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-Third Person-

"Okay, everyone!" Zia called out through the loud conversations from all the Vikings. Once everyone got quiet, she continues. "I just found the second trailer, so I suggest you all get comfortable."

"And may I remind you that you should probably prepare yourselves. Someone you know and love dearly would have a quick reappearance." Diantha stated knowingly while giving Valka a look, who still hides through the shadows with Cloudjumper.

"Oh, and have some popcorns." With a flick of Zia's fingers, a bowl of popcorns appeared on each of everyone's laps.

"Popcorns. . ." Tuffnut trailed off. "Sounds familiar."

And Diantha giggled knowingly.

(The camera to a map, with Berk drawn in the center.)

Stoick: This is Berk, son.

Almost everyone jumped on their seats after hearing Stoick's voice.

"Oh, there you are." Gobber chuckled, referring to Stoick's question earlier about where he was after watching the first trailer.

"This sounds familiar." Stoick hummed before eating his popcorn.

(A pan in of the warrior statues that greeted all those that came to Berk. This Berk is a smaller one, before all dragons. Stoick is standing before the village of Berk, holding a toddler Hiccup in his arms, who looks up at his father.)

"Aw, you look so cute, I could just squeeze you to death." Diantha said, her voice almost sounding like baby talk.

"Which is we don't want you to do." Zia chimed in with a half glare. "So behave, Diantha."

Hiccup snorted in annoyance while Astrid laughed. Valka, on the other hand, put a hand on her mouth upon seeing little Hiccup. How could she miss so much of him? Would it ever be too late to come back and mend all her mistakes?

Meanwhile, Snotlout and the twins snickers upon seeing Hiccup so small and skinny, that it was like yesterday when they bully him and regrets everything.

Stoick: This is the home of your grandparents, and their grandparents before them.

(The camera cuts to a massive hole in the middle of the ocean.)

Stoick: But out there, beyond the edge of the world, lies the home of the dragons.

(The screen changes to a brightly lit cave, full of bright colorful dragons flying everywhere, to many to count. It looks like a utopia for dragons of all kinds.)

Stoick: But I believe, that it is your destiny, to one day find this hidden world.

"He knows. . ." Hiccup concluded before facing his father. "You know, and you never told me."

That made Valka gave her husband a look, although secretly, as she herself didn't know of this information except her husband. Which made her confuse. How could Stoick know such a sacred information?

"This is in the past, when you were little." Stoick started. "And everything happened so fast with a raids and dragons living in our village, that information had slipped in my mind until now. I would've thought you still remember it."

"No," Hiccup smiled sheepishly. "I just thought it was just a dream."

And the sound of hands slapping through their foreheads could be heard everywhere.

(A fade out to little Hiccup looking at his father to now chief Hiccup looking upon a growing, lively Berk from the same place his father once stood. Toothless comes up behind him and nuzzle his rider.)

(The scene changes to Hiccup and Toothless together on a cliff. Toothless nudges around Hiccup's detached prosthetic leg, all covered in dragon saliva, tossing it into Hiccup's map.)

Hiccup: You do know that my leg isn't a chew toy, don't you?

"And now the leg thing." Hiccup sigh dramatically which made Toothless and the other laugh.

Somehow the scene they are watching amuse everyone. Who knew Hiccup would take his condition as a joke? Other who have amputee would have to get used to have a prosthetic for a few years.

"I really need to make you something to chew on and to play with it." Hiccup pointed a finger at Toothless who followed his finger when it moves.

(Hiccup is bouncing around on his one good leg, holding up his prosthetic leg in front of Toothless.)

Hiccup: Is this what you want? Go get it!

(Hiccup promptly THROWS his leg off the cliff, and Toothless bounced forward to catch it.)

"You really think that was a good idea?" Astrid raised an eyebrow at her fiancé to which made Hiccup shrugged.

"I don't see why not." Hiccup said plainly. "It could be his little distraction."

