tayxwriter presents: Wattpad Best Friends, Me and Content Just For You!

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Hello ! It's me. Tay.

Alright. So to begin I want to introduce myself a little better. I'm from New Zealand where I've lived for most of my life. I was originally born in Australia though ! I have three adorable children and a wonderful husband. ❤️

My writing is something that I've loved from an early age. I've always loved reading and my grandparents were a huge part of that. They bought me a lot of books and read to me from the time I was smol. My Nana was an author for Mills and Boon in the late sixties/seventies! She's a huge inspiration and I can literally spend hours talking to her about books. She's so fascinated at the concept of Wattpad. Her questions are adorable! It's a little different since she was writing!

Nana and baby me ❤️

I joined Wattpad one year ago. I was originally a writer for the Episode App but came here to read the awesome Rivals by alexlightstories! After a small time of reading, I decided to have a whirl at moving one of my episode stories 'Marley meets Josh' to Wattpad. I was addicted from the get go. After having kids at a young age I had sort of drifted from writing but my passion was rediscovered and I couldn't stop. I've been writing non stop ever since. In October of 2017 I started writing The QB Bad Boy and Me and to be honest, that book sort of wrote itself. I finished it within two and a half months and it took off. Which I never expected to happen.

So it's safe to say that my journey on wattpad has been a whirlwind and it's far from over. I LOVE writing. I love the readers. I love everything about this community. It's so beautiful. I actually met one of my best friends through this app. It's a cute story !

Ashley_Mariex made a trailer for the book Rivals that I mentioned above. Alex shared it on her insta page and I went to YouTube to watch it. I commented about how much I LOVED it and that was the reason I ended up on Wattpad reading the book. I followed Ashley's account and messaged her about commissioning her for some work that I wanted done but in the end changed my mind. I did however start reading her fantastic book, Becoming Scarlett. I followed her on Instagram and continued our conversation there. Then once I began writing she sent me covers and beautiful graphics and aesthetics. Our friendship stemmed from there and we talk every single day now! She creates all of the covers that you see on my books.

She's literally fantastic and the conversations that we have are wildly hilarious and to be honest, a little concerning at times. Yes when she threatens the happiness of her characters I send her violent threats and vice versa. It's all in good humour 😂 I'd definitely be lost without her! Please check out her stories and be prepared to feel emotions, rage, love and passion. I scream at my phone when I'm reading. The feels.

Another friend that I've made is HayleBales who is an incredible author. It's been such a pleasure to watch her growth! She's doing so well. And of course my two girls alyssia_mayyyyyy and sharlene95 who were my first commenters on my first book and have been solid supports ever since. I wish I could tag and shoutout every single person that's made my journey what it is. But it would take hours. So just know that I love you all which is why I attempt to engage with my readers as much as I can ! ❤️


So in honour of this summers Wattpad Block Party I'm going to be doing a special scene that's never been seen before but was requested by the readers. Below you'll find a Grayson POV from The QB Bad Boy and Me !

G R A Y S O N S • P O V

One week ago, I did something terrible. I did something that I never imagined I would do. And it's kept me up, tossing and turning for hours. I've never been so sleep deprived before. I slept with a woman that wasn't Spencer. She wasn't the mother of my child. She wasn't the woman that I've been with for almost five years.

I'm not sure what I was thinking. But she was beautiful. A gorgeous Mother from my daughters Day Care that I had been flirting with for about three months. It started off with innocent intentions. It was just a few compliments on either side. But the flirting began to get more suggestive. I was thriving from the attention. Things had been lacking at home but that wasn't an excuse. Spencer was a wonderful partner. She was a good Mom and while things hadn't been perfect between us. I should never have done what I did.

But I did. And it made me ill. I needed to tell her. She needed to know. I realised how much she needed to know after I went with her to get Lydia yesterday and she'd talked to Tania - the woman that I slept with - the two of them conversed and it wasn't right. I couldn't let her do that again.

