attack on jakku

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Earlier that day, the Jedi Council received a strange holovid from an anonymous source, claiming to show a glimpse into the galaxy's future. They were about to brush it off as some foolish joke before they received a strong feeling from the Force. They couldn't understand what it was trying to say, but they knew that it related to the holovid, so they decided to watch it. Due to it being a potential glimpse into the future, the Council summoned Anakin and his Padawan Ahsoka to join them.

So there they were sitting in the Council chambers. The masters all moved their seats so that they could all watch the video evenly, and Anakin and Ahsoka were sitting in spare chairs.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

What? Why would this be a long time ago?" Anakin asks in confusion. "I thought we would be watching the future

"Yes, this is quite strange." Obi-Wan agrees.


The sudden and very loud music makes a few of the people there jump in sudden surprise. Ahsoka almost jumps out of her seat, but restrains herself. Seeing the look on Anakin's face however, has her bursting into small giggles.

"The Force Awakens?" Mace asks with a frown. "Why could possibly be awakening?

"Yoda hums in thought. "Hmm. Mysterious this is.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished.</p>

"Wait, what?" Anakin says in surprise. "I'm a Skywalker! Who is Luke? My..." Anakin goes silent, dreading the answer. Would it be his father? But he's married to Padme... </p>

<p>"Something you'd like to share Skywalker?" Mace demands. Before Anakin can say anything in his defense, Obi-Wan leaps to his rescue.</p>

<p>"Let's not make any assumptions yet Master Windu. Perhaps it is someone else entirely," he says. Anakin shoots him a grateful look. Mace sighs but relents.</p>

<p>"Should I call this Luke person Skyguy too?" Ahsoka said. Anakin rolled his eyes. "Very funny Snips."</p>

<p>In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.</p>

<p>Gasps of surprise and anguish shoot through the Council. The last Jedi? It just isn't possible! The Order has survived for centuries!</p>

<p>"Why would the Jedi be extinct?" Master Mundi exclaims in disbelief.</p>

<p>"But the prophecy... was it wrong?" Master Tiin says in concern. Yoda frowns.</p>

<p>"It can't be wrong. The Jedi have existed since before even the Republic itself! Whatever is responsible needs to be taken care of!" Mace says determinedly. Yoda shakes his head.</p>

"Believed the Sith were still alive, we did not. Paid the price of it with this war we have. Learn more, we must." Yoda declares.

With the support of the REPUBLIC, General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE. She is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.

"Organa? As in Senator Bail Organa?" Anakin asks.

"I believe so. However at least the Republic has remained intact. There may be hope for us yet." Obi-Wan says.

"However, I'm concerned by the fact that this Luke has a sister in this Leia," Master Ti said with a frown. "Jedi are not supposed to keep attachments."

Mace nods. "I agree. Skywalker or not, the Code forbids attachment. Something has to be done."

Anakin shifts nervously at that, something that only Ahsoka and Obi-Wan notice. What is he hiding?

<p>Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke's whereabouts...</p>

<p>"Jakku? Oh man I hate sand!" Anakin grumbles, crossing his arms. </p>

<p>Ahsoka and Obi-Wan hide their grins while the rest of the Council members shake their heads in irritation.</p>

<p>PAN across the star field to a bright moon. A RUMBLING is FELT. A VAST STAR DESTROYER - unlike any we have seen - HURTLES PAST US, of seemingly endless length, eclipsing the moon.</p>

<p>"That doesn't seem good." Master Koon says gravely.</p>

<p>After a long beat, FOUR TRANSPORT SHIPS fly from a hangar. We HOLD ON THEM NOW, as they fly off toward a distant planet. Jakku. MUSIC BUILDS AND WE...CUT TO BLACK.A GROWING ROAR of MEAN ENGINES - gnarled RADIO CALLS, the SHUDDERING of a ship's hull. Then FLASHES OF LIGHT: for an instant we see a STORMTROOPER - then BLACKNESS. Then ANOTHER STORMTROOPER, then it's FLICKERING CONTINUES until the LIGHTS ARE CONSTANT.</p>

