Ilvermornist Presents........Unsung Inspiration!

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Ilvermornist Presents........Unsung Inspiration!

Wow I can't even believe I'm typing this post right now! I remember reading previous Wattpad Block Party posts from such amazing authors and thinking I'll never be writing one of those. But here I am! Just goes to show where hard work and dedication can take you!

My name is Samantha or Sam for short, aka Ilvermornist ! I spend most of my time writing Harry Potter fanfiction since I love the story so much and putting my own spin on it. My current story is The Older Potter which you all should check out!

I kept thinking about what I wanted to talk about and as I came up with nothing or also known as writer's block, I automatically did what I usually do when I can't think of anything or don't have any inspiration: I go to my phone and turn on Pandora to my John Williams station.

For those of you who don't know, John Williams is a well acclaimed composer who created film scores for Star Wars and Harry Potter. He is also the composer for numerous other movie scores and is towards the top of the list with the most Oscar nominations.

And then it hit me. I'll talk about how I use movie film scores to really settle my mind and let ideas flow. This won't be the longest post you'll read here but I hope it is very beneficial and can help writers gain a fresh mind and focus when they want or need.

We all have different ways to spark inspiration or motivation but I really feel like listening to film scores can be beneficial. I am currently working on a long extensive story, The Older Potter, so it's very common for me to lose focus and get lost in the story I'm formulating.

First, there aren't any words which doesn't distract. One can easily get lost in the words of a song and completely get distracted from trying to let ideas flow. I've found that sometimes words help but most of the time I just love my spark of motivation and now have a full on jam session instead of trying to write.

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good jam session to classic Disney songs or today's pop hits but when I know I want to write, I'll avoid those Pandora stations.

Second, it is very calming to just listen to the melody of a score and get lost in its beauty. As much as words are amazingly formulated into a song, to me there is nothing more soothing that listening to the harmony of musical instruments.

My favorite piece of music from Disney is the intro score from The Little Mermaid. Listen to it, guys. Go on YouTube and look it up! It is so beautiful and will instantly put you at ease! Really marveling at the way musical instruments flow settles my mind and I find myself being torn away from any stress. Sometimes I do this when I'm not even writing. I'll listen to this if I get stressed about school or my social life.

Third, one can really connect with the movie or show of the film score they choose. I listen to Star Wars, Harry Potter, Disney, and Jurassic Park....and a few others are mixed in there. When a Star Wars score comes on, I try and think of what movie it's from or what scene.

Personally, I geek out over these small quizzes and become proud of myself when I get it right and not so proud if I get it wrong. I know I'm lame for having these little tests but that's what puts my mind at ease. Overall since listening to this type of music, I've truly found myself being able to focus more when I write and I hope you guys will too!


Ilvermornist will giveaway a full book review to three lucky winners! My giveaway is open internationally! All you have to do is give me a follow to show your support and private message me who is your favorite character and why, with a maximum of 100 words! It can be from a show, book, movie, anything! I definitely want to see what you all love! I will choose 3 winners out of the bunch and provide a full book review for any book of your choosing!

Thank you all for reading my post! I hope you've found a new kind of inspiration! I also hope to see you lovely readers reading my stories!

<3 Sam

★ ★ ★


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