I arrived home on Friday afternoon, removing my coat and hanging it up while my heart pounded a little harder than usual. Spencer wandered out of the living room, dressed in her sweats, her hair in a knot on the top of her head. She glanced up from her phone and smiled before she started wandering towards the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" She called over her shoulder as I followed her, barely able to focus on her words. "I was thinking that we could do something easy. Lydia is at Mom's for the night. I don't think we have a lot of cash though so we should eat in."

"Yeah that's fine," I murmured and stopped beside the countertop while she scoured the fridge.

My fingers tapped the bench top. I wasn't sure how it should come out. How should I start? Should I just spit it out? Should I reassure her that she's perfect before I tell her? I felt my stomach swirling with anxiousness. There was no easy way for it to come out. It was going to change everything regardless of how I said it. Maybe I just. . . shouldn't? What she doesn't know can't hurt her.

"Grayson?" Spencer's voice brought my attention from the countertop and I found her in front of me, snapping her fingers with confusion. "What's wrong? You're acting weird."

"Lydia isn't here, right?"

"No," she shrugged with furrowed brows. "I told you that."

I took a deep breath and leaned a hand on the countertop to keep upright. I had no idea that it would be this hard. She shifted from foot to foot and folded her arms across her chest. "Grayson what the hell is going on?"

"I slept with Tania Floyd."

The air in the room became cold and the abrupt disbelief that struck Spencer's expression was heart wrenching. She swallowed and slowly, her features became more devastated. We stared at each other for what felt like forever. It was torture. I knew that I had hurt her but I had no idea what she was thinking. Eventually tears started to pool in her ducts and she stepped back, covering her mouth as her lips trembled.


"Do not come near me," she snapped, holding her hand up in defence before she swiped at the tear that slid down her cheek. She shook her head and ran her hands through her hair as her sobs became a little heavier. "How could you?"

"I'm sorr—"

"Was I not enough?" She choked.

Her frame shook with tears that she wanted to fight. I could tell how much she didn't want to fall apart. But she was fighting a losing battle and I wanted to comfort her so much. But she stood in the corner of the room, refusing to let me near her.

"I made a huge mistake Spencer. It shouldn't have happened but it did and I wish I could take it back."

Her crying became hysteric and she sank to the floor, clutching her sides. I couldn't resist for another moment. I strode forward and crouched beside her, wrapping my arms around her. She fought me though, pushing even though she was weakened.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But please. Forgive me. Please. I don't want to lose you Spencer. I — I don't want to lose you. I want to fix this. Please let me fix it?"

"Get off me!" She screamed and shoved me in the chest. I stumbled backwards and watched her from where I leaned back on my elbows as she stood up and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. She stared straight at me, pain, despair, anger all radiating from her powerful gaze. "I hate you."

She left the room and I slowly shifted into a crossed legged position on the kitchen floor. It took her less than ten minutes to have a duffle packed and I watched with an aching heart as she stormed past the kitchen entrance, throwing a framed picture of us on the the floor as she went. It shattered and as the front door slammed shut I felt the rest of my heart shattering as well. One small sentence and a stupid decision had changed everything. I'd broken someone that I loved. She thought that it was her fault. She thought that she wasn't enough. It wasn't fair.

Eventually, after a few days of radio silence, she came back for answers. She wanted to know why. She wanted to hear details that I didn't want to give but she deserved them. She agreed to let us work on things. It would be slow and it would require patience. But we tried. We tried for six months. But it wasn't enough. She couldn't let it go. She couldn't forget. She wouldn't let me touch her and she didn't trust me. It was broken. It was all broken. I had destroyed what we had and the worst part, I couldn't help but feel frustrated with her when she finally called it quits and left. It was my fault. Not hers. But I tried to fix it and it wasn't enough for her.

One thing that I was sure of, one meaningless evening with that woman, was not worth losing Spencer. It wasn't worth breaking my home over. It wasn't worth damaging the spirit of a gorgeous woman. It wasn't worth it and I wish I knew that before I ruined everything.