<p>INT. TROOP TRANSPORT VEHICLE -NIGHT-TWENTY STORMTROOPERS. Holding on at attention, moving to the ship's rhythm, in the tense moments before a raid. A FILTERED COMMAND and they LOCK AND LOAD their heavy blaster rifles.</p>

<p>"Are those... Clone troopers?" Anakin asks in bewilderment.</p>

<p> His confusion is shared by the rest of Jedi in the room. The only reason that Clone troopers would be attacking was if they discovered a Separatist base and were raiding it. However they didn't think it to be the case.</p>

<p>"Their armor doesn't seem completely the same though Master," Ahsoka points out.</p>

<p>"Hmm, it looks that way. However the similarities are troublesome if they aren't ours." Obi-Wan says in concern.</p>


<p>WIDE SHOT of a small, peaceful village. Distant sounds of native animals. A single wind chime. Suddenly a DROID RISES INTO FRAME, CLOSE: ROUND and SKITTERY, orange and white, this is BB-8. Focuses on something past camera. He BEEPS - FAST, MORSE CODE-LIKE SOUNDS, clearly worried. Moves EVEN CLOSER TO CAMERA - is MORE worried - BEEPS more - then TURNS AND ROLLS OFF FAST.</p>

<p>"That's a cute little droid." Ahsoka remarks.</p>

<p>"I don't think I've seen that model..." Anakin says with a frown.</p>

<p>"Yet,young Skywalker. The future this is, hmm?" Yoda says teasingly. Anakin nods, a little embarrassed.</p>


<p>CLOSE ON A HAND: a small LEATHER SACK is placed in the palm. The hand closes. Another OLDER HAND covers it. In a primitive HUT, an old explorer, has handed the mysterious sack to a younger man.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: This will begin to make things right. I've traveled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.</p>

<p>"So the Jedi are gone..." Obi-Wan says sadly.</p>

<p>"Gone they may be, but gone forever, nothing truly is." Yoda says wisely.</p>

<p>"I just can't believe the idea that an Order that has survived for thousands of years can just be gone." Mace says with a little anger. "It just isn't right! What could have happened to eliminate an entire order?"</p>

<p>"At least our memory isn't dead, as apparent by these two." Master Koon says, gesturing towards the older man on screen.</p>

<p>POE: Well, because of you now we have a chance. The General's been after this for a long time.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: "The General." To me, she's royalty.POE: Well, she certainly is that.</p>

<p>"Isn't Senator Organa a member of the Royal family?" Obi-Wan asks.</p>

<p>"I believe so. According to Pad- I mean Senator Amidala." Anakin tells him. "Well then I understand why he's calling her royalty," Ahsoka remarks.</p>

<p>POE BB-8 ENTERS FRANTIC, BEEPS. Concerned, Poe turns to Lor San Tekka.</p>

<p>POE: We've got company.</p>


<p>The men exit fast. Poe moves TO CAMERA, raises QUADNOCULARS. POE'S POV: LIGHTS on the horizon - approaching ENEMY SHIPS. POE lowers the quadnocs - PUSH IN ON HIS UNNERVED EYES. A GROWING, FRIGHTENING THUNDER is heard.</p>

<p>"I'm guessing these clone copies aren't friendly in the future." Anakin theorized.</p>

<p>"Agreed, Skywalker." Master Mundi says.</p>

<p>POE: You have to hide.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: You have to leave. Go!</p>

<p>Poe turns to him. Conflicted. Finally nods, hurries off. BB-8 follows.</p>


<p>TRACK FAST with Poe as he and BB-8 hurry through the village, various ARMED VILLAGERS taking position, prepared to defend.</p>

<p>EXT. JAKKU VILLAGE - A ROAR of WIND and DUST: the TRANSPORTS LAND. Stormtroopers come out FIRING BLASTERS - the VILLAGERS FIRE BACK - many are HIT!</p>

<p>The Jedi watch, a bit sad that these troopers: whoever they are (the First Order?) are attacking innocent people in their search for the Last Jedi. It frustrated a few of them to no end, especially Mace and Anakin, though for different reasons.</p>


