kayxcxxo Presents: Let's Get Personal

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kayxcxxo Presents: Let's Get Personal

I'm not very good at coming up with any good ideas for when it comes to events such as these but as the oh so lovely Elsa sings with such passion in the gif above, I decided to just let all my worry for this go and roll with it.

SO, hola mi amigos! My name is Kaylina and welcome to my Wattpad Block Party post! I'm amazed at the fact that some of you are reading this because I'm beyond awkward and there's no hope for me so beware forswear for there shall be some fumbling ahead!

As I said already, I'm not the greatest when it comes to making sensible decisions but after some thinking, I thought I could try something different from my earlier Wattpad Block Party post in August. Instead of a character interview, I went the complete opposite and am......


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay?! Not very much anticipating but c'mon, this is actually something I can see myself going through with. Besides, I'm a freak so there might be parts where you'll laugh or be shocked so there's that.

Now, without further ado ...


When I first joined Wattpad, it was more out of boredom and in dire need of something to read since I was (and still am) too broke to buy an actual book. There wasn't any interest of going on here to share my writing nor was I here to support a friend of mine like a lot of other users on this site. I had no friends at the time so there is that. Shoutout to the friends I have right now, I have no idea why you guys are still here with me but welp, life is full of surprises I guess.

I'm thankful for you guys but I'm also just surprised so...yah.

ANYWAYS, when I made my first account (hence on first, don't know if anyone's going to bother to ask about it), I binged on really anything. I was a shy and quiet 13-year old who just wanted to read and so I hardly commented on anything and when I did....ugh, just remembering the comments I made, I cringe.

Basically, I came a long way from my pre-teen days and as much as it's hard for me to believe it, it's true. I went from this silent reader with no one to talk to to someone who just can't keep their mouth shut (or in this case, my fingers away from the keyboard) with a group of friends who make me happy.

So for any of you newbies out there, there is a lot of hope for you guys. Wattpad right now isn't exactly where any of us would like for it to be but there's a whole community of people that you can talk to and support so do it! Don't be a quiet potato (a beautiful one at that) and instead, be a delicious french fry!

That doesn't make any sense but okay.

I don't know exactly where my interest in writing popped up but what I definitely know is that it started somewhere among the loads of stories I read. There was this spark of 'what if?' and 'just imagine' and I came up with my first story.

It was trash. At the time, I was very proud of it because oh my gODS, did I just write my own first chapter? Oh yes you did, Kaylina. Looking back on it now, I can't help but laugh at how I could've thought what I was writing was great, let alone good enough. But I think that's something you have to think about because here is one piece of advice that I can give you that I'm for sure is beyond the realm of truth.

As long as you're proud of what you wrote, you're already close to getting what you want to achieve.

I'm not saying you're getting an Oscar or anything anytime soon but what I'm trying to tell you is that it's your happiness that needs to be put first and with that, comes this motivation to keep going and show how dedicated you are. One of the worst feelings is when you're basing off your writing on someone else's belief in what's wrong and what's right and you feel like some robot who is following your commander's orders.

Please, for the love that is all chocolate, listen to that duck and iGNORE whoever is trying to tell you what to write. I beg of thee, it'll just backfire on you in the end.

Why should you listen to me? I am waaaaaay far from even becoming close to the bigger and well-known authors you see around here. I don't get as much attention and reads and votes and that's okay! Because that's the point!!

I'm trying to get where I want to be by my own choices and at this point, I am so proud of myself! It's that feeling of self worth that should help you move forward to the place that you want to go! Am I making sense?! Probably not! I'm the worst person you can come to for any type of advice, whether it applies to food, relationships, writing, how to get rid of a bod--


Ananya, please calm down this weird creature. She's causing a scene and you're the only one that can tone her down.

We interrupt this program with a message to inform you all to pretend that about an hour has passed by since Kaylina's abrupt blow up. Apologies on her behavior, she can get....too hyped at times.


Ahem...to continue where I left off, just...just do what you want and not what someone else wants and that's it, okay? Okay.

Dear Ananya, that cat gif is for you :')

On to more serious things, I draw a lot of my inspiration for what story ideas I'd like to work on by the music I listen to. For example, the title for my story As It Seems was inspired from a favorite song of mine, As It Seems by Lily Kershaw. For anyone who reads AIS, if you just listen to the lyrics of the song, I'm sure you'll see what I see about Emmy. Drawing the title from a song that I play on repeat to this day, makes the story more personal to me and tightens the connection I have with it. Right now, the story is on hold but that doesn't mean I'm not pulling away from it. If anything, I just want to write it the way I see fit and the version you see right there is something I'm not vibing with and so there's my reason. It's all about what I think best and that decision was wholly something I know is good for me. Now it's all just a matter of me trying to fit it to my tastes and that's it.

Understand that.

There's all these creative ideas flowing around my head and as much as I'd like to just go with it and see where it goes, I'm not that kind of person. I admire those who are so quick on their feet to go ahead and not let doubt or worry hold them back from trying something out because for me, it's more like I'm anxious at the thought of even not planning everything out first.

I need to have a clear idea of where I want things to go and I didn't do that with AIS and I regret it so much but like with all regrets, there's no turning back and so it's all about just learning from it and trying to grow. Posting up the first chapter of my new story What Once Was Broken (self-promo, wassup) was a decision that I thought out carefully. Now that story, I definitely know where it's heading. And if there ever comes a time where I have to stop and put it back on drafts, then I'll do it. At the moment, it seems far from happening because I feel so confident with this particular story and that's what is important.

The moral of all this was to try to tell you that your opinion matters most. It's not your friends (although you can go to them for advice to help you learn what's better for you), it's not some random reader who thinks that they're the one writing the story, it's not your teacher, it's not your goldfish.

It's NO ONE but yourself. And as I've said oh so many times, that is that.

You have a lot of potential for whatever you set your mind to and how you think of yourself and as much of a mess that I am right now, I mean it with all my hair. And I have a lot of hair.



Thank you to everyone who made it to the end of my post and put up with my weird but insightful behavior! I apologize for it being a little short but I gave my all and I guess that's what counts, right? It means a lot to me to have been able to once again be a part of this event and I hope the lots of you enjoy what's in store with all the other featured authors and Kelly herself!

For my giveaway, I'll be dedicating a chapter to you in my new story What Once Was Broken and read a story of your choice, leaving an honest critique at the end! I wish you the best of luck and sincerely mean it when I say to always (keyword: ALWAYS) do what you think is best for you. It's hard, I can relate so much with it, but you're important and that's that. So please remember it.

Until then!

xx Kay 

★ ★ ★


Shortened Link to Blog: https://goo.gl/oCHaqH


Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/01/wattpad-block-party-winter-edition-iv.html

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