johannahefer Presents: Tips and a Sneak Peek

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Hey everyone, I am Johanna and very excited to be here. I would like to thank Kelly for allowing me the opportunity to participate in yet another Wattpad Block Party. Kelly thank you so much❣ I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in to have each and every one of us feature in this Block Party❣❣❣

a) Tips on Writing The Perfect Scene

This is the Fifth Wattpad Block Party I'm participating in. And I must admit that it's not always easy to decide what to write about. So, I decided to throw in some tips this time around... Tips on writing the perfect scene.

As a writer I am always looking for ideas and tips to make myself a better writer. And what better place to start by writing the perfect scene.

I stumbled on a blogpost by Randy Ingermanson, Writing The Perfect Scene. It is quite challenging being able to use this technique. I am still practicing to perfect this.

I'll explain it like I understand it and I'll give the link to you to go check out the post and read it for yourself. And I'd like to hear your opinion on this and maybe how you write your scenes. Please share with me what works for you when writing the perfect scene. I'll be using the examples he uses in his post.

There are two levels of Scene Structure according to Randy Ingermanson:

The large-scale structure and The small-scale structure


There are two choices to make for a scene structure: Scenes and Sequels.







This is what your character wants at the beginning of the scene.


This is the series of obstacles your character faces on the way to reaching his goal.


Failure to let your character reach his goal. Yes, your typical cliffhanger!


The reason for a sequel is to come after a scene.

Remember a scene ends on a Disaster. The reason for this according to Randy Ingermanson, is because it's basic psychology to recover after a setback.


This is the emotional follow-through to a disaster. Show how your character is reacting to his disaster. Show him hurting.


This is a situation with no good options. This will let your reader worry and make him wonder what can possibly happen next.


This is the act of making a choice between many possibilities. Let your character make a decision that your reader will respect.

The scene-sequel is powerful because when you do this you would have come full circle. You will go from scene to sequel and back to the goal for a new scene. Needless to say a scene leads to a sequel then of course leads to a new scene.


Randy Ingermanson uses something called a MRU's, "Motivation-Reaction Units". He calls it the magical tool for writing compelling fiction.

You must write your MRUs by alternating between what a character sees; the motivation and, what he does; the reaction.


This is something your character can see, hear, smell, taste or feel. The motivation is external and objective and is written in a single paragraph.

Here is an example:

The tiger dropped out of the tree and sprang toward Jack.

In the motivation you must keep it simple.


This is how your character would experience it. The reaction is internal and subjective and once again written in its own paragraph.

Here is an example:

A bolt of raw adrenaline shot through Jack's veins. He jerked his rifle to his shoulder, sighted on the tiger's heart, and squeezed the trigger. "Die, you bastard!"

You will note that the reaction has 3 parts:


"A bolt of raw adrenaline shot through Jack's veins."

This is first because it happens almost immediately.


"He jerked his rifle to his shoulder . . ."

This is second because of the fear and doesn't need conscious thought.


". . . sighted on the tiger's heart, and squeezed the trigger. 'Die, you bastard!'"

This is put last, a logical response to the danger.

After the Reaction comes ANOTHER Motivation:

The bullet grazed the tiger's left shoulder. Blood squirted out of the jagged wound. The tiger roared and staggered, then leaped in the air straight at Jack's throat.

It is important to keep alternating. You write a motivation and then a reaction and then another motivation and then another reaction and so on.

Does this makes sense? It did to me after I've read it a couple of times and of course practiced it... A lot!

Please let me know what your thoughts are on Writing The Perfect Scene.

b) Sneak Peek into my story

'Sweet Lips'

I love reading Romance stories but have never written one before. 'Sweet Lips' are my first attempt at it. Some of the inspiration behind this story is based on true events. My life, hahahaha, a romance with a guy in the army when I was in high school. He used to call me 'Sweet Lips'. I won't say why. Blush!

Without further ado... A sneak peak...

"Good evening Aviana. Here, let me help you with that." Kace took the coat from her and behind her back gently spread it above her waist so that she could slip her arms in. He lifted her beautiful wavy hair that graced her neck. A slight shiver went down her spine when his cold fingers stroked her neck.

"You look beautiful tonight." Aviana looked into his green-brown eyes and blushed. Zeke cleared his throat behind them. When Kace looked over at him she saw Zeke nodding his head at him.

"Oh, this is for you. Happy Valentine's day, Aviana." He retrieved a bunch of red roses from the table behind them and handed them to her.

"Thank you, Kace. But you shouldn't have." She smelled the roses and handed them to Nina. She grabbed her red clutch bag and said her goodbyes to the children.

She couldn't help feeling flushed by all the attention she received from Kace. He showed more and more affection towards her in the last week. At first he was very cold and distant. The first week he only showed up at his office when it was time to take her home.

Two nights ago he sang her the song he used to sing to her when they were in College. He was standing behind her chair and softly sang into her ear. At first it was the most awkward feeling. But the more she listened the more she could remember long gone memories and feelings. Well, apparently the feelings returned, because she closed her eyes and leaned into him while he was singing in a husky voice.

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone.
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low.
And you can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go.

Whisper to me, tell me do you love me true
Or is he holding you the way I do.
Though love is blind, make up your mind
I've got to know.
Should I hang up or will you tell him he'll have to go.

You can't say the words I want to hear
While you're with another man
Do you want me to answer yes or no
Darlin' I will understand.

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone.
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low.
And you can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go.

He loved calling her 'sweet lips'. She always thought it a silly song because she never had another boyfriend when she was with him. It was only him until he left for France. Still months after that he would call and sing the song to her. She always cried herself to sleep after that.

And that's all for now folks. If you would like to read more, head on over to my profile and add the story to your reading list. I am 'revamping' the story at the moment and try to update weekly.

It's going slow because I finished my degree in Ministry last year and was planning on writing more this year. But I decided to continue with my master's degree. I promised myself more writing time, so I'll see what this year holds for me.

To celebrate this Wattpad Block Party I am giving away the following prizes. Please enter my giveaway, who knows, maybe you could be a lucky winner!

I will:

1) dedicate a chapter to ONE lucky winner in one of my stories!

2) name a character after ONE winner in one of my stories!

3) let ONE winner choose a name for one of my characters in one of my stories!

4) review the first three chapters of the writers choice of ONE winner!

My giveaway is open internationally!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I really do appreciate it. As you know all votes and comments are greatly appreciated! And... Please, please support the other awesome writers in this party by checking out their posts as well. Thank you❣

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