katiecruz Presents: Vincent - Chapter One Sneak Peek

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The lights coming from the harbor twinkled under the night sky. The serene sound of water crashing against the yacht looked pretty inviting. I've been standing here at the top deck for nearly an hour. I had this sudden urge to jump in the cold water and slowly sink down to the bottom of the ocean and let the darkness envelope me. My fingers gripped the metal rail as I took a deep breath.

No. I need to stop this nonsense. I can't let these thoughts consume me.

"Vincent, my man. What are you doing out here all alone?" My head turned and saw Antoine coming out of the automatic glass doors with a wine glass in his hand. "You should be in there having fun like the rest of us."

"Just needed some fresh air." I simply replied. It wasn't a complete lie. I needed it to clear my head. The thought of Ava and my best friend stuck in my mind like a piece of gum stuck underneath my shoe. It made my blood boil every time I think of what happened between them.

"Still thinking about her?" He sipped his glass of red wine.

"I still do." I said quietly. It was way too obvious, so denying it wasn't going to work.

"Let her go, man," he gave a light chuckle. "I'm telling you right now, she's not worth it. I don't know how many times I have to remind you that. You're just drowning yourself in self-pity. Let her go."

"But that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm trying to let her go."

He reached over and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "You'll get over her. Trust me, you will. You deserve a better woman in your life."

"Thanks." I said without looking at Antoine.

Antoine tipped his head back, swallowing the last of his drink. "Wish I could stick around but I really want to get back to my beautiful wife."

Antoine danced his way back inside and I returned to drowning my sorrows away. You're pathetic, I reminded myself. You're a pathetic loser who wants to give up everything just because of a girl who tore your heart apart. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. Shit. What the heck is wrong with me? Have I completely lost my mind? Antoine was right. I seriously need to move on.

Ava is not worth it.

I reached into my pocket and brought out a small black box covered in velvet. Someday, I'll be able to find the woman of my dreams.

My eyes darted toward the glass door when a freckle faced kid yelled out Malcolm's name telling him that his mom wants him back inside. Malcolm is Antoine's cousin. He flashed a nervous smile at the girl he was with. I noticed that Antoine's wife, Aylene, was standing beside her as well.

I wanted to look away, but for some reason I couldn't stop staring at the girl. Dark brown hair. Curvy. Light blue eyes. She really looked cute in her peach colored dress and black cardigan. Everything about her seemed to scream conservative. She didn't look anything like the girls I've dated before.

Malcolm slipped back inside the yacht with a huge smile on his face. Aylene reached for the girl's hand and left shortly after Malcolm. I crossed my arms and leaned back on the metal railing as I watched her from the distance. She rolled her eyes and picked up her flute glass from the small table next to her. I glanced at my watch from under my sleeve. Malcolm is going to come back any minute now. I should walk up to her and introduce myself. I'm sure Malcolm wouldn't mind.

Without giving it a second thought, I went ahead and calmly walked over to her, my heart speeding up like a bullet train.

I'm not going to lie, but this girl was prettier up close. She was too busy watching a couple making out down below the third deck to notice me.

"Looks like someone's getting laid tonight." I said, and sure enough, her head turned to me, her gorgeous blue eyes twinkling in delight.

Thank you for checking out the sneak peek to Vincent's POV. To celebrate the #WattpadBlockParty, I'm giving away one handmade bookmark in the next Wattpad Block Party (August 2018). This giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway link will be posted at the bottom of this post as well as on my profile!

Thank you all for the wonderful support! Please don't forget to leave some love!






Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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