AerithSage Presents: I Met "Love" in a Bar (Myths Finding Love One-Shot)

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"So kids... This is the story of How I met your father..."

Well... Not really. I don't even have kids yet. I am only eighteen years old. Err... well... more like frozen forever at eighteen but not in a vampiric Isabella Swan from Twilight kind of way.

I'm eighteen forever because I am the consort of the god of Love. I'll get to that story in a jiffy.

First of all, pardon my creative imagination about my opening line. I just wanted to start this video blog with a line from a TV show I totally, absolutely, ridiculously love. But this isn't a video blog about that TV show. Rather, this is my own story of how I met my soul mate, my other half, the love of my immortal life.

To start off, let me introduce myself.

I am Psyche Harris.

Society dictates that tall girls with a bit of curves, flawless features, large eyes, red pouty lips, fine bone structure and all that jazz... are beautiful. I'm not bragging but I have all of those. I got it from my ex-supermodel mother and my father who looked like one of those 1950's matinee idols. Also, I have red hair which is always likened to the color of flames.

Yes, come on and throw your best ginger jokes. I dare you to say something I've never heard before.

Got none? Okay, moving on...

Since I was young, I've often been told that I am beautiful. When beauty was showered all over the land, they said I carried a huge bucket and got shitloads of it. I've always played the role of the Greek goddess, Aphrodite, in school plays amongst many other roles like Helen of Troy, Juliet of Romeo and Juliet, and so much more.

I've fended off boyfriends since I hit my teens.

And it's my beauty which drew the eye of Eros, the Greek god of Love.

He told me that it was the physical which captured his eye but that it was my personality that captured his heart. Cheesy, right? But I love it.

And I love him with every fiber of my being!

I guess capturing the heart of the god of Love is no ordinary feat, right?

Alright, enough with introductions. I think you guys are really excited about my story.

So without further ado, here it is...

The story of how I found my eternity with the Eros.

And it all started when I met the god of Love in a bar...

February 13
Rudy's Bar and Grill
New York City

"One strawberry daiquiri please."

I gave the bartender my order as I slid nervously into one of the tall bar stools. I'm underage but I am rarely mistaken for a minor because I looked older and taller for my age.

The bar was very crowded today and I was very lucky to have scored an empty seat. I shrugged off my beautiful cashmere coat and draped it over my lap as I waited for my order.

While waiting, I looked around the bar and took in the scene of flirtatious smiles and bodies gyrating to the loud upbeat music. I inhaled deeply and breathed in the scent of alcohol, sweat mixed with expensive perfume and also the scent of desperation in the air.

Yep, that's right. Desperation. Because today was Valentine's Day. There were a lot of people here wishing to meet someone tonight that they could go on a date with tomorrow. Apparently, it was a special day and everyone wanted a date so they could not be branded as losers or pathetic. I guess there was some sort of social stigma that when you don't have a date on Valentine's Day, you're either a pathetic loser or someone totally unattractive and not worthy of a relationship

Pssh. What a load of bull- Err... pardon my French.

Well, it is a special date-- but not for me. It's not that much of a big deal and I hope society lessens its harshness on people without love or without a significant other on this day. There are just so many reasons why!

Number 1, there are people who are truly content with being single. Number 2, priorities. Some people love their careers and that's the most important thing for them. On the other hand, some people want to spend as much time with their family as they could. Then there are also others who are waiting for their one true love.

Just for the record, no, I am not bitter. I just believe that when I find the right man for me, he's going to make every day even more special than Valentine's Day.

I sighed and looked at the bartender who was busy fixing my drink.

"Hi. Can I buy you a drink?" a smooth voice asked beside me. With a heavy sigh, I turned to my left. So it begins. I just arrived a few minutes ago and already I have to start fending off men. You may think that this thing is a blessing but most of the time it's not.

Trust me on this.

Why? Because men tend to want me only because of my beauty. They refuse to see anything further than the physical. When I speak my mind, they lose interest. Men want someone who is silent and will always be beautiful when he wants to show her off to his friends, someone who'll hang on his arm like some trophy girlfriend.

When a girl has a mind brighter than his, his pride is injured and he loses interest.

Another case is that women have an expiration date for some men. They date women only for three to six months and then they lose interest. Or they lose interest when a more beautiful girl comes along—which is the case most of the time. Then there's also the circumstance when it becomes clear to guys that the girl doesn't want to assume a physical relationship. Well, you know men. Sex takes up maybe ninety percent of their thought processes.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him glance at his buddies who then smiled at him in encouragement.

