☆World One☆

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○No One's POV○

"So this is about.... you know what just watch it, I'm too lazy to explain" Maiko grumble as she type some letters in the keyboards.

'Just choose "explain" or "not"' some of them though.

               {Searching a Universe....}

              {Searching a Universe...}

             {Searching is Completed}

            {Starting Universe One}

                        [What If]

"What if?" asked Tsuburaba giving a confused look at the screen. "Maybe it's about Midoriya thinking about the future." Ashido guessed, "or maybe at the past" continued Iida.

"How about shut the f*** up and just watch the damn movie!" shouted Bakugou. They ignored him but they quite down, well except one. "Bakugou for ho-" Iida stop in the middle of his speech when he felt tap on his shoulder, he looked to his shoulder and saw Urakaka who is shaking her head. "Let's just watch the movie", Iida signed as he turned back to screen.

The first screen show is a news report, the caption at the right-side bottom is written UA Students Attacked. The reporter who has a worried look on her face as she spoke and also keep glancing every minute behind her back.

"Wait, we've been attacked?" questioned Mineta. "Well isn't obvious" Todoroki answered.

"Why am I not suprise anymore" Aizawa deadpanned. "Aizawa, please don't expect everyday has an attack, your causing more danger with your students" Recovery Girl scolded.

"Tell that to the villains, they've been recklessly attacking us." retorted Aizawa as he gazed at he villains. "I should have disintegrate his whole body when I had a chance" Tomura scowled.

"A group of UA students have been attacked while being outside of the main facility by the League of Villains. The Pro-hero and teacher Eraserhead was with his class when this happen, civilian said-"

"Everytime, you class A go somewhere there's an attack, are you the magnet of trouble?" Kendo questioned.

"What did you say b*#ch?!" Bakugou yelled who was being held down by Kirishima, "whoa bro, she's just asking a question." Kirishima said as he's trying to calm his best friend "shut up sh*tty hair!"

"Maybe they been taking interest on us" Todoroki replied with a straight face. Dabi snorted.

"You brat, what did you say, I only been interesting killing All Might and you brats are only the bait" Shigaraki said with an annoyed look.

The scenery behind her went up into smoke, the building fell apart. "The building has collapsed, it's appears that they got- no wait, the hero in training deku? And-. The leader of the league and the boy are now buried under the rocks! The attack hasn't stopped!"

"So that brat and I are stuck, I could easily kill him with one grab" Shigaraki said with a gleefully in voice

"I wouldn't let you dare, you will not hurt young Midoriya" said All Might.

"Overprotective to your little successor" Shigaraki tsked.

'Because he's the secret love child'

'Don't let your emotions All for One, control it' All for One fighting over his inner thought.

The screen went black as an unknown voice speak "The building is still in a really fragile state. It's been a few hours since the attack. There is no sign of the leader and the boy. They haven't been able to verify status..."

"It's told both of them were in a pretty bad shape...

"if they don't get them out of there soon. They might die from a blood loss or lack of oxygen."

"No point of killing someone if you will basically die" Shinsou said. Shigaraki look annoyed at his comment.

"I can call Kurogiri to get me out there" Shigaraki answered.

"You're the boss yet you cannot even save yourself" Shinsou snorted.

Shigaraki is about to say something thing but he was cut off by All for One. "That's enough Tenko."

"Yes master."

The screen fade into a new scene, showing Midoriya and Shigaraki leaning in the broken wall, both facing to each other, severely injured.

"They are not fighting." commented Mineta.

"Of course they're not since both of them are dead tired." Shinsou answered.

"No one can save you now little hero and now I can finally kill you." Shigaraki mocked. "Are you an idiot?"

Everyone laughed at this except the heroes, Shigaraki who look irritated and All For One who smiled to 1 millisecond and went back to his normal facial expressions.

"Can he not notice how much danger he's in, Yagi because of you he's been reckless" Recover Girl scolded.

All Might sweatdrop.

"What's the point of killing me if you will die eventually" Midoriya said. "I can call Kurogiri to get me out in here" answered Shigaraki.

"But does he know where you are" questioned Midoriya, Shigaraki's eyes widened "how did you know?"

Midoriya smiled nervously "just do some research since I notice when I fought Muscular he should've appeared to save him but he didn't and I also overheard you cannot find Muscular so that's where all it make sense, one of his weaknesses is he cannot warp you if he doesn't know where you are" he answered.

"That kid is dangerous" Kurogiri commented.

"But what does he mean 'one of his weaknesses'?" questioned Toga. "It means he's still another weakness" answered All for One.

