The Force Awakens in Rey

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Maz is putting together some FOOD as she says:

MAZ: A map to Skywalker himself? You're right back in the mess.

HAN: Maz, I need you to get this droid to Leia.

"Leia Organa... has a nice ring to it," Anakin mutters, mostly recovered from the strange vision he had.

MAZ: Hmm. No. You've been running away from this fight for too long. Han, nyakee nago wadda. Go home!

HAN: Leia doesn't want to see me.

"A smuggler and an Organa in a relationship together?" Obi-Wan asks in surprise.

"Are you sure they're married Master?" Anakin asks. "Although I guess it does seem that way..."

Nobody notices the thoughtful frown that begins to creep on Yoda's face as he goes over crucial information from earlier...

FINN: Please, we came here for your help.

REY: What fight?<

MAZ: The only fight: against the dark side. Through the ages, I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith. The Empire. Today, it is the First Order. Their shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight them. All of us.

"How long have the Sith existed without us knowing?" Master Fisto asks.

"Apparently a very long time. Maz seems to understand their influence however, which is good. We need to learn more about them." Master Kenobi says.

"Ahh. Seen much, and heard much in her environment she may have. Attracts many visitors, her castle does." Yoda informs them.

FINN: There is no fight against the First Order! Not one we can win. Look around. There's no chance we haven't been recognized already. I bet you the First Order is on their way right

Finn stops, seeing Maz adjusting her goggles, scrutinizing him - her eyes get HUGE.

Ahsoka giggles a little bit while Yoda shakes his head in amusement at the sight.

"What the heck?" Anakin says, tilting his head in stunned yet amused disbelief.

FINN: (CONT'D) What's this? What are you doing?

Maz adjusts the goggles again. Her eyes get impossibly BIGGER. She grunts recognition. She hoists herself on the tabletop, knocking over food and plates, crawling towards Finn.

FINN: (CONT'D) Solo, what is she doing?

HAN I don't know, but it ain't good.

MAZ: If you live long enough you see the same eyes in different people. I'm looking at the eyes of a man who wants to run.

Everyone's eyes widen a little bit in understanding. No wonder he suddenly burst out like that. He was afraid of the First Order, of what they'd do to him.

FINN: (eyes on Maz) You don't know a thing about me. Where I'm from. What I've seen.

FINN: (CONT'D) You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run.

"So fearful and impatient." Obi-Wan says with a shake of his head.

Rey is stunned. Maz, not so much. She crawls back to her chair. She points to some pirates in the corner.

MAZ: You see those two? They'll trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There, you can disappear.

"The Outer Rim? He better not go to a place like Tatooine or the Hutt territories." Anakin says with a shiver.

"I agree with you Master." Ahsoka says.

Finn sees them. Considers.

REY: Finn!

FINN: Come with me.

REY: What about BB-8? We're not done yet. We have to get him back to your base.

FINN: I can't.

"I wish he wasn't so afraid. He seemed like a good guy." Anakin says.

"He has to learn to conquer his fear." Master Koon says.

Finn stands to leave. He offers the gun back to Han.

HAN: Keep it, kid.

Finn heads off. Rey gets up to follow. Maz dials her lenses back to normal, and turns to Han.

MAZ: Who's the girl?

ON FINN Who has arrived at the table with the ALIEN SMUGGLERS.

FINN: I was told you could get me to the Outer Rim.

"There aren't many wonderful planets out there." Anakin remarks.

Rey barges into the conversation, interrupting.

REY: What are you doing?

Finn gets up to talk to her.

FINN: (to Big Head) Don't leave without me.

Embarrassed, Finn moves her away.

REY: You can't just go. I won't let you.

FINN: I'm not who you think I am.

"Here's where she finds out..." Ahsoka says, although it isn't as lighthearted as she can tell the atmosphere is pretty tense.

REY: Finn, what are you talking about?

FINN: I'm not Resistance. I'm not a hero. I'm a Stormtrooper. (STOPS HER) Like all of them, I was taken from a family I'll never know. And raised to do one thing...

"Those monster steal children for soldiers?" Anakin exclaims in anger. The Jedi are all sicken by the idea. Only those who truly have no care for other life besides their own would do such a cowardly thing, brainwashing children just to serve as cannon fodder for heir armies.

FINN: (EMOTIONAL) But my first battle, I made a choice. I wasn't going to kill for them. So I ran.

FINN: (CONT'D) Right into you. And you looked at me like no one ever had. I was ashamed of what I was. But I'm done with the First Order. I'm never going back. Rey, come with me.

REY: Don't go.

FINN: Take care of yourself. Please.

Rey looks at him, crushed. With quiet resignation, Rey watches Finn return to the aliens... And all three head off. He gets to the front door and walks through it.

"That's so awful." Ahsoka says. "Being forced to do something without a choice."

