

Y/N: Huh? (Looks at Marcus) Oh yeah, I'm okay?

Marcus: (doesn't buy it) You'd not still thinking about what happened at home, are you?

Y/N: (sighs) Yeah, sorry. It's just... hard to let go of the past when it keeps haunting you in your sleep.

Marcus: Look, we can't change what happened but, we can at least try to move on for those we care. Besides , I'll be right by your side till the end.

Y/N: (smiles at him) True. Thanks man (fistbumps him)

Marcus: (fistbumps back) Don't mention it.

They continue to head to their location.


2 minutes later, they've arrived.

Y/N: Here we are, dude. Hook Motion Picture Studios

(Hook Motion Picture Studios)

Marcus: Come on, let's go find that script and emails.

Y/N: Wait, why emails?

Marcus: They might have a location on where the car is.

They start walking towards the studio 3 as it's whreelre the film is taking place. Marcus hacks into the security cameras to find an access key. Eventually, he found it inside a laptop and then uses it to enter the place. Y/N is amazed by the setup.

Y/N: (smiles) Man, this setup is amazing. Must've taken a lotta work and money.

Marcus: No kidding.

They slowly had to pass through every guard without them being spotted. Soon, they found the meeting room that had a data container. It had the emails they neded and started downloading them. It was completed.

To: HMP Legal

SUE Galilei!!! they sold us junk for $4mil?! Make them pay through the a$$

Y/N sends the emails to Sitara and she immediately calls them through the channel.

Y/N: (chuckles) Here we go.

Sitara: Hmmm. Nice. The not-so secret emails.

They then moved on the find the movie script. The went to the actor's dressing room and found a laptop in there. Marcus looked into it and found the movie script and immediately started downloading it.

Marcus: We found it! We got the full script to CyberDriver.

Sitara: What about the car?

Y/N: Well it's not in here or on sight, but don't worry. We'll find it.

Marcus: We're heading out now.

The two proceed to leave to building and are without being seen. After they leave and got back in the car, Josh called.

Josh: Hey guys, I found an email that says the car is being delivered to a location. But it doesn't say where or when.

Sitara: That's okay. I think I have a backup plan.

Y/N: Really? What is it?

Sitara: I have a paparazzi contact who knows where the car is. He's waiting for you. We'll give him whatever he asks for out of that email dump. He's good for it.

Marcus: Sure. You have a paparazzi contact? (chuckles) Is there anyone you don't know?

Sitara: That's me. Social butterfly.


The changes to the duo meeting the paparazzi, Carlos Rodrigo-Smythe, who is camping on a rooftop of a building in front of the Betniks baseball stadium.

Carlos: If you want deets on where the car is at, better have something juicy for me.

Marcus Like, Jimmy Siska and pop star Nellie Schyier?

Y/N and Carlos looked at Marcus as he nods. They were both shocked at hearing this. Jimmy Siska and Nellie Schyier were actually seeing eachother.

Y/N: (shocked) Wait? Yo- You mean, they're actually a couple?

Marcus: Yeah, I found out about it a while before we met.

Carlos: So they “are” banging? I knew it. See. Okay. Now we're talking.

Marcus: Consider it sent.

Marcus sends a video of them to him in exchange for the car's location. Carlos looks at his phone to see the video and moans can be heard from his phone.

Carlos: Hella cool. Coolocity.

Carlos then types in his phone and sends that car's location and was done.

Carlos: Alright. I just sent you the GPS of the car's route.

Y/N: Thanks Carlos. See ya.

Carlos leaves and the two head to the car's location. Few minutes later, they've arrived. There were some guards guarding a red container.

Y/N: (points flat the container) See that? That must be where that car's is.

Marcus: No doubt about that. Let's go.

The duo manage to shoot down the guards quietly thanks to the new Assassin guns they both got. They then enter the container and found that car they were looking for. The Elek Motors CHP-AAD

(A/N): Pretend Y/N is in the passenger seat.

They both got in car and as Marcus turns on the engine, futuristic sound is heard and the cars also speaks up.

A:I: Powering up. System check.

Y/N: (suprised) Holy shit! Did you hear that!?

Marcus: Sweet! Let's roll!

(A/N): Play this while you're reading this part.