<p>Poe runs to an X-WING fighter, parked at a distance from the village, hidden behind a ROCK OUTCROPPING.</p>

<p>POE: Come on, BB-8! Hurry! Poe sends BB-8 into the droid socket / co-pilot seat - he moves to the cockpit - the CONTROLS COME TO LIFE. As the CANOPY CLOSES, Poe shoots a quick look back: the ENEMY ARRIVES IN THE DISTANCE. Poe urgently works the controls - BB-8 BEEPS. The X-WING LANDING LIGHTS COME ON, ENGINES WHINE TO LIFE! But just then: Poe's ship is suddenly HIT BY BLASTERFIRE! Poe turns to look: two STORMTROOPERS CHARGE HIS WAY, FIRING!</p>

<p>"Well that doesn't look good," Ahsoka says worriedly. Anakin frowns. "Looks like their targeting the engines on that fighter."</p>

<p>POE: I see 'em! </p>

<p>BB-8 BEEPS nervously as Poe GRABS HIS CONTROLS and FIRES AT THEM, using the X-wing's drop-down antipersonnel blaster! The two Troopers are BLOWN AWAY in the large BLAST HITS! Poe tries to start the ship now, but the ENGINES SPUTTER. Concerned, he opens his canopy, jumps down, moves to the back of his ship: BAD DAMAGE ON THE REAR ENGINE PANEL. They're in trouble.</p>

<p>"Yep, definitely can't fix that damage quickly enough." Anakin observes.</p>


<p>Lor San Tekka moves sadly through the village as STORMTROOPERS wielding FLAME THROWERS destroy structures. Surrendering Villagers are ROUNDED UP. Penned ANIMALS panic.</p>

<p>Yoda watches the man sadly, understanding the pain he must feel. For years, as the war grew on he felt the Dark Side grow more powerful, as countless lives are lost. Yet the Jedi are unable to do enough, being forced into the war as Generals.</p>


<p>Back at the X-wing, Poe kneels beneath his ship, pulls from the leather sack a SMALL, OLD ARTIFACT which he inserts into BB-8 - the droid's MULTI-READER ENVELOPS it.</p>

<p>POE: You take this. It's safer with you than it is with me. You get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me? (BB-8 BEEPS, hesitates) I'll come back for you! It will be alright.</p>

<p>"I do hope that man will be alright," Obi-Wan says.</p>

<p>"He is rather spirited. His heart seems to be in the right place." Kit Fisto observes.</p>

<p>"Kind of reminds me of me!" Anakin jokes. Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Only you Master..."</p>

<p>BB-8 watches Poe run off. BEEP-WHINES nervously, then turns and heads off. </p>

<p>Turns back once to look at Poe, then ROLLS AWAY. Poe uses his blaster rifle to fire at incoming troopers from cover.</p>


<p>The Troopers and villagers in battle - as one Trooper is HIT and goes down. Another - OUR TROOPER - KNEELS to help. The hit trooper raises a torn, bloody glove - his HUMAN HAND visible - and MARKS OUR STORMTROOPER'S MASK WITH BLOOD just before he dies. Our Trooper, stands - overwhelmed by the battle.</p>

<p>"Who is this trooper?" Master Mundi wonders.</p>

<p>"It appears that these troopers aren't fully aware of what they do, according to this." Obi-Wan ponders.</p>

<p>"He must be a new soldier, perhaps he isn't familiar with battle yet." Mace says, not to interested in the soldier.</p>

<p>Anakin slowly grins. "Or he's starting to realize that what they're doing is wrong!" </p>

<p>The Jedi ponder that idea curiously.</p>

<p>AN IMPOSING SHUTTLE CRAFT - VERTICAL WINGSPAN 90 FEET TALL -LANDS NEAR THE TRANSPORT VEHICLES. The shuttle craft door OPENS - through the wind and smoke, KYLO REN exits the ship: a TALL, DARK FIGURE, he strides through the chaos toward San Tekka.</p>

