Will Quartz

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"Him!" Christie said, pulling Stewart along. 

"Hello!" Christie smiled. 

"Hello there." The man in the white cowboy hat greeted them. 

"I don't think I've ever heard of you before. Who are you?" Christie asked. 

"Well, they call me Vigilante. I help save the world." 'Vigilante' said.

"What's your backstory?" Christie asked.

"I was inspired by my father. He was a sheriff in Wyoming. After some incidents, I found myself setting up shop just a bit out of New York City." Vigilante said. 

"Really, I just help out. I don't kill anyone, if that's what you're worried about." Vigilante said, catching where Christie's eyes were going, to the guns holstered on his hips.   

"Hey, Vig! Come spot me!" A man in knight's armor yelled. 

"That's my call. I bid you a good day, Ma'am. Sir." Vigilante walked over to the man. 

 "Okay, then." Christie said, fully after Vigilante left.

"Want to go see this Will guy we're hearing about?" Stewart asked.

"If you know the way to the Medical Ward, be my guest." Christie said, looking at him.

"Just ask someone." Stewart said. 

"Excuse me!" Christie asked some good looking guy in all black spandex. 

"Huh? Yeah?" The man asked, looking a bit surprised.

"Could you show us to the Medical Ward?" Christie asked. 

"Sure!" The man gave a big yawn, "Excuse me! Wow. Sorry about that. I just need more coffee." The man smiled brightly.

"If you just follow, it's right over here." the man started walking.

"I'm Christie. You are?" Christie introduced herself.

"I'm Nightwing!" Nightwing smiled brightly at them.

  "Wait! Like, THE Nightwing?" Stewart asked.

"Well, unless there's another Nightwing running around here, then yes, I am." Nightwing joked.

"We were told a bit about you. You apparently know this place inside and out. Along with all the people on here." Christie said.

Nightwing blushed, "I don't like to brag, but yeah. Kind of have to with Batman as your mentor." 

"If you're not too busy, could you give us a tour?" Christie asked.

"Find me after you're done with Will. I'll probably be in rafters." Nightwing said, opening the Medical Wing's doors. 

"Will! I brought you some friends!" Nightwing called out. 

"In my office!" A friendly man's voice called out.

"What are you up to now?" Nightwing called out as he walked to the back of the Ward.

He opened up a door and leaned on it.

"Well, I'm trying to find some notes I took earlier, but I seemed to have misplaced them." Will said, looking around stacks of papers.

"You do know that you have a file cabinet for a reason." Richard said, looking around the place. 

Papers were EVERYWHERE.

"I know. I pulled half of these out of there, trying to find it." Will said, huffing. 

"I'm ganna get you two more file cabinets." Nightwing said, still looking around. 

"Well, I don't need the papers right this second. What brings you here?" Will asked, looking up. 

"Oh. Who's...your friends?" Will asked. 

"Hum? OH! Yeah, this is Christie and Stewart. They're here for a month to live stream the Watchtower to the world."  Nightwing introduced them.

"Everyone, this is Will Quartz. Best last name in the entire league, if you ask me." Nightwing said. 

"Flattery won't get you anywhere." Will pointed at Dick.

"What? Flattery has got me a lot of places." Nightwing said.

"You're on TV, remember." Will said before Nightwing could continue. 

"Just saying." Nightwing held hid hands up in surrender. 

"Well, anyways. I'm going to leave these two here with you. And I'm going to take a nap." Nightwing said. 

"Be careful in the rafters!" Will called out.

"I always am!" Nightwing called back.

"So, how can I help you?" Will asked.

"We heard that you were the resident doctor and good for conversation." Christie said. 

"Well, I know one of those is true. Not sure about the other, but I try." Will chuckled. 

Will had blonde-ish, brown-ish short hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes. 

He was wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans, covered by a thigh-long white doctor's coat. 

His stethoscope was hanging around his neck, but there was also dog tags on a chain around his neck and three piecing on each of his ears. Two on the bottom and one on the top of his ear.  

And there was a gun holstered to his right hip and a knife on his left hip. 

"For a doctor, you sure are packing." Stewart was looking at the gun. 

"My gun? Does it bother you?" Will asked.

"No, just... not used to seeing doctors carrying their own guns." Stewart said. 

"Well, you might feel better knowing that she isn't used a lot." Will said. 

"Why have it then?" Stewart asked.

"Because the one time I didn't have it, I really wished I did." Will said, eyes a bit distant.

"Want to talk about it?" Christie asked. 

Will pulled out the 9mm black pistol with rose engravings in the barrel. 

"This was a present from my wife. She died giving birth to my daughter. I always keep this on me. Makes me feel closer to her." Will said. 

"It's a beautiful gun." Christie said. 

"She is." Will said, but Christie and Stewart had a feeling he wasn't completely talking about the gun. 

Christie pulled out a necklace. 

It was a silver chain with two gold rings on it. 

"These were my parent's. I remember my mom on her deathbed telling me, "Go to the jewelry chest. Those rings there? They were ours. But we don't need them anymore. You find a good husband and settle down. Make a few trouble children for me." She always was a wild one." Christie laughed a bit. 

Stewart stayed quiet. 

"Ex-military?" Christie asked, nodding to the dog tags. 

"Yeah. Sharp-shooter. I left that to go pursue my passion, which was helping others with medicine. I became a doctor. This is actually my first doctor job besides the military doctor, on and off." Will said. 

"One hell of a first job." Christie laughed.

They all laughed at that. 

"It's not so bad. Sure, you get some interesting things through here. But it's helping. And it pays the bills." Will said. 

"How's your daughter?" Christie asked.

"She's a teenager. If you've had even a little experience with teenagers, you know how it is." Will cracked a smile. 

"She looks just like her mother though. Maria was a beautiful woman, but I think Rose got the best of us. Beautiful, smart, passionate. I certainly have to watch out for any guys she brings home." Will laughed. 

"Good thing you got that gun then." Christie said.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is." Will nodded. 

"Do you want to go out for coffee sometime?" Christie asked.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were asking me on a date." Will said.

"Come on. You only live once, don't you?" Christie asked.

"First day here and you're already putting the moves on someone." Will laughed, "You'll fit in here just fine." 



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