"You do know you're on a top of a cliff, right?" Fishlegs chimed in with a confuse look towards Hiccup.

"And since Toothless seems to fly on his own, it would take a while for him to chew on your prosthetic." Zia crossed her arms with a smug look.

"And therefore, you are stuck on that cliff." Diantha said which made Hiccup shut up after thinking twice of coming up for an argument.

(Toothless glides down into the forest below, leaving Hiccup without his prosthetic leg.)

Hiccup: Uh, how am I supposed to get down?

"Mm-hmm." Astrid, Fishlegs, Zia and Diantha gave him a look of 'I told you so' which made Hiccup glare at them playfully.

(A quick scene to Toothless gnawing on the leg. Stormfly is trying to get a peek but Toothless growls and she backs off.)

"Oh, what do you know, Stormfly is there." Hiccup said with a smug look as he emphasized Stormfly's name.

The said dragon's name, squawks after hearing her name before she starts preening herself. Hiccup chuckled and gave Stormfly a small scratch.

Astrid snorted at him before looking away. Hiccup chuckled and gave her a playful nudge making half of her popcorns drop on the floor.

Hiccup: Hey bud, wait up.

(The scene changes to Toothless running through the dim forest, he turns his head, spying a white unknown figure in the fems ahead of him. He approached the figure, revealing it to be a white dragon. A Light Fury with bright blue eyes, and the two makes eye contact.)

"Hey, didn't we already saw this?" Tuffnut asked.

"Yes, we did. But it how a movie trailer works. It lets us shows small clips that might or may happen in your future. Whether it may be repeated or not. But in this situation, the scene of where Toothless met a Light Fury is the clip where it surprise everyone therefore it is repeated." Zia explained to which only a few understand and those who lack of brains remained confuse.

Hiccup: He's not the only one!

(Hiccup is watching from behind some mossy rocks.)

(Suddenly the Light Fury fires ahead of her and went in straight to her fire, Toothless watches her disappear.)

(Then Toothless is shown, flying on his own at night, with the Light Fury, in a romantic flight of sorts. The two seem to be enamored by each other.)

"Doing a midnight flight are we?" Hiccup teased which made Toothless huff and turn to avoid his rider's gaze.

"Wait, midnight flight on your own without me." Then realization hit Hiccup's head. "Then I must have created you another tail fin to fly on you own."

Toothless smiled and starts to jump around.

"Who knew Toothless could be so romantic." Diantha gushed which made Toothless rumble out of embarrassment.

"Of course, he got it from me!" Snotlout boated which immediately made Zia, Diantha, Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs cough or choke up on their own saliva. The twins, however, gaged.

"Yeah, and I live in the moon." Astrid stated sarcastically.

(Then a scene changes to the Light Fury walking in the sand in tip toes while watching Toothless, who attempts to dance around to impress her.)

Astrid: Another Night Fury!

Hiccup: More like a Bright--

Astrid: A Light Fury!

Hiccup: Fury... Yeah, yours is better. Probably.

Everyone laughed, a bit amused at the couple's small antics.

"So you were the one to name her." Hiccup said with a smile.

"Hey, you may be the known Dragon Master but I can still name a few discovered dragons." Astrid sassed which made Hiccup chuckled. He put an arm around his fiancé's shoulder and gave her a kiss of the temple that lingered for a bit.

"I know you can." He said while Astrid hummed.

(Toothless and the Light Fury interact with each other, Toothless bouncing around like a fool and the Light Fury watched, not knowing what to do.)

(Then the scene cuts to Hiccup and Toothless flying together over an army of ships below them, flying towards a towering rocks ahead. The camera pans to focus on this army of ships.)

This part of a clip made everyone tense, especially Stoick, seeing that Hiccup just flew towards the enemy's base with Toothless and possibly alone.

"Son, are you insane that you would fly through with the man's armada?" Stoick asked, almost shouting.

"Not this again, dad." Hiccup groaned.