"Are we just going to ignore he's the one who defeated Mascular" Dabi said.

"How the h*ll that sh!tty nerd defeated someone?!" Bakugou shouted.

"Bakugou that's enough" threatened Aizawa.


"I also don't expect anyone to save me" Midoriya answered.

Now everyone seem to taken back at his sentence.

"Now that's quite unexpected" Dabi said.

"Did he perhaps lose faith at the heroes?" asked Kaminari.

"That damn nerd looking down at the heroes!" Bakugou said.

"Bro I don't think that's what he mean" Kaminari replied.

"That's not our Deku, our Deku would never give up" Urakaka said.

"Young Midoriya"

Shigaraki look bewildered.

"I'm not saying I'm giving up on them, sure they are heroes but they are also normal people too, they can feel pain, they have their limits and they can die too. They are not God who can save everyone don't expect them to.

"That... that was manly sentence" Kirishima teared up, TetsuTesu also agreed.

"I hate to admit it but it's true, no matter how we want to protect everyone, we know somewhere there, there is still people suffering." Nezu commented.

Shigaraki took of his mask, revealing a pained expression.

'He removed it, Izuku you have the power to change people heart.' All for One thought.

"He has face?!" suprised Mineta.

"Are you an idiot, obviously he has face" Kendo said.

"He's quite cute, he's going to be in my list." Midnight lick her lips. Shigaraki who restrained by Kurogiri, glares at Midnight.

"Midnight if you do anything to a students or a villain, you will be fired." Nezu scolded.

All might look sadly at the screen "he needs help" he whispered.

Midoriya stares at him then give him a smile "I understand now, you're not really a bad person."

Everyone stares at the screen with confused expressions.

"What the h*ll did he mean, he practically almost killed us!" screamed Bakugou then he glared at the villains.

"Bakugou, turn your head at the screen then you will get the answer" Aizawa said.

All for One glance at his adopted child who is staring at the screen intensively.

"You also wanted to be a hero"

"What?!" everyone shouted, then some of them started muttering.

"Will you shut up!, watch the movie and your question will be answered." Maiko said.

"What the h*ll are you trying to pull? you brat. Are you trying to fool me? You cheater" Shigaraki started whining as he scratching his necks.

Midoriya regained his balance then started to walk towards to Shigaraki, Shigaraki backed away, Izuku notice this and just sat down in the ground.

"Maybe I'm just imagining things but whenever I saw you fight All might or to others heroes, your eyes showing me hatred, anger and... sadness" he answered.

"That's a lie, that brat is lying, he trying to tricked me, unfair it's unfair" Shigaraki whined.

'I don't know what to believe anymore" some of them though.

"Shut up, shut up, you don't know how it feel- to feel of being alone and to feel everyone hated you" Midoriya cut him off.

Midoriya smiled sadly "I know how it feel since I felt those things."

"Please tell me our deku doesn't actually feel that way" Urakaka pleaded to Maiko

"Don't ask me, it will give you the hint anyway" she answered as she turned away from them.

"Our Midoriya or not when we get back let's have a manly comfort" Kirishima said trying to lighten the mood.

"I was bullied when I was a kid since I am quirkless" said Midoriya.

"Yup, that's not our deku since he has an incredible quirk" Urakaka sighed in relief.

Bakugou and All might only look down in their laps.

Gran Torino and Recovery Girl glance at the Symbol of Piece with worried.

"People hated me, they don't want to get closer to me since they thought it's kind of disease. People bullied since I am weak and I am the only that doesn't have a quirk in my previous school" Midoriya explained.

"Then why, don't you despised them? They ignore your help yet you still want to help them, it doesn't make any sense?!" Shigaraki questioned as he started to get closer to Midoriya.

"I want to prove them that even people are quirkless they can still be a hero, that I can still be a hero but I guess that goal will not happen anymore. " replied Midoriya.

"What does he mean by that?" asked Awase.

"He wants to prove that quirkless people can still be a hero but since he got a quirk that goal is gone" Nezu explained.

"You know I don't believe people were born a villain" Midoriya randomly said.

Shigaraki look suprise at his comment.

"What does he know about the villain, if the person raised by a villain then that thing is a villain!" Endeavor boomed.

'Sorry Midoriya, I quite disagree about this' Todoroki though as he glared to his father.

"What do you know about us, you keep jumping to conclusions with not even knowing us!" Dabi shouted who restrained by Kurogiri and Toga.

"What happend to you, your not usually like this." Toga question.

Endeavor was about to speak but Nezu silenced him.