Macus drives the car out of the container, smashing through the small police blockade. The cops are shocked at this and speaks on the police scanner.

Police : All units, we are in pursuit of a stolen vehicle stolen from the movie studio.

Marcus begins to drive fast as cops and an air support are all chasing them. Meanwhile, Wrench call them.

Wrench Do you feel the need?

Y/N/ Marcus: The need for speed!

As chase goes on, the car's A.I system suddenly speaks.

A.I: You are not authorised to drive this vehicle.

Y/N: (smirks) Newsflash; We're authorising ourselves.

Marcus: Wrench? you hear this? The car's talking!

Police: Dispatch? Can you run a check? Is this a part of the movie?

A.I: Your face is too dark for my sensor to read.

This shocked both the boys at the car as it just said something completely racist and offensive.

Marcus: (angry) What!? (to the car) Bitch I'm black and I'm proud! Tell your sensors to calibrate that.

A.I: I have no reference for "black".

Y/N: (sarcasticly) Of course you don't.

Marcus then drives through a police blockade while the other cars crash into each other.

A.I: Together we will carve up the streets.

Y/N: (shocked) Did it just say a line from the movie?

Marcus:  Wrench? You hearing this?

A.I: I am one nitrous-jackes smart car.

Marcus drives into an alley and turns off the engine. The two ducked below as cops are passing through trying to look for them. After a short while, they were in the clear. Whrench then calls them.

Wrench: Wait? Di-did you just say that car quoted the movie?

Y/N: (laughs) Yeah! It just did.

Wrench: But - that --... That is so meta!

Y/N: True. Anyway, we're clear.

Wrench: Meet you at the garage.

Marcus: On our way.

The duo drive to Wrench's garage while the car continues to sprout nonsense. They arrived and parked inside. Josh walked up to examine the car.

Marcus: Ah, man. This car is something else.

Y/N: No kidding. This is the first time I'm seeing something like this.

Wrench:  Eh, well, Kudos to Galilei for getting the studio to pay for this lemon.

Marcus: A lemon? Did you hear it? Nevermind voice recognition. I mean, sure, it needs a smack upside it's scripting but it had "cogent responses".

Y/N: I bet Galilei took a lot of work to go into that. I rember Galilei once talked about machine learning for Thier Mars probe project, but nobody expected it to be this advance...

Y/N sees Wrench nodding no with a smile on his face, realising that it wasn't really cogent responses at all, but rather recorded lines that play according to what the driver says.

Y/N: Awww man.

Wrench: (dramatic) I do not approve of you driving me Y/N. You are not as swarthy as Devon Von Devon.

Marcus: I knew it had too much smart ass to be smart.

???: Wow!

The team looks at the voice to see Sitara arrived and impressed with the car.

Sitara: Shiny and new.

Y/N: You sure it wasn't responding at all?

Wrench: Well does shhh, does that count?

Marcus: Fuck you man. Fuck you!

Y/N: (to Josh) So Josh, what do you think?

Josh: The car is designed for autonomous controls but... nothing is here, or even calibrated. It's capable, but sub-optimal. Not junk.

Y/N: (points at Josh) See there gang? Positive thinking is exactly what we need.

Josh: It's just stupid.

Y/N/Marcus/Wrench/Sitara: ...-_-...

Josh: So that's the plan? Fix a smart car the space company couldn't?

Marcus: Problem?

Josh: No we got this.

The crew spent the entire night and next day morning customizing the car, painting it and modifying it so they can pull of a new video stunt.

(Next day at 5:30)

Y/N: Alright gang! It is done!

Sitara: Alright Josh, give it a try.

Josh type in his phone, which will remote control the car. He presses the button and it goes back slowly. The rebuilt was a success. Suddenly, Josh presses the front button and it goes forward fast, almost hurting the others.

Y/NMarcus/Sitara/Wrench: Ah!/Woah, Woah woah!/ Woah!/ Ah!

Marcus: Josh!

Y/N: Let it go, man. (Smiles) But hey, it's finally ready. But what about we, gang? You guys ready?

Marcus/Sitara/Wrench: Hell yeah, let's do this./ Born ready./ We're ready.

They all high five eachother as the rebuilt was officially complete. Now, it's time for the final phase.