"You know it's dangerous!" Stoick shouted. "And you're still entering his armada possibly alone."

"I have Toothless."

"And you know that your enemy kidnaps dragons and possibly kills them, what could Toothless do when he's already in iron cages?" Stoick argued. "If your not thinking about yourself then think of Toothless safety, knowing that will be your priority."

And with that said, Stoick left Hiccup speechless. Toothless rumbled at Hiccup who patted his head absently before feeding Toothless half of his popcorn.

Valka: There is an armada, tracking us with enough cages for all of our dragons.

(Valka makes her first appearance in this. With Hiccup helping his aging mother.)

Stoick almost jump on his seat upon hearing that familiar voice that he so longed to hear. He could never forget her voice. His wife is alive. Valka is alive after all this years. But the question remains, why didn't she came back? Meanwhile, Valka could feel her heart skipping a beat. She knew, Stoick wouldn't forget of her voice and she knew any time now, she could reveal herself.

Hiccup, on the other hand, was a bit perplexed upon seeing the woman. Her voice somehow is a bit familiar but he couldn't quite guess when and where he hear that voice.

"Valka. . ." Stoick stood up carefully with Gobber's small assistance. Snotlout heard his chief and immediately stared at the screen upod seeing his long lost aunt.

"Told you you should prepare yourselves. Someone you dearly love would return." Diantha said with a wide grin.

"But how? When?" Stoick exclaimed.

"Hiccup." Zia said. "It was all Hiccup."

"Wait, wait just a minute!" Hiccup exclaimed as he stood up and face his father. "You're kind of leaving me in the dark here. I mean, would you care to explain who that woman is."

"That woman is. . . Your mother." Stoick said softly which made Hiccup stagger back but Astrid immediately caught him before he could fall.

"M-my mo-mother?" Hiccup choked out while the gang stared gaping at Stoick.

"I think it's time you finally meet her once again." Diantha said before staring at the darkness in the corner where Valka remain hidden. "That is, if she wants to."

Valka remained silent in the moment before releasing a deep breath and nodded her head to Cloudjumper who crooned in reassurance before stepping out in the dark, letting all Vikings and dragons to see the majestic Stormcutter.

The gang, especially Fishlegs stared at the huge dragon in awe while Hiccup's gaze remained at the shadow where he saw slight movement. Later on, someone stepped out and into the light. It was the woman Hiccup saw on the screen. The woman wore an armor that made her seem intimidating, complete with her dragon helmet that really define her as a dragon. Hiccup took a deep breath when that woman began to take off her helmet revealing a woman in mid-40's with long auburn hair in braid and sea-green eyes that seem to be glossy and wet, like on the verge of crying.

"H-Hiccup?" Valka called out, almost hesitant. But Hiccup remained quiet.

"I-I. . . I'm sorry." Valka whispered. "I'm sorry for not being with you after all these years. I'm so sorry for not coming back to you. To your father. I'm sorry for not being there when you need me the most. And most of all, I'm sorry for leaving you behind. I know I missed so much of you. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I-I. . ." Hiccup didn't let his supposed to be dead mother to continue. He have heard enough and that's all he ever needed to hear.

Hiccup ran. He ran towards his mother and gave her the most biggest hug he could offer. And from that, Valka finally let her tears fall and hug her son tightly, and as much as she could.

"I forgive you." With that simple word, Valka gave Hiccup a kiss on the forehead that lingered for a long time. Stoick then found that moment to approach his wife and son, and gave them a hug that almost made the two stumble on their feet.

"Valka, you're alive." Stoick whispered. "You're here."

"Stoick, I-I. . ." But Stoick cut her off with a kiss that made Hiccup step back and let her parents have their moments.

Toothless crooned upon seeing his rider's father kissing a woman, which made Hiccup chuckled and gave his dragon a small scratch.

"That's my mother bud." Toothless' ears perked up and gurgled before slowly approaching the couple. He nudge them both which made them break their kiss and glance down as Toothless.

