knightsrachel Presents: My Favorite Incomplete Reads

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Hey everyone!

Thanks for dropping by my Block Party post. Hopefully you've checked out my first post, as this one is a continuation of it. If you haven't, don't worry, this one will still make sense. And then you can hop over to my other post ;)

In case this is your first time hearing about me, let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Rachel, and I go by knightsrachel here in the inter webs. I've been around Wattpad since 2011, and you might know me for my book My Brother's Best Friend, which hit 100 million reads in early 2017.

(That's way too many reads for me to comprehend, but thank you to each and every one of you that decided my book was worthy of your time.)

Okay, so now that all the boring stuff is out of the way, let's get onto the post!

As I'm sure you've already guessed by the title, I'm going to be giving you a list of my favorite Wattpad reads. As I mentioned before, I've been around since 2011, so I've had ample amounts of time to devour the works here on Wattpad, by a multitude of authors.

The one genre you'll see blatantly missing from my list, however, is horror. I've tried, and I just can't do it. (Sorry KellyAnneBlount, I still love you.)

Favorite Incomplete Wattpad Books

1: Midnight Boys by fallzswimmer

-For those of you who know me, you know that angst is my favorite sub-genre. I love a good, YA contemporary filled with bad boys and their angsty journeys. And this book is everything I could ever ask for all wrapped up with a bow. Jamie Fletcher is an enigma that has captured my heart, although not many others as he's a jackass. And that's how our story starts, trying to solve the mystery that is Jamie Fletcher and his mysterious, brooding personality. But this book has more than just a brooding bad boy, it also has one of the best group of friends that I've come across in a long while. Through the eyes of our main character, Evelyn, we also get the pleasure of getting to know her badass cousin, Briella, and their group of friends, Henry, Turtle, Zuke, and Sophia. There's never a boring night with these guys, and you'll find yourself wrapped in their adventures and begging Ali for more.

2: When You Fall by AlexKarola

-I'm a person that's always been interested in the inner-workings of the mind, why people think the way they do. And alongside of that interest of mine comes mental illness. Alex Karola portrays this beautifully through her novel dealing with eating disorders. We have Katy, suffering from Anorexia, and Sean, suffering from Bulimia. We watch as these once two, inseparable friends begin to fall victim to the black hole in their minds. Both are convinced that they don't have a problem, and both are convinced that the other one does. It's a heartbreaking novel about how eating disorders can not only affect a person, but their relationships and families as well. Every time Alex decides to bless us with an update, I quickly devour it, and I'm sure you will too.

3: The Heartbreak Chronicles by Fallzswimmer

-I know what you're thinking, Rachel you're such an Ali Novak fangirl, of course you included two of her books. And yes, while that may be true, it's for a reason. Ali is currently on her third installment in the Heartbreak Chronicles, this story titled Heartstrings. Since book one of this series, Xander Jones stole my heart, and now it's his time to shine through a novel that centers around him. Xander is shy, geeky, and pretty much everything I could ever want in a love interest. He's also allergic to every food on the place of the planet, so that would affect pizza nights in a way that I don't think I could accept, however Indie can. This story revolves around our main character, Indie Jamiolkowski (quite the mouthful). She's sisters with Hollywood sensation, Violet. Through her sister, she finds herself at Comic Con, and from there she finds herself in the presence of Xander Jones, guitarist for The Heartbreakers. The two of them go on an unplanned adventure, and Indie can't quite seem to get him out of her mind (which I can strongly relate to). These two have so much in common, yet are so different, and it makes their relationship dynamic just that much more intriguing. This book will also be a published novel alongside of The Heartbreakers & Paper Hearts, so if you haven't read those go and pick them up so you're ready for the journey that is Heartstrings.

4: Colors Of Us by DoNotMicrowave

-Going along with my theme of the inner-workings of the mind and mental illness, this book falls perfectly in line with what I look for in a novel. This story follows the story of Garrett Delko, who struggles to come to terms with his brother's suicide, and Arianne Zhang, who has secrets of her own. The two of these meet by chance as Garrett watches Arianne jump off of a bridge. He jumps in after her to save her, his mind reeling with his brother's death. The two of them find themselves continually brought together by chance (or the universe telling them to JUST DATE ALREADY), but both are unwilling to bare their secrets for all to see. These two infuriate me to no end, which is why I love this book so much. Garrett and Arianne are perfect for one another, but only we as readers have realized that, as Arianne is deadest against letting herself fall for a baseball playing jock. This book is also set in college, which I love because I don't feel like that's represented much in the YA/NA community. Lindsey gives little sneak peeks and bonuses at the end of her chapters on different platforms of social media, which I find to be such a cute and original concept. She also updates frequently, meaning that you'll always have Garrett & Arianne in your life.