"The reason there's villain was because of society, parenting, someone you love got killed or sometimes misunderstanding, isn't that right Shimura" said Midoriya.

Shigaraki raised his eyebrows, shock by Midoriya calling his former name.

Every one of them was silent.

"Is it true?" All might questioned breaking the quite atmosphere as he turned around and stare at All for One.

"Is it true?" All might repeated, All for One ignored him.

"All might sit down and calm yourself down" ordered Nezu.

All might glared at All for One but obliged eventually.

"What does he mean misunderstanding?" Kaminari hesitantly asked, trying to break the tense atmosphere.

"Misunderstandings can cause a person to villain, for example if a parent leave their child, the first thought it will come is that their parents abandoned him or he but truthfully the parents were just protecting him" Yaomomo explained.

'Father you were wrong, grandmother didn't leave us she's just trying to protect us' Shigaraki thought as he hold one of the hand.

Midoriya continued "You despised them because they didn't help you, the only one who helped you is All for One. You killed the people because you want to prove them not every person can be save."

"That's a sick way to prove something" Shiozaki said, some of them nodded.

"Shut up shup up shut up!!" Shigaraki shouted while gripping his hair.

"He's losing it" Komori muttered.

"Well after all, he hit his nerve" Momoma answered.

Midoriya was about to comfort him but his words suprised him.

"Don't, don't get closer to me, you will disappear" Shigaraki said with a terrified in his voice.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"That's quite shocking, he became softhearted" Ashido wondered.

"That problem child really have potentially".

All for One looked at to his successor as he started talking "tell me Tenko, if those words was said to you by an enemy,, would you still kill him? Be honest to me." he questioned, enough only Shigaraki to hear..

"I, I'm sorry master I don't think I can" he answered looking down to his laps, scared for defying to his master.

"It's fine Tenko, no point of killing someone if you will eventually regret it, don't force youself." replied All for One.

"Yes master"

Midoriya sighed, "try to think you're quirkless. If you keep thinking that your quirk always destroy of course it will triggered."

"I never thought of that, hey brat give me back my power" ordered Shigaraki.

"No" she declined then she stick her tongue out. "You brat!"

"Do you think it will worked" Sero asked.

"Hopefully or he will die immediately" replied Kuroiro.

"Put your hands like this" Midoriya showed his hand like he was about to have a high five at to someone, Shigaraki nodded as he did what he was told.

Midoriya started to put closer to his hand to Shigaraki.

Everyone except the three villains was scared for Midoriya.

Shigaraki closed his eyes, afraid he will disappear like what happened to his family.

The screen fade in a new scene showing black and white, a kid in a black hair trying to reach to his mother but when he touches her she disappears, the screen went back in the current time.

"Who's that kid? He's quirk look like that guy" Kaminari said then he glance to Shigaraki.

"Are you an idiot, the guy we saw was that handyman" Bakugou answered as he pointed to Shigaraki.

"Bakugou for how many times point- Ehh!" Iida was cut off by the Bakusquad.

"Don't tell me you class 1-a didn't really figure it out, you really pa-" Momoma was knock unconscious.

"I'm sorry for his behavior."

"See that, a villain is always a villain no matter before they were born or after they've born!" Endeavor said.

The villains was about to speak but All for One interrupted them " Endevour, have you forgotten we are watching in a different dimension, it does not mean every part of the scenes actually happened in this world.


When Shigaraki felt a hand touch to his palm, he was astonishment. A warm feeling coming to his body.

He grip the hand and smile a little bit that look like a grin.

Everyone's cheered.

"It worked, it actually worked" Ashido commented.

"It seems there's a way to control your quirk Tenko, are you perhaps going to say thank you to that boy" All for One wondered.

"No" Shigaraki replied but more like a whisper.

'Izuku, I'll be honest to you, your personality can be dangerous for me but I still like that part of you' All for One thought.

"Oh it actually worked" Midoriya mumbled with a suprise.

"Don't tell me, he actually didn't know!" Kaminari asked with a confused in his voice.

Recovery girl hit Toshinori in the head "your making you successor to put himself in danger" she scolded.


"No but"

'Izuku, you have a great sense of saving someone but please not to kill yourself or Inko will kill me' All for One thought.

"He's sacrificing himself just to save someone" Gran Torino commented. 'Is that why you choose him All Might?'

"That damn nerd, ready to kill himself just to save someone!," Bakugou scowled.

'He's actually worried?' Most class 1-a awed.

"You're weird, be friending with a villain" Shigaraki said, Midoriya chuckled as he let go Shigaraki "I guess I am."