"You must be Toothless." Valka said with a smile. Toothless gave her a toothless smile in return.

"Okay, since that moment is over, why don't we continue watching?" Zia asked which made everyone nodded their head.

Stoick led Valka to a chair beside his that magically appeared and let her sit with Gobber beside her on her left.

"Hey, Gobber." Valka greeted.

"Valka! Nice seeing you again!" Gobber said, rather cheerily like Valka wasn't missing at all. "Popcorn?"

"Thank you." Valka grabbed a few and ate them slowly.

Then Zia press the play button once again.

(The scene changes to a battle. A giant crossbow focused on a dragon. Grimmel's silhouette against the sunset, and a Stormcutter, Cloudjumper, being force into cages. Other dragon as well are being shut into iron cages.)

Valka gasped. "Cloudjumper!" She exclaimed. She could never forget what her dragon looked like. She knew that was her dragon.

"What-what is happening?" Fishlegs whimpered and immediately clung himself at Meatlug.

"No. . ." Hiccup muttered in disbelief while Astrid gasped.

(Then the scene changes to Hiccup in the Great Hall, taking upon his duty as chief with Valka and Eret standing beside him and the whole people of Berk listening in.)

Hiccup: This is a new kind of enemy.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but am I seeing Hiccup leading the village like he's the chief?" Ruffnut asked while Tuffnut nodded his head.

"Your not wrong, Ruff." Diantha said with a wide smile that she gave at Hiccup who squirmed.

Meanwhile, Stock beamed with proud at Hiccup who didn't saw his demeanor changing.

"And wait, is that Eret?" Astrid pointed at the screen which was paused to a scene where Hiccup stood in front of the village with Valka and Eret by his side.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's him." Hiccup confirmed, although, a bit perplexed.

"So, what? He's with us now?" Astrid raised an eyebrow.


(Grimmel appears again, more clearly, turning around and firing his crossbow taking down a dragon in a single shot without a single change in his demeanor.)

"No!" All dragon riders and a few villagers shouted. Valka was mostly scared for the dragon's condition while all dragons hissed and snarled at Grimmel on screen.

Hiccup: We need to find the hidden world.

Grimmel: I will destroy everything you love.

(Then the scene changes to Toothless and the Light Fury being carried upside down with chains and ropes. Hiccup chasing after them desperately.)

"Toothless, No!" Hiccup stood up and stared at the screen in disbelief. Toothless crooned and nudge Hiccup's hand which made Hiccup hug his dragon tightly.

"I won't let any happen to you, bud." Hiccup whispered. "I promise you that."
Toothless crooned in comfort.

Hiccup: Toothless, no!

(Valka in her dragon armor and Hiccup both now look upon Berk burning, nothing but flames before them.)

Almost everyone gasped at the sight before. One wouldn't dream of Berk falling into pieces, there's nothing but fire and ashes.

"Berk. . ." Hiccup breathed in fear while Astrid tried to sooth him in comfort.

"No." Stoick said in disbelief. "This can not be happening!" Valka frowned at him with worry.

"Not Berk." Fishlegs whimpered. Snotlout and the twins remained silent as they watch their village in flames. Where will they go now?

Never in his life had he encountered an enemy who have the power to destroy Berk. Let alone bring Berk down into pieces.

(Hiccup and the gang look up at everything being taken away from them.)

Grimmel: You're nothing without your dragon.

(Grimmel, although briefly, is shown to be proficient in his craft. The Light Fury is now shown to be stuck in a cage, frightened. Toothless crooned sadly at the night sky.)

(Then back to Hiccup in the Great Hall.)

Hiccup: If Grimmel succeed, there won't be any more dragons left.

"Grimmel." Hiccup repeated as his on-screen self said his enemy's name. "Grimmel is his name."

"We have to stop him!" Astrid exclaimed. "I won't let him get Stormfly away from me."