<p>Everyone instinctively flinches, as they can feel the Dark Side from this individual on the screen. He seems powerful, and it's obvious this man is a practitioner of the Dark Side.</p>

<p>"Could that be the Sith Lord we've been looking for?" Master Mundi says.</p>

<p>Obi-Wan frowns. "I'm not sure. I don't think the Sith Lord himself would come to such a simple raid such as this. </p>

<p>Perhaps he is an apprentice of some sort." Master Koon nods. </p>

<p>"I agree.""You mean like Ventress?" Ahsoka asks. Obi-Wan nods.</p>

<p>A senior Trooper moves to our blood-marked Trooper, and orders him.</p>

<p>SENIOR TROOPER: Stay here.Our Trooper nods.</p>

<p> Kylo Ren stops before the outraged Lor San Tekka, dwarfing him.</p>

<p> Only now does it become apparent that Kylo Ren wears a DARK MASK, marked by battle. Inset metal lines reflect FIRE.</p>

<p>"I do hope this man will be alright. He seems like such a wise fellow." Obi-Wan says.</p>

<p>"It's good to see that he isn't showing any fear towards the Dark Sider. He has my respect," Anakin says.</p>

<p>"What a rare case," Obi-Wan remarks.</p>

<p>KYLO REN: Look how old you've become.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: Something far worse has happened to you.</p>

<p>"What a witty remark, wouldn't you say Master?" Anakin said with a grin.</p>

<p>"Of course Anakin."</p>

<p>Our blood-marked TROOPER is placed in line with other stormtroopers.</p>

<p>KYLO REN: You know what I've come for.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren.</p>

<p>"Kylo Ren... I was under the impression that Sith used 'Darth' before their names," Master Ti says in confusion.</p>

<p>"Hmm, perhaps not a Sith at all, or something different we have not seen." Yoda theorizes.</p>

<p>"Either way he still uses the Dark Side." Mace says with a frown.</p>

<p>KYLO REN: The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it, and now you're going to give it to the First Order.</p>

<p>"If this is you they're looking for, I hope you can totally beat them Master," Ahsoka says. Anakin gives her a grin. "Hey, in not about to get beaten by some upstart Sith wannabe," he says. She rolls her eyes.</p>

<p>Adjacent to the village, Poe enters frame - sees the Ren/San Tekka exchange continue.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: The First Order rose from the dark side... you did not.</p>

<p>"The Dark Side..." Mace mutters.</p>

<p>"I have never heard of an organization known as the First Order. Perhaps they are a hidden band of Sith that we have not yet located." Master Koon theorizes.</p>

<p>"Perhaps," Obi-Wan agrees.</p>

<p>"Whoever the Sith are, we have to find and end them before they can cause any damage to the Republic and the Jedi." Master Windu states firmly.</p>

<p>KYLO REN: I'll show you the dark side.</p>

<p>LOR SAN TEKKA: You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family.</p>

<p>"Hmm, good with words he is," Yoda remarks. "Perhaps on par with Master Kenobi, hmm?" he asks with a smile.</p>

<p>"Perhaps," he admits. Anakin grins at him. "Come on old, you two have so much in common!" Ahsoka hides a laugh while Obi-Wan rolls his eyes.</p>


<p>KYLO REN: You're so right. </p>


<p>The Jedi watch the scene in horror, frustrated that they can't prevent any of this from happening. Yoda gazes at the man's fallen form sadly.</p>


<p>The Jedi all stare at the motion in shock and disbelief. "What? Since when was that a thing?" Anakin cries out in disbelief.</p>

<p>"I've never thought that to be possible! The only similarity I can think of is our encounter with the Force Wielders on Mortis!" Obi-Wan says with surprise and worry. Only the Jedi Council, Anakin and Ahsoka knew the truth of what happened on Mortis. Hearing his comparison worries everyone greatly.</p>

<p>"Powerful he has become," Yoda says gravely. "The Dark Side grows in strength."</p>

<p>He is grabbed by Stormtroopers who drag him past the VIBRATING, FROZEN BLAST, to Kylo Ren. A Stormtrooper begins a brutal PAT DOWN. Kylo Ren moves closer. Poe just glares. The Stormtrooper KICKS OUT Poe's legs - he lands hard on his knees. Kylo Ren kneels to look at Poe.</p>

<p>POE: So who talks first? You talk first?</p>

<p>Despite the surprise and shock of the situation, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka manage a small grin.</p>

<p>"Once again, you two could be very much alike Anakin," Obi-Wan says playfully. Ahsoka hides a small laugh while Anakin just grumbles.

