CCrawfordWriting Presents: Quirks & Perks

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Hi, everybody! I'm CCrawfordWriting, and this is my first-ever time at the #WattpadBlockParty . I'm so excited to be here!

So many amazing things have happened in my writing career in the past year, and most of that started right here on Wattpad, with my incredible Wattpad readers. I truly believe I have THE BEST readers in the universe!

Because of that, today I want to honor my readers (and any new ones who see this today!) with some fun perks, including a sneak-peek at my latest book, an exclusive story release, and more!

(Be sure to read to the end for a chance to enter my #WattpadBlockParty GIVEAWAY!!!!)


A few weeks ago, an anonymous visitor to my website sent me a message. In the course of asking me some kind of writing question, he called my site "delightfully quirky." (Or something like that; I'm paraphrasing.) At first, his comment took me aback... until I realized he was right. I am quirky – in how I write, in how I interact with my readers, in so many ways. And hey, maybe my readers are a bit quirky too! Maybe that's why we get along so well.

So, in embracing, that, today I present...

5 Quirky Perks You Can Expect As One of My Readers:

1. (Sometimes Awkward) Romance

My stories are all about the romance (at least most of them!), but with me you won't find polished, picture-perfect characters who charm their lovers with ease. I am all about realism (and possibly catharsis of my awkward teenage years, but we'll just keep that our little secret), so my characters tend to bumble their way through things in their own, charmingly-awkward ways. In the end, it all works out... except when it doesn't. But that's the fun of stories, right?

2. Hidden Bonuses

Not-quite-spoiler ahead: I hide Easter Eggs in my stories. My readers who have found these know exactly what I'm talking about. But if you don't, let me just say... There may be a phone number you can actually text buried somewhere in my story. Or email addresses and Facebook accounts in some of my books that my characters will actually message you back from. But, you know, I'm not saying for sure... just maybe... ;)

3. Characters Coming to Life

My characters have trouble staying on the page. I'll admit that it's mostly me, not them... but can I help it if they occasionally do Live Character Chats on Facebook with my readers? My characters seem rather confused as to why they're there, but they are generally good sports about it. If you want to be part of this the next time it happens, you can see the chats we've done and be updated on future chats in my Live Chat Group here:

(I also host Writers' Chats on various topics in this same group!)

4. Copious Responses

I respond to reader comments. Sometimes a lot. As my readership has grown, I'm no longer able to respond to every single comment (at first I did!), but I still respond to as many as I can, and I always read them! Sometimes my characters even respond to reader comments, like they did when I'm Not a Stalker hit 1 million reads. (If you'd like to see this, check out the "We Hit 1 Million Reads! Celebration" chapters at the end of that book.) ;)

5. Expansive Story Worlds...

...often based on reader feedback! Many of my bonus chapters and spin-off stories exist only because readers asked me to write them. While I am not able to write every idea my readers request, often their suggestions have been to simply write more about a particular character, or to explore a specific scene from an alternative point of view. From some of those suggestions, a whole world emerged around I'm Not a Stalker... from what was at first a fun little text/email romance story, there is now a whole world of stories! The bonus chapters provide a narrative for some of the scenes not covered by the original version of the story, and by reading the alt-POV books, you get a deeper look at some of the most popular characters from the story. There are even now spin-off stories, like an additional romance novella (Brian & Becca fans, see below!!!!) and the free Megs POV mini-book you can get for subscribing to my website (

As you can see, my readers put up with quite a lot from me! But I truly LOVE interacting with them, and my readers – especially my Wattpad readers, where this all began – have really jumped right in and helped bring my stories to life. I LOVE ALL OF YOU!

Speaking of my readers...

I opened up a vote to see what my readers most wanted included in this #WattpadBlockParty post, and the leading two choices were so close in votes that I decided to just do both!

That means today I'm revealing BOTH:

*The Brian & Becca Love Story (never-before-seen on Wattpad!)


*A Sneak-Peek of my upcoming book, a new Fantasy-Romance set to publish later this year!

Here we go!


First up, Brian & Becca!

As of today, this exclusive romance novella can be found RIGHT HERE ON WATTPAD! Just go to my profile to find the story!

Or if you prefer, I've also released a FREE e-book version of the story available on Smashwords... you can find it here: (If you download this one, would you please leave a review of it on Smashwords, too? That would be awesome!)

This novella was originally included as bonus content in my published version of I'm Not a Stalker, and the characters in this book are the same as those who inhabit the original story many of you read here on Wattpad. If you would like to see more of these characters and their world, feel free to check out I'm Not a Stalker and the other books in the Stalker series... they're all on my profile!


And now, without further ado, here's the sneak-peek of MY NEWEST BOOK!



I may be a murderer. I may be a hero. Some even say I'm a monster.

But if even I don't know who I am, then who are they to decide?

Lex can't remember a thing about himself or his world. He doesn't know if he's a thief, a murderer, or something else entirely. His instincts tell him a few things – he's seventeen. He's a fighter. But that's not enough. Not when people are out to kill him.

What's even more confusing are the glimpses, the visions, and the eerily-familiar girl associated with them. Are they flashbacks of a former life? Visions of the future? Lex isn't sure, but when Lex stumbles upon a mysteriously-enchanting girl who resembles the girl of his visions and begins to unravel the threads of his past, he unearths a tidalwave of turmoil.

With his own life in danger and everything he believes about himself turned upside-down, Lex begins to discover who he truly is. But will he ever be able to protect himself and those he's come to love, when they all carry their own dangerous secrets?


The Edge of Nothing is currently still a work-in-progress, but I'm already receiving feedback from Beta Readers and it's been overwhelmingly positive so far! I'm on track to have this book done and released straight to Amazon, B&N, and other platforms within the next few months. I am so excited about this book!

And to share my excitement – and because I appreciate you all so much! – I am sharing a Sneak-Peek of THE FIRST FOUR SECTIONS of this book on Wattpad! As of today, there is now a "The Edge of Nothing SNEAK PEEK" book on my Wattpad profile. It gives the full content of the book's first four sections, as well as some additional info on the book! And be sure to add that sneak-peek book to your Wattpad library, as I'll be using it to post updates and giveaways down the road!

I am so excited for you all to read these first four chapters, and to let me know what you think! I can't wait to see your comments!


Thank you all SO MUCH for your support, interaction, and for just generally being AWESOME!

And if you're a new reader just finding me today, please follow me on Wattpad! Explore my stories, comment as much as you like, even message me if you want! I genuinely love interacting with readers.

You can also follow me outside Wattpad, if you like...

You'll even get 2 free books for subscribing to my website newsletter!

And follow me on:





BLOG: (note there is no extra "C" before Crawford in this one)


And be sure to enter my #WattpadBlockParty GIVEAWAY!!! You can win your very own e-book copy of the full Stalker Mystery Set! (See below!)

Thank you all again for reading this post! You all continue to make my Wattpad experience -- and in turn, my growing writing career -- so incredible!






CCrawfordWriting will give away The Stalker Mystery Set E-books (a 2-book set that contains the full I'm Not a Stalker story in e-book form plus bonus content not available on Wattpad, and The Five Suspects, a revised version of the alt-POV spinoffs) to 3 lucky winners! My giveaway is open internationally. 

★ ★ ★


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