☆World Four☆

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Credit to Kōhei Horikoshi

Planning to publish this in Midoriya's birthday but it seems I'm one day too late.

Anyway I just want to ask, is it ok to for me to change the story plot of the comic like what I did in World One? it quite made me feel bad since I didn't follow the story plot. I'm thinking, if i ever change the story plot but it's referencing something I will put the original title in the top but it will not be the same title as my story (does that make sense?).


After they took a break, they finally sat down to their chairs. While Bakugou can't seems to forget what Mr. Aizawa said earlier.

"Bakugou" Mr. Aizawa called as he went closer to him. The two of them are only in the hallway and for the rest only God knows where.

"How was it kid, releasing it all" he spoke but he's staring Bakugou.

Bakugou look at him puzzled "I don't know what you're talking about" as he started to walk away.

Mr. Aizawa stared at him sighed.

'No way in h*ll he knows I cried earlier!' he thought.

"Alright" Shiroi started speaking, breaking Bakugou in his thought "since you've been watching dark and sad theme, this one is not bad, I think" she explains.

"I think?" Sero repeated.

"So you're not sure?" Hagakure stated

           {Searching a Universe....}

          {Searching a Universe...}

          {Searching is Completed}

          {Starting Universe Four}

              [Lesson and Learn]

"The title seems ok" spoke Setsuna

"Maybe we'll learn something" Reiko deadpanned making the others sweatdrop.

"From that title I can already see it's not going to be good, just what lesson are we going to learn?" Mineta jumping to conclusion.

Bakugou glared at Shiroi "oi! This better be a light one not a f*cking dark or depressing one" he growled as Shiroi only smiled.

Endeavor with no fire dancing around him, dragging an unconscious small body with him.

"Endeavor, you should really taking easy to catch a criminal" Present Mic slightly scolded.

He gruff in annoyance "he's a villain".

"He's a child!" retorted Midnight.

"It doesn't matter" he growled.

"Endeavor, Mic, Midnight that's enough three of you" Nedzu scolded as he sip in his tea. He glance to Endeavor "there's no need to put a villain in coma".

Endeavor tsked.

"Man, I don't like where this going" Kaminari sighed.

"You're not the only one" Sero spoke.

He dump the body infront of Naomasa making him jolt in his seat.

When he went to look closer, he saw a teenager with curly green hair with six freckles in his face. It didn't go unnoticed the bruises on his face.

"Midoriya/Deku!" most of them shouted and they turned their heads to the current number one hero and glared.

Todoroki went out to his chair as he marched towards to his father but was stopped by a scarf that wrapped around to his body.

"Todoroki,  sit down" Mr. Aizawa ordered but Todoroki ignored him.

He glared to his father "what did you do to him" he spoke almost close to growling causing to shiver in the theater even thought he didn't have a quirk to activate.

Endeavor ignored his son's glared "he must be villain".

Todoroki was about to speak but Shiroi interrupted him "remember this is the other world" she reminded.

He huffed as he sat down "still, there's no need to go far" he whispered.

Bakugou glared towards to Shiroi "you said it's not going to be a f*cking dark" he snarl but she avoided him.

"Answer me dammit!".

Toga giggling "I wonder what would he look like with covered in his blood" she look to Endeavor.

Dabi responded "refreshing".

'Maybe having a fire quirk Nomu, wouldn't be bad after all' All For One thought.

"What the h*ll" he cursed out when he look the situation of the child.

Naomasa glared to Endeavor "what's the meaning of this?" he demanded.

He shrugs "he's a villain" he stated.

"He's. a. Vigilante" Naomasa corrected him.

"So he isn't a villain, but why need to go far" Uraraka built some courage to ask.

"It's still against the rules" he simply answered.

Kodai objected "but they still went and help the citizens who needed help, they're not really evil" she explained but look away when Endeavor glared at her.

