Emmiie Presents: C.A.T Academy (Jenko's Point of View)

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Hey everyone!

So....those who know me are probably aware of my "slight" obsession with cats...and all things cat related, so it was only a matter of time before I wrote my own cat themed story and thus C.A.T Academy was born.

It's about a secret society of cat people and there's lots of drama andcats. That story is told from Nora's point of view, but just for fun I wantedto write Jenko's post him being "discovered"....and here it is.

all the best,
Emmiie. ^_^

Jenko's pov~

C.A.T Academy.


That was all I could think for the past few hours.

Once I was done scrubbing the dishes, I found myself mopping the floor in our dorm room, and then picking at the small specs of grime on the counter tops of my kitchen bench—whether they actually existed or was a mere fragment of my imagination was a matter of speculation. Still, no matter how much I cleaned, everything was covered with dirt.

Behind me, my brother crunched on an apple. "It's really not that bad," he said, still chewing. There was something in his tone that made me believe he was enjoying this way too much. "So your human saw your wiener, it's not the end of the world...."

I glared in response. "Okay firstly, it is that bad. I'm definitely going to get fired." I pointed at him while holding the sponge, a few drops of water spilling onto the floor. "Secondly, I don't know for sure that she saw that."

"You're right." He laughed. "She'd need a microscope to see it."

I returned a flat stare. "Dude, when you insult me, you insult you. We're identical twins."

He threw his half-eaten apple in the bin and approached me. For some reason he hated when I brought that up, like it was somehow offensive to look exactly like me. "Uh, we aren't identical." He pointed toward the freckle on his jaw and I squinted a little.

It was tiny, but it was the only mark to separate us.

"Right." I rolled my eyes. "Well that doesn't change the fact that I'm getting fired and we're going to end up living like strays."

"Pfft. Well...if you get fired, we'll just become cat burglars." He snickered at his own joke.

It was typical Dalton, not taking anything seriously.

When I didn't chuckle, his eyes narrowed and he stared at me like I was stupid. "Cat burglars. Get it?"

"Yeah...I got it." I returned to scrubbing. "It just wasn't funny."

Dalt rolled his eyes and sat on the countertop as he started going through the cupboard. He was pulling out a bunch of snack foods and placing them everywhere. Despite how similar we appeared physically, we couldn't have been more opposite. As quick as he pulled items out, I started to pack them back into their rightful place.

Eventually he found the biscuits he was searching for. "I just don't get how you messed up," he said. "Like you could hold 'cat mode' for years if you wanted to—I know you. The master of control."

I ignored his tone and shrugged, not responding as I sprayed the cupboard doors and started to wipe them down.

He snorted and munched on his biscuit, causing crumbs to spray out and land over the clean floor. "Like for real," he spoke with his mouth full, "the only time it gets hard to control is when it gets 'hard' to control."

I continued wiping more aggressively now.

"No way!" he cackled. "You got wood over your human?!"

I shook my head and dropped the sponge I was cleaning with, staring at him through slitted eyes. "I most certainly did not 'get wood'!"

"Mhmm." He smiled, sliding down from the countertop and sauntering toward his bedroom. "Whatever helps you sleep better at night, bro..."

Even with him gone, I could still feel the stickiness of his words on my skin. What happened back there was wrong and I was still making sense of it within my mind.

She was Nora.

She was my human.

I didn't see her like that.

Besides, she did all kinds of gross human things. And I was on the inside now, too close to ever look at her that way even if we were the same species.

I simply knew too much.

Like how she picked her nose and then played with it for hours, rolling it into tiny little snot balls before tossing it onto the floor. And then there was how often she burped and passed wind, unrelenting and not holding back. But her most vexing habit was how she picked her ears when she was stressed.

I knew all her secrets and her gross, dirty habits. I mean she was a slob, even worse than my brother, and that was saying something.

