Leia Old Friends

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Post battle. Finn runs to Han:

FINN: He took her! Did you see that? He took her. She's gone!

HAN: (WALKS PAST) Yeah, yeah, I know...

And he and Chewie head off.

"He looks so devastated." Ahsoka comments sadly.

Anakin nods in agreement. "I would be too if my son turned out to be a Sith apprentice bent on conquering the galaxy," he remarks. A few Jedi give him a look and he stares back in confusion before realizing what they mean and sighs irritably.

"Oh come on, my son becomes a Jedi Master!" Anakin says in defense. Obi-Wan shakes his head in amusement.


Han moves toward a RESISTANCE TRANSPORT landing in the debris. BB-8 rolls up beside him, in wait for the transport. ON HAN'S FACE, knowing exactly what's about to happen. Finally, the transport door opens.

"I wonder who he's waiting for." Obi-Wan comments.

And standing there is LEIA. She sees Han and is stunned. A silent beat, husband and wife reunited for the first time in years. In the smoke and embers, no one says a word.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that's Leia Organa." Kit Fisto says.

Anakin stares at her in wonder, seeing so much of a resemblance of Padme in the woman, even if she is much older. Yoda hums in agreement.

"Agree I do. Leia, sister of Luke this must be." Yoda surmises. Anakin looks at him in surprise.

"Wait, Luke's sister? I have a daughter too?" he asks.

"Did you not read the opening text Anakin?" Obi-Wan asks in amusement. Anakin leans back in the seat in embarrassment, while Ahsoka smiles at his predicament.

Mace frowns in irritation. Not only did Skywalker break the Code and get married, but he also had two children as well! It was unacceptable.

Then C-3PO walks out from the transport, into the field:

C-3PO: Goodness! Han Solo! It is I, See-Threepio!

Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan gape at the screen in shock, not expecting him to be there!

"3PO is there too?" Anakin exclaims in disbelief.

"Senator Amidala's protocol droid?" Master Plo asks. Anakin nods distractedly.

"Yeah I built him!" he says.

"How does he even manage to survive all the stuff he's been through with his whiny attitude?"

C-3PO: You probably don't recognize me because of the red arm.

The three Jedi familiar with #PO let off a small laugh, and Yoda manages a smile too.

"That's definitely your droid Anakin." Obi-Wan says.

(sees Leia, INCREASINGLY AWKWARD) Look who it is! Did you see who-?

He pauses at the look Leia gives him, and turns to look between the two.

Anakin shakes his head in amusement.

C-3PO: Oh. Excuse me, Prin- uh, General. Sorry. Come along, BB-8. Quickly.


C-3PO: Yes, I must get my proper arm reinstalled.

He hurries off. Finally, alone again.

HAN: You changed your hair.

LEIA: Same jacket.

"So I'm just realizing that my future daughter is in love with a smuggler..." Anakin says with a frown on his face.

A few Jedi watch him in slight disapproval, and Ahsoka just rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure she can handle herself Master. Besides, this guy seems nice," she tells him.

Obi-Wan nods in agreement. "Maybe you should give him a chance."

HAN: No, new jacket.

Chewie glad to see Leia, greets her with a hug. Chewie MOANS a few words, looks at Han then boards the ship. It is complicated and loving and painful. Han says, quietly:

"Good old Chewbacca." Ahsoka muses.

HAN: (CONT'D) ... I saw him. Leia, I saw our son. He was here.

Leia hears this. Maz watches through the smoke.

The Jedi watch the scene, and feel sympathy for the two parents. Approve of them or not, they obviously are very upset and lost with their son having fallen to the dark side.

Anakin's grandson, fallen to the dark side.

The last bit makes Mace frown in displeasure. He was starting to see that they obviously had regret for their son falling to the dark side, but a series of events breaking the Code is what allowed that to happen.




The SHIPS DESCENDING among grassy mounds and sunken structures.

"Kind of reminds me of Naboo over a decade ago." Obi-Wan remarks thoughtfully.

"Definitely has the green to go with it Master Kenobi." Master Mundi says in agreement.


LARGE GRASS MOUNDS cover HANGARS, beneath the odd, giant trees. BOOM DOWN as RESISTANCE GROUND CREW direct an X-WING to a LANDING. In the FOREGROUND, another X-wing canopy OPENS, a PILOT climbs out. PAN TO REVEAL the landed Millennium Falcon. Finn runs down the ramp, UP TO CAMERA, desperate, searching.

Then BB-8 SPEEDS RIGHT PAST HIM, almost knocking him down - Finn watches as BB-8 rolls over to the PILOT GETTING OUT OF THE BLACK-MARKED X-WING. The Pilot's helmet comes off. IT IS POE!