"Young Kodai has a point, I know it's against the rules but there's no need to put a person in a coma state and plus they are not entire evil" Yagi exclaimed recieve a scowled from Enji.

"The things he did is still against the rules" he argued back.

Endeavor didn't let him to speak "and he did something to my quirk, I can't use it" he snap.

That sentence made both Todoroki perked up.

Dabi grin 'I hope he will never have it back'.

"Isn't that similar to what Overhaul did to Mirio" Kirishima said.

"Yeah and I still hate what he did to Eri".

"It took me by surprised, Overhaul experimenting to a child" All For One spoke.

"From what I heard, before Eri he's looking for quirkless people for his experiment" Kurogiri explained were All For One could only hear it.

All For One grimaced "I see".

"He must have a reason" Naomasa commented making Endeavor to snarl.

"Why are you defending him" he grumbled.

Naomasa sigh "I know him, he's not the type of person who erase quirk with no reason" he elucidated but Endeavor didn't bother listening to him "when he wake up, call me" he demanded before he exist in the police station.

"Wow even the detective is sided with Midoriya" Kaminari exclaims, ignoring the stabbing glares poking behind him.

Jiro zap him "are you trying to get yourself killed" she shouted whispered.

"I agree with the detective" Aizawa deadpanned making the students sweatdrop.

'Is he trying to make the situation worse?!' they all though.

The screen fade to a new scene.

Midoriya sitting on the chair tied up while Endeavor is infront of him behind the glass.

"Yo Endeavor!" he greeted.

Most of them sweatdrop.

"Oh so he's not afraid in here" exclaimed Shiozaki.

"I like where is this going" Dabi smirk.

Endeavor only growled in return "give my quirk back!" he slammed his hand in the glass.

"Please avoid breaking the glass, Endeavor" a person in the mic announce.

"What quirk?" he tilt his head in confusion but the childish smile telling him the he knows what he's asking.

"He's making it worse, ribbit" Asui commented.

"And I love it" Dabi continued, they look at him weirdly.

"He has sass in here" Kamakiri spoke.

Todoroki trying to hold in of his smile.

Endeavor scowled at him "my quirk, give it back" he demanded.

Midoriya yawn, looking uninterested making the situation became worse "ah that".

The students in UA trying to hold in their laugh, not wanting to add the fuel in fire.

"He's really pressing his bottoms" exclaim Tokoyami.

"And it's working" Shoji stated.

"You ok, Dabi?" Toga asked when she noticed her friend had been grinning like a maniac starting a while ago.

"Never been better".

Forgetting what Endeavor said earlier "anyway since you have time yapping about your quirk, how about polish your silver medals, maybe they might become gold" he deadpanned.

Dabi burst out of laughing, same with the others while the rest is laughing inside of their minds.

Todoroki smiled, he'd never knew Midoriya would have a guts to say something like that to his father.

"The best part is that, he is roasting him with no expression whatsoever" Kaminari said as he tried to slow down his laughing.

Jiro didn't have time to scolded him since she is also laughing along with him.

"Shota, what are you teaching to your students" Mic whispered to him.

"Nothing" he plainly responded "but I like what he said".

"Shota" Mic slightly scolded.

While Endeavor who had been steaming in his chair.

Endeavor's face slowly turning into red but Midoriya ignored it "wait I forgot, you can't turn silver to gold like how you can't make yourself to become number one".

Most of them burst out into laughter while Todoroki and Hitoshi is grinning.

Iida was about to scold Midoriya but Uraraka cut him of.

"Oh snap!" Kaminari laughing like there's no ending.

Toshinori coughing out some blood while staring the screen with wide eyes while Hisashi grinning like a proud father.

Toga and Shigaraki stare weirdly at Dabi who is laughing endlessly.

"Problem child indeed" Mr. Aizawa sigh.

'This isn't going to end well' Mic and Midnight thought who felt dark aura lingering around them.

"That kid has guts" Gran Torino compliment who received a smack from Recovery Girl.