5: Find Her, Keep Her by jr0127

-If you read my first edition of this (My Favorite Complete Wattpad Books), then you'd have seen me fangirl over the first book in this series, Cheater. Faker. Troublemaker. If you experienced a strong book hangover from the first book, you're not alone. And Jenny has blessed us with a sequel. As to not spoil the first book, I'll just tell you that we get Elias King and Alex Summers angst once again. And we get to meet some new characters who help them realize how perfect they are for one another. For me, Elias King is the definition of teen angst, and I love him so much for it. I needed this second book in my life, and trust me, you will too.

6: Young Souls by bradmcquaid

-You knew that I couldn't leave this author out of my favorites this time around too. I love everything this author writes, and this novel is no exception. I'll pre-warn you before you dive into this novel, it's incomplete and has been for several years. However, for me, the small snippet of Jake Williams is worth the realization that I'll probably never get to see the rest of the novel. This is a spin-off of Four Realizations, but really you don't need to read it to love this book. Jake Williams will steal your heart and break it all in the first chapter. You'll fall in love with Grayson, Jake's best friend and unwavering support system. Jake takes you on a journey of someone who's suffered so much, and still continues to suffer long after the physical trauma is over. You will cry when Jake cries, smile when Grayson lightens the mood, and then have your heart shattered again just a few lines later. There's only nine chapters available, and it's not nearly enough, but it's worth the short read, trust me.

6: Two Of You by nightlies

-Another slow to update book, but again, I wouldn't recommend if I didn't absolutely love it. This book is told through a dual point of view, alternating between Ellie and Miles (and Adam). Ellie is a part-time employee at Sweetbrew, and Miles is a frequent customer. Through a note and an odd set of circumstances, they find themselves living together, which makes Miles's secret just that much more difficult to keep. Miles suffers from dissociative identity disorder, meaning that he isn't always Miles, sometimes he' s Adam, the identity that constantly stirs up trouble and causes mayhem for Miles. Unknown to Ellie, Adam is the one that pursued her, that moved into her apartment, and that forces Miles to stick around against his wishes. As a reader, you'll find yourself finding something you love and hate in both Miles and Adam. You'll laugh at Adam's antics and find yourself frustrated with Miles's brusque attitude. And who knows, maybe if all fall in love with the novel, that will inspire the author to continue updating. I know it works for me...

7: Finding Sawyer by millie_

-Did you love Saving Sawyer as much as I did? Then you'll find solace in the sequel that Millie so generously offered to us. Again, no spoilers here, but if you're Team #Grawyer, you'll find this book infuriating and frustrating. You'll want to punch Graham in the face and shake Sawyer until she comes to her senses. But the emotional rollercoaster is worth it, trust me. And it just goes to show that nobody's perfect.

8: Saving Elliot by northbynorth

-If you're an oldie on Wattpad, you've probably read this novel before. However, the author has decided to grace us with a rewrite, and I'm living for it. We have two characters that we follow in this novel, and they're both ironically named Elliot. Elliot Jensen is our female character, and her sass never ends. She's stubborn and ambitious and knows exactly what she wants in life. And what she wants to get rid of our male character, Elliot Fintry. Elliot Fintry is just as stubborn, if not more, and he has a short temper fuse. Imagine having a heart full of someone you have the unfortunate luck of sharing a name with. Now imagine how much that hate would intensify if you had to live together, as Jensen and Fintry do. This book is set in the United Kingdom, and if you're American like me, the school system and testing is very confusing and not worth the brain power to figure out. You'll still adore this book without completely understanding how their exams work and why they have such a long free period. Fintry himself is worth the read if you're an angst lover like me, as there isn't another male protagonist that I've come across who quite matches Elliot Fintry in that department. These two are fire and ice, and it's a thrilling ride to see how they manage to make boiling water.