"No thanks. I already ordered," I replied with a small smile. Right on cue, the bartender gave me my order and I handed him my payment.

I heard the man walk away while muttering something under his breath. I ignored him and his buddies and just sipped my drink while relishing my freedom.

I just got back in town yesterday and I'm here to meet my childhood best friend named Aurea. You see, my father is a businessman. Ever since I was young, we were always moving-- new schools, new friends, and all that stuff. But there was one friend who remained constant. Even if I went away, we never lost contact. And I just can't wait to see her again!

"Are you here with someone?" a new voice asked.

I almost rolled my eyes. I already had a few blissfully silent minutes to wait for my friend and sip my drink. I guess that's all over now.

I nodded to the man who sat beside me. He had black hair, high-cheekbones, an overly-confident smile and clothes which screamed money. Lots and lots of it actually.

"I'm waiting for my friend," I replied.

His cocky grin widened. "No boyfriend?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Great. I'm James by the way. My dad owns the five-star seafood restaurant across the street. Usually, reservations have to be about a month before but since I'm the owner's son, we can even get the best table. So, shall we?"

He even bowed and held out his hand. When I didn't take what he offered, he listed his head and raised an eyebrow. I just couldn't help but snort.

"Sorry. I'm waiting for my friend here. I can't go."

"How about tomorrow?" he persisted.

"Nope. Sorry but I'm not interested in a relationship at the moment."

"Why? That's a shame. You're so beautiful."

Those words made my ears ring. I've heard them for so many times already that they've become one of my pet peeves. I sighed and downed the last of my drink. Then, I sat up a little straighter and pasted on my sweetest smile.

"First of all, I don't get the logic about why it's a shame that I am not in a relationship at the moment and you following that up by telling me that I'm beautiful. Second, I'm not in a relationship because I don't want self-assured men who think they can have anything they want. I'm through dating the overly-arrogant male species. I'm single by choice and I am happy about it, thank you very much."

James opened and closed his mouth as though looking for words to say but finding none.

"What a bitch," he muttered. He then ran his fingers through his hair and turned his back without saying another word. I wanted to call out to him and berate him for his words but I just let him be. There's just no use arguing with idiots.

Let him nurse his injured pride by trying to get another woman he can brag about his richness to.

Well, good riddance.

I checked my phone and there was a text from my friend, Aurea. She said she'd be running late so I ordered another strawberry daiquiri. I bowed my head and let my hair hide my face. I really just wanted a quiet night with my friend. I don't want to fend off more guys. This thing is not easy for me as well. I don't want to be a bitch and I don't want to hurt more feelings.

Most of all, I don't want to hear another lame pick-up line. Honestly, I think I heard them all. Come to think of it, maybe I should even go write a book to collect all of them.

With a shrug, I sipped my drink again and checked my watch. Suddenly, I felt this familiar feeling of someone watching me. I looked to my right and then scanned the crowded bar behind me but I didn't find the source of this uneasy feeling.

I turned my head to the left and my jaw, along with my heart, dropped. Two seats across from me was the most handsome man I've ever met. Believe me, I've met a lot of male models. But all of them paled in comparison to this guy.

He had blonde hair and a dazzling pair of perfect blue eyes. He also had high cheekbones and full lips that made me want to kiss them all night long. To top it all off, he had a crooked smile that made my heart flutter.

His features were so perfect that I could not seem to look away. So I sat there, stunned and unmoving, and watched him slide gracefully off his seat. I lifted my eyes to continue looking at him for he was just so gods-damned tall! He wore a fitted black shirt that showed-off the perfection of his muscled chest and arms and partnered it with simple, faded jeans and shoes.

He wasn't those heavily-muscled kind of guys that looked like one of those WWE wrestlers. He was tall, lean and just absolutely perfect.

I looked at him from the top of his blonde hair and down to his feet but I found my gaze going back to his chest. My fingers clenched around my drink for I suddenly found myself wanting to run my fingers down that chest to see if the muscles really were as hard as it looked and then to check if he had washboard abs that belonged to marble statues of Greek gods.

Nope, not even sorry about where my thoughts headed.

Slowly, he walked towards the empty bar stool next to me and sat. He never took his eyes away from mine and it was as if I was caught in the spell of those ocean-blue eyes. As he continued to look at me, a new feeling coursed through my body.

