Chapter 14: A New Legion?!

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The following Smackdown, there were lots of Questions. The show after Wrestlemania, and it kicked off with an absolute BANG! It began with The NEW Universal Champion... Rico "The Nightshade" Rhodes.

"Please welcome... The NEW UNDISPUTED WOMEN'S CHAMPION... LIV MOOOORGAAAAAN!!!!" Mike Rome announced for the crowd. They cheered massively, as Liv had triumphed over Charlotte Flair for that title of Undisputed Champion! She stopped about halfway down the ramp, then turned her head with a smile... A bell tolled, but then a different guitar riff was blared through the stadium.

That's right. A NEW ENTRANCE THEME! Gone are the days when the Bell tolls for thee... He's now a champion, and his mentality is now... SEEK AND DESTROY!

"Ladies and Gentlemen... Your New Universal Champion... RIIIICOOOO RRRRRHOOOOOODES!!!"

Rico met Liv halfway down the ramp, and when they got to the ring, Rico held Liv's Raw women's title while she slid into the ring, then he handed it to her and jumped in himself. Rico air guitared to the song while the crowd was getting into it, belting out the "SEEK AND DESTROY!!" Line of the song. The two of them grabbed mics and stood in the center of the ring. 

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... THE 2ND EVER, UN-DIS-PUUUUTEEED WOMENS CHAAAAAMPIIIOOOON!!!" Rico announced, as Liv raised both belts, smiling and taking in the outpouring of cheers from the audience. "And Your new Universal Champ too... But let's not focus on that, because... Honestly, I told you ALL it would happen. Didn't I?" Rico shrugged. "I told you, I'd beat Cross at Wrestlemania, and I'd walk out Universal Champion." Rico nudged Liv. "I know. You Cross Club people out in the crowd are probably wondering about the biggest question in sports entertainment right now... 'Why, Liv?' Hell, Jake's probably lost sleep over it like the clueless sack of meat he is! He had NO idea! I mean..."

Suddenly, Cross' music hit, and he stormed out with a microphone. "CUT THE DAMN MUSIC!" He said, in a furious rage at the moment.

Liv slid both her titles out to ringside, not seeming too pleased while Rico bit his lip, trying to hold back a grin. Jake stood across from them. "Care to explain yourselves?!" Jake demanded. He was beyond furious. Rico moved to speak, but Liv put a hand on his chest. "Allow Me." Liv said softly to her (apparently) new Boyfriend...

"Jakey, Jakey, Jakey. I was waiting to tell you this. Y'know, there's only so much I can say. And... I'd like to take this time to apologize..." Jake's look of anger faded, and he stretched his arms out for a hug, but then Liv kept talking. "...FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" Jake recoiled back. "I mean, How'd you NOT see it? That little confrontation where You hit me, and then LET Rico kiss me? That told me everything I needed to know! You were more interested in fighting Rico than you were being with me! You willingly put me in harm's way! Like some disposable Valet from the 2000's! Well guess what? I'm Liv FUCKING Morgan! I don't get brought along to be YOUR eye candy! I'm here to show why I am the Undisputed Champion. And backstage, you being all clingy and... well, you constantly just wanted my attention and you were Smothering me! And insisting on doing so many things that I just didn't wanna do, but you... you wouldn't ever take No for an answer, Jake! Rico here? I've known him a long time. He respects my wishes. He doesn't constantly cling to my side, he doesn't LITERALLY PUT HIMSELF BETWEEN ME AND MY BEST FRIENDS DURING A CONVERSATION!!! But the real reason I say all this, Jake, Isn't to hurt you or to draw heat from the audience... who from the earlier reactions to Rico and I, they seem to be on OUR side here..." The Syracuse Crowd popped for Liv motioning the mic to them, Cheering "MORGAN! MORGAN! MORGAN!"