"Look like he's about to get explode" Momoma spoke and ready to loss unconscious but didn't receive any.

Bakugou who is for some reason looking proud in the screen.

Endeavor was shaking in absolute rage as he then punch the mirror infront of him, luckily the it didn't break.

'How dare he humiliated me and able to beat even though he's quirkless!' he shouted in his thought.

Some of them flinched at his outrage while the others didn't care.

"He's quirkless in here again, I might starting to think the he's actually quirkless" Rin commented.

"But what shocking to me is that, he's able to beat number one hero" exclaimed Ashido.

"Deku must have been powerful then"  Uraraka complimented.

Endeavor grumbled "the other me is probably weak".

"Endeavor, if you keep underestimating everyone, someone will beat you that can cause you a painful defeat" Nezu reminded him.

"If you think about it, Bakugou and him has the same personality" Kaminari exclaimed receiving a glare from Bakugou.

"Him and I are not the same" he scowled, remembering what he overheard between the nerd and Icehot conversation.

"Enough being an idiot that can cause you to die young" Sero scolded Kaminari.

"But I never thought, the great number two hero become so desperate beating All Might to the point that he transfer all his goal to his son's shoulder, isn't that pathetic" he smirk at him.

"Is that true Todoroki?!" most of Class 1-a asked as Todoroki only nodded while Dabi who has a grim expression.

"That so unmanly" stated Kirishima as TetsuTesu agreed with him.

'I should really start not judging anyone' Shinsou thought.

Tsunotori spoke in english "that so mean!".

"Endeavor after this, we will have a talk" Nezu order.

Before he could respond, Midoriya continued on "you know even if your son beat All Might, they will mostly look at him rather at you, sure you are the father who beat All Might but why would they look at you when you're not the one who beat All Might

You just made yourself as a side character " he chuckled.

"Damn, he's still roasting him" Kaminari exclaimed.

"He has a point after all, he just made himself become the side character" Shinsou praised.

The Todoroki brother still looking impressed toward to Midoriya.

Endeavor didn't argue, after all that Midoriya kid is right and he still remember when Shoto didn't think about him when he finally uses his fire.

Enji who is silent siting on the chair.

Midoriya smirk "got your tongue cut". Endeavor glared in return.

"To be honest, I'm quite worried about Midoriya when we get back" Sero stated as the others nodded with him.

"Never knew a villain is a fan of All Might" he snarled.

"He still calls him a villain even though he's a vigilante" Kendo sigh.

"Yeah there's a big difference between villain and vigilante" Mineta spoke up.

"Hmm like what" asked Dabi.

"Like..." Mineta cut himself of when he noticed a villain asked the question.


Midoriya hummed "calling me a fan is quite bizarre but I respect him rather than you" he smiled.

"I like him already, he have my respect, wouldn't mind if he join with us" Dabi commented while Toga complains about Deku only hers.

AFO started to get worried, he needs to start thinking excuses to avoid his son being in the league.

"So he's not fan with All Might, quite hard to believe after what we saw in his room" Hagakure snickered.

All Might felt a pain in his heart after all he saw young Midoriya as his son.

He stared at him "what do you mean?".

Midoriya stared in daze who is seems in deep thought "well the things he said in the tv are stupid like 'I am here whenever you need help' those things" he explained.

"Couldn't agree more" AFO spoke which All Might glared at him.

"The f*ck, he said those things to make people believe in him, to comfort who are in danger!" Bakugou yelled.

"He made the people become too much dependent on him to the point if a person needed help in the sidewalk, they will always say a heroe will come to save you. They became helpless since a hero will always came to save them anyway" he continued.

That sentence made everyone quite.

"He's right" Dabi stated while his friend nodded with him.

Mineta was about to object but Shinsou interrupted him "it's true, one day I saw kid who is lost but no one help him so I'm the one who lead him in the police station" he explained.