It was some sort of delicious heat—kind of like drinking hot soup on a very cold night and then feeling the warmth spread from your belly and through your veins. There was also this feeling of awareness—a feeling that said my whole life was going to change forever.

Weird, right? I know I sound silly but that's exactly what I felt. I don't even know what to call it. Destiny? Fate? Kismet? The whole universe conspiring to bring the two of us together?

"Hi," he whispered and I was snapped out of my delirious thoughts.

His voice was a deep baritone that was as smooth as silk and it sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply to calm my nerves. But that proved to be a wrong move for I ended up inhaling his delicious scent which kind of short-circuited my brain.

"Hey," I replied. My voice wobbled and I wanted to slap myself.

Get a grip, Psyche!

I bowed my head and felt blood rush to my cheeks. I've just been ogling this man like he was a scrumptious cake on display and I was a woman on that one cheat day for her diet.

"Sorry but you owe me a drink," he said in that beautiful voice.

I frowned. "What? Why?"

"Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine."

He smiled once more and my already short-circuited brain turned to mush. It took me a few more seconds before I realized I've just been told another lame pick-up line. Wait. Scratch that. It wasn't lame. It wasn't overly cheesy and it was something I've never even heard before.

But my heart fell when I realized he was just another guy trying to hit on a girl he met at a bar. I thought he was going to be something different but I was wrong.

Or was I?

"Ha-ha," I replied sarcastically. "Congratulations. That pick-up line was something I've never heard before," I added.

Those blue eyes flashed with a mixture of something like triumph, amusement and deep curiosity.

"Glad to hear that. My name's Eros. May I know yours?"

I choked on my own drink and quickly grabbed a napkin before I made an even bigger fool of myself.

"Is that your real name or is that a codename?" I asked him.

"It's my real name. Why?"

I shrugged. "Nothing."

Truth was, I loved Greek mythology. And I've read up so much about Eros, the Greek God of love. I've fancied him ever since. What would it be like if gods were real and I happened to catch the heart of Eros himself? In my deepest fantasies, I was Psyche Harris: the girl who conquered Love himself.

"I still didn't get your name."

"Psyche," I blurted out. Well, there you go. I just gave my name to a random stranger at a bar when I already swore myself off men!

Congratulations, addle-brained ginger.

"When you walked into that door, you already caught my eye. And then I watched you fend off several men. May I ask why?"

"Not interested."

"Please don't tell me you're a lesbian," he said with a wince.

I snorted and he held out his hand defensively.

"I don't have anything against lesbians, let me just make that clear. It's just that if you're a lesbian then I don't really have a chance. Unless you're bisexual or something." He winked and my muscles turned to jelly.

I just sat there staring at him with my mouth open.

He laughed nervously and ran his fingers through his thick, blonde hair. It took me a long time to compose a reply and he must've thought that I was pissed.

I closed my mouth, lifted my drink and swallowed. It instantly relived the dryness in my mouth. When I was finished, I faced him again to reply to his earlier statement but he beat me to it.

"I am rambling! Sorry. This doesn't really happen to me. So back to my question. Err. Why?"

He shot me a nervous glance and all I thought was how adorable he looked. Yep, brain cells are totally fried. I shrugged and pretended to act as though I was unaffected by his presence. "I am not a lesbian nor am I bisexual, just for the record." I shrugged. "It's just that all men are the same."

"Ah. So you're one of the women who generalize men after dating a few." He smiled as though he just found the answer to the greatest mysteries of the universe.

I shook my head and reached for my drink again. "I've dated a lot of guys and they all ended up the same. My generalization is valid."

One perfect eyebrow rose. "Then you haven't met the good representatives of the male species."

I rolled my eyes. "That's what they said too," I countered.

"They lied," he drawled in that perfect voice. "If you'd allow me, I'd show you how the men in your life lied. Let me show you that we're not all bad guys and you can trust again."

He looked directly into my eyes as he said this. Just like that, I was pulled under his spell once more.

They said the eyes were the windows to the soul. His seemed to be one of those stained-glass windows in old churches. His eyes were so beautiful that anyone who gazes at them will find themselves staring at it for a long period of time.

Usually, when I looked into someone's eyes, I glimpse a bit of their personality. Some eyes are always shining and that represents a cheerful person. Some eyes hold a shadow of grief in them.