<p>KYLO REN: The old man gave it to you.

<p>POE(INDICATES KYLO'SMASK) It's just very hard to understand you with all the...

KYLO REN: Search him.

POE: ...Apparatus.

The Troopers roughly pull Poe away. A Stormtrooper begins a brutal PAT DOWN. Kylo Ren moves closer. Poe just glares as the pat down ends.

"Quite a brave fellow," Master Mundi observes.

STORMTROOPER #1: Nothing, sir.

KYLO REN: Put him on board.

Kylo Ren regards the Stormtroopers with the rounded up Villagers, then turns to the CHROME-SKINNED, FEMALE BLACK-CAPED HEAD STORMTROOPER, CAPTAIN PHASMA. </p>

CAPTAIN PHASMA: Sir, the villagers. 

KYLO REN: Kill them all.

Everyone reels back in surprise and horror.

"No!" Anakin exclaims. "Why would they do that!"

"Sith are just as ruthless as we figured. It's in their nature to do such things." Mace says in disgust.

Phasma nods, steps forward.

CAPTAIN PHASMA: On my command

The Troopers, including OURS, aim at the Villagers.


The Council watch in anguish as the villagers are all killed by blaster fire. It sickens Anakin to no end that people are capable of such things like this. All those innocent lives a tragedy in war.

Poe is roughly PULLED into a transport ship, the ramp LIFTS.

All around our Trooper BLASTER FIRE ERUPTS - but we're WIDE ENOUGH to see he ISN'T FIRING. PUSH IN until the FIRING STOPS. All the Stormtroopers SPREAD OUT TO SEARCH - except ours.

"That trooper seems to be regretting his decision now. I almost feel bad for him." Anakin observes.

"Perhaps he is a new recruit that isn't yet used to war." Kit Fisto theorizes.

"Either way he still serves the Dark Side." Master Windu says with a frown.

Kylo Ren heads back toward his ship. But then he STOPS. Feels something. TURNS AND LOOKS AT OUR STORMTROOPER for a LONG MOMENT. Our Trooper can barely meet his gaze; knows he's doomed. Kylo Ren then heads off - passes the FROZEN BLAST, which, after a beat, GOES FREE AND SLAMS INTO A NEARBY STRUCTURE, scaring the crap out of our Stormtrooper.

"Lucky man," Anakin remarks. Obi-Wan nods in agreement.

"Has anyone ever managed to do that with a blaster bolt Masters?" Ahsoka asks. Yoda closes his eyes in thought for a moment.

"A possibility it is, though unheard of," he says. "For through the Force, all things are possible.


A Stormtrooper climbs down from the cockpit of Poe's X-wing, BACKS AWAY.

STORMTROOPER #2: Nothing here. Go ahead

Three other Stormtroopers FIRE LASER CANNONS at the X-wing - destroying the ship in a LARGE EXPLOSION.

"Aw. I liked that ship," Anakin says in disappointment.

Oh hush Anakin, you have your own starfighter." Obi-Wan playfully scolds.

EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF JAKKU VILLAGE - NIGHT BB-8 rolls across the sand, looks back: the X-wing FIREBALL. BB-8, afraid, continues on his own in a mysterious, dark desert. We see a FORM - an animal, its RED EYES LIFTING from the sand, watching the rolling droid, who just keeps going. In a WIDE SHOT, we HEAR HIM BEEPING to himself, lonely and frightened.

"Poor droid." Ahsoka says. "Seems independent like R2 almost."

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