The scene changes to the car on a mountain and in front of it was a small stone ramp. Marcus and Wrench and scene with the remote ready to start. Meanwhile, Y/N is using his new RC drone to monitor the whole scene for the video.

Wrench: (dramatic) Come on, Marcus! Jump in baby, the water's fine! Ready to rock it? You get to have ALL the fun.

Marcus: Hell yeah!

Y/N: (through the channel) Ok gang, we're all set. Everyone with me

Everyone: READY, and SET! and Gooooooo!

A/N: (Play this during the scene.)

The car drives a high speed and jumps over rthe ramp, land safely on the ground as it continues. The car's recording also speaks up.

Car: Step back, kiddies. I'm not your mommy's smart car.

While it's speeding, the cops tlin the area take notice and speak up on the scanner.

Police: All units. We're in pursuit of a vehicle. Fitting the descuof the CyberDriver car. I repeat - fitting the description of the CyberDriver car.

As it passes through Chinatown, the fireworks light up, making the scene more beautiful.

Y/N: Best timing for the fireworks. They look beautiful.

Wrench: We're gonna mess with the cops.

Marcus: OH man.

Y/N: This is gonna be fun.

The car passes through a police blockade and the place are shocked at what they see.

Police 1: Hey! Is that the car from the movie?

Police 2: Yeah! That's the CyberCar! Hey!

The car keep driving until it reaches the barge.

Wrench: Jump the barge

Marcus: Really

Wrench: Totally doable. Just rember to boost the engine!

Y/N: You heard him, man. Hit the gas.

Marcus presses the nitrous button the the turbo activate and car moves really fast. T manages to jump the big ramp and land safely.

Y/N: Holy shit!!

Wrench: Whooooooah!

Marcus: What the fuck?!?

Sitara then calls the team on the channel telling them something exciting.

Josh: Y/N! Marcus!

Sitara: We're on the news!

Marcus: Already?

Y/N: Aww sweet!

Wrench: Mah! Fame won't change me.

Reporter: Live on the scene. We're getting reports of the CyberDriver car performing spetacular stunts around town. The one of a kind car is drawing quite a crowd. It could be a marketing stunt for the upcoming release of the action thriller, CyberDriver. We're able to get a closer look at the CyberDriver car as it races through the city and it seems that there's NO driver! Police are still in pursuit of the CyberDriver car– wait– what's that? Folks, we're seeing a logo on the car. It reads... DEDSEC?

Marcus: That's Hella dope!

Y/N: (cheering) We fucking did it!

Sitara: Haha! Woohoo!

Wrench: Woooh!

Josh: Cool. Galilei shouldn't have risk their reputation by dealing with the studio at all.

Sitara: It's okay, Josh. You know why?

Josh: No, Sitara. Why?

Sitara: We're gonna hid them where it gigahertz. (Laughs)

Wrench: Now for the big finish!

Y/N: (waves hand) Goodbye, car.

The car drives up to one final ramp and goes over it. It smashes through a billboard of the CyberDriver movie and crashes down, playing one last line before exploding.

Car: OWN the internet -- own the world.

Both Y/N, Marcus and Wrench high five eachother, marking their success.


Y/N is looking at the follower wall as it displays over a hundred people download the crew's app and joining. Sitara walks up to him.

Sitara: It started out as just a trickle. Then boom. The numbers haven't stopped climbing. This was a good target.

Y/N: True, but... was it?

Sitara: You don't think?

Y/N: No. I do actually. But what I mean is... what are we REALLLY gonna do?

Sitara looks at him and get what he means and smiles.

Sitara: Aim bigger.

Y/N: Exactly.

The two fistbump and Sitara walks away while Y/N just looks at all the new followers joining.


The scene changes to a person who is doing yoga while talking to someone on his wireless earplug. This person was Dusan Nemec, the CTO of Blume.

(Dusan Nemec - CTO of Blume)

Dusan: Are you watching? (Laughs) I know. It's like, the channel for sad people, am I right? Yes, them. I mean, come on, look at them, they even have their own goddamn branding! I've been following them since they accessed our server network. Jesus Christ! Don't yell at my fucking ear! Use your inside voice, will you? Anyways, it's all done other than the handshake. We're working with the Umeni-Zulu in case it gets to the collateral damage part of the relationship. They'll be discreet.


End of chapter

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