9: Fractured by TahliePurvis

-Have you read Bulletproof? If not, head over to her profile and devour the book like the rest of us did. And then you can join us in the sequel. Again, no spoilers here, but in this novel we find a very defeated Tyler and a very resilient Franny. As the years have passed, these two have been broken in several ways, and it's evident through their mannerisms and characteristics. If you're like me, you'll find yourself screaming at the book as though you can make Tyler listen to your demands. These two have been through a lot in seven years, and they've both come out Fractured. (I'm so proud of myself for that.)

10: Bottled Promises by DoNotMicrowave

-Lindsey's back at it again with the psychological YA contemporary. In this novel, we get to meet Cameron Scott and Alaric St. James. Cameron is finally feeling liberated as she escaped from her controlling household into college, only to discover that she forgot to apply for on-campus housing. She's now forced to live in the substance-free housing department, signing a contract not to drink, party, or partake in anything illegal. And that's where she meets Alaric St. James, only unlike Cameron, Alaric isn't there by choice. Alaric has been ordered into the program by a judge, and his disdain for the program is very evident through his brusque attitude. These two are polar opposites, yet somehow they find themselves drawing closer to one another. This book hasn't updated since 2016, so that's a heartbreaker right there. But Cameron and Alaric are worth the read, even if it's only a few, short chapters. I'm so excited for what this book has to offer, and I hope that Lindsey decides to pick it back up this year.

11: Baby Fat by dreamfloats

-Bradley and Corrie have been best friends for years. And there's nothing that could break that... or so they thought. That is until Bradley find himself struggling with his body image and eating habits, and until Corrie finds himself the victim of an accidental suicide attempt and having to deal with his drug addiction issues. As Bradley and Corrie fall apart, so do their lives, which obviously to me as a reader means that they have to find their way back to one another because their friendship is everything. This book is a rough draft, as the author intends to rewrite, so there are some very noticeable flaws and inaccuracies, but don't let that stop you from reading. The way that she weaves these characters lives together is brilliantly done, and she deserves more credit for her work.

12: fair/unfair by conspiracys

-Here we follow the story of Reid, a jock who is dedicated to school spirit, so much so that he decides to vandalize the rival school. Only problem? His brother is a cop. Reid is sentenced to community service at the rival school, and he finds himself drawn in by the enigma that is Mal. Mal doesn't have much to say, and when it does it isn't particularly what you want to hear. He's unpredictable and a bit unstable at times, meaning that the knife he carries in his boot is wielded at impulse. Reid and Mal shouldn't work as a couple, they don't work as a couple, but you find yourself rooting for them as the novel plays out. And if you're like me, you'll find yourself wanting to strangle Mal more than anything most of the time, as he's quite infuriating. And there's no but on this one, Mal will make you want to throw your phone in rage. And in my opinion, any character that can make me feel that strongly is worth the read.

13: The Bae Boys by JoshSaltzman

-Are you tired of stereotypical, Wattpad, male characters? The perfect boy band type with a six-pack and a heart-melting smile? Well Josh is here to fix that. This book is a parody of all that is the perfect male stereotype. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book, and honestly I want it to be that way for you, because that's what made this read so enjoyable. So if you're looking for a good laugh, trust me, you need this book.

14: Friedchickenisha's Life Story by knightsrachelscousin

-Let me preface this by saying that this book is a mess and doesn't make any sense on any level. And that's why I like it so much. (Also because the author is my cousin, in case you couldn't tell from the username LOL.) Here you get to follow the story of Squishy the Squid and her own, Friedchickenisha. There's basically a new character and plot line every chapter, and it doesn't connect or make sense on a literary scale. But it makes me laugh, and it just might make you laugh too.

And that's a wrap on my Wattpad Block Party post this year. I hope you enjoyed both parts, the completed and incomplete versions. I wanted to do something different this year with my post, a complete 180 from the posts I've done in the past. And I think I achieved it.

Thank you to takeeatrip for creating my collage of book covers, and for your patience with my never-ending critiques.

I'm also hosting a giveaway this time around, so be sure to check that out as well. If you're a fan of My Brother's Best Friend, you'll surely like it!

And while you're at it, check out the other giveaways being hosted this time around. There are plenty of good ones to choose from. And don't shy away from other posts coming to you this February, there's some stuff you definitely won't want to miss ;)

And that's a wrap for me. Thanks for hanging out, I'm sure I'll see you all in the comment section here on Wattpad.

★ ★ ★


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