julietlyons Presents 'An interview with Angeline and Tom'

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Hi everyone and welcome to the Summer Wattpad Block Party. Firstly, thank you to the fabulous KellyAnneBlount for inviting me to take part in my first ever block party! I've been writing on Wattpad since 2014 when I penned my first novel True Love's Ghost, a book that continues to be popular on the site today with over 3 million reads. I plan on publishing the title very soon. My other books include the Bite Nights series titles, Dating the Undead and Drop Dead Gorgeous. These are the Wattpad versions of my published novels available out in the real world, published with Sourcebooks Casablanca. Find out more on my website: www.julietlyons.co.uk 

A while back I asked my readers to pose questions to Tom and Angeline, the main characters in True Love's Ghost. Below are some of those questions along with the answers. SPOILER ALERT: I've tried to keep the answers as spoiler free as possible, but f you haven't yet read the book, there may be the odd spoiler.

Angeline's Questions:

How are you and Tom doing? We are doing really great, thank you. We live in the Malvern Hills, a vast area of natural beauty in Kent, England. We own an old farmhouse and keep chickens, two ponies, a dog, and of course our three children!

What did you name your kids and why? Our eldest son, who is 9, is named Edward after Tom's father, the 19th Earl of Shrewsbury. Tom and his father didn't always see eye to eye, but he still felt it was important to honour his family history. Our middle child is 7, a girl who we named Ophelia. We considered naming her Eurydice, after the Greek Myth that means so much to us, but neither of us really liked the sound of it and Ophelia sounds a little like Orpheus, the doomed hero of the story. Our youngest child, another son, is named Byron after Tom's favourite poet.

Did you ever tell Tom and Angeline's story to them, maybe even in second person? Like for example "I read a book once, in that there lived an artist named Angeline who fell in love with this incredible poet named Thomas. The catch? Tom was actually a ghost, and Ang was the only on what who could see him," or something like that. Haha. No, at this stage in their lives, we have no plans to tell them about our strange and wonderful history. It would be very confusing for them as they are very young. Maybe one day, when they are all grown up. We keep our history private and between ourselves for the time being. Can you imagine how crazy we would sound if we went around telling people?

Angeline, do you feel like you guys can keep connected even when you don't see each other for a couple of days? A love that you can feel deep inside like it's been there forever, one where you can feel the connection even when the person you truly love is not present, a love that lasts for Eternity? Do you think yours can last for an eternity? We are rarely apart. I am an artist and Tom is a poet, so we both work from home. But of course, if we do spend a couple of days without each other, the connection is always very strong. I do believe that true love transcends time and space, that two souls can be linked for eternity. I certainly believe we will always be together, even if we come back as cats or something.

You said you had three children with Tom. Are they three sons, three daughters (which I doubt because of your eldest son, Edward), two daughters and a son, or two sons and a daughter? The eldest is Edward; what are the other's names and their birthdays/birth years? (Wait, are your children from the future, you and Tom seem to be from the 2000s but idk. lol) We are both 32 years old and our children are 9,7 & 5 years old respectively. The eldest is a boy named Edward, then there's a girl, Ophelia, and finally another boy, Byron. If you like, you can imagine the book is set in 2001. So I was 16 in 2001, and now 16 years later, I'm 32.

When is your birthday, city of birth and birth year? My birthday is March 4th and I was born at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. My birth year is 1985.

What was your life as Tom's guardian angel in your past life? When you weren't angel-human Angeline if you get what I mean; when you flew and saw Tom in a tree dying? Was that your last memory as a full angel? I'm afraid the only memories I have of being an angel are those Gabriella showed me during the vision when my father was in hospital. I'm sure there is a reason for this. I'm pleased as it's important to me to live as normal a human life as possible. Too many memories of the afterlife and the other dimensions wouldn't be healthy.

What are you doing right now? Do you have a job? I am an artist. For my business I mostly paint family portraits, but on the side I like to paint landscapes. I have a studio at our farmhouse. The painting of Tom from our old life hangs in my studio. The kids are always asking questions about it. Awkward.

Did you have siblings later in life or did you stay as a single child to your parents? Yes, I have a sibling. My father and Louise had a daughter, my half sister Elphie. She is 14 now and we get on very well. She stays with us a lot and babysits. My dad and Louise are still together. My mum didn't have any more children, but she is remarried to a landscape gardener, Andrew, who she met, oddly enough, when he came to cut down a tree at Wentworth House. That place led the both of us to our soulmates in the end. Mum is very happy and she and Andrew are very outdoorsy. Last year they climbed Kilimanjaro together.

What are your favorite sports? Er, I don't really do sports. I walk in the countryside, but I'm not really that sporty.

What are your favorite subjects? My favourite subjects are Art and English Literature. The humanities!

Are you interested in genealogy? Funnily enough, no. After my past, I prefer to live in the present. Who knows what I might dig up if I went snooping around?

What do you and Tom plan on doing in the future? At the moment, we are really happy, but who knows? We sometimes talk about moving to France so the kids can learn a second language. We might rent out a chateau and get insanely fat on olives and bread.

Angeline, what was your reaction to seeing Tom for the first time? As Ghost Tom? Well, if you can remember, I was more afraid about getting into trouble for trespassing than anything else. But of course, I thought he was really good looking. Don't remind Tom though, or he'll get big headed.