But Eros' eyes? His was really like really looking at a stained-glass window. It's beautiful but it's opaque. I can't get any information from them about his personality or his life. What I could just glean from them was how its blue color also reminded me of the ocean. It was like looking at a vast and deep expanse of water and never really knowing what lies in its depths.

"What's in it for you?" I asked a little breathlessly after I snapped myself out of my trance.

"Hmm. It's up to you. Whatever you want," he shrugged. "You can treat me to a drink or give me your number or be my date for tomorrow?" He looked really hopeful as he said those words. Kind of like a kid waiting for his parents to give him Santa's gift on Christmas morning. Telling him no would be like telling that same kid that Santa didn't exist.

"And if you lose?"

"I'll shout my humiliation to the world and acknowledge that men are all alike and they are perfectly the evil scum of the universe you believe them to be."

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Fair enough."

"So how shall we start?"

I nodded. "Answer this: What makes you think you're so different than all the men I've dated? What sets you apart from them?"

"Hmm..." He looked upwards as though trying to find the answers in the bar's ceiling.

"If I said I'm more handsome than all of them, it would be a fact but it would also be very arrogant."

I grinned. "Correct." But him being handsome than everyone I dated was the absolute truth.

"I always speak the truth."

I shook my head. "That's a little hard to prove. I don't have a portable lie detector machine to validate your words. Try giving me something more objective."

He didn't speak for a long time. I pretended to study my drink but the truth was that I stole glances at him from the corner of my eye. He was thinking so deeply that his brows were furrowed and his lips were set in a thin line. Also, he kept on muttering things I couldn't really understand.

After a few more minutes, he sighed and downed his drink in one gulp.

"Something new, huh?"


"I'll bet my life you've never heard this before-- I am a god," he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

He said that right as I was swallowing my drink. My reaction was a mix of shock and incredulity. I snorted and my drink went down the wrong way. I ended up coughing and spluttering over the marble counter. People looked at me while I choked and heaved. Eros smiled apologetically and stroked my back. He reached for a stack of napkins and handed them to me.

"That's the stupidest thing I heard all night. But yes, it's certainly something new," I whispered sarcastically as I wiped my nose and my mouth.

"No. It's true. I can prove it." He held out his clenched fist. When he opened it, there was a perfect red rose. He handed it to me and I inhaled the sweet scent. It was a real rose and not a plastic one that most magicians used. The thorns were still even there!

"This reminds me perfectly of you—a beauty but dangerous because of its thorns."

I rolled my eyes at the clichéd words he just told me. But deep inside, my heart sang at his praise. "This still doesn't prove anything, you know. Street magicians can do this trick." Though I had to concede that I wondered how he hid that thing up his sleeve. Was he scratched by the thorns? Is this some new magic trick?

He opened his mouth to reply but I held up my hand. "Alright. I asked for something new and this god of Love thing certainly is new. If you're a street magician or just a regular person who knows magic tricks, that's new as well. So I'll play along. What do you do as the god of Love everyone's talking about right now?"

He threw back his head and laughed. "By the end of this night, you'll believe me. My dear, the world is bigger than you mortals perceive it to be."

"The mythological gods..." he raised his hands and made quotation marks in the air " call are real. All of us are. And we're here among you."

I raised another eyebrow. It's either this guy was completely bonkers or he was a really convincing actor.

"I believe you. Yeah, I do." I rolled my eyes and smiled. I lifted the rose and inhaled its sweet scent once more.

"Tell me what a god of Love does."

"First of all, the myth about the god of love being a chubby little toddler with wings and shooting arrows is completely false." He raised his hand and swept it downwards to indicate his entire body.

A totally delicious and hot body. Just take my word for it.

"This is me and this is how I always looked. I do have a bow and magical arrows but I can't make people fall in love."

"What?" I hissed.

If he can't make people fall in love then what's the point? This surely goes against everything I've read.

"Let's say that my magical arrows are seeds and the people are soil. I can't throw seeds on a desert for it will just wither and die. But I can throw seeds in fertile soil. My arrows don't really contain love. They contain a wide variety of things."

Wow. This guy was really good.

"Such as?" I asked.

"Confidence, lust or passion, hope, clarity of mind and all other emotions."

"So what do you do with these arrows?"

He turned around and waited for me to do the same. Then he scanned the bar for a few minutes.

"Look around us. There are all kinds of people. They say opposites attract. Sometimes love works between two opposite people. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, people find their soul mates in people exactly like them. What I do is find people who are compatible with each other and then give them a little push."

