MaryEllenCampbell Presents: A Little Bit About Me

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I am proud to be able to tell you this is my first time being featured in Kelly Anne Blounts Wattpad Block Party!

About My Poetry:
My book of poetry is some of my best work I have written in poetry. Some of my favorite chapters of my poetry are Oh Sons Of Scotland in honor of my ancestors , Madness, The Kiss of Thistle is in honor of Scotland ancestors This Day, in honor of the death of my sister, and one more in honor of the death of my child, We Walk Alone. These are just some of the things I write about. It a cathartic way to let my feelings out. I have gone through some hard times in my life. Wattpad was here for me as a sounding board which it is good, it made my life worth something again. I don't think I write to become this famous author, although I would love to let people read my stories, but because I am truly happy about what I write. Especially my poem The Cheshire Cat! It's my baby and I love it!

About Me:
I am a dark person most of the time and write about historical facts from which I gained insight from a catholic bible in my husband's lineage. I received it as a souvenir from his grandma when she died and studied his lineage from this day to the 1300. The first entry in the Bible was 25: August 1785, the death of his ggggreatgrandfather, whom had come over from Glasgow, Scotland in the 1765. He was a beaver trapper who worked for the well known trapping of New York. The Astor's fur trading companies. He then came to the south by way of horse, taking him 2monthd and 3 Days. That's where I received the Bible. I have work on the line continuously and I still am today. But my poetry is my inspiration from the people that where in my past and I only wish I could tell you everyone I know. I feel like I have walked in their shoes since the time of their births l and can tell you each name and date by memory, of ❤️10,000 to 20;000 people. So this is where I get most of my poetry, dark as it may seem to others it isn't to me. They lived a life we are heading toward and I truly hope they will meet me when my time is to go!

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