"Seeing this just makes me feel guilty, because while we allow the clones freedom to do what they want within certain boundaries... they were still made to be used for war." Anakin says sadly. A few Jedi nod in agreement.

"All the more reason the end the war as quickly as possible." Master Mundi says.

Rey is heartsick, but she turns as she hears the sound of a young girl in anguish, crying. She follows the sound into the castle, turning so she can't see that Finn has looked back at her one last time.

Everyone goes quiet, feeling a strange new shift in the force. It seems that Rey has felt something as well...


Rey steps down into the basement corridor. BB-8 follows her. Walking carefully and confused, she is not sure why she's down here. She can hear the echoing sounds of a young girl crying. She heads down the hall... to the very end, where there is a door. It is almost as if a SOULFUL VIBRATION draws her closer.

"What... what is going on?" Ahsoka asks quietly.

Yoda closes his eyes in thought. "A vision she will have... awakening in young Rey, the Force is." he quietly responds.

She looks at the door lock - AND THE DOOR OPENS. Hesitant, Rey enters.

"It's as if the Force wants to show her something..." Master Kenobi murmurs.


Rey moves into the dark, small, vaulted storage room. Old treasures line the floors and walls, but there is something specific Rey is drawn to: on a table, an old wooden BOX. She moves to it, unsure, afraid, as if an energy from inside the box has been calling her here. BB-8 nervously follows.

"What's with the box?" Anakin asks.

"A Jedi artifact perhaps?" Master Koon answers. Everyone remains quiet, wanting to catch every detail.

Rey reaches out, very slowly, to touch the box. A moment heavy with tension. Rey OPENS THE BOX and sees inside Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber.

Everyone stares at the saber on screen, then at Anakin in surprise. "That's... that's my lightsaber!" he exclaims.

"How did it get there?" Obi-Wan asks in confusion.

"I don't know! It seems as if it's... calling to Rey?" Anakin half asks, assumes. Yoda frowns in thought. What special past did the lightsaber have?

With hesitation, she reaches towards it, but she cannot resist. As her hand makes contact with it, there is the piercing sound of a lightsaber igniting.

Everyone jumps as Rey enters the vision.

She moves her hand away, as REY HEARS A MECHANICAL BREATHING sound. The CAMERA MOVES, LIGHTING CHANGES - and we see behind her something impossible: a HALLWAY OF FROM DEEP INSIDE CLOUD CITY.

"Where is that?" Master Fisto asks.

Nobody has an answer for him as they all watch intently.

Disembodied voices fill the air.


She stands - looks around, confused by all she sees and hears. - Turns and sees, through a DOORWAY.

YODA: (ECHO) It's energy!

"Master Yoda? You just spoke here!" Anakin exclaims. "How are you speaking to Rey if... if we're all dead?" Master Ti asks sadly and with great confusion. Yoda hums in thought, studying the scene intently. The Force is telling him that there is more to this than they believe.

"And what energy do you mean..?" Master Windu questions.

We follow Rey and she runs down the corridor, but it all TILTS - TURNS - and she lands on the WALL - which is now the GROUND - dried GRASS.

She turns to look - we PIVOT - and see a BURNING TEMPLE AT NIGHT.

"Is that... the Temple?" Master Ti asks in shock.


We PAN to: R2-D2 - who watches the flames - and a MAN appears. He falls to his knees, reaches out to the droid - with a MECHANICAL RIGHT HAND.

"Hang on a minute, that's R2!" Anakin exclaims. "And that man is missing his hand so... it must be me!" Anakin and the Jedi are shocked and confused by what this means. Does Anakin have to witness the death and destruction of the entire Jedi Order?

YODA: ...surrounds us! And binds us...

"Speaking of the force, I am..." Yoda says quietly.

We PUSH IN ON REY as RAIN BEGINS - and DAY TURNS TO NIGHT - and she LOOKS UP - we TILT UP - To see we're LOOKING UP AT A WARRIOR as he is STABBED BY A FIERY LIGHTSABER! He screams and falls to the ground

Everyone jumps in surprise. What just happened? Who was that man? And did Kylo Ren just stab him? Where is Rey?!

- we FOLLOW HIM, revealing Rey again, now in a nighttime battlefield. She gets to her feet, frightened by what she sees. We PIVOT AROUND HER to REVEAL KYLO REN, and the six other KNIGHTS OF REN, who flank him!

The Jedi all gasp in surprise, and Ahsoka holds a hand to her mouth in shock. Anakin, Obi-Wan and a few others stare with wide eyes.

"Is that... is that the..." Master Galia asks, dreading to finish the question.

Yoda lowers his head sadly. "The Jedi massacre, this must be," he answers quietly.

Everyone comprehends all of the bodies of dead people surrounding Kylo and the Knights of Ren with horror, having never seen the sight of such a bloody massacre like that before.

Come back around to Rey, soaking now, as the RAIN STOPS and SUNLIGHT illuminates her - she turns to look - we PIVOT - and see... A little girl. Rey as a child. She is sobbing, hysterical.

