Chat with @loveforadiza

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Hey there!!
Future Writer here!!

Welcome in "Watt-Chat with Future Writer"

Here is our new guest loveforadiza

Let's start the chat.

So May I know Your full name??

Reema Sabrin..actually many of them know as Reza only I guess.

Even I knew you as Reza only.

When did you join Wattpad?

I don't know the exact date when I joined Wattpad but it is in the month of May 2018. I am still regretting of not knowing the date as I saw writers celebrating there Wattpad anniversary.

Same here, i also don't know mine date of joining😛

Are you writer or reader more?

More of a Writer...but I do read stories.

What inspired you to be a writer?

To be's my imagination which urged me to write stories.

Which is ur favourite book of yourself?

It's really difficult for me...but if I have to pick one.. then it will be 'pyar dil se hota hai...'

The book is actually so good.

Tell me any memorable moment in Wattpad?

The most memorable moment is when readers share their views that how they are connected to my story. I got comments like that which made me feel so special.
And secondly when i won runner up certificate for a Wattpad contest for the first time and that was so memorable to me.

Oh wow congratulations for that!!

You have written so many books about avneil.... how did you became avneil lover?

Well, the credit goes to my sister who told me about Naamkaran. I exactly started watching Naamkaran on Rang mahal scene. Too late i know but after that I watched post leap episodes of Naamkaran in hotstar and regretted for not watching before hand.

Describe yourself in three words?

Three word is too short no?

Hehe!! Actually yes it's too short, sorry!!

Sensitive, Sweet like Rasgulla, crazy and haa my friend calls me childish.

Well! after reading whole interview i want to add one more word which is 'Cute' 😊

Tell me any fun fact about you?

Fun facts?!...i don't know...may be my weird ideas like babies heaven.

Nice one😂😂👌

Let's play Rapid fire-

1- favourite writer?

I can't name one.. there many writers who inspire me.

2- favourite book?

There are many books which are my favourite so the list goes on.

3-favourite genre?

Emotional and Romantic.

4-introvert or extrovert?


5- your BFF in Wattpad?

I have only few friends here in Wattpad all i wanna say to them is that thanks for baring me and always there for me.

6- favourite social media platform?

Wattpad and Instagram.

7- favourite reader?

Readers are the only person who motivate me to write. On every book i get new readers..and everyone are my fav.

8- favourite compliment from your reader?

I have received many compliments from them and which means a lot to me.

Did you enjoyed the interview?

Yes I enjoyed a lot...but more than that I was so nervous as this was my first ever interview. Thank you Subhangi for suggesting me and thank you Skm121 for taking my interview.

But while editing I didn't feel you were nervous, the way you answered my question was awesome And yes thanks to you to for your time Reza.

So that's it guys..
Thank you so much Reema for your time & sorry for the delay.

So don't forget to do vote and comments.
And let me know whose interview next??
And also don't forget to check my works.
Stay happy & safe.

Take care❤

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