"I don't get it."

He pointed at two people across the bar. A blonde girl sat there sipping her drink while a black-haired guy sitting beside her kept shooting her nervous glances.

"If you look closely enough, you'll see which people have this thing they call chemistry. Me, I have the power to see that in their auras. It's like seeing puzzle pieces scattered all around me. But there are only two pieces in this puzzle. Only two are the perfect fit but some can come close. Through that, I see which are meant to be and which are not. Those two right there, they are meant to be. But the guy is throwing his chance away because he's too nervous to take the plunge. What I'd do is hit him with one of my confidence arrows to start things along."

Yep. He's definitely good. He's now either a writer with a very wild imagination, an actor or a freakin' lunatic.

"How about the other arrows? Passion?"

"Let's just say that people already found their soul mates and they are already married. But the marriage isn't how it used to be because they are now very busy with their jobs to be with each other. Mortals always worry about material things and how they need everything in the stores to be happy. Because of that, they've let their marriage go down the drain. So I'll give them passion to rekindle fires that are burning low."

"And that will magically take care of everything, right?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

He shook his head. "It's only the start. It still depends on the couple whether their love triumphs or fails. It's not always about 'what is meant to be, will be' but rather about the journey of getting there and how committed people are to making their relationships work."

"Alright. So since we're really playing this game, let me ask you this. What's the god of Love doing on a bar the night before Valentine's Day and hitting on women? Shouldn't you be working? There are a lot of people that can use your enchanted arrows right now."

He shrugged and ordered another drink before he replied, "Well, tomorrow's my special day. Consider this as my day off."

"There are a lot of broken hearts out there. And there are a lot of lonely people tonight wishing that they'd get dates for tomorrow. You should be out prowling the streets and shooting your magical arrows to help them! Maybe more work and less play for you so that more people will be happy?"

Eros sighed and leaned back against the marble counter. He lifted his drink and placed the cool glass against his brow.

"Baby it isn't easy. Nothing in this world is easy."

"Gods are supposed to be powerful, omnipotent beings right? What's so hard about waving your hand and making everyone happy? It's easy. I'd do that if I was one of you guys."

Again, he shook his head. He reached for my hand and I let him. I blame my hormones and my curiosity this time.

I watched him inspect my fingers as though they were the most precious gems. His touch was like a brand on my skin. Every little caress from those long fingers of his felt like small electrical currents on my skin.

I was stunned and I sat there watching him for a long time.

Finally, he sighed. "Love isn't easy. Love is complicated. As much as I want everyone to be happy, that's just not the way things are supposed to happen. Nothing's perfect. How will you know love if you've never been hurt? How will you value your current relationship if you've never experienced loss? How will you become stronger as a couple without the little fights along the way?" he asked.

For what seemed to be the hundredth time tonight, I was speechless.

I tried to think of a clever reply but I ended up with nothing. So I just stared into his beautiful blue eyes and tried to drown myself in his gaze.

"Being the one who represents Love is hard. No one knows how hard my job is."

I finally found my voice and asked, "Why? What makes it so hard?"

"Everyone thinks highly of love. Everyone thinks they're characters from a fairytale and they deserve the same story. What they do not understand is they have to suffer through the hardships to get the love story they want. They have to fight the villain before they have the happily ever after. And let me tell you, mortals are now too weak-hearted to fight for what they want. They spend their lives wanting happiness and love but when they find it, they push it away or refuse to fight for it. And that is why they spend their lives very lonely."

He stopped for a quick second to sip his drink and ordered another one.

"Some say love is overrated. They push away all thoughts of love because they think it is not for them."

"Well, some people couldn't help but be bitter when they've been hurt so much before."

"That is true for some. But most people just don't understand. Some have been hurt before and do everything they can to avoid being hurt again. People like you. But it's bad because sometimes, their soul mate arrives in their life but is pushed away. Because of their bitterness, they don't see the love they've always wanted for themselves even if it's staring them in the face. So they spend their lives lonely and full of regrets."

He lifted his head and looked directly into my eyes. I looked away for I couldn't last under the intensity of his gaze.

"To those who think too highly of love, they spend their lives looking for something great. They want romance and happy endings found only in fairy tales and romance novels. Because these people want something more, they are completely blind to what's in front of them. They let go of what they already have because they cannot be contented and they want to seek something greater. Before they know it, the opportunity, along with time, already passed them and those are two things you can never get back."