Unkar Plutt's meaty hand holds her thin arm. She is on Jakku, watching a starship fly into the sky, abandoning her.

"Is that Rey as a kid?" Anakin asks. Obi-Wan nods after a moment. "I think it is.. she has the same looks and hairstyle!"

YOUNG GIRL: No, come back!

UNKAR PLUTT: Quiet, girl!

"They left her..." Anakin murmurs, growing angry at the thought. Why did they leave a young girl for herself?!

The ship flies towards the desert sun, which is strangely eclipsed, as if being eaten by darkness. Rey looks around her to see she is..


In a NIGHTTIME, BARREN, SNOWY WOODS. She's losing her mind, confounded and lost and she gets to her feet, her breath seen in the frigid air - and then:


Anakin blinks in surprise, sure he heard it wrong, but it's as clear as day, he'd recognize Obi-Wan's voice immediately. He glances over to see Obi-Wan and Yoda realize it as well.

"Master? You're in this too..." Anakin says.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Obi-Wan says quietly. What happened to them? To all of them? Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Yoda, the Jedi? They believe to saw Anakin with R2 so that answers one question.

(keep in mind that the Jedi don't know of Luke yet, although Yoda know's something is missing and Anakin dreads the possibility of what it really is)

THE SOUND OF CLASHING LIGHTSABERS! She moves through the woods, toward the sound. Rey runs, heart pounding, when KYLO REN EMERGES FROM BEHIND A TREE! She stops, SCREAMS, FALLS BACK and LANDS IN: the corridor of the basement she was in earlier!

OBI-WAN: These are your first, steps...

"Her first steps? Her first steps for what?" Anakin asks. With the vision over, everyone stops to come out of their shocked shells and begin to discuss what they have seen. Yoda closes his eyes in thought.

"Rey may be the key to the future, perhaps in relation to what we believe you are destined for Anakin." Obi-Wan theorizes.

"But that doesn't account for why we heard Master Yoda and you, Master Kenobi." Master Mundi says.

Everyone is confused by what they have seen, and wonder what will come next...


She falls back, out of the room, suddenly sitting in the hall, out of breath, alarmed and perplexed. She HEARS something and turns to look. Maz stands at the end of the corridor, realizing what has just happened.

REY: What was that? I shouldn't have gone in there.

MAZ: That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him and now, it calls to you!

Everyone is still before they all slowly turn to look at Anakin, who is speechless. Some like Windu stare with glares, while others like Yoda, Obi-Wan as Ahsoka stare with sadness yet sympathy, with no blame in their eyes.

"Skywalker!" Mace suddenly demands. "Care to explain?!"

Anakin ignores him, still staring at the screen. "I have a son...?"

"I'm... not sure what to say Anakin." Obi-Wan says gently. "But I don't blame you." Ahsoka nods in agreement.

"Skywalker, you broke the Jedi Code!" Mace exclaims angrily. "By all accounts you should be expelled right now!"

This snaps Anakin out of his trance. "What? Master, remember that this is the future! I don't have a son right now!"

"Yet!" Mace retorts.

Yoda shakes his head, thumping his gimmer stick on the ground repeatedly. "Enough! Quiet you two shall be!" Yoda exclaims, staring at the two of them. "Know enough about the situation, we do not. A son Skywalker may have, but know the reason, we do not!"

Mace shakes his head. "He still broke the Code- the Code that we have followed diligently for thousands of years!"

Anakin glares harshly back. "The Code that got my mother KILLED!?" he roars.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan exclaims. Ahsoka watched the exchange between the two with wide eyes, not sure what to do.

Hearing Obi-Wan's voice snaps Anakin out of his rage, where he realizes that he and Master Windu were standing up, and he was gripping his lightsaber. He slumps back into his seat and holds his head in his hands while Ahsoka puts a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

Obi-Wan sighs. He's actually known about the marriage between Anakin and Padme for some time now, and he has a hunch that Ahsoka knew about it to. He never informed the Council because while he wasn't to vocal about it, he saw the great man that Anakin truly was. Someone that was willing to do the right thing no matter the cost.

Yoda shakes his head. "A break we will take, to clear our minds I think, yes." Yoda declares, getting everyone to realize that he had paused the holovid. "When calmed down we have, reconvene for the rest, we shall."

Anakin gets up immediately to leave, and Ahsoka and Obi-Wan follow to help comfort him. Mace and a few other Jedi also leave, irritated at Skywalker for breaking the code. Master Koon isn't sure what to think, as well as Master Fisto, and they leave as well. Soon, Yoda is the last one in the Council chambers, and he sighs sadly, burdened by the war and everything else that has occurred. And what of young Skywalker? If what he thinks is true from what he saw in the opening text, and Solo's hinted feelings to Leia Organa...

Will Skywalker become a Sith Lord...?

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