"I-I don't understand, Gionna! Why! We had something real!" Jake stammered. Liv cut him off, and it was even more harsh than anyone expected. "I WAS USING YOU, OK?!" The crowd fell silent. Rico's confused face told everyone that this wasn't scripted. "Listen, Joey... The truth is, Rico's been in my life for years, since I entered the WWE. I knew he had a thing for me, but he was always too shy about it. So, I had to find a way to force it out of him. So when you get paired with him... I see an opening. I find the perfect reason to make him become a man on a mission, and Now, Rico's the Universal Champion."

Jake slapped the Mic from her hand, out of fury. "THAT'S A LIE!!! Y-You told me, 'When Wrestlemania's over, I'm walking up the stage with My champion', and I thought we'd walk off into the night together, win or Lose, because I thought I was your champion, Gionna..." Liv picked up her mic, and with her free hand, she Slapped Jake across the face for Lashing out.

"I stayed true to my word. I DID walk up with My champion, the one I've been after all along." Liv turned and put a hand on Rico's neck as she smiled. Jake shook his head and paced his side of the ring. "Th-This can't be true, Gionna! You're lying! You made the choice last minute! You only left because he's the new champion, you Gold Di-"

Knowing what Jake was about to say, Rico charged forward and Kicked Jake hard enough to make him flip over and land on his stomach. Liv knelt down by Jake. "Actually, even if you had won... I hit you with my title, and I leave with Rico Rhodes. Here's what you missed backstage, just moments before the match..."

A Video played on the titantron, from Wrestlemania in Rico's locker room. Liv knocked and entered. Rico greeted her, "Hey, Champ! What's up?" Liv chuckled as she approached and put her arms around his neck. "Shut up. We'll be callin' you champ by the end of the night." She said, kissing his neck a little bit. Rico blushed and pushed her off a little, so she looked into his eyes instead. "Liv, I could lose..." She shrugged. "That's OK. You're My Champion, Rico." She said as she moved in closer, but the camera feed cut. 

Jake was stunned in the ring, now on his hands and knees. Emotions were written all over his face, and just when it looked like he was ready to break down, Rico hit a Curb Stomp out of Nowhere! Rico then began a bit of a Pipe Bomb of his own. "Ah, I love it when a plan comes together. When A plan like that works so well, There's only one option: Celebrate. You see, After that camera feed cut, Liv 'n I discussed how to ENSURE A win. I'd pull the ref in front and make you knock him out. Liv would be the new ref. Liv gets cornered, you'd see it and rush to save your damsel in distress... Only she thought you were the enemy and she elbows you square in the face! The poor hero stumbles back right into the hold that made his lights go out!... Or so it seems that's the narrative. The truth is..." Rico stopped and Let Liv drop the bomb. "I Knew it was you behind me." Rico took the mic back. "I'll say it again. I Love it when a Plan comes together. Looks like your 'Revolution' was just snuffed out."

Suddenly, some other music hit.

Liv ducked out of the ring as Damian Priest, Bobby Roode, and Shawn Spears came to the aide of Cross. Rico was soon cornered by the four men, until...

Malakai Black and Ricochet come through the crowd! And they take the side of Rico Rhodes! It's 3 on 4, but Cross isn't 100%, and the brawl is underway! However, the numbers advantage seems to be getting to be too much, as Spears tosses Ricochet into the barrier, and as Cross and Priest corner Rhodes, while "Big Bob" tries not to die by Malakai's hands. Eventually, the Four are standing over the three, Jake had picked up what he thought was HIS universal title, and was about to raise it high, when...


And due to the Mania win from Heath Slater, Mahal and Slater were with him this time too. The Newly reformed 3MB marched down to the ring, and stared down the Revolution. Spears tried to poke Heath in the eye, but Drew caught his arm, and Delivered a future shock to Spears, causing another brawl to break out, but this time it was 5 on 4 (Ricochet was down and out). Heath kicked Roode in the gut and Delivered an Impaler DDT to him. Mahal Hoisted Spears up and gave him the Khallas, and Drew Laughed as he delivered a Countdown Claymore to Roode, and then gave one to Priest, who was trying to run in and help. When Roode tried getting up, Rico hits him with a Hit The Lights Cutter, and then Rico turns his attention to Cross. He and Malakai hit a Double Black Mass on Jake, with one boot hitting each side of his head, causing the former champ to just crumble to the mat. 3MB then had a staredown with Rico, Black, and Ricochet, who was now back in the ring. Liv grabbed a mic, then slid in the ring. "I assume this is what it's about." She said, pointing to Rico's title. Drew said "Damn right." Heath then popped a question on the mic. "And How 'bout Jinder 'n I get a shot at them tag titles?" Liv laughed and looked at Ricochet and Malakai. Malakai remained expressionless, while Ricochet pondered it, then shrugged. "Why not. We'll see you at Backlash." Hearing this, Liv smiled and turned back to 3MB. "It's a date, boys."

