babu frik workshop

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Kylo exits the room as General Hux and General Pryde walk behind him.

"Report, General Pryde." Kylo demands.

"There's been a new development. The knights of Ren have tracked the scavenger."

"To a settlement called Kijimi." The officer behind the two generals reports.

"Shall we destroy the city, Supreme...?" Hux asks him as Kylo hushes him, and walks away. The scene changes as Babu works behind 3-CPO cracking.

"Well good thing he's not going to destroy the city for now at least." ashoka said at least a bit hopeful

"I just had an idea. There's something else we could try." 3-CPO offers a new idea before he gets shut down by Babu.

Babu starts exclaiming in his language as Rey stares worryingly and she walks out of the room.

With Zorii and Poe, they see distant explosions.

"How long has it been like this?" Poe asks.

"First order took most of the kids a long time ago. Can't stand the cries anymore. I've saved up enough to get out. I'm going to the colonies."

"I know from the first film that the First Order kidnapped children to become stormtroopers, but I can't get used to the idea that they could do something this horrible, this immoral!" Anakian said angry at all that he heard and saw.

"It does now make sense why there are so many stormtroopers, it's because they take all the kids of the planets they conquer or defeat." mace said

"And that is why they are Sith, for they have no heart or soul." Obi-wan said.

"How? All of those hyperlanes are blocked." He questions as she pulls out a medallion.

"That's a First Order Captain's medallion. I've never seen one before." He says awestruck.

"Free passage through any blockade. Landing privileges, any vessel." She unlocks the glass pane of her helmet, revealing her eyes as she stares at Poe.

"Wanna come with me?" She offers as Poe looks down and sighs.

"I can't walk out of this war... Not till it's over. Maybe it is.....We sent out a call for help at the battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone's so afraid...They've given up." He says disheartened while shaking his head.

"No, I don't believe you believe that...Hey, They win by making you think you're alone. Remember?" She looks into his eyes as he nods at her.

"There's more of us." She reassures him.

"Wise words Zorii said poe doubts that there is no one for help yet there is always more people tho" yoda said agreeing to what zorii said.

"Yes there will always be hope, because hope is stronger than fear. With this we can stand any challenges our way." Obi-wan said. (not me thinking about the hunger games while writing this)

It shows Rey fixing the little droid.

"Squeaky wheel. I have a squeaky wheel." The droid tells her in a static voice as he looks at her. She smiles at him as he rolls back and forth with no squeak to be heard.

"Squeaky sound eliminated. Thank you. Very kind." The droid tells her as he rolls away.

"Somethings not right about all of this." Rey tells Finn as she watches the droid roll in circles.


"I know where I've seen it. The ship he was on. Ochi's ship."


"The day my parent's left. They were on that ship." She turns to face him.

"Are you sure?" He asks as the door opens.

"Well ain't that suspicious, I mean I like her and all but we don't know a lot about her and something fishy is going on. Because they keep bringing up her past that no one knows about, not even her." Ahsoka questions.

"Yes i can agree with you on that, I wonder if she has any relations with the unknown sith lord?" Obi-wan says.

"There's an incoming destroyer." Zorii announced as she and Poe stormed into the room.

"We gotta go now. Did we get it? Babu?" Poe asked Babu.

"Yep. Droid is ready!" Babu responds as he turns on a machine and 3-CPO awakens with crimson eyes.

"The Emperor's Wayfinder is in the imperial vault. At delta 3-6, transient 9-3-6, bearing 3-2 on a moon in the Endor system. From the southern shore. Only this blade tells. Only this blade tells." 3-CPO reports in a robotic voice as he looks at everyone in the room before he shuts down.

Anakin looks sadly at 3-CPO when he shuts down.

"Don't worry Anakin, when this is over we'll make sure that his programs are corrected so that this will never happen." Obi-wan reasures Anakins after seeing his fallen expression.

"Yes, thank you Master. We will definitely make sure that this shall never happen and I'll even add in a code to prevent anyone besides me and you from changing his codes."

"The Endor system? Where the last war ended?" Finn asks before they hear rumbling as the room shakes.

"This is good information, now we know where the last war ended. Maybe this could be a hideout of the past Emperor's base?" Mace says.

"Yes that might be true, we will have to write that down after this finishes." Anakin says.

Rey runs towards the door as Finn shouts at her. She walks outside and sees the destroyer in the sky.

"Ren's destroyer." Rey reports.

"He's here?" Poe asks.

"Chewie?"Rey speaks in disbelief as she feels him through the force.

"What about him?" Finn asked.

"He's on Ren's ship. He's alive."

"What? How?"Poe exclaimed.

"He's alive! He must have been on a different transport."

"We gotta go get him." Finn says determinedly.

"Well at least they know that he's alive, but I don't know how they are gonna get him. Last time they tried to save someone it didn't end very well. They are gonna need more practice on saving someone." Ashoka point's out.

"Yes that is true, but I hardly doubt that they have the time to really plan out how or practice saving someone." Anakin tells her.

"Your friend's on that sky trash?" Zorii asked Poe.

"I guess he is." Suddenly C-3PO awakens.

"Might I introduce myself. I am C-3PO, human-Cyborg relations. And you are?" C-3PO asked Poe in his normal voice.

"Okay, that's gonna be a problem." Poe said as he pointed to C3-PO.

"Hello. I Babu Frik." Babu introduces himself to C-3PO.

"Why, hello!" C-3PO greets Babu cheerfully.

Kylo's T-fighter descends into Kimiji.

"Threepio, Move your metal ass. We're almost there." Poe ordered C-3PO.

"How dare you! We've only just met." He Says disgruntled.

"As much as that was funny, I'm still sad that his memory got wiped." anakin said

"Poe." Zorii shouts at him.

"Might get you on a capital ship. Go help your friend." She hands him the medallion.

"Zorri, I don't think I can take this-"

"I don't care what you think." She hisses as she shoves the medallion into his chest.

Rey looks towards the sky as Ren's fighter comes closer to them.

"That certainly was nice of her to do, she gave away the only thing that would help her escape that planet but she decided to give it to Poe." Obi-wan admired.

"I think we would have gotten along just right, if we had met." Ashoka tells Anakin.

"Yes I agree with you, but then I would most likely have to drag you out of the room because you would probably be stuck to her like glue." He laughs at the face that Ashoka makes as she then punches his arm.

"Can you not make me sound like a clingy person, I am a refined person."

"Sure you are~."

"We have to go. Now." Rey orders.

"Come with us." Poe charmingly offers.

"Poe." Zorii shakes her head.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Go." She pushes him playfully as she laughs.

It shows people running around as the stormtroopers search the area. The ship Rey is in takes flight towards the destroyer. Poe injects the medallion into the ship's chip.

"Medallion's good. Clear for entrance into hanger 12."

"Hang on Chewie. We're coming." Rey utters in determination.

"Whoever this Chewie person is, this is madness!" C-3PO exclaims.

"Now let's see how successful they are about getting Chewie out of that ship. Hopefully everything goes well, and nothing bad happens... but knowing them something might happen." Obi-wan said.

"Now, now, Master, it's unlike you to think this way. You should think more positively." Anakin tells him.

"When have I ever been truly positive over something before?" Obi-wan sassily asked him.

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