rise of skywalker

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A long long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (THEME SONG STARTS)


The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR ____________.

"Why can't we hear or see the Siths Lord's name? This could help us find him and get rid of him." Anakin exclaims infuriatingly.

"It might be that the Force wants us to wait and see who the Sith is at a later time." Obi-wan reassures him.

"Indeed obi wan is right. The force does not want to see who the sith is yet but in due time we will find out who it is hmm" Yoda said calmly as everyone nods in agreement.

GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power...

"Why must he go down such a dark path, he could be greater than this. If only he had chosen the light side..." Anakin sighed as he spoke in distraught.

"Sadly he does not see it that way, as a Jedi in training it has taught him betrayal from his uncle and master. The only light he has is Rey but she turned down his offer to bring in a new order. We can only hope he can change his way, but it seems that he has no hope to change." Obi-wan observes as he places a warm hand on Anakin's shoulder for comfort.

As you see and hear T-fighters pass by, the view slowly goes down to show a red planet with the Imperial star destroyer lurking outside the planet. Then you see Kylo battling against the natives of the planet, with his stormtroopers firing in the background.

The room tenses up as they witness the brutal scene before them.

Kylo blocked with his saber, blasts coming at him as he charged to strike another. Bringing them to the ground, he stands to twirl and stabs the native behind him while using the force to bring another and slash them in the stomach.

Kylo finally stands panting, as the background shows fire and dust surrounding the area with all the dead bodies of the natives. Suddenly he turns showing his dirty face, as the view shows an old box with a symbol on top of it. Kylo then pushes the top of the box to show a device inside, as dust flies away as he grabs the device. Only to hear indistinct whispering from the force coming from the device, as he holds it. It shows a red dot inside the triangle-shaped device with green gems surrounding it; it zooms in on the dot before the dot changes into his ship as the background glows red. The spacecraft then enters a , as it shows him moving in different angles before the inside of his ship shows the device leading him somewhere. Finally, Kylo exits the scarlet nebula to show him going toward Exegol, a dark planet with lightning everywhere. He heads toward an enormous citadel. He lands and walks forward with fog surrounding him as he lights his saber while entering the citadel. He continues forward before the view darkens, you hear rumbling as you then see the platform Kylo was on slowly descends as the lights flicker. You see tall statues of a person wearing a cloak in an attempt to hide their face surrounding Kylo.

"So it seems that he has found the Emperor's lair, hopefully he ends him and does not join forces with him." Mace sternly said.

"We should take note of this location, so after this we can go see if it's still there and destroy the Sith lair." Ahsoka comments as the others agree.

"Yes, that's a good idea Snips, we'll make sure that the future will be better than what it is." Anakin replies as he pats her head with a smile.

"At last." A voice echoes, as Kylo turns around to try to search for the unknown voice.

Kylo finally reaches the ground, as he walks forward cautiously to where the lights flicker.

"What a creepy lair, where is this Sith Lords sense of style?" Anakin shudders as he watches the scene. Obi wan chuckles at Anakin's comment.

"Only you would comment on this."

"Well it's hard not to when your wife is the senator and talks your ear off about the latest fashion." Anakin thought disgruntled.

"Well isn't it the whole point to have a creepy lair when you're the villain or Sith lord?." Ahsoka asked with a smirk, as Anakin looked at her with disbelief.

"You can still have a bit of style even if you were a villain, but I guess you do have a point. Sith's are so dark they probably only think about the dark and how to rule the world. Except Kylo, I bet he has style 'cause no family of mine should have a horrible sense of style. Also his only thoughts are not about the dark, they are also about a lovely jedi in training girl." Anakin said full of pride. The others in the room shake their heads in amusement while others sigh.

"Snoke trained you well." The voice sounds louder.

"I killed Snoke. I'll kill you." Kylo responds as he looks around.

"My Boy. I made Snoke. I have been every voice..." The mysterious voice spoke, as Kylo froze from the news.

"How can he make Snoke, don't tell me! He's Snoke's dad!!" Anakin gasps in shock, as Obi-wan rolls his eyes at his childish comment.