He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"Then there are the people who settle for something less than what they deserve—people who do not believe in themselves and their capability of finding love. These people settle for the first man they meet without knowing them fully. Some do this because they believe nothing is better and this is the best deal they are going to get. Some are just overly excited."

"What's wrong with that? These are the people who truly believe in love. They are the ones who hope for the best. It's just that fate plays tricks and they don't get the type of love they deserve."

"There's nothing wrong about believing in Love. What's not good is when people settle for less because they think that their partners would change. They stick to the marriage or the relationship until the end even though they're unhappy and this is why they die not knowing their true love. Then there's the other side—the one when people get married right away and then realize it's wrong and it's not the one they wanted. This is why the divorce rate is so high nowadays." he explained.

Again, I was at a loss for words.

"And I just wanted to tell you that the Fates always play tricks. They love doing that. They even do it on gods too."

There he goes again. Writer with a wild imagination or a raving lunatic? I still can't decide.

"And I suppose the fates have played a lot of tricks on you?"

"Yes. A million times over. But I thank them for sending you my way."

I frowned for I didn't really understand his words.

"The Fates are like the scriptwriters of soap operas. They are the ones who decide what happens to all of us. They have this really large loom and the grand tapestry of life filled with threads from everyone who lives in this world. Some threads are intertwined and that is when people's destinies meet. I'm glad they twined yours with mine."

Inwardly, I laughed. This guy really got me believing his absolutely crazy words. I also concede to the fact that he had a point. Lots of it, actually.

But at the same time, something inside me melted at his sweet words. I may be tough on the outside but inside I'm as gooey as the most expensive lava cake. I'm a sucker for romance but I guess I'm one of those people who've been hurt too much and now push people away.

I don't know what it is but there's something about this guy called Eros that called out to me.

Were we the perfect puzzle pieces? Maybe, maybe not.

But there's one thing I had to know first. I had to know if he really was crazy or something else—but definitely not the god he's claiming to be.

"Alright then, this night has been interesting. You definitely fulfilled your promise and gave me something new even if it's something extremely bizarre. Also, you're great at conversations. So as promised, here's my number."

I took a napkin, wrote down my number on it and handed it to him. He took it with a wide grin. I smiled back but my smile faded when the rich guy that was hitting on me earlier approached us.

"Well, look at you! I thought you weren't interested and said you'd wait for someone? Turns out you like blondes. Or maybe he's richer than me?" he asked as he looked at Eros from head-to-foot.

My temper flared.

"Now, look here—" I began. But Eros cut me off.

His beautiful ocean-blue eyes flashed and in the blink of an eye, his face changed from that of charming angel to pissed-off devil.

"Clearly, she deserves better than someone like you. Foolish mortal," he spat. He said it in a tone so menacing that all the hair on my body stood on end.

Good thing, the foolish mortal had brains for he averted his eyes and walked away.

Eros was not someone to mess with right now. He was so scary that even I was afraid. I guess he's closer to the lunatic rather than the writer and I began to regret giving him my number.

I saw a flash of blue from his hand but when I faced him, there was nothing. I guess it was just one of the strobe lights or I might've just imagined it. Eros kept looking at the rich guy as he walked away so I craned my neck and looked as well.

Suddenly, the rich guy stumbled and fell. He splashed his own drink on himself. I think he also poured some of his drink on someone else. There were curses and loud shouts—the earliest signs of a fight breaking out.

"Ha! Serves him right!" Eros shouted. Then, he turned towards me once more. The rage was gone and my angel was back in place.

"Sorry about that. I hate losers like him," he told me.

"It's fine. I guess the Fates got him back for the words he said."

"No. Definitely not the Fates." He grinned as if it was some kind of inside joke.

Then, he stood up and took my hand. I let him guide me towards the dance floor. Suddenly, the music changed to something slow. It was a familiar song. Actually, it was one of my favorites. It was a song about how two people were brought together by fate and ended up together because of love and sheer determination. It was a song about how they fought for their love against all odds.

"May I have this dance?" he asked. He even held out his hand and bowed as though he was plucked straight out of the era where men still courted women, women saved their virtue until after marriage, and chivalry and chaperones still existed.

Eros' sweet gestures made heat rush to my cheeks at the same time that my heart did this little tap dance inside my chest.

"We're already standing here in the middle of the dance floor so we might as well dance," I replied.

