AlexisIsAWeirdo Presents: How to Remain Positive on Wattpad & Some Advice

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Hi everybody! How are you? I hope well. My name is Alexis, or as better known as AlexisIsAWeirdo. I am an avid reader and writer here on Wattpad, mostly in the Romance, Short Story, Chicklit, and Fanfiction categories! When I am not reading or writing I am most definitely giving someone a silly nickname! Ask me and you'll for sure get one! This is my very first time participating in the Wattpad Block Party, and I am extremely excited and happy to partake in it all! I want to give a huge thank you to Miss  for featuring me in this years Summer edition of the Wattpad Block Party! You are truly amazing and I cannot say thank you enough!

We all know putting ourselves out in the open definitely takes MAJOR courage and definitely lots of dedication. It is definitely not easy putting out such vulnerable pieces of yourself out in the open. But we all overcame such a huge obstacle, and I just want to say congratulations to you on being the very brave being that you are! I definitely commend you, Turtle Legs! We all know readers can be quite blunt, right? But that is okay. We all will have our run-ins with of readers who criticize, hate, point out every grammar mistake you make, give you their statistics and facts, and just down right be mean. Although, it is all up to us to see that that negativity can be overpowered by positivity!

Without further delay I am very excited and pleased to tell you about how to stay positive on Wattpad! Positivity lesson in 3...2...1... GO!

1...Do not dwell on those negative, hateful, mean, and or rude comments or users for long. I want you remain positive and not let negativity overwhelm you. I suggest you don't respond... unless it's constructive criticism... but it is a thin line between hating. You will know between the two.

2... If your readers want you to update and you just cannot string together anything... (aka that terrible thing called writer's block) update when YOU are ready. Do not try to force a chapter or a filler. Odds are you will probably feel bad about it not being "good" and not your "best" work. So, it's just a suggestion to not rush your magic! ;)

3... HAVE FUN! As simple as that!

4... Remain humble and grateful! Do not let how many followers, votes, comments, and or reads on your stories make you have a big head. Humbleness and grateful is key! Major key! Get it? Get it!!!

5... You should DEFINITELY respond to all comments, messages, and questions as much as you can! We readers ALL like an engaged Author King and Queen!

6... You should SHOULD read and write as often as you can! Stephen King said it best...

"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot." - Stephen King

That's one of my favorite quotes by the way!

7... I also suggest seeking out a great group of fellow Wattpadians who likes to read, write, or like both! Then become friends and support each other on this amazing journey! I made a couple of friends on here and I should tell you they are still here with me since my account was as dry as the Sahara desert!

8... Do not feel discouraged if a chapter, story, and or book doesn't go as planned. It is okay, you are fine. Keep trying, I guarantee you will have sublime feedback from your readers, the amazing group of friends you are going to make on here, supporters, whatever you call your fellow readers.

9... Take some time for yourself! It's okay to take breaks from the writing work. Just please come back to us!!!!

10... Lastly but certainly not least, do not stress, do not rush, it all takes time. If you want the best content for your readers, and future readers relax and take your time. It is always worth the wait when a writer/author comes back and blesses us readers with a new booooook!

Well, that's all people, I am all typed out! I hope this has helped you in some way or the other. Thank you all SO very, very, very much taking the time to read, scheme through, and or skip my post! I freaking like you Chicken Nugget Muffin! Make sure you go on and check out every else's post and enter the amazing giveaways!!!! Like, it's free stuff you guys! Okay, I'm done now!

With all the love and giggles,

—- Alexis (AlexisIsAWeirdo)

I am also having a special giveaway for some goodies and potential helping tools for you! Feel free to check it out below! 




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