Stormfly squawk and nudges Astrid lovingly which made Astrid hug her dragon.

"Don't worry, we will stop him." Hiccup said, looking determine. "I won't let him take Toothless from me."

"And me." Ruffnut seconded.

"Belch too."

"Hooky is important too."

"What about Meatlug? She's important too, you know."

"Guys, guys. All of our dragon are important. We will stop Grimmel from taking away our dragons from us. No matter what." Hiccup stated firmly which made his parents looking proud at him.

(Berkians with all their dragons, looked up to their chief solemnly.)

Hiccup: And it's up to us to put an end to this.

(Hiccup and the gang look up at what presumed to be Berk burning in the ground, an orange glow illuminating their faces, and Hiccup cries in front of them for the first (second?) time.)

Astrid: So, what are you going to do about it?

Iconic words. It motivated Hiccup for the second time, now they were about to see what Hiccup would do this time.

(Hiccup is shown in his black armor, complete with a helmet and in his hand held his trusty Inferno.)

Hiccup: Suit up, gang!

"Yeah! Another action!" Both twins gave each other a high five.

"Finally! We can have our revenge!" Snotlout cheered along with Hiccup.

"Uh?" Gobber asked.

"What? I'm assuming he destroyed Berk so it's right to say that we finally have our revenge." Snotlout explained which made everyone, especially Hiccup and Astrid to look at him in surprise.

"I didn't think Snotlout could say such a thing." Astrid stated in amusement. Hiccup.

(Scene changes to dragons dive-bombing towards Grimmel's armada, with Hiccup and Toothless.)

(Hiccup is then revealed flying with his new suit, landing perfectly superhero style with the twins and Astrid.)

Everyone cheered while the gang look at the screen seeing their selves in armors.

"We look awesome!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

"And badass at the same time." Zia added which made the nodded their heads in agreement, never minding the foreign language their host used.

Hiccup: We have one shot at this!

(Suddenly, there is a baby Gronkle stashed away safely in Fishlegs armor.)

"What the-- You brought a baby to a battle?" Hiccup asked in disbelief while Fishlegs look horrified for maybe endanger what he assume to be Meatlug's baby.

"Oh no, what am I doing?" Fishlegs muttered.

Hiccup: You brought a baby to a battle?

Fishlegs: I couldn't find a sitter.

Everyone laughed at that. Who knew they could still act like that even in the midst of battle.

(Then the scenes changes to Hiccup and Toothless walking through the fire.)

(Gobber, Spitelout and the other Berkians are shown to be cheering on something. Then Toothless released a plasma blast into the ship, followed by other dragons.)

(Then Hiccup is shown to be leaping on the screen, barely missing Grimmel's dragons, and Valka and Cloudjumper catching him just in time.)

Hiccup gave his mother a grateful smile which made Valka smile in return before patting her son on the head.

(Then there is a sudden change in Tuffnut, decked out in his own armor, wielding a sword and doing a one hell of a battle cry, making his opponent uneased.)

Tuffnut sniffed and wiped a fake tear on his eyes. "I look awesome." He fake sob.

"Are you. . . crying?" Ruffnut asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tuffnut didn't bother to deny it. "Yes." He said which made Ruffnut scooting away from him.

(Then the scene changes to Toothless and the Light Fury as he whips up sand in her face, causing her to sneeze. Then of Hiccup and Astrid surrounded by a herd of Fireworms.)

(Then the best scene of Toothless and the Light Fury together, in the Hidden World, with dragons of all kinds before them.)

"The Hidden World really does exist." Hiccup breathed in as he watch the screen in awe. "We finally found it!"

"And they're all. . . Home." Hiccup said before frowning once realization hits him hard.

They're all home which means Toothless is home. Its time to let him go, but Hiccup couldn't do it. He couldn't let Toothless go.

Hiccup: the Hidden World really does exist.

(Drago's Bewilderbeast, two Light Furies-- young and old are seen in the camera before Toothless stretched his wings and gave a loud roar.)