Phew. That was hard to write to be honest. But there you have it readers!

But I'm not done there ! This idea came to me from a couple of readers who suggested it might be interesting to see a sort of crossover with my characters Heath and Leonie from Never Met a Girl Like Her and Dallas and Drayton from The QB Bad Boy and Me! NMAGLH isn't set in Miami but for the sake of this story, that'll be where the two of them live ! 😂😁

D R A Y T O N S • P O V

From the field, I could see Dallas and the triplets, waving me on from the sidelines. The three of them were going to turn five in a few months and begin school so we decided that we'd bring them to the game in Miami against the dolphins. Hard Rock stadium was packed, fans were cheering, screaming and chanting because we had just won our match. I jogged towards my beautiful four and leaned over the railing, scooping the three children up with ease.

"Dad did it!" Lucas shouted with a grunt that was far too masculine for such a small kid. Max and Abby threw their hands in their air and carried on with excitement.

"Dad!" Abby slapped her little hand against my cheek and pushed my face in the direction of my wife who was looking as beautiful as ever in her fitted coat and jeans. "You have to give Momma a kiss and say 'that was for you baby.' Like you always do. Do it!"

Dallas burst out laughing as I stared at her in horror. "Well, damn. Alright girl. Calm down." I leaned over and pressed a kiss against Dallas' sweet mouth and murmured a mantra that had become more common than I thought. "That was for you baby."

She shot me a breathtaking smile. "I love you."

"You pay a lot of attention huh bub," I gave Abby a little poke in her side and she squirmed with the giggles as I set Max and Lucas down.

There was a lot of commotion going on so Dallas flung herself over the barrier and held their hands before they could disappear. Abby nodded at what I said and absentmindedly banged her small fists on my shoulder guards.

"What about you huh?" I shrugged. "Gonna have a man wrapped around that finger one day. Telling him what to do. Keeping him in line."

She smiled but before I could hear her answer I was being kicked in the shin, over and over again. I glanced down and saw Lucas having at it with a fierce scowl on his face. "No! No boyfriends for Abby!"

"What is going on with our kids?" I stared at Dallas. "One evening in Miami and they're all grown."

She laughed and pulled Lucas back by the hand so that he couldn't keep assaulting me.

There were a few things that I had to do before I could join Dallas and the kids at the small house that we'd rented for the weekend. I needed to shower and do press, have a quick word with coach and the other team members. And then Dallas and I had a romantic evening planned. Dinner, dessert, perhaps a quickie on the beach since we're surrounded with kids all the time now. Who knows.

But I was glad to have her and the kids here as a distraction. Being in Miami brought up unpleasant memories no matter how often I come back. I could never seem to totally escape that night that we'd been so close to death at the hands of a maniac. But with time, it became easier.

When I arrived at home, showered and dressed in a pair of chinos and a t-shirt, which seemed dressed up enough for dinner in Miami, Dallas was buttoning up Max's pyjamas while the other two were already snuggled down in the large king sized bed. When we were out of town, the three of them preferred being together at night. I understood that. It could be scary for a kid being somewhere new and unfamiliar.

"Who's watching them tonight?" I questioned as Dallas stood and helped Max snuggle down on the other side of Abby. She looked nice and safe tucked between her big brothers.

"Her name is Leonie. She came super recommended. She's in College studying early childhood and had a bunch of references."

"We should have brought Francisca with us," I murmured.

"She needed a break Drayton," Dallas gave me a pointed glance. "They're in good hands. I had background checks done and all of that. She should be here soon."

Max, Lucas and Abby were almost asleep when I leaned over and gave them all a kiss each. Abby wrapped her little arms around my shoulders and 'squeezed' as hard as her tired strength would allow. I was aware of Dallas sneaking out of the room but I just watched them for a little longer. Feeling that familiar sensation of a full heart. Sometimes it scared me how much I loved them. It shouldn't, but it did. I could understand now, better than ever how it must have been for Mom and Dad when Abigail died. I don't think that I would survive losing one of these three.

