xXAmy_CXx Presents: My Writing Journey (So Far!)

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Hi everyone! My name is Amy Crandall, but most know me on Wattpad as . I am an avid reader, music junkie, and soon-to-be published author with Limitless Publishing! I have been active on Wattpad since March 29, 2014 and have published a total of 10 novels and short stories [most of which have been removed from the site due to my personal, ruthless critic (me)]. Recently, I created a poll on Twitter asking fans what they would like to hear about from me for this Wattpad Block Party. So, without further ado, please join me as I explain my writing journey (so far)!

I have had a passion for the written word since I first learned to read. I was obsessed with the new worlds authors had created so that children like me could escape our boring realities. The first series I really connected with was Percy Jackson and the Olympians. After finishing the series, I found a new world called Fanfiction.net, where I wrote my first completed works (which, you guessed it, was Percy Jackson Fanfiction). I found that writing about other characters strengthened my own ability to write without having to worry about creating a new world filled with intriguing characters. I was able to focus on the plot and find my voice without any distractions.

After I joined Wattpad.com (when it was recommended to me by a fellow swimmer in the winter of 2014), I focused on a new Fanfiction genre: Criminal Minds. In the Criminal Minds Fanfiction world, I was known for the "Distractions" series, which followed the BAU team and a new character I'd conjured up: Claire Williams. The series was later removed from Wattpad when I realized that Fanfiction was all I was known for. Nobody knew me for being the author of any fiction works I'd created; just the "Distractions" series. Therefore, I figured it was the best decision to remove the series from the site (and, yes. I do still have the series backed up on my flash drive and laptop).

After finishing the final book in the five-novel-series "Distractions", I wrote a new, fiction story called "Stalker". It was my first attempt at fiction, totaling in at around 25,000 words. It landed me on the horror hot list on numerous occasions, its highest peak being the top 20. That story was also removed from the site when I realized that I could do so much better than what I had put out.

My second attempt at a horror novella came in the form of "Find Me", which was originally a part of a trilogy, before I lost interest by the third book. "Find Me" is still available on the site, as I do not have the heart to take it down. It reached #2 in the horror hot list in the summer of 2017 after a year of posting and revising. I felt I was on cloud nine when I looked at the hot list that day. Problem was, I still didn't think it showed my budding abilities as a writer.

After "Find Me", I wrote a few stories that are still incomplete to this day. They include "Lost in the Echo" and "Deadly Obsession". I would love to pick up one of those stories again in the near future, as I loved writing them, but I didn't feel it was the right time to complete them.

I first started planning "Delusions" back in early 2015. I wrote a small piece one day when I was feeling bored, which most of you know now as "The Interrogation, Part 1". From there, I built upon Abigale Fern's story. I fought through writer's block on a daily basis. I wrote the first eighteen chapters of the novel between late 2015 and early 2016 before experiencing writer's block that lasted approximately five months. When I sat back down to write again, I didn't stop until I reached the end of the novel, which happened in May of 2017. The first round of edits was completed and posted on the site in December of 2017.

Since then, I've been on a writing hiatus. After finishing "Delusions", I haven't had any solid inspiration for a new novel. Currently, I'm in the early planning stages of a new fantasy novel, but I would like to dive into the thriller genre once again if I can.

In April of 2018, I found out about a contest the company Limitless Publishing was holding on Twitter. I'd had my eye on them for a while, but I was too scared to send in my manuscript before then. When I was selected as a finalist, I couldn't believe my eyes. I certainly didn't think I'd be picked to publish my story with them at the end of the contest. I was skeptical but submitted my full manuscript to them out of curiosity. While I was away in Ottawa for science fair, I received an e-mail that they were wanting to publish the novel I'd worked so hard on for the past three years. The shock that overtakes a person when they receive an e-mail like that is indescribable. Since then, I've been witnessing my dream become a reality.

The whole point of sharing my writing journey with all of you is to inspire you to always continue writing, despite what you think or what others think about your writing. It takes a lot of practice and hard work, but, eventually, it will always pay off. Writing is something that has saved me time and time again.

Writing isn't about the money or the fame. It's about sharing your words and your truth with the world and not caring what anyone else thinks. It's about bleeding who you are into pages upon pages of your thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Now, some super exciting news: "Delusions" release date has been estimated as September 4, 2018 (as of June 30, 2018)! If you would like to keep updated on its release, please follow me on my social media accounts below!

Wattpad: https://truyen2u.pro/tac-gia/xxamy_cxx

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/xxamy_cxx

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoramycrandall

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amycrandallauthor

Website: https://authoramycrandall.wordpress.com

This Wattpad Block Party, I am giving away advice for a novel of two lucky winners' choice plus a follow! My giveaway is open internationally!

Please make sure to check out all the other wonderful posts by the other amazing authors who are taking part in this summer's Wattpad Block Party!

Amy Crandall





Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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