"(sighs) Anakin, I believe he meant something different. But that does raise questions on how that's possible." Obi-wan said as he stroked his beard in thought.

"We must continue to watch so that we may find the answers to our questions." Mace said concerned.

"You have ever heard..." The unknown voice changes to Snoke's voice.

"Inside your head." Then as Darth Vader with his signature deep breath noise. Kylo continues to walk as he sees people near, working on machines. But you also see a big glass filled with many still clones of Snoke.

"What a horrendous sight! I'm concerned about how this Emperor was able to speak in Kylo's head for who knows how long. I wonder who that second voice was, who do you think it was?" Anakin asks Obi-wan as he watches the scene with hints of fear. Anakin's mind gets flooded with images of the Death Star. A pain strikes his chest making it difficult to breathe and a pained look on a young boy who looks similar to Luke.

"Well I think that voice may be Darth Vader, I believe he was one of his family members." Obi-wan answers him as he looks at him with concern.

"Skyguy, are you okay? You look like you're in pain." Ahsoka asks him.

"Ya I'm okay, don't worry about it. I just got short of breath right now." Anakin gives her a pained smile as he tries to ease her worries.

"The First Order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more." The voice offered, as Kylo walked closer to the voice.

"You'll die first." Kylo responds to him.

"I have died before. The dark side of the force is a pathway..." Kylo turns to move in another direction to follow the voice, after looking around.

"Too many abilities some consider to be..." The view then shows a figure wearing a hooded cape, not allowing Kylo to see his face.

"Unnatural." It reveals the man's face, showing his pale sick skin and blind eyes as the lights flicker shadowing his face. Kylo then lunges toward him to aim his saber in front of the man, neither move as they stare at each other.

"Oh my Force! I thought Snoke was bad, but this man takes the number one spot for ugliest person or creature alive! And how is he alive? Well, somewhat alive, he said he died and Luke must have killed him. This doesn't make any sense?" Anakin shouted with sheer disgust and disbelief.

"The dark side, as he said, holds many unnatural abilities and he must have found one that allows him to be alive." Mace said sternly with a cold look in his face.

"Yes, many wonder, does the dark side hold hmm... unnatural and dangerous they are." Yoda observers as he watches the scene.

"What could you give me?" Kylo questions him, never moving.

"Everything." He responds quickly, as he lifts his hands. They were wrinkled and thin, with some broken fingers as well.

"A new Empire." He said as a flick of lightning sparks in his hand, as the view shows outside as multiple emerge from the frozen sea into the tempestuous sky.

"Oh good lord, the Resistance are in deep trouble now." Obi-wan pales as they see all the Star Destroyers.

"Kylo my idiot grandson, you better not join forces with this old wrinkly man." Anakin pleas in distraught.

"The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. It will be yours if you do as I ask." The whole sky was shown filled with the Xyston-class Star Destroyers.

"Kill the girl!" He spat as his face was shown again.

"End the Jedi... and become what your grandfather Vader could not." He tells Kylo, as the view focuses on him. Kylo then stands and turns off his saber.

"You will rule all the galaxy... as the new emperor. But beware... she is not who you think she is." The view goes back to the Sith with his machine, then it goes to Kylo as he waits before he responds.

"Who is she?" He questioned. Thunder is heard as the emperor smiles wickedly at Kylo before the screen turns black.

"YOU IDIOT! WHY would you want to join him, just 'cause she turned you down doesn't mean you should join someone else when given the offer." Anakin shouted in fury at the Idiocracy of his grandson.

"I wonder what the Sith Lord meant when he said she was not who Kylo thought she was? Could he know something of her past and if so, then how?" Obi-wan questions. The others in the room discuss theories on what it could mean.

"She better not be a spy, if so then we are doom. She must know who the Sith is." Mace said as others thought of the possibility of its truth.

"How could she be a spy when she didn't even know she could use the Force, also we have seen her struggles and been proven that she is not a spy and will do anything for the Resistance." Anakin defense in response.

"Spy or not we do not know, hmm truth be found and answer be revealed hmm." Yoda says wisely as the others calm down and await for the truth to be revealed.

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