When I eventually went downstairs, Dallas was talking with a young brunette girl. She wouldn't have been more than twenty two. She was thin, average height but tall compared to my little wife who I could fit in my pocket. And before I knew it, I was admiring Dallas in her skin tight pastel yellow dress that clung to her ass and damn, did I want some of that right now.

"Your man is checking out your ass," the girls voice interrupted my vivid imagination and I looked at her with astonishment. She started laughing and threw her hair over her shoulder. "Hey, I'm Leonie. The totally responsible person watching the children tonight."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I reached out and shook the hand that she offered as I tucked Dallas in to my side.

"Dray," she warned giving me a subtle pinch. I sighed and pushed aside my own insecurities that made it hard for me to leave my kids with anyone else but the Nanny that we'd hired before they were born.

At least they were asleep. There wasn't a lot that could go wrong.

"The numbers are on the fridge," Dallas informed Leonie as we began heading for the door. "There's movies, Netflix, help yourself to food in the fridge—"

"Don't touch my churros," I warned with a narrow glare. She arched her brow and I could tell that the deep fried dessert would be gone when I got home.

"Have fun," Leonie called out as I closed the door.


"No, no Drayton. I am not having sex on the mini golf course."

"No ones around," I spun in a circle with my hand stretched out to ensure her that we were nice and alone. "Come on. Let's tick it off the bucket list."

"What bucket list?"

"The one that I made. . . . Just now. . . . So far it has have sex with Dallas on a mini golf course in Miami."

The course was enormous, and dark. There was no one else around and we were almost at the last hole.

I wasn't at my last hole though.

I had one more I needed to put something in.

She stood on the small bridge that connected two courses, there were fairy lights illuminating our surroundings, the beach was so close that we could see the moonlight shining on the rippling water and it was romantic as hell. Sex hadn't gone down hill since we became parents. We had it less. But we still loved it.

"Come on," I sauntered towards her as she attempted to hide her grin. "We'll be subtle."

I think that I would have won her over except her phone started ringing from my pocket and her eyes widened before she started shuffling towards me. I pulled it out and barely got to glance at the unknown number before she snatched it and pressed answer.


Her fingertips grazed over her lips as she listened and seemed to become a little stressed with each passing moment. "What?!" I dropped the golf club and gripped her arm. "What's going on?!"

"We'll be right there!"

She hung up the phone and handed it back before she started a fast walk over the course and all of its little obstacles. "What's going on woman?!"

"Abby has a temp and the sweats and she's pale and—"

Dallas squealed when I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "You're not fast enough," I mumbled before I took off towards the car. She hated it when I did this but my baby girl wasn't well and I wasn't waiting for Dallas' tiny legs to slow us down.

As soon as we arrived back at the house, I killed the engine and we ran inside to find Leonie on the couch with Abby in her arms while some dude held a thermometer under her arm. "Who's this?!" I demanded to know as I walked forward and crouched down beside the sofa, taking Abby's hand in mine as she sobbed.


"I'm here."

"This is my boyfriend," Leonie smiled. "Heath. He's a med student so I thought it'd be a good idea for him to come and have a look. We don't live far from here. He saved me from an overdose once. He's good."

My brows pulled together. "Who the fuck did we leave our kids with?"

"Nice to meet y—"

"What's wrong with her?"

Dallas came and kneeled beside us as well and as soon as the thermometer beeped, Leonie let me cradle Abby and we switched spots.

"She's fine," Heath smiled and slid the thermometer into his pocket. "There's a flu virus travelling around at the moment and her body is fighting it. I've had a good listen to her breathing and heart. She just needs a little pain relief and rest."