Also she was too young for me. And that went beyond the three-year age-gap of her being sixteen. She was mentally young. This was a repercussion of how protected she had been raised and though I couldn't really blame her for that, it didn't make her any less irking.

Actually, at this point, I wasn't even sure I liked her at all.

I scrubbed the cupboards a little harder.

She was just the human I watched.

That's all.

The next morning I woke up bright and early.

It felt weird to be in my own bed again. Actually, it felt weird to be in my own bedroom again. For the past four months, most nights, I'd been with Nora.

I stretched out before I got up and continued my not-so-normal routine. I went for a jog as the sun rose, had a long, steamy shower, and then made a large bowl of cereal for breakfast.

"What no kibble?" My brother entered the room with a loud cackle.

Behind him followed a girl I had Catculus with.

Currently said girl was wearing his shirt and not much else.

I thought her name was Meela Stone, but I wasn't confident enough to call her that. She had long, brown hair with purple streaks, plump lips, and was rather cute and innocent looking. Just the way my brother liked his women.

I rolled my eyes at my brother for two reasons. The first reason was the obvious prod at my line of work, or soon-to-be-former line of work. And the other reason was that Meela definitely wasn't the girl he was currently dating.

Actually, I was certain that she was his girlfriend's cousin.

Dalt took the milk from the table and poured it into two bowls, passing one to his ... whatever she was.

"Thanks," she purred, and then smiled at me. "Hey Dom."

"Hi," I mumbled, still eating.

My brother slurped the milk from his bowl. "I told her how you were away in the human world and she has some questions."

I had some questions of my own. Like, why she was sleeping with her cousin's boyfriend. But her questions were probably more table appropriate.

"Shoot," I replied.

She took a seat in the chair beside me. "Well, I um...I've always been really fascinated with the human realm. What's it like there?"

"It sucks." I plopped my spoon back into my now-empty bowl. "Anymore questions?"

My brother glared as if to say 'be a good wingman.'

She tucked a single purple strand of dyed hair behind her ear. "I know you were there doing accounting, so you probably didn't get out much, but...what are humans like?"

My eyebrows came together and I looked at my brother.

Accounting, really?

That was the cover story he told people?

I sucked at math.

He seemed to understand why I was staring at him and shrugged as if to say, 'what was I supposed to tell people?'

Anything would have been cooler than accounting.

I exhaled and met Meela's eyes. "They're filthy and rude and..."

"Strangely appealing?" Dalt arched a brow.

"No." I leered at him. "I didn't really get close to any."

My brother returned a knowing look, which I promptly ignored.

Slowly my gaze returned to Meela's. "I don't know what to tell you – it was horrible, just like they say." I paused for a moment, standing as I spoke. "So, how's your cousin?"

Conversation had died pretty quickly after that comment. Just as I figured it would. It annoyed me that my brother used my travel as a way to lure in women, but what irritated me even more than having to lie was the fear of people finding out the truth.

Nevertheless, as my day progressed, it finally started to continue as normal.

Well, thereabouts.

I arrived at C.A.T early, because I didn't need to make the long trip today, and usually I was given a pass to arrive late or take some free periods. Usually I would show up for a few morning classes, avoid the flock of people as I spent lunch in the human realm with Nora, and then I'd return for one more afternoon class if I could manage it. Homework was another issue altogether. Typically, because of my slack classroom attendance, I would take home a ton of homework and do it all very quickly before I returned to the human realm again. It was a lot and more than often my brother would cover for me.

It actually felt weird to think that I would be here for a full day and that meant I definitely needed to socialise. Usually I was able to keep my head down and duck in and out of my classes, mostly undetected.

My brother and I made small talk as we walked in step along the cobblestone pavement. We were in our final year and therefore got the privilege of off-campus living. Though we didn't live far away. Our small house was set a few streets over, amongst a group of townhouses that was made up for adult, student living and for the kids who had 'special needs' and had to stay at home with their parents. Everyone else was trapped in the academy like lab cats.