"Honestly, how is that guy even alive?" Anakin says in disbelief. "He was in the TIE fighter when it exploded right?"

"I guess not." Obi-Wan says.

Finn can't believe what he's seeing. And Poe, kneeling in WARM REUNION with BB-8, listens and reacts to something the droid tells him. Poe looks up and sees Finn - and he can't believe it either! Poe smiles, points at Finn. From a distance, Finn gestures in sheer amazement that Poe is alive.

FINN: Poe. Poe Dameron.

They move to each other - and embrace.

FINN: (CONT'D) You're alive!

POE: So are you!

FINN: What happened to you?

POE: What happened? I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night - no you, no ship, nothing-

"Well that's convenient. Maybe I'll do what he did next time you crash Anakin." Obi-Wan says with a smirk. Anakin gapes at him while Ahsoka and a few more of the easy going Jedi let off a small chuckle.

"What?! It's not my fault that the ship always crashes!" he protests.

"Well every time it happens, we do crash the ship your way." Obi-Wan says teasingly. Anakin groans in annoyance.

BB-8 BEEPS - Poe listens, turns to Finn.

POE: (CONT'D) BB-8 says that you saved him.

FINN: No, no, no. It wasn't just me.

POE: You completed my mission, Finn. That's my jacket?

FINN: Oh here.

POE: No, no, no. Keep it. It suits you. You're a good man, Finn.

FINN: Poe - I need your help.

"I sense a long friendship developing between those two." Master Plo says. Anakin nods in agreement.

"The skilled pilot has my vote.," he says.


MOVE FAST with Finn and Poe. Finn takes in this makeshift command center, buried deep among vines and roots. They arrive at Leia, who stands with a group of Resistance Officers, including ADMIRALS ACKBAR and STATURA:

Ahsoka and Anakin gape at the screen.

"Is that Captain Ackbar?" Ahsoka asks in stunned surprise. Anakin nods.

"Yeah, I think it is Snips. Pretty dedicated for what he believes in thats for sure." Anakin says.

"The Mon Cala captain?" Kit Fisto asks.

They nod. "Yeah, remember him Master?" Anakin asks.

Kit nods thoughtfully. "I believe I do. It's good to see another familiar face again," he says with a smile.

POE: General Organa. Sorry to interrupt, this is Finn, he needs to talk to YOU -

LEIA: (takes Finn's hand) And I need to talk to him. That was incredibly brave, what you did. Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's life -

FINN: (surprised she knows) Thank you, ma'am - but a friend of mine was taken prisoner-

LEIA: Han told me about the girl, I'm sorry.

Finn is startled - Poe jumps in:

POE: Finn's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system. He worked on the base.

"The Hosnian system?" Master Ti asks. "Wasn't it the Republic capital itself that was targeted?"

"That doesn't make sense. They said the Republic was destroyed, yet Coruscant still stands?" Mace asks with a confused frown.

"Perhaps moved to a new planet, they did." Yoda suggests. Obi-Wan nods in agreement.

"It is possible. We still don't know what has happened in the long time gap between this holovid and now. Or even how many years have gone by." Obi-Wan says thoughtfully.

LEIA: We're desperate for anything you can tell us.

FINN: That's where my friend was taken - I've got to get there, fast.

LEIA: And I will do everything I can to help, but first you must tell us all you know.


Chewbacca sits on a bed in the med bay. DR. KALONIA uses a device to help heal his shoulder. Chewie TALKS.

Ahsoka starts to smile, understanding everything he is saying.

DR. KALONIA: (CHEWIE TALKS) That sounds very scary.


You must be so brave.

Chewie agrees.

Ahsoka laughs in amusement. "Oh he's talking about that story?"

What's he talking about Snips?" Anakin asks her.

"He's talking about when we were being hunted by the Trandoshans. And exaggerating many parts too!" she says. (I know that probably isn't it but this is my story k?)

Anakin shakes his head. "No wonder she doesn't seem to believe him one bit," he remarks.


C-3PO takes the DATA DEVICE from BB-8 and inserts it into a BASE COMPUTER. THE PROJECTED MAP APPEARS in HOLOGRAM. Leia enters, studying it, dispirited. PAN as she moves, REVEALING HAN. C-3PO is here and some others.

C-3PO: General, I regret to inform you, but this map recovered from BB-8 is only partially complete. And even worse, it matches no charted system on record. We simply do not have enough information to locate Master Luke.

Anakin and a few other Jedi study the map again with frowns on their faces. These planets were not familiar to them, even to Master Mundi and Anakin.

"Well, at least he certainly picked a good hiding spot." Obi-Wan says.