Most of the pro heroes grimaced "when was this, listener" Mic asked.

Shinsou only shrugged "it was during my middle school.

"I also noticed how the people aren't doing anything when a person was injured, luckily there was hero who saw him" Koda replied quietly.

All Might stared down in shame.

"It's not your fault Toshinori, you didn't know" Recovery Girl trying to comfort him.

Izuku didn't stare at him as his eyes just wonder in the white room "During when I was a...".

The scene change to darker colors, showing a flashback.

A small child with a fluffy curly green hair limping in the sidewalk asking for help. His clothes were dirty and his hand clutched to the side of his stomach, preventing the blood to flow out of his body and the sun keep giving him a migraine.

All of stared at the screen with wide eyes.

"What happened to him?!" Uraraka cried out.

"He was stab, ribbit" Asui spoke but there's a worried behind her voice.

"Please can someone help me" he beg the people who only keep walking, ignoring his pleas.

"Those people are jerks" most of the Class 1-a yelled as the for the others, they frown of what they are seeing.

Aizawa glared at the screen while.Mic and Midnight staring with anger and saddened look.

"Such an obnoxious citizens, quite saddening" All For One mocked All Might while he just gritted his teeth.

"Mama, there's an injure person" a small girl pointing towards to Midoriya but the mother keep pushing her to keep walking "no worry a hero will save him anyway".

Hatsume frowns "that so sick" she spoke.

Shigaraki stared at the screen noticing the similarities when he was asking for help, he glared at the scene.

"That so unmanly" Kirishima spoke quietly.

Endeavor widened his eyes like he remembered something.

Midoriya notice his expression as he then speak "you finally remember me" he smiled.

"I get the feeling that their meeting didn't go well" All Might said.

The child was sitting in the ground at the alley as he leaned in the wall, clutching his stomach.

He was then met a blue eyes staring down at him, he let out a sigh in relief thinking he will be save "you're Endeavor right, number two hero, please I've been hurt can you help me" he begged but he was recieve a disgusted look "I have more important things to do rather to deal with you" he replied as he walk away.

All the hope were gone in his eyes.

"The h*ll!" Bakugou cursed, glaring the current number one hero.

Todoroki clenched his teeth as he glared to his father.

"Quite suprise he become a hero" Dabi scowled at him.

Most of them started to berates him.

"That's not me and I don't remember not saving anyone" he defended and growing more angry because the looks he was recieving.

"That's enough all you" Shiroi instructed, luckily all of them quite down.

"Your quirk will come back...

The brothers sigh in disappointment.

...as long you change yourself for the good" he slightly chuckled.

Everyone cheered as Todoroki slurping his soba.

"Serves him right" Dabi smirk.

"You may be a hero but remember this you're no hero in heart".

The screen went black.

"You tell him!" Bakugou's squad and Deku's squad cheered except for Todoroki, Shinsou, and Bakugou who only smile.

"Man, I kinda want him to join in league" Dabi sigh.

Shigaraki grumbled "don't really care" .

"I would love him to join" Togo giggle.

All the Class 1-a growled at them "we won't let you".

"Aw" Toga pouted.



Uraraka: it's Deku's birthday what should I gift him.

Toga: Deku-chan birthday today?! I wanna join.

Class 1-a: No!

Toga: no fair, Dabi let suprise Deku-chan.

*Dabi only hum*

Shinsou: sorry he's taken already *dragging Midoriya back to Class 1-a*

Midoriya: Don't forget, it's also Mirio-kun birthday.

*Togato took Midoriya with him as the Class 1-a sent glares at him*

All of them: Anyway happy birthday Midoriya and Mirio!.

*In Taurus*

AFO: What should I gift him?

Shiroi- try to catch up by spending time with him, paying the 15 years you didn't spend with him.

Shiroi- Anyway questioned for today 'Since Mr. Aizawa used his quirk to erase temporarily, would it still work in the person that has more than 2 quirks?'.

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