"That's the first I heard him laugh" Hagakure said. Her comment made everyone one wondered.

"Now I think about it, I only see him smile but not laugh" Tokoyami said.

"Hey Bakubro, have you seen Midoriya laugh?" asked Kirishima.

"Why the h*ll should I f*cking care!" he replied, more like shout but that also made him wondering since they were kids, he had never seen deku's laugh.

"Join to my league of villains" Shigaraki suddenly blurted it out.

"What?!" Almost everyone said.

"No way we won't let you!" every student in class 1-a defensed.

"Why the h*ll I would ask that brat to join us" Shigaraki said.

All for One sighed 'he's lying.'


"What a straightforward answer" commented Dabi.

"But I want you to join, there's this weird feeling when you hold my hand, join me!" Shigaraki whined.

"There's that childish tantrum again" Amase said.

Luckily Shigaraki didn't hear him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to but we can still remain friends" Midoriya said, Shigaraki look disappointed but agreed anyway.

"But how will they fight to each other, if they became friends" Sero questioned.

"Knowing young Midoriya perspective, he will avoid fighting with Shigaraki." All Might answered.

"So that brat bec- let that sentence to be finish, you will not able to speak for the rest of your life" Maiko threatens Endeavor.

'I wouldn't mind that' Todoroki thought.

"How's Dabi" Midoriya asked, changing the topic.

"What is trying to get at?" Dabi questioned.

Shigaraki gives a confused expression "why are you asking about him?". Midoriya look puzzled "you don't know?" he asked.

"Don't tell me he knows" Dabi whispered.

"Just give the answer instead of this stupid riddles" Shigaraki said impatiently.

"I might be wrong but this feeling keep telling that Dabi is Todoroki's brother" answered Midoriya.

"Ehh, Todoroki's older brother" everyone shouted.

"Toya?" Endeavor said.

"Nope, whoever name is that, I'm not your son, plus that's a different world" Dabi said with no care.

"Dabi is one of hero's son!" shouted Shigaraki.

"Promise you will not hate him, he must have a reason to leave his family" Midoriya said.

"Hmp, fine"

"But why would he leave" questioned Shigaraki.

"Maybe because of his family, he became a villain" Midoriya answered.

"So it's their fault." Shigaraki blamed.

Dabi agreed.

"Half of it, I don't entire blamed the parents" said Midoriya.

The Todoroki family widened their eyes.

"I'm also thinking, maybe their parents did something to make the person act like that." Midoriya explained.

"We look to our pain, we look to others pain but have we look to the people who hurt us?"

'No' everyone almost thought.

'Is it true father, were also abuse by your parents' Todoroki and Dabi thought.

"I wonder, if we had met earlier before we became a hero and a villain, would our life change?" Midoriya wondered.



"So that's where the title came from" Hatsume said.

Midoriya notice it was hard getting to breathe, he leaned to the broken stone, Shigaraki followed him and sat beside him.

"I almost forgot they were trap" Kaminari said.

"Where's the heroes, why aren't they doing anything" Mineta commented, Hagakure chop his head, "have you not listening they are also humans."

"Please someone save them" Urakaka prayed.

"Hey Shimura, I'm sorry" Midoriya apologized as the light on his eyes disappeared.


"Not your fault brat, that the world is like this"


"Brat?" Shigaraki look at his side and sae Midoriya leaning in the wall looking lifeless.

He put Midoriya in shoulder and he hold his hands as he wait for his life to disappear.

"...I'm sorry master..."

The screen went black.

Most of them were crying while others look sad at the screen.

"They became friends but in the end they couldn't make it alive" Iida said.

"Maiko please make the other one happy not sad" Urakaka said.

"Ah, I'll try."


Kirishima- man that's was the saddest thing I watch.

TetsuTesu- yeah, it's sad yet it's still manly.

Kaminari- wait where's Author-san, she came here at the last chapter.

Maiko- she almost get killed.

Students- she almost what?!

Iida- isn't it illegal to kill someone.

Maiko- the world she was in, there's no quirk.

Bakugou- so all of them are weak.

*Maiko ignored him*

Maiko- basically the power is there are talent and wealth. Killed someone, you go to prison but have enough money you can be released.

All Might- that's quite unfair.

Maiko- every worlds are unfair. So since she's not gonna be here I'll be your new author.

*Everyone thought*- nooooooo.
Maiko- since you notice that the original characters in Bnha are quite different, I quite change some ish. Like all the League of Villains are not actually true villains if you know what I mean, if you don't like it don't read it. Anyway thank you for reading my book.

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