What silly or funny thing makes you afraid or creeps you out? Spiders. There's a whole bunch in our stable block that can drop down on you at a moment's notice. It's terrifying!!!

What always sounds like a good idea at the time but rarely is? Alcohol. When you get past 30, the hangover just isn't worth it.

What easy thing do you most often screw up? Giving compliments. I can be a bit socially awkward and often if I try and pay someone a compliment it comes out wrong and then I try and make up for it by rambling and the hole just gets deeper and deeper... Ah well.

Tom's Questions:

Anything new happening? I was named Poet Laureate and met the Queen. Just kidding. No, Angeline and I pride ourselves on living a quiet a life as possible. We like to keep things simple.

Which one do you prefer as your name, Maximilian or Thomas? And what is your surname now as Max? Growing up, I always hated the name Maximilian, and always asked people to call me Max. I prefer Tom, but it would be confusing to start asking my new family and friends to call me by a different name, so to them I'm still Max and to Angeline, Tom. My surname is Goodchild. Ironic, huh? My father from my previous life would find that highly amusing considering I used to be the black sheep of the family.

Tom can you promise Angeline to love her and keep connected with her for an eternity? Of course. I knew from the moment I saw her outside university she was the one for me. Even if she hadn't dropped that book, I would have spoken to her. We should probably talk about something else before I start blushing.

When is your birthday, city of birth and birth year? In this life, my birthday is 28th August 1984. If you want to hear something really spooky, this was the exact date I died back in the first world war. This is certainly no coincidence. It's as if I was always supposed to remember. I was born in Godalming in Surrey.

Do you have siblings as Max? You had an older sister, Elizabeth, when you were Tom. Yes, I have an older sister, Meredith, and a younger brother, Caesar. I am very close to them and they stay with us all the time. I'm also very close to my parents in this lifetime which makes up for the emotional distance of my former family. In this life for example, I didn't have a nanny and I certainly didn't go to boarding school. I'm very fond of them.

Did you have a crush on some other girl before Violet Stubbins and Angeline? Not really. I didn't meet many girls what with boarding school and the like. Violet was probably the first girl my age I met. Hence, my infatuation. I mean, she could probably have had two heads and I would still have fancied her. At least, that's what I tell Angeline, ha ha.

What are you doing right now? Do you have a job? I'm a poet. At the moment I'm working on a collection of poems that will be published in the US. They seem to like my poems in the US. As you know, I always wanted to be a poet. It's a dream come true and I feel very lucky to have this second chance at life.

Are you and your family planning to move from your old farmhouse in the Malvern Hills? If so, where are you moving to? London or any other English city? Or to another country like Canada, USA, Scotland, any Nordic country, Russia? We do talk about moving to France. We really loved living in Paris before we got married. But if we moved back, we'd probably rent a house in a pretty village somewhere with wisteria and green shutters on the windows.

Which are your favorite sports? I played a lot of Rugby at university. I also enjoy tennis and hiking. Just your average Superman, ha ha.

Are you friends with other ghosts? LOL No! I've never seen a ghost in this life. I never met another one as Tom either, but I think that was because I was trapped in limbo, neither living or dead, stuck between worlds. I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever met a ghost. I probably wouldn't be brave like Angeline. Thank goodness she didn't run away screaming or I wouldn't be here today.

What are your favorite subjects? English Literature. I also like Philosophy and Astronomy. We have a big telescope at the farm.

As Tom, you descend from the House/Noble family of De Montfort? From which country did your family originate from? (Just like the Tudors were Welsh and the like) Are you interested in genealogy, btw? They came over from France in the thirteenth century and settled in the North of England. I am interested in Genealogy, yes. After I got my memories back, I did a lot of research on my ancestors. I really wanted to know about the current the Earl of Shrewsbury so I joined an ancestry site. He seems to be doing a grand job.

How did it feel to finally be reunited with Angeline? That day in Paris when Angeline brought home the journal was the best day of my life since meeting up with her again. Have you ever felt as though you're carrying around pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that you can't put together? Well, that's how I felt my whole life until that moment. Everything suddenly made sense.

Tom, did you think you had a shot with Angeline considering you were from different centuries. You mean back in the old life? Absolutely not. I mean, I was a ghost, it's hardly the best pickup line. Back then, I was just really happy to have her as a friend. But slowly, our relationship began to change. On the night of the ill-fated prom when we danced, the kiss just sort of happened. If only I hadn't almost slipped off into the afterlife, hey? Who knows where it might have led.

What childish thing do you still enjoy? I enjoy a lot of childish things. Thankfully, I have young children now so I can pretend it's for their benefit. I like to play pranks and hide things. We have a lot of fun.

Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older? Oh my word. This is the most bizarre question I've ever been asked. Hands, so I could hold everyone I love in my palm and protect them always.

What is your favorite quote? How long do you have? I have about a billion. Let's go for a Byron. I still drive Angeline nuts with my quotes by the way. 'All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.' Beautiful huh? If we're going to get really corny, I would say my happiness twin is most definitely my wife.

Thank you so much for coming to my first ever block party!! I hope you've enjoyed yourselves as much as I have. Please don't forget to enter the giveaway to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Link below...

GIVEAWAYjulietlyons will give away a $5 Amazon e-gift card. The giveaway is open to US and UK residents only.




Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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