Chapter five

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Mary didn't sleep that much during ther night because she had more nightmares involving Jessica. Only this time Jessica was talking to her as she was burning on the ceiling asking Mary to save her. Mary couldn't move in the dream and she woke up seconds before Jessica was no more. Mary didn't gasp or scream not wanting to wake her relatives. The sun shone through the large circle window above her and her relatives were still asleep.

Taking a number of deep breaths she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She woke herself up by splashing water on her face. Then proceeded to grab her brush and comb through her curly hair. It was a mess because she was having so much trouble staying asleep. But it was also because she never thought it ever looked bad, but this morning it definitely looked bad. After brushing through her hair she straightened it and quickly got dressed so she could head downstairs. Everyone else was still asleep accept for her great uncle. It seemed like he was making breakfast for everyone.

"Morning kiddo, " he whispered once he saw her and she gave him a smile.
"Morning Uncle Kevin you sure are up early, " she commented as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Nonsense I used to wake up earlier, " he teased and she laughed at him. No matter the situation he could always make her laugh, even though she didn't seem him much.
"Of course what are you making?" She asked curious but he told that his daughter Kristen made cinnamon rolls for everywhere and he was just heating them up. "Delicious I better have one before my mom gets up, " she said taking a plate from the cupboard and maybe she was imagining things but she thought she saw sulfer by the sink.

Shaking her head and playing it off as just flour or something and grabbed a cinnamon roll. She happily ate the one shw had and it wasn't long before everyone started waking up making sure to grab one. Her mom was first and grabbed two, despite her denying it and shortly after her grandparents, great grandpa and aunt came down. Her cousins didn't wake for awhile which wasn't unusual because they liked to sleep, but the strange thing was that Sam was the last one up. He looked like he hadn't slept and he also looked worried.
"Wow Dad you look tired, " Mary commented unsure if she should say anything.

"Oh I'll be fine, " Sam answered and played it off as if nothing had happened the night before. "You know I was thinking maybe we could go golfing today, Mary hasn't played it yet, " he continued and everyone was a bit confused by his request but thought it was a great idea.
"Sam can I see you for a moment downstairs please, " Kristina said to her husband as she could feel waves of anxiety and fear radiating off him. He agreed and the two went back downstairs.

"Where are they going?" Kira asked unsure why they couldn't have just talked at the table.
"Sometimes couples need to do that sweetie," her mother explained and while everyone else dropped the topic. Mary had her suspicions not only about her Dad's behavior but about what she had seen earlier. She figured that something supernatural must be in the house and her Dad wanted everyone to leave so he could check it out. Meanwhile Kristina was questioning her husband's words from earlier.

"Sam what's going on with you and please don't say nothing, " Kristina said to him and Sam really didn't want to tell her. It was just a nightmare and probably nothing to worry about, but if Jess was really here as a demon then he needed to protect everyone here.
"You're not going to like it, " he admitted.
"Whether I like it or not doesn't matter, I just need to know, " she said to him and he sighed heavily knowing he couldn't tell her the truth. The threat that Jessica gave him was still ringing in his ears.

"Something is here I know it is, and I can't say why I know but your family isn't safe, " Sam explained and just as he predicted his wife became terrified.
"What is here? I can't believe I haven't sensed anything now everyone here is in danger, " Kristina frantically mumbled to herself. Normally she wouldn't freak out when dealing with something Supernatural but her family didn't know that she was a hunter. Or the dangers she faced every single day, now it seemed like she had doomed them all.

"Not if we find out what is here and take it out before anything happens, but we're going to have to get your family out of the house, " Sam explained and then added that's why he said what he did earlier.
"Sam last night I felt that you were scared and I know you saw something," she answered. "I will work on this unexpected case with you, but you have to tell me what you saw, " she continued. Sam flinched at her words and didn't want to say anything but his wife was a stubborn as she was selfless. She wouldn't let it go and no matter what he said she wouldn't be angry at him for it.

"Last night I think Jessica was here, " he admitted and when she asked how he knew that he didn't answer. Kristina didn't push him for answers after hearing that and hugged him promising that everything would be okay. "She's a demon now and she's after me, I can let you and anyone else get hurt because of me, " he told her and she hugged him tighter. He was still holding so much of resentment of himself after these years.
"Sammy I don't care if she's an demon or some angry ghost, I won't let you face her alone, " she told him. "Its like you told me, we're in this together and if we die we'll do that together too, " she continued repeating his own words back at him.

"This might blow our cover you know, your family might end up hating me, " Sam protested he didn't really think that but he didn't want her in harms way. It was the only time he ever argued with her, was when she put herself in dangerous situation when he didn't want her to. Though to be fair his wife was the same way.
"No Sam I will make sure that they can't figure out anything and if they do I know they won't hate you, " she promised. "But now we need to make sure they're safe, "

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