As we continued through the academy grounds, a few people stared at me and whispered. I had guessed that the gossip of me being an 'accountant' had circulated. I did my best not to make direct eye contact with anyone as I continued through the school grounds.

The academy was made up of old, tall structures that created a medieval feel. Iron wrought gates withheld tall, looming trees and numerous castle-like buildings around the side of the academy that were mostly for show. The academy itself was massive, about the size of four acres. This was because it was set up of three main parts—the student dorms and living quarters, the classrooms and church, and then the teacher's facility and security.

Dorms were equally separated, by both age and gender, and security was on constant watch for people trying to 'sneak out.'

When Dalt and I finally reached the back oval, we both set down our bags. Dalt sparked up a cigarette and sat on the wooden table that overlooked the field. I, on the other hand, opted for the wooden bench like a civilised person.

"Must you do that?" I muttered as I glanced around for teachers. "It's bad enough that everyone's already staring."

"So let them stare," he mumbled with his cigarette firmly lodged between his lips. Meanwhile he was busy doing up his combat boots.

Despite the strict code of conduct to wear a uniform, my brother had this roguish way of always doing what he wanted. He thought he was 'sticking it to the man' but mostly he was just being an asshole.

Though it was uncomfortable I wore the appropriate attire of black tailored slacks, a white fitted shirt, and a black blazer and tie that both sported the school crest. The only thing I wore that separated me from the school's dress code was the bandage on my arm, where Nora's dad had hit me with a metal bat and sprained my wrist. Dalt, on the other hand, wore black jeans and a T-shirt with his band's name 'DaltNDash' printed on it. He'd long since decided that 'looking fashionable' was worth an eternity in detention.

That's when a familiar voice interjected. "Man, you might want to stomp that out, they're really coming down on smuggled goods lately."

I glanced over at Katana.

She'd changed since I last saw her a few months ago.

With my busy working schedule, I wasn't able to socialise much and we had no classes together. K's dark hair used to be shaved on one side and long on the other, but now she had the entire bottom shaved with a bit at the top that was styled to fall over her face. This only exaggerated her sapphire eyes, thick fish lips, and the piercing through her sharp eyebrows.

She was pretty, but I'd never dare to say that to her.

Behind her, stood Kit. He was the drummer in Dalt's band and looked the part, with his wild, brown curly locks, and punk rocker get up that emphasised his sleaves of tattoos and face full of piercings.

Actually, I was the only 'clean cut' person here.

Even Dalt had a few tattoos, though they were all in places that were easily covered. He also had two piercings, but they were in equally covered parts. One metal rod was stuck through the back of his tongue, barely noticeable unless he stuck it out, and the other was...in his nether regions.

I winced at the thought.

I looked out of place by comparison of the group, with their badass look and lack of school attire. Though, mind you, K did wear the blue school tie on top of her band T-shirt.

She took a seat next to Dalton on the table, though almost everyone around here called him 'Dax' as a nickname because they were what his initials spelled. Meanwhile Kit scurried over to the other side and sat down in the seat opposite of mine.

Dalt—or Dax—discreetly passed him a small, clear baggie and Kit returned a rolled up bundle of money.

My eyes widened. "Seriously, Dalt?" I stared.

Both our lines of work were a little...unorthodox, but he shouldn't be dealing while on campus grounds. Not only would carrying katnip get him suspended from school but probably arrested.

"What?" Dalt shrugged, still smoking his clove cigarette. "One of us needs to be making money, and with you out of yo' job I need to be putting in those long shifts."

I rolled my eyes in response.


With the Spellbound book release soon, I'm giving away one Newborn eBook to 3 lucky winners! My giveaway is open internationally!

I'll also be holding a pawsome giveaway on my C.A.T Academy story on my Wattpad account in the near future, so make sure you add C.A.T Academy to your library and keep an eye out!

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Shortened Link to Blog: https://goo.gl/oCHaqH


Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/01/wattpad-block-party-winter-edition-iv.html

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