I gave him a narrow glare and considered calling someone who had a few more years on him. But Dallas thanked them both and went to retrieve some children's pain relief. That awful liquid stuff that tasted like tainted raspberries. My poor baby girl.

Abby cuddled in close and seemed to be drifting off, although the occasional whimper startled her again so I rubbed her back and hoped that she wouldn't be hurting for much longer. Dallas returned and we made sure that Abby was able to get the liquid down. Heath suggested that he wait and make sure that her temp came down in the next half hour. If the pain relief didn't work then she might need hospital care. I hoped that it wouldn't come to that but I told the pair of them to make themselves comfortable.

Dallas set Abby up on the sofa with a blanket and some water and she drifted off to sleep with the exception of the occasional cough.

"So did we interrupt anything good?" Leonie wiggled her brows when her and Heath followed Dallas and I into the kitchen.

"Lee," Heath sighed.

"Yeah actually I was about to bend her over in the mini golf course," I shrugged with indifference as Heaths eyes widened in Dallas' direction but she was occupied pouring herself a coffee and no doubt feigning oblivion.

Leonie raised her hand for a high five. "That's awesome," she laughed. "Damn, sorry we had to bring you back."

I clapped her hand. "It was important. No stress," I leaned against the countertop and waved it off.

"You're the uh— the cowboys quarterback," Heath pointed at me with a curious gaze. "Yeah?"

"That's me," I nodded as he slid his hands back into his pockets and smiled.

"Heath doesn't watch football," Leonie gave him a nudge. "He just knows who you are because our friend Bray is obsessed with you."

"Thanks for calling me out," Heath deadpanned and Dallas giggled to herself as she sat down at the breakfast bar on the other side of the kitchen. She had a good view of Abby from where she sat.

"Bray and Dray," Leonie burst out laughing so loud and abrupt that I noticed Dallas peering over to make sure that she hadn't woken our daughter. "Can I please take a photo of both of you to make him jealous!?"

"Yeah for sure," I stood up and moved around so that I could drop an arm over Heaths shoulder. Leonie stood in position and raised her phone while I grinned and made it appear as though Heath and I were best buds.

"He is going to be so jealous!" Leonie shuffled on the spot as she stared down at the photo that she had just snapped. I gave Heath a slap on the shoulder and offered him a beer.

"Oh no thanks," he declined with a polite smile. "I have work in the morning."

After enough time had passed, he checked Abby's temperature and gave her another once over, listening to her heart and chest before he stood with a smile. "She's fine. Her temp has come down which is a good sign. If pain relief can't get the temp down then it's a bit more of a problem. But she's great. Just keep giving her the pain relief for the next day and she should come right. She might just have a bit of a cold. But feel free to call if you need anything else."

"Thank you so much," Dallas smiled with appreciation as the four of us wandered towards the front door. "Both of you. Thank you. I've got your account number Leonie. I'll transfer something extra for the house call."

"Oh no," Heath waved his hand in dismissal. "Please don't. I was happy to help."

"He was," Leonie confirmed, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. "He loves helping and to be honest, seeing him in doctor mode gets me going. So we're going home to enjoy having no small cockblockers hanging around."

She disappeared with a wave and Heath turned to us with an apologetic glance. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," I laughed and gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. "She's dead right. Go and make the most of it."

He chuckled as he waved goodnight and when I closed the door and turned to Dallas, she was staring up at me with a small knowing smile. "What?"

"I think that I just met the female embodiment of you."

"Were you attracted to her?"

She rolled her eyes with a smile and wandered off towards the kitchen, swinging those hips side to side.

"Dallas," I called out. "I need to know! Tell me baby!"

"You're an idiot."


The end

To celebrate my feature in this summers Wattpad Block Party I have an exciting give away ! It is open to US residents only. I apologise for that ! But one lucky winner will win this hoodie ! You'll get to choose the colour and size of course. The giveaway link is posted at the bottom of the chapter!

 Thank you all for joining me ! It's been an absolute pleasure.

Tay ❤️ x




Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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