Story 1

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The image of all of the people is above. Also the imposters in this story thing will act as though they are being controlled by something else. This is the reason why imposters have fack tasks here. While in game it might be different.  Basically the imposters are partially controlled by some other force that is what makes them do what they do. Hopefully it will make more sense in the actual story.

I woke up on the ship after getting teleported there. No one else was there just yet so I looked around walking around the area. We were supposed to be heading to the landing site known as Polis. Slowly but surely more people were teleported to the ship that we were all using to get to Polis. Polis was a fairly flat area with separate buildings for different tasks that help people on Skeild and the other one. I've rarely been on the other one so its name slips from my head often. I looked at my tablet to see what my tasks were and where they were located. There are two that I don't know the location of or what I was supposed to do. So I figured I would have to ask the others about them when I get to them.

I was next to Purple when the intercome came on and said, "two imposters managed to get on your ship. I repeat two inposters managed to get on your ship. Try to find them once you reach Polis. They won't show any signs on anyone until you reach Polis. Meaning that you can't find them now. Remember to throw any suspects in the lava. Once in the lava they will be teleported back here to be taken care of. Though the imposter on them might stay behind as a ghost as them. Keep the revival vials on you so that after you get back to the ship you can revive anyone that ended up getting killed by the Imposters."

I could sense the fear in the room hearing that. Some of us were bound to be burned or even killed. I have been on a ship multiple times with at least one imposter. It seems that we can't get rid of them even if we wanted to. I looked around seeing the color drained from yellow and red. I wasn't to surprised those two where some of the newer people to this. Not only that but these two seem to be more child like then the others. I hope that they make it through this without having to experience the pain of death. I saw Pink who seemed to be the most calm person here. I thought it was strange. But I just guess that they are used to it. I mean the announcement said that if the imposters wouldn't be able to do anything until we got to Polis.

After a while we reached Polis. I walked out of the dropship before remembering that I had to insert the keys. I went into the dropship to insert the keys when everything all the sudden went fuzzy. I wasn't in control of myself as I grabbed my tablet and typed a password. From there I sabatoged something. I then put my tablet where I kept it and was in control again. I walked out to fix what I messed up. I put my hand on the pad as someone else did and managed to stop it. I then walked away and found Red dead. I reported the body as I wonder if I did this or if the other imposter did it.

We had a vote where someone said it was Pink. They didn't give a reason that I could understand so I voted to skip. Pjnk ended up getting thrown in the lava despite this and as he burned he was teleported home. An announcement said that it was him. I left the office building after that only to remember that I had to swipe my card. I went back inside to swipe my card when the same thing as before happened again. I headed off to try and help stop it. It stopped without my help thankfully. I then went to go fix something and ended up doing it again. At that point I was really upset and headed off to fix it. Once that was done I went into the office building to ask for some help with one of my tasks. As I walked around I noticed no one was in the office and went through decontamination to see if there was anyone in the Specimin Room that could help me. I went over to the chest thing that we stored the artifacts in. I then did the exact same thing that I did in the Dropship again.

I ran to go help it going through decontamination. I had just left the building when they managed to fix it. I then walked back inside to look for someone to help me. I went through decontamination to get to the lab when my brain went fuzzy. I seemed to now lose complete control of myself. My body sabatoged something again though I couldn't tell what. I then left to go fix it. I saw myself just start going through the decontaminations. As if trying to find somebody to kill. I tried to scream for help. I tried to tell them I had an imposter taking over me. But, I couldn't. I couldn't scream for help. I couldn't tell them what was happening to me. I was just trapped in my own mind with only my thoughts to keep me company. Its a strange feeling overall. Your body moving without you controlling it. You, doing things you don't want to do. It doesn't really matter what you want anyways. If an imposter has complete control of your body. You, can't control it anymore. They try to get tje imposter out before this happens. Due to the fact that once an imposter is in complete control. You can't do anything willingly. You can't scream for help. Its also harder to remove the imposter once your in this state.

I watched helplessly as the imposter that had taken me over killed someone. I can't tell who due to how little I can see of what my body is doing. Though I could tell that it had. The imposter walked out of decontamination and went over to the other decontamination.  Though someone called an emergency meeting before they could get out of it. They said, "IT'S TEAL." I couldn't tell what else they said. I couldn't even tell who it was. One by one everyone voted for me. Though the imposter voted to skip the vote. I ended up seeing them take me outside barely before everything went black and I felt pain shooting through me. As if I was being burned alive. I was teleported back soon after though I could tell based on the sound it made.

1175 words

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