Drew grabbed the microphone. "Since Jake here's prolly gonna not like the idea of me getting a match and winning that title from you, thus rendering his rematch clause useless... I'm a gentleman. I'll take my shot against You or Cross, whoever wins at backlash... Gimme the Universal title shot at Money In the Bank."

Rico grinned. "On behalf of the Universal Championship... I Accept."

Revolution had gathered themselves on the stage. "RICO!!!" Jake yelled into a mic, being propped up by Bobby "Big Bob" Roode. "YOU MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!!!" Rico smiled, and posed with Liv, almost Scarlett & Karrion Kross Style, both sporting devilish grins. "Really? Seems to me I hit the Jackpot..." Rico said as Liv waved goodbye to Cross. "ENOUGH!!!" Jake pushed "Big Bob" aside and stood on his own. "BACKLASH! YOU! ME!GATES OF HELL MATCH!!!

Pat explained. "WHAAAAAAT?! For all you who don't know... Gates of Hell is Inside Hell In A Cell, with a Deathmatch-like array of weapons under the ring, and not to mention, It can't be stopped for any reason what-so-ever! And Let's not forget, There are 2 small holes in the cage top that the competitors can climb through to the top, FROM THE INSIDE! And the biggest kicker of all... to win, you must score FOUR Different types of Falls! One Pinfall, One Submission, and One Table break, And One Blood Fall, Which counts when you bust them opened! THIS IS GONNA BE THE MOST VIOLENT MATCH IN WWE HISTORY!!!"

Liv and Ricochet looked worried, Malakai scoffed, and mouthed "Lucky Bastard", patting Rico on the Shoulder. Rico tapped Liv's shoulder and she stopped sexy-posing against him. "Interesting offer. The most violent match type since the 3/5 Pinfalls of Hell match I had against Luke... Jake, I accept. Just know... Two men walk into hell for that match. Only One man's walking out. I hope you don't mind Hospital food. Cuz when I'm done with you, you'll be eating it for months you little Gullible Simp!" 

Liv then had an idea. "Oh, and Jake... You won't EVER experience this again firsthand..." Liv grinned and jumped onto Rico and began a very hot, steamy makeout that got the crowd riled up. Jake became furious and charged the ring... But Jake didn't see Malakai sneak out the back and run around, And was in PERFECT Position to Nail Cross with a Black Mass, knocking him almost unconscious. Liv let go and then skipped happily over to the ropes, where she did her usual thing where she sits on the ropes...

(Like this)

While she sat there, she taunted Jake. "And if it wasn't clear, this is my OFFICIAL resignation from The Revolution. I've... Upgraded... to the DarkForce." She dropped the mic onto a downed Cross, then went to the floor, where she motioned for Malakai to hoist Cross up. He did so, and Liv hit Jake with her 201 Codebreaker!! Liv motioned for Rico & DarkForce to follow her, and the Revolution didn't bother making a move towards helping Jake until the four had left. 3MB had left through the crowd after Drew's Challenge was accepted, because as Drew in the past would've said, "This doesn't seem like a Drew McIntyre Problem".