"Now it's just a matter of if they can find him before they get the information from the girl Rey." Mace says, bringing everyones good mood down.

Anakin rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Such a depressing person Mace is.

LEIA: I can't believe I was so foolish to think that I could just find Luke and bring him home.

HAN: Leia...

LEIA: Don't do that.

HAN: Do what?

She heads off.

LEIA: Anything.

Flummoxed, Han follows looking at C-3PO.

C-3PO: Princesses.

Han follows Leia across the base floor:

HAN: I'm trying to be helpful!

LEIA: When did that ever help? And don't say the Death Star.

"Death Star?" Anakin asks with a frown. "What's a Death Star?"

"Whatever it is doesn't sound good." Master Plo remarks.

"Almost as bad as this, Starkiller Base." Obi-Wan says with a worried frown.

Anakin looks at him in alarm. "You don't think a planet killer was built before do you?"

Nobody says anything, fearing the answer. What happened in this time gap?


LOW WITH BB-8 as he rolls over and finds, under a dark and dusty tarp in a corner, R2-D2.

"Artoo?!" Anakin exclaims in confusion and relieved joy.

"Even Artooie is still around!" Ahsoka says happily.

Anakin scoffs. "Of course he is Snips. He's the toughest droid out there."

Obi-Wan sighs in exasperation. "Always the droids that outlast us apparently," he says.

Anakin throws him a smirk. "Well, you are getting old Master."

BB-8 BEEPS at R2, pulls off the tarp and tries to start a conversation. But R2 DOESN'T RESPOND AT ALL. BB-8 tries again. Nothing. BB-8 NUDGES R2. Nothing.

Anakin frowns in worry. What was wrong with R2?

C-3PO: (O.S.) BB-8. You're wasting your time.

BB-8 looks up at C-3PO, who stands there. C-3PO SIGHS.

C-3PO: (CONT'D) It is very doubtful that R2 would have the rest of the map in his backup data.

"I highly doubt that he doesn't have the rest of the map." Anakin says confidently.

"What makes you so sure?" Obi-Wan asks him.

"Do you know how many places we've been Master?" Anakin asks rhetorically. Obi-Wan sighs.

"Fair point."


I am afraid not. R2-D2 has been in low power mode ever since Master Luke went away. Sadly, he may never be his old self again.

"That's a depressing thought." Ahsoka remarks sadly. Anakin nods, a little upset that his favorite droid is in a state of depression like this. He's never seen R2 act that way before.


Leia hears the change in Han's voice and softens. She turns.

HAN: Listen to me, will you? I know every time you... every time you look at me, you're reminded of him.

LEIA: You think I want to forget him? I want him back!

Anakin watches the exchange between his daughter and son-in-law with sad eyes. The fact that it's his own grandson that turns to the dark side is upsetting to him.

Other Jedi shake their heads in pity. As much as the two parents would want their son back, he's gone. There's no turning back from the dark side once you begin it.

Han looks at her with sympathy.

HAN: There was nothing we could've done. (hard for him to say) There was too much Vader in him.

Hearing the name makes Anakin flinch at a strange memory, but he doesn't know why. Yoda notices and regards him with a sad and confused frown.

Kylo Ren's grandfather... was this Sith named Vader. So either Han Solo's father was a Sith Lord... or it was Skywalker himself. Nobody had considered this possibility yet, and Yoda hoped to keep it that way.

What could have happened if it really is Skywalker?

LEIA: That's why I wanted him to train with Luke. I just never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. That's when I lost you both.

"He wasn't sent to the Jedi early enough." Mace says with a frown. "The boy held too much attachment."

Anakin frowns at him in irritation, and Ahsoka can't help but secretly roll her eyes. Why does he insist on placing the blame on Han an Leia? Anakin's daughter?

Yoda frowns thoughtfully.

HAN: We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever good at.

LEIA: We both did.

HAN: We lost our son, forever.

LEIA: No. (LONG BEAT) It was Snoke.

Han takes this in.

LEIA: (CONT'D) He seduced our son to the dark side. But we can still save him. Me. You.

HAN: If Luke couldn't reach him, how could I?

LEIA: Luke is a Jedi... you're his father. There's still light in him. I know it.

Most of the Jedi shakes their heads in disappointment. Unfortunately they were still so naive about the ways of the Force. they couldn't or refused to understand that turning back from the dark side once you were too far seduced was impossible. Only Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and even Yoda were curious about whether or not that could be true.

GENERAL STATURA General, the reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming.

"Let's hope the Resistance finds a weakness." Obi-Wan says.

"Destroying that weapon should be their top priority." Master Mundi says in agreement.

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