He took my hand and placed it on his chest. Ah, dream come true! And yes, his chest was as solid as it looked. Maybe before tonight ends, I can cop a feel of his abs as well!

Yep, that's it Psyche, you pervert.

Eros placed his hands on my waist and we swayed to the music. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it all. I'm with a great guy who gave me that something new that I was looking for. If tonight was all we'd have, I'm happy with it because he changed my views about love and got me to believe in it again.

When the song ended, he led us back to the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic drink for me.

He took out the napkin with my number on it and smiled that oh-so-heart-melting smile of his.

"I guess giving me your number and dancing with me means you believe me?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Not a chance. It just means you're something different."

He placed his hand above his heart and pouted. "Ouch. But tomorrow you'll believe me. I swear it."

"You're automatically assuming that I'll be your date tomorrow. I just gave you my number so you can call me and maybe we can get to know each other better," I replied. But it was all a lie. I'd be honoured if I was his date for tomorrow.

We just had to set one thing straight: did he have a few loose screws or not?

"I'll be your date tomorrow. Just stop the acting."

"Nope. It's not acting. Tomorrow you'll believe me. I swear it. I promised you I'd show you something new tonight and I fulfilled that, right? Then believe me when I say that tomorrow I'll win you over to my side," he said.

"Err. Yeah, right. Whatever." I still totally didn't believe him. Who in their right minds would believe someone who chatted you up and said he's an effin' god?!

I checked my phone and my dad was already looking for me. I didn't realize he'd be home this early! I sent out a text to my friend and apologized about the situation. Then, I turned to face Eros.

"Sorry. My dad's looking for me. I have to go. It was really nice meeting you."

I gave him one of my sweetest smiles. I waited for his reaction but he just sat there staring at me. I lifted my head and also looked at him. I don't know how many times I've said this but those eyes were just so gods-damned beautiful. Every inch of his face was perfect. Hell, every inch of him was perfect!

Except maybe his brain is a bit messed-up. But if it's not really too messed-up, I guess it's fine.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes. Definitely. Text me when and where."

"Bye Eros!" I said before I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed for the exit.

But he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his hard chest. To steady myself, I flung out my hands and both of them landed on his abs.

Yep. It's either there were hard rolls under there or they were really washboard abs that belonged to male models in magazine covers.

"Wait," he whispered. I just realized we were so close to one another. He still sat on the tall bar stool and when he pulled me back, I ended up plastered against his chest and between his legs. Just that. And no, not in a sexual kind of way.

He placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. Way up because he was so tall. He looked at my eyes for a long time as though he was searching for something. At the same time, he looked as though he was fighting for control.

"My puzzle piece," he whispered.

"What?" I wasn't sure I heard that right.

"Nothing," he replied.

Then, he sighed and ran his other hand through his hair.

"Psyche," Again, he looked into my eyes as he said my name. His voice was so low it was almost like a breath.

Then his lips descended and claimed mine. It was one of those moments that felt as though I was waiting my whole life for it. And now, it's finally here.

About the kiss: yes, fireworks exploded all around me. Yes, I heard a choir of angels singing hallelujah. Yes, my toes curled... and all that jazz. And there was more, so much more.

His kiss was gentle, tentative—almost shy. His kiss also spoke of want and need. Well, what the hell, I wanted him too! So I kissed him back with everything I've got. He lifted my arms so I could wrap them around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

This time, it was him who took over. The shyness vanished and passion was unleashed.

I totally forgot about everything. I forgot how I just met him and now we were lip-locked. I forgot my internal debate about him being a writer, a magician or a lunatic. All that mattered was how great this felt and how our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces.

And I stood there, holding on to him tightly, not even breathing. I was also praying that this magical moment never ends.

But everything ends.

He set me back on my feet and I took a few seconds to catch my breath and reorient myself back to reality. I bowed my head for I was sure my face would be as red as a tomato right now.

"One more for the road," he whispered. Then his lips were back on mine.

This time, when it ended, I was smiling like a fool.

"Let me walk you out," he told me. I nodded and he grabbed my coat from my lap, took my hand, and laced his fingers with mine. Again, we fit together like two perfect pieces.

Once we were outside, he helped me to my coat. He just held it for a few seconds but it already smelled like him. Tonight, I'll definitely be sleeping with this under my pillow.

Eros called a cab for me and I reluctantly got in.

"Bye. See you tomorrow!" I shouted.