As DarkForce & Rico walked backstage, They bumped into a certain Aussie United States Champion. "Rhodes." Rowan grinned. "Rowan." The Universal Champ locked eyes with the 6'8" Beast of a competitor. "Y'know, Someone's gonna knock you off yer high horse one day." Rowan smirked. Rico walked past him, saying "Let them Try." Malakai and Liv walked past him in the same way, but Ricochet stayed behind. "Real quick, could you sign this for Kacy?" Ricochet pulled out a Sharpie and a T-Shirt that had Rowan's custom logo, and the words "Hell's Gatekeeper", which was what he'd been nicknamed down in NXT. Rowan grinned and signed it, handing it back to Ricochet. "Thanks, man. She's gonna love this. She's almost as big of a fan of yours as she is of me!" He joked. (For all who don't know, Kacy Catanzaro from NXT is dating Ricochet IRL. Also, She's 5'0" and 90 Pounds. Totally new meaning to the word "Lightweight", I know.)

Ricochet re-joined the rest, and they were stopped by Renee Young. "What's the meaning behind this? I mean, behind Ricochet and Aleis- I mean, Malakai Black helping you?" Rico grinned. "You see, These men and I were Born to be the Harbingers of Destruction. So Destruction we shall wreak on the entirety of Friday Night Smackdown! Ricochet, the High Flying, Gravity Defying, SAVIOR of the Cruiserweights and Hell, even Smackdown itself. Malakai Black, the son of the Dark Father, who will dig into the Blackest parts of is very Soul to put his enemies down for a 3 count. Liv Morgan, the Undisputed Women's champion, and I think It's fair to say, the REAL most beautiful woman In ALL of WWE..." Rico grinned down at Liv, who did a hair flip to the side, as if saying "Aw, really? Couldn't be Me..." in a playful, flirty manor. He then continued. "And your Universal Champion. We're not gonna just sit here and let these belts Collect Dust. 2 Womens belts, the Universal belt, the tag team belts, AND Ricochet's Intercontinental Championship belt... And we're just getting started. Draped in ALL Smackdown's gold... ready to dominate..." He paused as they all glared into the camera. "WE ARE LEGION!" Black said in his dark, terrifying voice. "Your Kingdom Falls!" Ricochet made an Undertaker-style throat slicing motion. Liv then spoke up. "We build our empire... on the ashes of your defeat..." Then Rico finished it. "We are the DarkForce. Fall in line... or Face your Demise."

With that, Malakai Black Mass'd the cameraman, causing the feed to cut.

Pat and Cole were shocked at ringside. "I- I guess there's a new faction in town?"


The cameras cut as Smackdown goes to commercial break.


Ah, I love having Tweener main characters who are literally switching from face to heel and back again... Time to end that with this one.

The point behind DarkForce is to establish Rico "The Nightshade" Rhodes in almost a Roman Reigns 2021 style, where he's a heel, but the crowd still loves him. Same with Liv. And yes, the Ricochet getting Rowan to sign something was a Character Break that wasn't planned, but was caught by the cameras.

Anyways, yes, Rico and Jake have a huge-ass match at Backlash, With tons of Crazy stipulations!!! (in reality i did that just so I have to write a longer story LOL) Anyways, this was just to establish Liv and Rico as FULL BLOWN HEELS rather than tweeners who flip more than the Big Show. ANYWAYS Here's what Backlash looks like so far:

1. Keith Lee (c) vs ??? (WWE Championship Match)

2. The Revolution (c) vs ??? (Raw Tag team title match)

3. Rowan Gedling (c) vs ??? (US Title Match)

4. Ricochet & Malakai Black (c) vs 3MB (Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater) (SD Tag titles match)

5. Liv Morgan vs ??? (Raw Women's title Match)

6. 6-Women Gauntlet Eliminator for Smackdown Women's title #1 Contendership spot: Asuka vs Bayley vs Sasha Banks vs Carmella vs Mystery Entrant #1 vs Mystery Entrant #2

7. ??? vs Dolph Ziggler vs Ricochet (c) (Intercontinental Title match)

8. Rico Rhodes (c) Vs Jake Cross (Gates of Hell Universal Title Match)

Can you guess who will be in each match? Betcha can't ;-)

Anyways that it for this chapter! Onto Chapter 15, which WILL BE... BACKLASH!!! (Probs gonna do Jake vs Rico in chapter 16 along with matches 6 & 7... We'll see.)

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