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I wish I could get used to the heat, but I couldn't. I had lived in the desert all my life, and I still could not get used to the blistering sun beating down on me all day long. My mother, before she passed away, would say that it was because of my blood. She would tell me stories about how mighty our tribes were before they were rounded up and sent to the desert, about how the blood of those tribes ran so strong in me and that was why I felt the sun so intensely. Our tribes started off living in the Frozen Plains, full of snow and ice and cold. We were not a people bred for the desert.

But that was almost 300 years ago. Now there are so few Northern tribes left, and the ones who survived are forced to live in the desert where I was born. Few have made it to this point in life. Every year, less and less children were born to these small tribes. No one cared for our suffering, but still, we trudged on, waiting for the day when things might change for the better.

I had no idea that change would be me.

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