KellyAnneBlount Presents: Welcome & Words of Inspiration

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Hey, Everyone!

Welcome to the EIGHTH annual Wattpad Block Party! Can you believe this is the fourth year in a row that we've come together to hang out with our favorite Wattpad authors and to meet new and exciting writers? 

In case you're new to this event, take a few moments to check out the first few chapters. There's a brief explanation of the event, the line up and schedule, two contests, and a chapter dedicated to the 100+ giveaways exclusive to this event! The link directing you to the giveaways is below as well as in my Wattpad bio.

Link to Giveaways:

If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment in this chapter!



Being a writer is one of the toughest gigs out there. Below are just a few of the things writers hear each and every single day. 


"This isn't good enough." 

"You need to improve your writing and submit again." 

"I don't like the plot." 

"Your character arcs fall flat." 

"I'm not accepting new clients right now." 

"Your work isn't a good fit for us." 

"I hate this story!" 


Hearing any of these statements or even worse, nothing at all, is one of the hardest parts about being a writer. 

Rejection hurts. Some describe it as mental anguish, while others liken it to a deep down, soul crushing pain. 

Rejection comes in many forms as a writer. You can experience this while looking for an agent, publisher, not winning a contest, receiving a terrible review, etc.

While there are stories of overnight success in the literary world, please know that it isn't common. Finding an agent is tough. I once heard that writers send out an average of 75 query letters before getting picked up by an agent. That's 75 rejections before receiving a, "Yes!" 

Then, after finding an agent, comes the process of submission. Where your agent sends out your manuscript to editors, hoping one will say, "Yes, I'd like to acquire this book." Some writers wait for years before their agent finds their book a home. Others never get the green light for their project. 

That stings. 

Throwing your heart and soul into a project just to have others tell you it's not good enough is one of the worst feelings in the entire world. 

The same goes for entering and not winning contests.  When the judges don't think your work is the best fit, it sucks. 

One of the most painful forms of rejection come when you get a bad review about your work. The review can be posted on Wattpad, Amazon, or by blogger. When someone rips your writing, plot, and/or characters to shreds, it can feel like someone just stabbed you with a rusty knife.


So, now that we've gone over what it's like to experience rejection as a writer, what can we do about it? 

Turns out, there are several ways to combat the after effects of rejection. 

First and foremost, focus on your successes as a writer, no matter how big or how small. Did you finish writing a tough scene today? SUCESS! Did you write two chapters before going to bed tonight? SUCCESS! Have you finished writing your very first book? SUCCESS! Pat yourself on the back. You've done something incredible! 

The second way to face rejection and leave victorious, is to take it with a grain of salt. For example, if you sent out ten query letters and all ten agents passed, instead of focusing on the fact that you didn't get signed, focus on the fact that you now know those ten agents aren't good a fit for you. See, that's not so bad? What about if you receive a scathing review on one of your stories? Guess what? Not everyone is going to like your work. True life story. Instead focus on the good reviews and the comments that make your day. In fact, you can print or write out these comments, put them on sticky notes, and plaster them all over your wall, bedroom, or even on your laptop. 

The third way that is one of the most helpful ways of dealing with rejection and coming out on top is leaning on your writer friends during difficult times. Think of the friendships you've formed on Wattpad. Friendships where both parties understand what it's like to deal with the highs and the lows of writing. Commiserating with a writing buddy is unlike venting to a non-writing friend, boyfriend, wife, etc. The world of writing is unique and having friends in that world is priceless. They understand what you're going through and can often offer support that those not in the literary world. They are great to celebrate with as well! :) 

Now, you might have tips or tricks that work for you, that I haven't listed above. It's true, there are countless other ways to face rejection. These are just three suggestions. The important part is not getting down on yourself and remembering to keep moving forward! 


Before posting this, I spoke about this idea with some friends. You know what they said? While this post makes a lot of sense for writers, it's also relatable for a lot of people who aren't writers. 

Rejection is a tough part of life. We've all been there, whether it's not getting a role in a play at school, losing subscribers on YouTube, getting picked last in gym class, or struggling to sign with a literary agent. I REPEAT, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. 

The most important thing to remember is that you are capable of great things! You can set goals and achieve them! With hard work and hustle, success will find you! 

My final words of advice are simple. 

Believe in yourself and uplift others! 

Before I sign off, I have a small request. Below, write a comment and share one success you've experienced lately. Remember, spending ten minutes working on your manuscript is a success! Signing with an agent is a success! Going to the gym is a success! Getting up and putting on pants is a success! LOL! You might think I'm kidding on that last one, but let's be honest. The struggle is real sometimes! 

Oh! I lied, I have one more thing! Don't forget to enter the 100+ giveaways! I'm giving away THREE spots in the next #WattpadBlockParty! Woo hoo! Here's the link: (*You can find a clickable link on my Wattpad bio and wall.)

Hearts and Daggers,

Kelly Anne Blount

★ ★ ★


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