All dragons at the theater followed suit, roaring in rejoice at their new Alpha. Maybe even better, at their new King. Toothless crooned and raise his he'd up high. His ego slowly raising up.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Snotlout exclaimed which made Zia pause the screen. "What kind of dragon is that?"

Almost everyone's eyes bulge out at the sight of the grey Bewilderbeast at appeared on the screen, along with two other Light Fury.

"That dragon is a Bewilderbeast." Zia said. "Ring any bell, Valka?"

"There is another?" Valka asked in disbelief.

"Correction, Drago's Bewilderbeast." Diantha said with a frown which made Valka stared wide eye.

"Toothless really is the alpha of them all." Fishlegs said in awe as Toothless crooned and immediately sat on his hind legs, looking majestic in some way.

"Lower down the pride a bit, bud. It doesn't suit you." Hiccup laughed. Toothless stomp his right paw and glare at Hiccup.

"Actually, no. Toothless isn't their Alpha." Diantha gave Toothless a pat. While her statement made everyone confuse. "He's so much more."

Astrid: Now that's a King.

Hiccup choked on his own while Valka smiled widely. Sure, she doesn't know how it happened or what happened to her Bewilderbeast but still she is proud of her son and Toothless.

"King. . . Toothless is the King of all dragons?" Hiccup asked, surprised while Astrid and Toothless stared wide eyes.

"Yes." Diantha said. "He save them all."

(The camera shifts toward Hiccup and Astrid in the forest as Astrid took hold of Hiccup's hand, and cut to Hiccup pressing his forehead against Toothless.)

Hiccup: Your right, bud. It's time.

"Time for what?" Ruffnut asked but no one answered her. Hiccup knew what he was talking about on the screen. Zia already told them that this might be the final chapter of their lives with their beloved dragon while theirs continues, the dragon will slowly extinct.

"I-- I'm not ready. I can't let Toothless go." Hiccup frowned to which Toothless immediately notice and tried everything to make him feel better.

(A final scene with Hiccup and Toothless, Hiccup turns around with a smile.)

Hiccup: Well, look who it is?

(The Light Fury flies towards Hiccup without the signs of stoping)

"Erm, Hiccup?" Tuffnut called.


"I don't think she's stopping." Ruffnut said but receives a hard punch from her brother.

And before Hiccup could stop the twins or reply to their comment, he was cut off by his shout on the screen. He look up and saw himself being thrown away by the Light Fury from Toothless' back.

(And before he could do anything, the Light Fury actually THROWS Hiccup off Toothless' back, sending him flying through the air. The Light Fury turns back to Toothless with a smile on her face, he give an awkward smile in return before diving back to save his rider.)

(Cue to the gang and all of Berk on their dragons, wth the gang behind Hiccup and their laughing.)

Hiccup: Not a word.

Everyone losses it at that scene. Burst of laughter could be heard through the theater.

"You really have ways with dragons." Snotlout laughed.

"From where we come from, people would say you were ''yeeted'' off of Toothless' back." Zia cackles. Diantha, who heard this tried to suppress her laughter but failed miserably.

Once again, Zia allows the Vikings talk it out of what they just saw on screen.

"So this it. We're really saying goodbye to out dragons?" Fishlegs asked. Hiccup's smiled faltered and didn't gave Fishlegs his response. He hope it's not true, that it was just fake news or maybe a dream.

But based on their encounters with the dragon hunters, he began to feel like this is really the end. And he'd have to say goodbye to Toothless and let him fly on his own.

"Sadly, yes." Zia replied solemnly. She feels their pain because she herself can not get over the fact that Hiccup and Toothless would soon depart and continue their lives without each other by their side.

"But we still have so much to trailers and clips to show you." Diantha said, breaking the tension that was almost visible. All Vikings thanked the gods for Diantha about it.

"Then, shall we?"

Once again, all Vikings returned to their seat and waited for Zia to play another trailer.

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