"See you. And Pscyhe?"


"Tomorrow, I'll let you in on my world," he vowed.

Imaginative writer or lunatic? I simply didn't care anymore. Tomorrow, I am definitely seeing him again. Whatever his world is? I'll gladly be part of it.

And sure enough, on Valentine's Day, I believed him. How?

He took me on top of the Empire State building and gave me a magical bow and arrow. He said it was from Artemis herself. Then, he taught me how to shoot perfectly. Of course, I didn't believe him at first but I was happy with the impromptu archery lessons. I felt like I was freakin' Katniss Everdeen!

Later that night he took my hand, asked me to close my eyes and then asked me to open them again... that, my friend, was the exact point in time that I believed him. Because one moment I was standing on top of the Empire State Building and then the next, I was on top of the Eiffel Tower.

Can street magicians do that? Nope. It defied the laws of physics! It defied everything else I've known and believed! I have no other word for it except—magic.

I almost fainted right then and there but he held on to me as I hyperventilated and tried to take everything in. Then, he calmly explained everything over again. When I was calm enough and when he was sure I believed him, he held my hand again and we went to another city.

We teleported from city to city, country to country and continent to continent. I watched Eros shoot his arrows and bring lovers together. He even offered to have me shoot but my aim was really off. So I just watched in awe as the god of Love worked his magic on Valentine's Day.

That was just the start. On that same day, he worked his way into my heart. He definitely got me interested. He definitely showed me something new.

Not just one but a lot. Over the span of time that we dated, he took me around the world and there were a lot of new things there. New food, new cultures, new clothes, new places and so much more!

There never was a dull day when I was with Eros.

Yes, we also had our ups and downs. I had so much insecurity and emotional baggage about dating a Greek god. But throughout it all, Eros stayed with me. Even when I tried to drive him away, he stayed. He held me every time I cried. When I was sad, he called me sweet endearments and told me I was his soul mate, his perfect puzzle piece. When I confessed about my fears, he listened and promised that he'll never leave.

And like his very first promise and all the others after that, he fulfilled this last one as well. He brought me to Olympus, married me and made me immortal.

Yes, I am now an immortal and we are together... forever.

So thank you for listening to the first part of my video blog. I swear my brain is fine and I'm not doing drugs. If you refuse to believe that gods and goddesses exist with us, then let's just say I am a writer with a very creative imagination.

Maybe I'll do more like this someday and give you more snippets about life with the Greek god of love—assuming you'll still want to listen.

For now, I hope you enjoyed watching my video-blog about how I found my soul mate.

The story of how I met Love in a bar and officially became the girl who conquered Love.



Hope you liked this one-shot! I've never posted this anywhere online before and this was just part of an anthology so I really want to know what you guys think! Please do vote and comment!

Check out the other Myths Finding Love books on my profile! How to be a Queen (Aerith and Hades, Myths Finding Love #1), How I Fell For Death (Thanatos and Aurea, Myths Finding Love #2), How to Reform a Rake (Myths Finding Love #3). All these are already completed. Although, I apologize in advance because some of these books are already really old and unedited.

Other completed works: The King's Slave (The Nine Realms #1)

Ongoing works: The Heart of a King (Werewolf-Vampire Romance), How to Defy Fate (Myths Finding Love #4), The Rules of the Game. Blurb posted below.

The player:

Alexis Alcantara is a successful strong, independent, career-driven woman. Everything in her life is going well... or so she thought. One Friday night, she logs-in to Facebook and realizes that everyone she knows is either engaged, married, or having kids. This leads into an existential crisis about the lack of love in her life and she turns to her friend for help.

The game:

The solution? Finder. The online dating app with over fifty million users. Alexis hasn't dated anyone in a while and is totally new to online dating. She has to kiss a lot of frogs and hope that one of them turns into prince charming. It's one girl versus the bachelor population which may be composed of creeps, jerks, and assholes. But one of them may also be Mr. Right. It's a big game and the stakes are high. You either get your heart broken or win by learning the rules of the game.

Oh and one last thing... Please also follow me on social media! AerithSage (both Twitter and Instagram)


Soooo, to share with you guys how happy I am about being part of this block party and to thank you all for reading my stories, I'm having a giveaway! One lucky winner from the Philippines will get a signed copy of 'The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract' and five winners from other countries will get free ebooks!

Please make sure you are following me on Wattpad () and also on Twitter (@AerithSage) to be able to qualify!

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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